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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 56

      SELECT LOWER (iso_language), UPPER(iso_territory)
      FROM fnd_languages
      WHERE language_code = NVL (USERENV ('LANG'),'US');
Line: 67

     select fy.fiscal_year * ct.NUMBER_PER_FISCAL_YEAR + cp.PERIOD_NUM period_counter
          , cp.start_date calendar_period_open_date
          , cp.end_date calendar_period_close_date
          , cp.period_num period_num
          , fy.fiscal_year fiscal_year
     from   fa_book_controls bc
          , fa_fiscal_year fy
          , fa_calendar_types ct
          , fa_calendar_periods cp
     where  bc.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
     and    bc.deprn_calendar = ct.calendar_type
     and    bc.fiscal_year_name = fy.fiscal_year_name
     and    ct.fiscal_year_name = bc.fiscal_year_name
     and    ct.calendar_type = cp.calendar_type
     and    cp.start_date between fy.start_date and fy.end_date
     and    bc.last_period_counter + 1 >= fy.fiscal_year * ct.NUMBER_PER_FISCAL_YEAR + cp.PERIOD_NUM
     and    l_transaction_date between cp.start_date and cp.end_date;
Line: 86

     select fy.fiscal_year * ct.NUMBER_PER_FISCAL_YEAR + cp.PERIOD_NUM period_counter
          , cp.start_date calendar_period_open_date
          , cp.end_date calendar_period_close_date
          , cp.period_num period_num
          , fy.fiscal_year fiscal_year
     from   fa_book_controls bc
          , fa_mc_book_controls mbc
          , fa_fiscal_year fy
          , fa_calendar_types ct
          , fa_calendar_periods cp
     where  bc.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
     and    mbc.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
     and    mbc.set_of_books_id = l_set_of_books_id
     and    bc.deprn_calendar = ct.calendar_type
     and    bc.fiscal_year_name = fy.fiscal_year_name
     and    ct.fiscal_year_name = bc.fiscal_year_name
     and    ct.calendar_type = cp.calendar_type
     and    cp.start_date between fy.start_date and fy.end_date
     and    bc.last_period_counter + 1 >= fy.fiscal_year * ct.NUMBER_PER_FISCAL_YEAR + cp.PERIOD_NUM
     and    l_transaction_date between cp.start_date and cp.end_date;
Line: 156

     select asset_id
     from fa_impairments imp
     where imp.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
     and   imp.request_id = c_request_id
     and   imp.asset_id is not null
     and not exists
     (select 'POSTED'
        from   fa_impairments imp2
        where  status = 'POSTED'
        and    ((imp2.asset_id  = imp.asset_id) or
                 imp2.cash_generating_unit_id = (select cash_generating_unit_id
                                                   from fa_books fbs
                                                  where fbs.asset_id = imp.asset_id
                                                    and fbs.book_type_code = imp.book_type_code
                                                    and fbs.transaction_header_id_out is null))
        and    imp2.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
        AND PERIOD_COUNTER_IMPAIRED = c_period_counter )
     select bk.asset_id
     from fa_impairments imp,
          fa_books bk
     where bk.cash_generating_unit_id = imp.cash_generating_unit_id
     and bk.book_type_code = imp.book_type_code
     and imp.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
     and imp.request_id = c_request_id
     and imp .asset_id is null
     and not exists
     (select 'POSTED'
        from   fa_impairments imp2
        where  status = 'POSTED'
        and    ((imp2.cash_generating_unit_id  = imp.cash_generating_unit_id) or
                 imp2.asset_id in (select asset_id
                                    from fa_books fbs
                                   where fbs.cash_generating_unit_id = imp.cash_generating_unit_id
                                     and fbs.book_type_code = imp.book_type_code
                                     and fbs.transaction_header_id_out is null))
        and    imp2.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
        and    PERIOD_COUNTER_IMPAIRED = c_period_counter );
Line: 299

         SET    imp.STATUS     = l_internal_mode
              , imp.REQUEST_ID = l_request_id
              , imp.PERIOD_COUNTER_IMPAIRED =
                          (select nvl(imp.PERIOD_COUNTER_IMPAIRED,
                                      fy.fiscal_year * ct.NUMBER_PER_FISCAL_YEAR + cp.PERIOD_NUM)
                           from   fa_fiscal_year fy
                                , fa_calendar_types ct
                                , fa_calendar_periods cp
                           where  fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.deprn_calendar = ct.calendar_type
                           and    fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.fiscal_year_name = fy.fiscal_year_name
                           and    ct.fiscal_year_name = fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.fiscal_year_name
                           and    ct.calendar_type = cp.calendar_type
                           and    cp.start_date between fy.start_date and fy.end_date
                           and    fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.last_period_counter + 1 >=
                                                       fy.fiscal_year * ct.NUMBER_PER_FISCAL_YEAR + cp.PERIOD_NUM
                           and    imp.impairment_date between cp.start_date and cp.end_date)
         WHERE  imp.STATUS     = p_mode
         -- Bug#7264536 - To handle situation when impairment is posted simultaneously for different books
         AND    imp.BOOK_TYPE_CODE = p_book_type_code
Line: 321

