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Line 516: from jai_pa_setup_values

513: -- responsible for getting tax category for event
514: cursor cur_get_tax_category is
515: select setup_value1 tax_category
516: from jai_pa_setup_values
517: where context = jai_constants.setup_event_type and -- this will search only for events not for other context types
518: attribute1 = ln_event_type_id and
519: org_id = ln_org_id; /*Bug 8348822 - Tax defaulted based on ORG_ID of the project*/

Line 609: from jai_pa_setup_values

605: ln_org_id NUMBER; /*Bug 8348822*/
606: ----------------CURSOR DECLARATIONS------------------------------
607: cursor cur_get_project_all is
608: select setup_value1 tax_category
609: from jai_pa_setup_values
610: where context = jai_constants.setup_project and
611: attribute1 = pn_project_id and
612: org_id = ln_org_id; /*Bug 8348822 - Tax defaulted based on ORG_ID of the project*/

Line 669: from jai_pa_setup_values

665: -- responsible for getting tax category attached with customer / site combination or customer / null site combination
666: cursor cur_cust_site_tax(cn_customer_id pa_draft_invoices_all.ship_to_customer_id%type ,
667: cn_address_id pa_draft_invoices_all.ship_to_address_id%type) is
668: select setup_value1
669: from jai_pa_setup_values
670: where attribute1 = cn_customer_id and
671: attribute2 = cn_address_id and
672: context = jai_constants.setup_customer_site and
673: org_id = ln_org_id; /*Bug 8348822 - Tax defaulted based on ORG_ID of the project*/

Line 677: from jai_pa_setup_values

673: org_id = ln_org_id; /*Bug 8348822 - Tax defaulted based on ORG_ID of the project*/
675: cursor cur_cust_tax(cn_customer_id pa_draft_invoices_all.ship_to_customer_id%type) is
676: select setup_value1
677: from jai_pa_setup_values
678: where attribute1 = cn_customer_id and
679: context = jai_constants.setup_customer_site and
680: attribute2 is null and
681: org_id = ln_org_id; /*Bug 8348822 - Tax defaulted based on ORG_ID of the project*/

Line 776: from jai_pa_setup_values jpsv,

773: -- find out tax category for expenditure types;
774: cursor cur_expn_tax_category(cv_expenditure_type pa_expenditure_types.expenditure_type%type ) is
775: select jpsv.setup_value1
776: from jai_pa_setup_values jpsv,
777: pa_expenditure_types pet
778: where jpsv.context = jai_constants.setup_expenditure_type and
779: jpsv.attribute1 = pet.expenditure_type_id and
780: pet.expenditure_type =cv_expenditure_type and