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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 9

cursor csr_system is select meaning
		     from   hr_lookups
		     where  lookup_type = 'EVAL_SYSTEM'
		     and    lookup_code = p_system;
Line: 14

cursor csr_measured is select meaning
   		       from   hr_lookups
		       where  lookup_type = 'EVAL_SYSTEM_MEAS'
		       and    lookup_code = p_measured_in;
Line: 49

cursor csr_id is select per_job_evaluations_s.nextval
	  from sys.dual;
Line: 84

cursor csr_evaluation is select null
		 from   per_job_evaluations je
		 where (job_evaluation_id      <> p_job_evaluation_id
	         	or  p_job_evaluation_id is null)
		 and (je.job_id                   = p_job_id or p_job_id is null)
                 and (je.position_id              = p_position_id
                 or  p_position_id is null)
		 and nvl(je.system, 'NO SYSTEM')  = nvl(p_system, 'NO SYSTEM')
                 and je.date_evaluated            = p_date_evaluated;