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1 package body msc_phub_budget_pkg as
2     /* $Header: MSCHBBDB.pls 120.8 2011/02/10 19:06:05 wexia noship $ */
4     procedure populate_details(errbuf out nocopy varchar2, retcode out nocopy varchar2,
5         p_plan_id number, p_plan_run_id number)
6     is
7         l_owning_currency_code varchar2(20) := msc_phub_util.get_owning_currency_code(p_plan_run_id);
8         l_enforce_budget_constraints number;
9         l_budget_id number;
10         l_budget_value number;
12         l_plan_start_date date;
13         l_plan_cutoff_date date;
14         l_plan_type number;
15         l_sr_instance_id number;
16         l_organization_id number;
18     begin
19         msc_phub_util.log('msc_phub_budget_pkg.populate_details:');
20         retcode := 0;
21         errbuf := null;
23         select enforce_budget_constraints, budget_id, budget_value
24         into l_enforce_budget_constraints, l_budget_id, l_budget_value
25         from msc_plans
26         where plan_id=p_plan_id;
28         select plan_type, sr_instance_id, organization_id, plan_start_date, plan_cutoff_date
29         into l_plan_type, l_sr_instance_id, l_organization_id, l_plan_start_date, l_plan_cutoff_date
30         from msc_plan_runs
31         where plan_id=p_plan_id
32         and plan_run_id=p_plan_run_id;
34         msc_phub_util.log('msc_phub_budget_pkg.populate_details: '||
35             'l_enforce_budget_constraints='||l_enforce_budget_constraints||
36             ',l_budget_id='||l_budget_id||
37             ',l_budget_value='||l_budget_value);
39         if (nvl(l_enforce_budget_constraints,2) <> 1) then
40             msc_phub_util.log('msc_phub_budget_pkg.populate_details: l_enforce_budget_constraints<>1');
41             return;
42         end if;
44         if (l_budget_id is null and l_budget_value is null) then
45             msc_phub_util.log('msc_phub_budget_pkg.populate_details: l_budget_id is null and budget_value is null');
46             return;
47         end if;
49         if (l_budget_id > 0) then
50             insert into msc_budgets_f (
51                 plan_id,
52                 plan_run_id,
53                 budget_level,
54                 sr_instance_id,
55                 organization_id,
56                 category_set_id,
57                 category_instance_id,
58                 sr_category_id,
59                 budget_value,
60                 budget_value2,
61                 created_by,
62                 creation_date,
63                 last_updated_by,
64                 last_update_date,
65                 last_update_login,
66                 program_id,
67                 program_login_id,
68                 program_application_id,
69                 request_id)
70             select
71                 p_plan_id,
72                 p_plan_run_id,
73                 t.budget_level,
74                 t.sr_instance_id,
75                 t.organization_id,
76                 t.category_set_id,
77                 t.category_instance_id,
78                 t.sr_category_id,
79                 t.budget_value,
80                 t.budget_value * decode(t.currency_code,
81                     fnd_profile.value('MSC_HUB_CUR_CODE_RPT'),
82                     1, nvl(mcc.conv_rate,0)) budget_value2,
83                 fnd_global.user_id,
84                 sysdate,
85                 fnd_global.user_id,
86                 sysdate,
87                 fnd_global.login_id,
88                 fnd_global.conc_program_id,
89                 fnd_global.conc_login_id,
90                 fnd_global.prog_appl_id,
91                 fnd_global.conc_request_id
92             from
93                 (select
94                     -- budget_level: 0:plan 1:org 2:cat 3:org-cat
95                     decode(sign(b.organization_id), -1,
96                         decode(sign(b.sr_category_id), -1, 0, 2),
97                         decode(sign(b.sr_category_id), -1, 1, 3)) budget_level,
98                     decode(b.sr_instance_id, -1, -23453, b.sr_instance_id) sr_instance_id,
99                     decode(b.organization_id, -1, -23453, b.organization_id) organization_id,
100                     nvl(mtp.currency_code, l_owning_currency_code) currency_code,
101                     fnd_profile.value('MSR_BUDGET_CATEGORY_SET') category_set_id,
102                     b.category_instance_id,
103                     b.sr_category_id,
104                     b.budget_value
105                 from
106                     msc_inventory_budget_values b,
107                     msc_trading_partners mtp
108                 where budget_id=l_budget_id
109                     and b.sr_instance_id=mtp.sr_instance_id(+)
110                     and b.organization_id=mtp.sr_tp_id(+)