         SET    imp.STATUS     = l_internal_mode
              , imp.REQUEST_ID = l_request_id
              , imp.PERIOD_COUNTER_IMPAIRED =
                          (select nvl(imp.PERIOD_COUNTER_IMPAIRED,
                                      fy.fiscal_year * ct.NUMBER_PER_FISCAL_YEAR + cp.PERIOD_NUM)
                           from   fa_fiscal_year fy
                                , fa_calendar_types ct
                                , fa_calendar_periods cp
                           where  fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.deprn_calendar = ct.calendar_type
                           and    fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.fiscal_year_name = fy.fiscal_year_name
                           and    ct.fiscal_year_name = fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.fiscal_year_name
                           and    ct.calendar_type = cp.calendar_type
                           and    cp.start_date between fy.start_date and fy.end_date
                           and    fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.last_period_counter + 1 >=
                                                       fy.fiscal_year * ct.NUMBER_PER_FISCAL_YEAR + cp.PERIOD_NUM
                           and    imp.impairment_date between cp.start_date and cp.end_date)
         WHERE  imp.impairment_id = p_impairment_id
Line: 345

         SELECT count(IMPAIRMENT_ID)
         INTO   l_new_count
         WHERE  STATUS     = 'NEW'
         AND    REQUEST_ID is null;
Line: 633

                  UPDATE FA_MC_IMPAIRMENTS imp
                      SET   imp.STATUS     = l_internal_mode
                          , imp.REQUEST_ID = l_request_id
                          , imp.PERIOD_COUNTER_IMPAIRED = l_period_rec.PERIOD_COUNTER
                  WHERE  imp.SET_OF_BOOKS_ID = l_set_of_books_id
                  AND    imp.BOOK_TYPE_CODE  = p_book_type_code
                  AND    exists (SELECT IMPAIRMENT_ID
                                      FROM FA_IMPAIRMENTS imp2
                                 WHERE imp2.status = l_internal_mode
                                 AND   imp2.BOOK_TYPE_CODE = p_book_type_code
                                 AND   imp2.impairment_id = IMP.IMPAIRMENT_ID);
Line: 663

                      UPDATE FA_MC_IMPAIRMENTS imp
                      SET   imp.STATUS     = l_internal_mode
                      , imp.REQUEST_ID = l_request_id
                      , imp.PERIOD_COUNTER_IMPAIRED = l_period_rec.PERIOD_COUNTER
                  WHERE  imp.SET_OF_BOOKS_ID = l_set_of_books_id
                  AND    imp.BOOK_TYPE_CODE  = p_book_type_code
                  AND    exists (SELECT IMPAIRMENT_ID
                                    FROM FA_IMPAIRMENTS imp2
                                 WHERE imp2.status = l_internal_mode
                                 AND   imp2.BOOK_TYPE_CODE = p_book_type_code
                                 AND   imp2.impairment_id = IMP.IMPAIRMENT_ID);
Line: 675

               if not  FA_IMPAIRMENT_DELETE_PVT.delete_post(
                                      p_request_id        => l_request_id,
                                      p_book_type_code    => p_book_type_code,
                                      p_period_rec        => l_period_rec,
                                      p_worker_id         => 0,
                                      p_mrc_sob_type_code => l_mrc_sob_type_code,
                                      p_set_of_books_id   => l_set_of_books_id,
                                      p_calling_fn        => l_calling_fn, p_log_level_rec => g_log_level_rec) then
                  raise imp_err;
Line: 803

               if not  FA_IMPAIRMENT_DELETE_PVT.delete_post(
                                      p_request_id        => p_parent_request_id,
                                      p_book_type_code    => p_book_type_code,
                                      p_period_rec        => l_period_rec,
                                      p_worker_id         => p_request_number,
                                      p_mrc_sob_type_code => l_mrc_sob_type_code,
                                      p_set_of_books_id   => l_set_of_books_id,
                                      p_calling_fn        => l_calling_fn, p_log_level_rec => g_log_level_rec) then
                  raise imp_err;
Line: 850

      l_internal_mode := 'DELETED';
Line: 859

   SET    STATUS     = l_internal_mode
   WHERE  REQUEST_ID = l_request_id
   AND    PERIOD_COUNTER_IMPAIRED = l_imp_period_rec.period_counter;
Line: 865

