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1 package body ben_pln_cache as
2 /* $Header: benplnch.pkb 120.1 2007/03/27 15:52:41 rtagarra noship $ */
3 --
4 g_package varchar2(50) := 'ben_pln_cache.';
5 --
6 procedure bgpcpp_getdets
7   (p_business_group_id     in     number
8   ,p_effective_date        in     date
9   ,p_mode                  in     varchar2
10   ,p_pgm_id                in     number default null
11   ,p_pl_id                 in     number default null
12   ,p_opt_id                in     number default null
13   ,p_rptg_grp_id           in     number default null
14   ,p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id       in     number default null
15   ,p_eligy_prfl_id         in     number default null
16   -- PB : 5422 :
17   -- ,p_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id in     number default null
18   ,p_asnd_lf_evt_dt        in     date default null
19   --
20   ,p_inst_set                 out nocopy ben_pln_cache.g_bgppln_cache
21   )
22 is
23   --
24   l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'bgpcpp_getdets';
25   --
26   l_instcolnm_set  ben_cache.InstColNmType;
27   l_curparm_set    ben_cache.CurParmType;
28   --
29   l_cppinst_set    ben_pln_cache.g_bgpcpp_cache;
30   --
31   l_row_num        pls_integer;
32   l_parhv          pls_integer;
33   l_torrwnum       pls_integer;
34   l_hv             pls_integer;
35   l_not_hash_found boolean;
36   --
37   l_lkup_query     long;
38   l_inst_query     long;
39   l_coninst_query  long;
40   --
41   cursor c_pln
42     (c_business_group_id       number
43     ,c_effective_date          date
44     ,c_mode                    varchar2
45     ,c_pgm_id                  number
46     ,c_pl_id                   number
47     ,c_opt_id                  number
48     ,c_rptg_grp_id             number
49     ,c_vrbl_rt_prfl_id         number
50     ,c_eligy_prfl_id           number
51     -- PB : 5422 :
52     -- ,c_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id   number
53     )
54   is
55     select pln.pl_id,
56            pln.pl_typ_id,
57            ptp.opt_typ_cd,
58            pln.drvbl_fctr_prtn_elig_flag,
59            pln.drvbl_fctr_apls_rts_flag,
60            pln.trk_inelig_per_flag
61     from   ben_ptip_f ctp,
62            ben_pl_f pln,
63            ben_pl_typ_f ptp,
64            ben_plip_f plp
65         --   ben_popl_yr_perd cpy,
66         --   ben_yr_perd yrp
67     where
68     /* Hint joins */
69            plp.pgm_id = c_pgm_id
70     and    pln.pl_id = plp.pl_id
71     and    c_effective_date
72       between pln.effective_start_date
73            and     pln.effective_end_date
74     and    pln.pl_typ_id = ptp.pl_typ_id
75     and    c_effective_date
76       between ptp.effective_start_date
77            and     ptp.effective_end_date
78     and   (p_mode IN ('P','G','D') or
79            exists (select null
80                    from ben_popl_yr_perd cpy,
81                         ben_yr_perd yrp
82                    where cpy.pl_id = pln.pl_id
83                    and    cpy.yr_perd_id = yrp.yr_perd_id
84                    and    c_effective_date
85                            between yrp.start_date
86                            and     yrp.end_date))
87     and    ctp.pgm_id = c_pgm_id
88     /* Histograms */
89     and    plp.plip_stat_cd = 'A'
90     and    pln.pl_stat_cd = 'A'
91     and    plp.alws_unrstrctd_enrt_flag = decode(c_mode,
92                                                  'U',
93                                                  'Y',
94 						 'D',
95 						 'Y',
96                                                  plp.alws_unrstrctd_enrt_flag)
97     and    ctp.ptip_stat_cd = 'A'
98     /* Other joins */
99     and    ctp.pl_typ_id = pln.pl_typ_id
100     and    pln.pl_id = nvl(c_pl_id,pln.pl_id)
101     and    c_effective_date
102            between plp.effective_start_date
103            and     plp.effective_end_date
104     and    c_effective_date
105            between ctp.effective_start_date
106            and     ctp.effective_end_date
107  /*   and    c_effective_date
108            between yrp.start_date
109            and     yrp.end_date
110 */
111     /* Make sure that plan being linked to covers all the options that may
112        or may not have been stated by the user. */
113     and    (exists (select null
114                     from   ben_oipl_f cop
115                     where  cop.opt_id = c_opt_id
116                     and    cop.pl_id = pln.pl_id
117                     and    cop.business_group_id   = pln.business_group_id
118                     and    cop.oipl_stat_cd = 'A'
119                     and    c_effective_date
120                            between cop.effective_start_date
121                            and     cop.effective_end_date)
122             or c_opt_id is null)
123     /* Make sure that plan being linked to covers all the programs that may
124        or may not have been stated by the user. Also link in the benefits
125        reporting group. */
126     and    (exists (select null
127                     from   ben_plip_f cpp,
128                            ben_rptg_grp bnr,
129                            ben_popl_rptg_grp rgr
130                     where  cpp.pgm_id = c_pgm_id
131                     and    cpp.pl_id = pln.pl_id
132                     and    cpp.plip_stat_cd = 'A'
133                     and    cpp.business_group_id   = pln.business_group_id
134                     and    c_effective_date
135                            between cpp.effective_start_date
136                            and     cpp.effective_end_date
137                     and    bnr.rptg_grp_id = c_rptg_grp_id
138                     and    bnr.business_group_id   = pln.business_group_id
139                     and    rgr.rptg_grp_id = bnr.rptg_grp_id
140                     and    rgr.business_group_id   = bnr.business_group_id
141                     and    rgr.pl_id = pln.pl_id)
142             or c_rptg_grp_id is null)
143     /* Make sure that plan being linked to is of the variable rate profile
144        that has been specified by the user. */
145     and    (exists (select null
146                     from   ben_acty_base_rt_f abr,
147                            ben_acty_vrbl_rt_f avr,
148                            ben_vrbl_rt_prfl_f vpf
149                     where  abr.pl_id = pln.pl_id
150                     and    abr.business_group_id   = pln.business_group_id
151                     and    c_effective_date
152                            between abr.effective_start_date