111                     and mtp.partner_type(+)=3
112                 ) t,
113                 msc_currency_conv_mv mcc
114             where mcc.from_currency(+)=t.currency_code
115                 and mcc.calendar_date(+)=l_plan_start_date
116                 and mcc.to_currency(+)=fnd_profile.value('MSC_HUB_CUR_CODE_RPT');
117         else
118             insert into msc_budgets_f (
119                 plan_id,
120                 plan_run_id,
121                 budget_level,
122                 sr_instance_id,
123                 organization_id,
124                 category_set_id,
125                 category_instance_id,
126                 sr_category_id,
127                 budget_value,
128                 budget_value2,
129                 created_by,
130                 creation_date,
131                 last_updated_by,
132                 last_update_date,
133                 last_update_login,
134                 program_id,
135                 program_login_id,
136                 program_application_id,
137                 request_id)
138             select
139                 p_plan_id,
140                 p_plan_run_id,
141                 0,
142                 to_number(-23453),
143                 to_number(-23453),
144                 null,
145                 -1,
146                 -1,
147                 budget_value,
148                 budget_value * decode(currency_code,
149                     fnd_profile.value('MSC_HUB_CUR_CODE_RPT'),
150                     1, nvl(mcc.conv_rate,0)) budget_value2,
151                 fnd_global.user_id,
152                 sysdate,
153                 fnd_global.user_id,
154                 sysdate,
155                 fnd_global.login_id,
156                 fnd_global.conc_program_id,
157                 fnd_global.conc_login_id,
158                 fnd_global.prog_appl_id,
159                 fnd_global.conc_request_id
160             from
161                 (select
162                     l_budget_value budget_value,
163                     l_owning_currency_code currency_code
164                 from dual), -- inline table for outer join
165                 msc_currency_conv_mv mcc
166             where mcc.from_currency(+)=currency_code
167                 and mcc.calendar_date(+)=l_plan_start_date
168                 and mcc.to_currency(+)=fnd_profile.value('MSC_HUB_CUR_CODE_RPT');
169         end if;
170         msc_phub_util.log('msc_phub_budget_pkg.populate_details: msc_budgets_f, rowcount='||sql%rowcount);
171         commit;
173     exception
174         when others then
175             msc_phub_util.log('msc_phub_budget_pkg.populate_details.exception: '||sqlerrm);
176             errbuf := msc_phub_util.get_planning_hub_message('MSC_HUB_POPULATE_ERROR')||':'||sqlerrm;
177             retcode := 2;
178     end populate_details;
180     procedure export_budgets_f (
181         errbuf out nocopy varchar2, retcode out nocopy varchar2,
182         p_st_transaction_id number, p_plan_run_id number,
183         p_dblink varchar2, p_source_version varchar2)
184     is
185         l_sql varchar2(5000);
186         l_suffix varchar2(32) := msc_phub_util.suffix(p_dblink);
187         l_apps_schema varchar2(30) := msc_phub_util.apps_schema;
188     begin
189         msc_phub_util.log('msc_phub_budget_pkg.export_budgets_f');
190         retcode := 0;
191         errbuf := null;
193         delete from msc_st_budgets_f where st_transaction_id=p_st_transaction_id;
194         commit;
196         l_sql :=
197             ' insert into msc_st_budgets_f('||
198             '     st_transaction_id,'||
199             '     error_code,'||
200             '     sr_instance_id,'||
201             '     organization_id,'||
202             '     category_set_id,'||
203             '     category_instance_id,'||
204             '     sr_category_id,'||
205             '     organization_code,'||
206             '     category_instance_code,'||
207             '     category_name,'||
208             '     budget_level,'||
209             '     budget_value,'||
210             '     budget_value2,'||
211             '     created_by, creation_date,'||
212             '     last_updated_by, last_update_date, last_update_login'||
213             ' )'||
214             ' select'||
215             '     :p_st_transaction_id,'||
216             '     0,'||
217             '     f.sr_instance_id,'||
218             '     f.organization_id,'||
219             '     f.category_set_id,'||
220             '     f.category_instance_id,'||
221             '     f.sr_category_id,'||
222             '     mtp.organization_code,'||
223             '     mai.instance_code category_instance_code,'||
224             '     c.category_name,'||
225             '     f.budget_level,'||