   WHERE  REQUEST_ID = l_request_id
Line: 874

   /*8666930 start - There could be more than one set_of_books_id attached.Need to update for all */
   FOR l_sob_index in 0..l_sob_tbl.count LOOP
            fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn,'GIRIRAJ', 'inside for', p_log_level_rec => g_log_level_rec);
Line: 898

           SET    STATUS     = l_internal_mode
           WHERE  REQUEST_ID = l_request_id
           AND    PERIOD_COUNTER_IMPAIRED = l_imp_period_rec.period_counter
           AND    SET_OF_BOOKS_ID = l_set_of_books_id;
Line: 905

           WHERE  REQUEST_ID = l_request_id
           AND    SET_OF_BOOKS_ID = l_set_of_books_id
           AND    IMPAIRMENT_ID IN
                  (SELECT IMPAIRMENT_ID
                   FROM   FA_MC_ITF_IMPAIRMENTS
                   WHERE  PERIOD_OF_ADDITION_FLAG = 'F'
                   AND    REQUEST_ID = l_request_id
                   AND    SET_OF_BOOKS_ID = l_set_of_books_id);
Line: 1164

      SELECT curr.precision
      FROM   fnd_currencies curr
           , gl_sets_of_books sob
      WHERE  sob.set_of_books_id = c_set_of_books_id
      AND    curr.currency_code  = sob.currency_code;
Line: 1208

      insert into fa_mc_impairments(
                              , IMPAIRMENT_NAME
                              , DESCRIPTION
                              , REQUEST_ID
                              , STATUS
                              , BOOK_TYPE_CODE
                              , CASH_GENERATING_UNIT_ID
                              , ASSET_ID
                              , NET_BOOK_VALUE
                              , NET_SELLING_PRICE
                              , VALUE_IN_USE
                              , GOODWILL_ASSET_ID
                              , GOODWILL_AMOUNT
                              , USER_DATE
                              , IMPAIRMENT_DATE
                              , PERIOD_COUNTER_IMPAIRED
                              , IMPAIRMENT_AMOUNT
                              , DATE_INEFFECTIVE
                              , CREATION_DATE
                              , CREATED_BY
                              , LAST_UPDATE_DATE
                              , LAST_UPDATED_BY
                              , LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN
                              , SET_OF_BOOKS_ID
                              , IMPAIR_CLASS          -- Start of Bug 6666666
                              , REASON
                              , IMPAIR_LOSS_ACCT
                              , SPLIT_IMPAIR_FLAG
                              , SPLIT1_IMPAIR_CLASS
                              , SPLIT1_REASON
                              , SPLIT1_PERCENT
                              , SPLIT1_LOSS_ACCT
                              , SPLIT2_IMPAIR_CLASS
                              , SPLIT2_REASON
                              , SPLIT2_PERCENT
                              , SPLIT2_LOSS_ACCT
                              , SPLIT3_IMPAIR_CLASS
                              , SPLIT3_REASON
                              , SPLIT3_PERCENT
                              , SPLIT3_LOSS_ACCT       -- End of Bug 6666666

      ) select IMPAIRMENT_ID
             , IMPAIRMENT_NAME
             , DESCRIPTION
             , p_request_id -- REQUEST_ID
             , STATUS
             , p_book_type_code -- BOOK_TYPE_CODE
             , ASSET_ID
             , round(NET_BOOK_VALUE*l_rate, l_precision) --  NET_BOOK_VALUE
             , round(NET_SELLING_PRICE*l_rate, l_precision) -- NET_SELLING_PRICE
             , round(VALUE_IN_USE*l_rate, l_precision) -- VALUE_IN_USE
             , GOODWILL_ASSET_ID
             , round(GOODWILL_AMOUNT*l_rate, l_precision) -- GOODWILL_AMOUNT
             , USER_DATE
             , IMPAIRMENT_DATE
             , round(IMPAIRMENT_AMOUNT*l_rate, l_precision) -- IMPAIRMENT_AMOUNT
             , null -- DATE_INEFFECTIVE
             , CREATION_DATE
             , CREATED_BY
             , LAST_UPDATE_DATE
             , LAST_UPDATED_BY
             , null -- LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN
             , p_set_of_books_id --SET_OF_BOOKS_ID
             , IMPAIR_CLASS     -- Start of Bug 6666666
             , REASON
             , IMPAIR_LOSS_ACCT
             , SPLIT_IMPAIR_FLAG
             , SPLIT1_IMPAIR_CLASS
             , SPLIT1_REASON
             , SPLIT1_PERCENT
             , SPLIT1_LOSS_ACCT
             , SPLIT2_IMPAIR_CLASS
             , SPLIT2_REASON
             , SPLIT2_PERCENT
             , SPLIT2_LOSS_ACCT
             , SPLIT3_IMPAIR_CLASS
             , SPLIT3_REASON
             , SPLIT3_PERCENT
             , SPLIT3_LOSS_ACCT -- End of Bug 6666666
        from   fa_impairments -- 8666930 changed to fa_impairments from fa_mc_impairments
        where  request_id = p_request_id
        and    book_type_code = p_book_type_code
        and    PERIOD_COUNTER_IMPAIRED = p_period_rec.period_counter
--      and    set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id --8666930 commented
Line: 1304

