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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 17

 *   successful, the document will be updated at the specified entity level.
 *   Derives any ID if the ID is NULL, but the matching number is passed in. If
 *   both the ID and number are passed in, the ID is used. Executes at shipment
 *   level if the final doc_id, line_id, and line_loc_id are not NULL. Executes
 *   at line level if only the final doc_id and line_id are not NULL. Executes
 *   at header level if only the final doc_id is not NULL. The document will be
 *   printed if it is a PO, PA, or RELEASE, and the p_print_flag is 'Y'. All
 *   changes will be committed upon success if p_commit is FND_API.G_TRUE.
 *   Appends to API message list on error, and leaves the document unchanged.
 * Returns:
 *   x_return_status - FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS if control action succeeds
 *                     FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR if control action fails
 *                     FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR if unexpected error occurs
PROCEDURE control_document
   (p_api_version      IN   NUMBER,
    p_init_msg_list    IN   VARCHAR2,
    p_commit           IN   VARCHAR2,
    x_return_status    OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    p_doc_type         IN   PO_DOCUMENT_TYPES.document_type_code%TYPE,
    p_doc_subtype      IN   PO_DOCUMENT_TYPES.document_subtype%TYPE,
    p_doc_id           IN   NUMBER,
    p_doc_num          IN   PO_HEADERS.segment1%TYPE,
    p_release_id       IN   NUMBER,
    p_release_num      IN   NUMBER,
    p_doc_line_id      IN   NUMBER,
    p_doc_line_num     IN   NUMBER,
    p_doc_line_loc_id  IN   NUMBER,
    p_doc_shipment_num IN   NUMBER,
    p_action           IN   VARCHAR2,
    p_action_date      IN   DATE,
    p_cancel_reason    IN   PO_LINES.cancel_reason%TYPE,
    p_cancel_reqs_flag IN   VARCHAR2,
    p_print_flag       IN   VARCHAR2,
    p_note_to_vendor   IN   PO_HEADERS.note_to_vendor%TYPE,
    p_use_gldate       IN   VARCHAR2,  -- 
    p_org_id           IN   NUMBER, --
    p_launch_approvals_flag IN   VARCHAR2 --

l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'control_document';
Line: 156

 *   successful, the document will be updated at the specified entity level.
 *   Derives any ID if the ID is NULL, but the matching number is passed in. If
 *   both the ID and number are passed in, the ID is used. Executes at shipment
 *   level if the final doc_id, line_id, and line_loc_id are not NULL. Executes
 *   at line level if only the final doc_id and line_id are not NULL. Executes
 *   at header level if only the final doc_id is not NULL. The document will be
 *   printed if it is a PO, PA, or RELEASE, and the p_print_flag is 'Y'. All
 *   changes will be committed upon success if p_commit is FND_API.G_TRUE.
 *   Appends to API message list on error, and leaves the document unchanged.
 * Returns:
 *   x_return_status - FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS if control action succeeds
 *                     FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR if control action fails
 *                     FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR if unexpected error occurs

PROCEDURE control_document(
  p_api_version          IN   NUMBER,
  p_init_msg_list        IN   VARCHAR2,
  p_commit               IN   VARCHAR2,
  x_return_status        OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
  po_doc_tbl             IN   po_document_control_pub.PO_DTLS_REC_TBL,
  p_action               IN   VARCHAR2,
  p_action_date          IN   DATE,
  p_cancel_reason        IN   PO_LINES.cancel_reason%TYPE,
  p_cancel_reqs_flag     IN   VARCHAR2,
  p_print_flag           IN   VARCHAR2,
  p_revert_chg_flag      IN   VARCHAR2,
  p_launch_approvals_flag IN   VARCHAR2,
  p_note_to_vendor       IN   PO_HEADERS.note_to_vendor%TYPE,
  p_use_gldate           IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
  p_org_id               IN   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL

  l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'control_document';
Line: 323

          SELECT authorization_status
          INTO   l_old_auth_status_tbl(i)
          FROM   po_releases_all
          WHERE  po_release_id = l_doc_id;
Line: 330

          SELECT authorization_status
          INTO   l_old_auth_status_tbl(i)
          FROM   po_headers_all
          WHERE  po_header_id= l_doc_id;