226             '     f.budget_value,'||
227             '     f.budget_value2,'||
228             '     fnd_global.user_id, sysdate,'||
229             '     fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.login_id'||
230             ' from'||
231             '     '||l_apps_schema||'.msc_budgets_f'||l_suffix||' f,'||
232             '     '||l_apps_schema||'.msc_trading_partners'||l_suffix||' mtp,'||
233             '     '||l_apps_schema||'.msc_phub_categories_mv'||l_suffix||' c,'||
234             '     '||l_apps_schema||'.msc_apps_instances'||l_suffix||' mai'||
235             ' where f.plan_run_id=:p_plan_run_id'||
236             '     and mtp.partner_type(+)=3'||
237             '     and mtp.sr_instance_id(+)=f.sr_instance_id'||
238             '     and mtp.sr_tp_id(+)=f.organization_id'||
239             '     and c.sr_instance_id(+)=f.category_instance_id'||
240             '     and c.sr_category_id(+)=f.sr_category_id'||
241             '     and c.category_set_id(+)=f.category_set_id'||
242             '     and mai.instance_id(+)=f.category_instance_id';
244         execute immediate l_sql using p_st_transaction_id, p_plan_run_id;
245         commit;
246         msc_phub_util.log('msc_phub_budget_pkg.export_budgets_f: complete, retcode='||retcode);
248     exception
249         when others then
250             retcode := 2;
251             errbuf := 'msc_phub_budget_pkg.export_budgets_f: '||sqlerrm;
252             msc_phub_util.log(errbuf);
253     end export_budgets_f;
255     procedure import_budgets_f (
256         errbuf out nocopy varchar2, retcode out nocopy varchar2,
257         p_st_transaction_id number, p_plan_id number, p_plan_run_id number,
258         p_plan_type number, p_plan_start_date date, p_plan_cutoff_date date,
259         p_upload_mode number, p_overwrite_after_date date, p_def_instance_code varchar2)
260     is
261         l_staging_table varchar2(30) := 'msc_st_budgets_f';
262         l_fact_table varchar2(30) := 'msc_budgets_f';
263         l_result number := 0;
264     begin
265         msc_phub_util.log('msc_phub_budget_pkg.import_budgets_f');
266         retcode := 0;
267         errbuf := null;
269         l_result := l_result + msc_phub_util.prepare_fact_dates(
270             l_fact_table, 1, null, p_plan_id, p_plan_run_id,
271             p_upload_mode, p_overwrite_after_date);
273         l_result := l_result + msc_phub_util.decode_organization_key(
274             l_staging_table, p_st_transaction_id, p_def_instance_code,
275             'sr_instance_id', 'organization_id', 'organization_code');
277         l_result := l_result + msc_phub_util.decode_category_key(
278             l_staging_table, p_st_transaction_id);
280         if (p_upload_mode = msc_phub_util.upload_replace) then
281             msc_phub_util.log('msc_phub_budget_pkg.import_budgets_f: purge msc_budgets_f');
283             delete from msc_budgets_f
284             where plan_id=p_plan_id and plan_run_id=p_plan_run_id;
285             commit;
286         end if;
288         msc_phub_util.log('msc_phub_budget_pkg.import_budgets_f: insert into msc_budgets_f');
289         insert into msc_budgets_f (
290             plan_id,
291             plan_run_id,
292             sr_instance_id,
293             organization_id,
294             category_set_id,
295             category_instance_id,
296             sr_category_id,
297             budget_level,
298             budget_value,
299             budget_value2,
300             created_by, creation_date,
301             last_updated_by, last_update_date, last_update_login
302         )
303         select
304             p_plan_id,
305             p_plan_run_id,
306             nvl(sr_instance_id, -1),
307             nvl(organization_id, -1),
308             nvl(category_set_id, -23453),
309             nvl(category_instance_id, -1),
310             nvl(sr_category_id, -1),
311             budget_level,
312             budget_value,
313             budget_value2,
314             fnd_global.user_id, sysdate,
315             fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.login_id
316         from msc_st_budgets_f
317         where st_transaction_id=p_st_transaction_id and error_code=0;
319         msc_phub_util.log('msc_phub_budget_pkg.import_budgets_f: inserted='||sql%rowcount);
320         commit;
322         if (l_result > 0) then
323             retcode := -1;
324         end if;
326         msc_phub_util.log('msc_phub_budget_pkg.import_budgets_f: complete, retcode='||retcode);
328     exception
329         when others then
330             retcode := 2;
331             errbuf := 'msc_phub_budget_pkg.import_budgets_f: '||sqlerrm;
332             msc_phub_util.log(errbuf);
333     end import_budgets_f;
335 end msc_phub_budget_pkg;