      delete from fa_mc_itf_impairments itmp
      where set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id
      and exists
      (select  'Uploaded impairment'
       from  fa_mc_books bk , fa_mc_impairments imp
       where imp.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
       and   imp.status         = l_mode
       and   imp.request_id = p_request_id
       and   imp.set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id
       and   bk.book_type_code  = p_book_type_code
       and   bk.set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id
       and   (bk.period_counter_fully_retired is null or bk.adjustment_required_status <> 'NONE')
       /* Bug#7581881 Removed condition on fully reserve asset and show warning  */
       and   bk.deprn_start_date <= p_period_rec.calendar_period_close_date
       and   (imp.asset_id  =  bk.asset_id      or
                  bk.cash_generating_unit_id = imp.cash_generating_unit_id)
       and   bk.transaction_header_id_out is null
       and   itmp.impairment_id = imp.impairment_id);
Line: 1324

      insert into fa_mc_itf_impairments(
                   , REQUEST_ID
                   , IMPAIRMENT_ID
                   , BOOK_TYPE_CODE
                   , ASSET_ID
                   , CASH_GENERATING_UNIT_ID
                   , GOODWILL_ASSET_FLAG
                   , ADJUSTED_COST
                   , PERIOD_COUNTER
                   , COST
                   , IMPAIRMENT_AMOUNT
                   , YTD_IMPAIRMENT
                   , impairment_reserve
                   , CREATION_DATE
                   , CREATED_BY
                   , LAST_UPDATE_DATE
                   , LAST_UPDATED_BY
                   , IMPAIRMENT_DATE
                   , WORKER_ID
                   , PROCESS_ORDER
                   , IMPAIR_CLASS          -- Start of Bug 6666666
                   , REASON
                   , IMPAIR_LOSS_ACCT
                   , SPLIT_IMPAIR_FLAG
                   , SPLIT1_IMPAIR_CLASS
                   , SPLIT1_REASON
                   , SPLIT1_PERCENT
                   , SPLIT1_LOSS_ACCT
                   , SPLIT2_IMPAIR_CLASS
                   , SPLIT2_REASON
                   , SPLIT2_PERCENT
                   , SPLIT2_LOSS_ACCT
                   , SPLIT3_IMPAIR_CLASS
                   , SPLIT3_REASON
                   , SPLIT3_PERCENT
                   , SPLIT3_LOSS_ACCT       -- End of Bug 6666666
                   ) select  p_set_of_books_id --SET_OF_BOOKS_ID
                           , p_request_id                 --REQUEST_ID
                           , imp.impairment_id              --IMPAIRMENT_ID
                           , p_book_type_code             --BOOK_TYPE_CODE
                           , bk.ASSET_ID                  --ASSET_ID
                           , imp.CASH_GENERATING_UNIT_ID   --CASH_GENERATING_UNIT_ID
                           , decode(bk.asset_id,imp.goodwill_asset_id, 'Y', null) --GOODWILL_ASSET_FLAG
                           , bk.ADJUSTED_COST             --ADJUSTED_COST
                           , p_period_rec.period_counter  --PERIOD_COUNTER
                           , bk.COST                      --COST
                           , 0                            -- IMPAIRMENT_AMOUNT
                           , 0                            --YTD_IMPAIRMENT
                           , 0                            --impairment_reserve
                           , p_prev_sysdate               --CREATION_DATE
                           , p_login_id                   --CREATED_BY
                           , p_prev_sysdate               --LAST_UPDATE_DATE
                           , p_login_id                   --LAST_UPDATED_BY
                           , nvl(imp.impairment_date, p_transaction_date) --IMPAIRMENT_DATE
                           , 0 --mod(rank() over(order by bk.asset_id), p_total_requests) --WORKER_ID --Bug5736200
                           , l_process_order              --PROCESS_ORDER
                           , imp.IMPAIR_CLASS          -- Start of Bug 6666666
                           , imp.REASON
                           , imp.IMPAIR_LOSS_ACCT
                           , imp.SPLIT_IMPAIR_FLAG
                           , imp.SPLIT1_IMPAIR_CLASS
                           , imp.SPLIT1_REASON
                           , imp.SPLIT1_PERCENT
                           , imp.SPLIT1_LOSS_ACCT
                           , imp.SPLIT2_IMPAIR_CLASS
                           , imp.SPLIT2_REASON
                           , imp.SPLIT2_PERCENT
                           , imp.SPLIT2_LOSS_ACCT
                           , imp.SPLIT3_IMPAIR_CLASS
                           , imp.SPLIT3_REASON
                           , imp.SPLIT3_PERCENT
                           , imp.SPLIT3_LOSS_ACCT       -- End of Bug 6666666
                        from fa_mc_books bk
                           , fa_mc_impairments imp
                        where imp.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
                        and   imp.status         = l_mode
                        and   imp.request_id = p_request_id
                        and   imp.set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id
                        and   bk.book_type_code  = p_book_type_code
                        and   (bk.period_counter_fully_retired is null or bk.adjustment_required_status <> 'NONE')
                        /* Bug#7581881 Removed condition on fully reserve asset and show warning  */
                        and   bk.deprn_start_date <= p_period_rec.calendar_period_close_date
                        and   (imp.asset_id  =  bk.asset_id      or
                                  bk.cash_generating_unit_id = imp.cash_generating_unit_id)
                        and   bk.transaction_header_id_out is null
                        and   bk.set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id;
Line: 1428

      delete from fa_mc_itf_impairments itmp
      where set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id
      and exists
      (select  'Uploaded impairment'
       from  fa_mc_books bk , fa_mc_impairments imp
       where imp.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
       and   imp.status         = l_mode
       and   imp.request_id = p_request_id
       and   imp.set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id
       and   bk.book_type_code  = p_book_type_code
       and   bk.set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id
       and   (bk.period_counter_fully_retired is null or bk.adjustment_required_status <> 'NONE')
       /* Bug#7581881 Removed condition on fully reserve asset and show warning  */
       and   bk.deprn_start_date <= p_period_rec.calendar_period_close_date
       and   imp.goodwill_asset_id  =  bk.asset_id
       and   bk.transaction_header_id_out is null
       and   itmp.impairment_id = imp.impairment_id);
Line: 1447

      insert into fa_mc_itf_impairments(
                   , REQUEST_ID
                   , IMPAIRMENT_ID
                   , BOOK_TYPE_CODE
                   , ASSET_ID
                   , CASH_GENERATING_UNIT_ID
                   , GOODWILL_ASSET_FLAG
                   , ADJUSTED_COST
                   , PERIOD_COUNTER
                   , COST
                   , IMPAIRMENT_AMOUNT
                   , YTD_IMPAIRMENT
                   , impairment_reserve
                   , CREATION_DATE
                   , CREATED_BY
                   , LAST_UPDATE_DATE
                   , LAST_UPDATED_BY
                   , IMPAIRMENT_DATE
                   , WORKER_ID
                   , PROCESS_ORDER
                   , IMPAIR_CLASS          -- Start of Bug 6666666
                   , REASON
                   , IMPAIR_LOSS_ACCT
                   , SPLIT_IMPAIR_FLAG
                   , SPLIT1_IMPAIR_CLASS
                   , SPLIT1_REASON
                   , SPLIT1_PERCENT
                   , SPLIT1_LOSS_ACCT
                   , SPLIT2_IMPAIR_CLASS
                   , SPLIT2_REASON
                   , SPLIT2_PERCENT
                   , SPLIT2_LOSS_ACCT
                   , SPLIT3_IMPAIR_CLASS
                   , SPLIT3_REASON
                   , SPLIT3_PERCENT
                   , SPLIT3_LOSS_ACCT       -- End of Bug 6666666
                   ) select
                           , p_request_id                 --REQUEST_ID
                           , imp.impairment_id            --IMPAIRMENT_ID
                           , p_book_type_code             --BOOK_TYPE_CODE
                           , bk.ASSET_ID                  --ASSET_ID
                           , bk.CASH_GENERATING_UNIT_ID   --CASH_GENERATING_UNIT_ID
                           , 'Y'                          --GOODWILL_ASSET_FLAG
                           , bk.ADJUSTED_COST             --ADJUSTED_COST
                           , p_period_rec.period_counter  --PERIOD_COUNTER
                           , bk.COST                      --COST
                           , imp.GOODWILL_AMOUNT          --IMPAIRMENT_AMOUNT
                           , imp.GOODWILL_AMOUNT          --YTD_IMPAIRMENT
                           , imp.GOODWILL_AMOUNT          --impairment_reserve
                           , p_prev_sysdate               --CREATION_DATE
                           , p_login_id                   --CREATED_BY
                           , p_prev_sysdate               --LAST_UPDATE_DATE
                           , p_login_id                   --LAST_UPDATED_BY
                           , nvl(imp.impairment_date, p_transaction_date) --IMPAIRMENT_DATE
                           , 0 --mod(rank() over(order by bk.asset_id), p_total_requests) --WORKER_ID --Bug5736200
                           , l_process_order              --PROCESS_ORDER
                           , imp.IMPAIR_CLASS          -- Start of Bug 6666666
                           , imp.REASON
                           , imp.IMPAIR_LOSS_ACCT
                           , imp.SPLIT_IMPAIR_FLAG
                           , imp.SPLIT1_IMPAIR_CLASS
                           , imp.SPLIT1_REASON
                           , imp.SPLIT1_PERCENT
                           , imp.SPLIT1_LOSS_ACCT
                           , imp.SPLIT2_IMPAIR_CLASS
                           , imp.SPLIT2_REASON
                           , imp.SPLIT2_PERCENT
                           , imp.SPLIT2_LOSS_ACCT
                           , imp.SPLIT3_IMPAIR_CLASS
                           , imp.SPLIT3_REASON
                           , imp.SPLIT3_PERCENT
                           , imp.SPLIT3_LOSS_ACCT       -- End of Bug 6666666
                        from fa_mc_books bk
                           , fa_mc_impairments imp
                        where imp.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
                        and   imp.status         = l_mode
                        and   imp.request_id = p_request_id
                        and   imp.set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id
                        and   bk.book_type_code  = p_book_type_code
                        and   bk.set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id
                        and   (bk.period_counter_fully_retired is null or bk.adjustment_required_status <> 'NONE')
                        /* Bug#7581881 Removed condition on fully reserve asset and show warning  */
                        and   bk.deprn_start_date <= p_period_rec.calendar_period_close_date
                        and   imp.goodwill_asset_id  =  bk.asset_id
                        and   bk.transaction_header_id_out is null;
Line: 1543

      delete from fa_itf_impairments itmp
      where exists
      (select  'Uploaded impairment'
       from  fa_books bk , fa_impairments imp
       where imp.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
       and   imp.status         = l_mode
       and   imp.request_id = p_request_id
       and   bk.book_type_code  = p_book_type_code
       and   (bk.period_counter_fully_retired is null or bk.adjustment_required_status <> 'NONE')
       /* Bug#7581881 Removed condition on fully reserve asset and show warning  */
       and   bk.deprn_start_date <= p_period_rec.calendar_period_close_date
       and   (imp.asset_id  =  bk.asset_id      or
               bk.cash_generating_unit_id = imp.cash_generating_unit_id)
       and   bk.transaction_header_id_out is null
       and   itmp.impairment_id = imp.impairment_id);
Line: 1559

      insert into fa_itf_impairments(
                   , IMPAIRMENT_ID
                   , BOOK_TYPE_CODE
                   , ASSET_ID
                   , CASH_GENERATING_UNIT_ID
                   , GOODWILL_ASSET_FLAG
                   , ADJUSTED_COST
                   , PERIOD_COUNTER
                   , COST
                   , IMPAIRMENT_AMOUNT
                   , YTD_IMPAIRMENT
                   , impairment_reserve
                   , CREATION_DATE
                   , CREATED_BY
                   , LAST_UPDATE_DATE
                   , LAST_UPDATED_BY
                   , IMPAIRMENT_DATE
                   , WORKER_ID
                   , PROCESS_ORDER
                   , IMPAIR_CLASS          -- Start of Bug 6666666
                   , REASON
                   , IMPAIR_LOSS_ACCT
                   , SPLIT_IMPAIR_FLAG
                   , SPLIT1_IMPAIR_CLASS
                   , SPLIT1_REASON
                   , SPLIT1_PERCENT
                   , SPLIT1_LOSS_ACCT
                   , SPLIT2_IMPAIR_CLASS
                   , SPLIT2_REASON
                   , SPLIT2_PERCENT
                   , SPLIT2_LOSS_ACCT
                   , SPLIT3_IMPAIR_CLASS
                   , SPLIT3_REASON
                   , SPLIT3_PERCENT
                   , SPLIT3_LOSS_ACCT       -- End of Bug 6666666
                   ) select  p_request_id                 --REQUEST_ID
                           , imp.impairment_id              --IMPAIRMENT_ID
                           , p_book_type_code             --BOOK_TYPE_CODE
                           , bk.ASSET_ID                  --ASSET_ID
                           , imp.CASH_GENERATING_UNIT_ID   --CASH_GENERATING_UNIT_ID
                           , decode(bk.asset_id,imp.goodwill_asset_id, 'Y', null) --GOODWILL_ASSET_FLAG
                           , bk.ADJUSTED_COST             --ADJUSTED_COST
                           , p_period_rec.period_counter  --PERIOD_COUNTER
                           , bk.COST                      --COST
                           , 0                            -- IMPAIRMENT_AMOUNT
                           , 0                            --YTD_IMPAIRMENT
                           , 0                            --impairment_reserve
                           , p_prev_sysdate               --CREATION_DATE
                           , p_login_id                   --CREATED_BY
                           , p_prev_sysdate               --LAST_UPDATE_DATE
                           , p_login_id                   --LAST_UPDATED_BY
                           , nvl(imp.impairment_date, p_transaction_date) --IMPAIRMENT_DATE
                           , 0 --mod(rank() over(order by bk.asset_id), p_total_requests) --WORKER_ID --Bug5736200
                           , l_process_order              --PROCESS_ORDER
                           , imp.IMPAIR_CLASS          -- Start of Bug 6666666
                           , imp.REASON
                           , imp.IMPAIR_LOSS_ACCT
                           , imp.SPLIT_IMPAIR_FLAG
                           , imp.SPLIT1_IMPAIR_CLASS
                           , imp.SPLIT1_REASON
                           , imp.SPLIT1_PERCENT
                           , imp.SPLIT1_LOSS_ACCT
                           , imp.SPLIT2_IMPAIR_CLASS
                           , imp.SPLIT2_REASON
                           , imp.SPLIT2_PERCENT
                           , imp.SPLIT2_LOSS_ACCT
                           , imp.SPLIT3_IMPAIR_CLASS
                           , imp.SPLIT3_REASON
                           , imp.SPLIT3_PERCENT
                           , imp.SPLIT3_LOSS_ACCT       -- End of Bug 6666666
                        from fa_books bk
                           , fa_impairments imp
                        where imp.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
                        and   imp.status         = l_mode
                        and   imp.request_id = p_request_id
                        and   bk.book_type_code  = p_book_type_code
                        and   (bk.period_counter_fully_retired is null or bk.adjustment_required_status <> 'NONE')
                        /* Bug#7581881 Removed condition on fully reserve asset and show warning  */
                        and   bk.deprn_start_date <= p_period_rec.calendar_period_close_date
                        and   (imp.asset_id  =  bk.asset_id      or
                                  bk.cash_generating_unit_id = imp.cash_generating_unit_id)
                        and   bk.transaction_header_id_out is null;
Line: 1658

      delete from fa_itf_impairments itmp
      where exists
      (select  'Uploaded impairment'
       from  fa_books bk , fa_impairments imp
       where imp.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
       and   imp.status         = l_mode
       and   imp.request_id = p_request_id
       and   bk.book_type_code  = p_book_type_code
       and   (bk.period_counter_fully_retired is null or bk.adjustment_required_status <> 'NONE')
       /* Bug#7581881 Removed condition on fully reserve asset and show warning  */
       and   bk.deprn_start_date <= p_period_rec.calendar_period_close_date
       and   imp.goodwill_asset_id  =  bk.asset_id
       and   bk.transaction_header_id_out is null
       and   itmp.impairment_id = imp.impairment_id);
Line: 1674

      insert into fa_itf_impairments(
                   , IMPAIRMENT_ID
                   , BOOK_TYPE_CODE
                   , ASSET_ID
                   , CASH_GENERATING_UNIT_ID
                   , GOODWILL_ASSET_FLAG
                   , ADJUSTED_COST
                   , PERIOD_COUNTER
                   , COST
                   , IMPAIRMENT_AMOUNT
                   , YTD_IMPAIRMENT
                   , impairment_reserve
                   , CREATION_DATE
                   , CREATED_BY
                   , LAST_UPDATE_DATE
                   , LAST_UPDATED_BY
                   , IMPAIRMENT_DATE
                   , WORKER_ID
                   , PROCESS_ORDER
                   , IMPAIR_CLASS          -- Start of Bug 6666666
                   , REASON
                   , IMPAIR_LOSS_ACCT
                   , SPLIT_IMPAIR_FLAG
                   , SPLIT1_IMPAIR_CLASS
                   , SPLIT1_REASON
                   , SPLIT1_PERCENT
                   , SPLIT1_LOSS_ACCT
                   , SPLIT2_IMPAIR_CLASS
                   , SPLIT2_REASON
                   , SPLIT2_PERCENT
                   , SPLIT2_LOSS_ACCT
                   , SPLIT3_IMPAIR_CLASS
                   , SPLIT3_REASON
                   , SPLIT3_PERCENT
                   , SPLIT3_LOSS_ACCT       -- End of Bug 6666666
                   ) select
                             p_request_id                 --REQUEST_ID
                           , imp.impairment_id            --IMPAIRMENT_ID
                           , p_book_type_code             --BOOK_TYPE_CODE
                           , bk.ASSET_ID                  --ASSET_ID
                           , bk.CASH_GENERATING_UNIT_ID   --CASH_GENERATING_UNIT_ID
                           , 'Y'                          --GOODWILL_ASSET_FLAG
                           , bk.ADJUSTED_COST             --ADJUSTED_COST
                           , p_period_rec.period_counter  --PERIOD_COUNTER
                           , bk.COST                      --COST
                           , imp.GOODWILL_AMOUNT          --IMPAIRMENT_AMOUNT
                           , imp.GOODWILL_AMOUNT          --YTD_IMPAIRMENT
                           , imp.GOODWILL_AMOUNT          --impairment_reserve
                           , p_prev_sysdate               --CREATION_DATE
                           , p_login_id                   --CREATED_BY
                           , p_prev_sysdate               --LAST_UPDATE_DATE
                           , p_login_id                   --LAST_UPDATED_BY
                           , nvl(imp.impairment_date, p_transaction_date) --IMPAIRMENT_DATE
                           , 0 --mod(rank() over(order by bk.asset_id), p_total_requests) --WORKER_ID --Bug5736200
                           , l_process_order              --PROCESS_ORDER
                           , imp.IMPAIR_CLASS          -- Start of Bug 6666666
                           , imp.REASON
                           , imp.IMPAIR_LOSS_ACCT
                           , imp.SPLIT_IMPAIR_FLAG
                           , imp.SPLIT1_IMPAIR_CLASS
                           , imp.SPLIT1_REASON
                           , imp.SPLIT1_PERCENT
                           , imp.SPLIT1_LOSS_ACCT
                           , imp.SPLIT2_IMPAIR_CLASS
                           , imp.SPLIT2_REASON
                           , imp.SPLIT2_PERCENT
                           , imp.SPLIT2_LOSS_ACCT
                           , imp.SPLIT3_IMPAIR_CLASS
                           , imp.SPLIT3_REASON
                           , imp.SPLIT3_PERCENT
                           , imp.SPLIT3_LOSS_ACCT       -- End of Bug 6666666
                        from fa_books bk
                           , fa_impairments imp
                        where imp.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
                        and   imp.status         = l_mode
                        and   imp.request_id = p_request_id
                        and   bk.book_type_code  = p_book_type_code
                        and   (bk.period_counter_fully_retired is null or bk.adjustment_required_status <> 'NONE')
                        /* Bug#7581881 Removed condition on fully reserve asset and show warning  */
                        and   bk.deprn_start_date <= p_period_rec.calendar_period_close_date
                        and   imp.goodwill_asset_id  =  bk.asset_id
                        and   bk.transaction_header_id_out is null;
Line: 1807

      select count(*)
      into   l_je_post_count
      from   fa_journal_entries je,
             fa_mc_book_controls bc
      where  bc.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
      and    bc.set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id
      and    je.set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id
      and    bc.book_type_code = je.book_type_code
      and    je.period_counter = p_period_rec.period_counter
      and    je.je_status in ('C', 'E')
      and    ((addition_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (adjustment_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (depreciation_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (reclass_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (retirement_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (reval_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (transfer_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_addition_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_adjustment_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_reclass_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_retirement_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_reval_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_transfer_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (deprn_adjustment_batch_id is NOT NULL));
Line: 1832

      select count(*)
      into   l_dp_post_count
      from   fa_mc_deprn_periods
      where  book_type_code = p_book_type_code
      and    period_counter = p_period_rec.period_counter
      and    set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id
      and    ((addition_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (adjustment_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (depreciation_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (reclass_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (retirement_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (reval_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (transfer_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_addition_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_adjustment_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_reclass_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_retirement_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_reval_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_transfer_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (deprn_adjustment_batch_id is NOT NULL));
Line: 1854

      select count(*)
      into   l_je_post_count
      from   fa_journal_entries je,
             fa_book_controls bc
      where  bc.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
      and    bc.set_of_books_id = je.set_of_books_id
      and    bc.book_type_code = je.book_type_code
      and    je.period_counter = p_period_rec.period_counter
      and    je.je_status in ('C', 'E')
      and    ((addition_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (adjustment_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (depreciation_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (reclass_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (retirement_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (reval_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (transfer_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_addition_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_adjustment_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_reclass_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_retirement_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_reval_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_transfer_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (deprn_adjustment_batch_id is NOT NULL));
Line: 1878

      select count(*)
      into   l_dp_post_count
      from   fa_deprn_periods
      where  book_type_code = p_book_type_code
      and    period_counter = p_period_rec.period_counter
      and    ((addition_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (adjustment_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (depreciation_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (reclass_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (retirement_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (reval_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (transfer_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_addition_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_adjustment_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_reclass_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_retirement_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_reval_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (cip_transfer_batch_id is NOT NULL) or
              (deprn_adjustment_batch_id is NOT NULL));
Line: 1971

   update fa_impairments
   set    status = l_new_status
   where  status = l_status
   and    request_id = p_request_id;
Line: 1977

      update fa_mc_impairments
      set    status = l_new_status
      where  status = l_status
      and    request_id = p_request_id
      and    set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id;