153                            and     abr.effective_end_date
154                     and    avr.acty_base_rt_id = abr.acty_base_rt_id
155                     and    avr.business_group_id   = abr.business_group_id
156                     and    c_effective_date
157                            between avr.effective_start_date
158                            and     avr.effective_end_date
159                     and    vpf.vrbl_rt_prfl_id = avr.vrbl_rt_prfl_id
160                     and    vpf.business_group_id   = avr.business_group_id
161                     and    vpf.vrbl_rt_prfl_id = c_vrbl_rt_prfl_id
162                     and    c_effective_date
163                            between vpf.effective_start_date
164                            and     vpf.effective_end_date)
165             or c_vrbl_rt_prfl_id is null)
166     /* Make sure that plan being linked to is of the enrt perd of the
167        program that has been specified by the user. */
168     /* Bug#3694695 - removed the condition below as I believe this one is used
169        for defining coverage/rate codes for plip at life event level
170        and    (exists (select null
171                     from   ben_enrt_perd_for_pl_f erp,
172                            ben_enrt_perd enp,
173                            ben_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_f pop
174                     where  erp.pl_id = pln.pl_id
175                     and    c_effective_date
176                            between erp.effective_start_date
177                            and     erp.effective_end_date
178                     and    erp.enrt_perd_id = enp.enrt_perd_id
179                     and    enp.asnd_lf_evt_dt = p_asnd_lf_evt_dt
180                      PB : 5422 : and    enp.strt_dt = (select enp1.strt_dt
181                                           from   ben_enrt_perd enp1
182                                           where  enp1.enrt_perd_id =
183                                           c_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id)
184                     and    enp.business_group_id   =
185                            erp.business_group_id
186                     and    pop.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id=enp.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id
187                     and    c_effective_date between
188                            pop.effective_start_date and pop.effective_end_date
189                     and    pop.business_group_id=enp.business_group_id
190                     and    pop.pgm_id=c_pgm_id
191                     )
192             or     not exists
193                    (select null
194                     from   ben_enrt_perd_for_pl_f erp,
195                            ben_enrt_perd enp,
196                            ben_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_f pop
197                     where  c_effective_date between
198                            erp.effective_start_date and erp.effective_end_date
199                     and    erp.enrt_perd_id = enp.enrt_perd_id
200                     and    enp.asnd_lf_evt_dt = p_asnd_lf_evt_dt
201                     /* PB : 5422 :
202                     and    enp.strt_dt = (select enp2.strt_dt
203                                            from   ben_enrt_perd enp2
204                                            where  enp2.enrt_perd_id =
205                                                   c_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id)
206                     and    enp.business_group_id = erp.business_group_id
207                     and    enp.business_group_id = pln.business_group_id
208                     and    pop.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id=enp.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id
209                     and    c_effective_date between
210                            pop.effective_start_date and pop.effective_end_date
211                     and    pop.business_group_id=enp.business_group_id
212                     and    pop.pgm_id=c_pgm_id
213                    )
215             -- PB : 5422 :
216             -- or c_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id is null
217             or p_asnd_lf_evt_dt is null
218             or pln.invk_flx_cr_pl_flag ='Y'
219             or pln.imptd_incm_calc_cd = 'PRTT')
220      */
221     /* Make sure that plan being linked to is of the eligibility profile
222        that has been specified by the user. */
223     and    (exists
224            (select null
225             from   ben_prtn_elig_f          epa2,
226                    ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f     cep,
227                    ben_eligy_prfl_f         elp
228             where  epa2.pl_id = pln.pl_id
229             and    epa2.business_group_id   = pln.business_group_id
230             and    c_effective_date
231                    between epa2.effective_start_date
232                    and     epa2.effective_end_date
233             and    cep.prtn_elig_id = epa2.prtn_elig_id
234             and    cep.business_group_id   = epa2.business_group_id
235             and    c_effective_date
236                    between cep.effective_start_date
237                    and     cep.effective_end_date
238             and    elp.eligy_prfl_id = cep.eligy_prfl_id
239             and    elp.business_group_id   = cep.business_group_id
240             and    elp.eligy_prfl_id = c_eligy_prfl_id
241             and    c_effective_date
242                    between elp.effective_start_date
243                    and     elp.effective_end_date)
244             or c_eligy_prfl_id is null)
245     order  by ctp.ordr_num ,plp.ordr_num ;
246   --
247   cursor c_noparms
248     (c_pgm_id                  number
249     ,c_effective_date          date
250     ,c_mode                    varchar2
251     )
252   is
253     select pln.pl_id,
254            pln.pl_typ_id,
255            ptp.opt_typ_cd,
256            pln.drvbl_fctr_prtn_elig_flag,
257            pln.drvbl_fctr_apls_rts_flag,
258            pln.trk_inelig_per_flag
259     from   ben_ptip_f ctp,
260            ben_pl_f pln,
261            ben_pl_typ_f ptp,
262            ben_plip_f plp
263            -- ben_popl_yr_perd cpy,
264            -- ben_yr_perd yrp
265     where
266     /* Hint joins */
267            plp.pgm_id = c_pgm_id
268     and    pln.pl_id = plp.pl_id
269     and    c_effective_date
270            between pln.effective_start_date
271            and     pln.effective_end_date
272     and    pln.pl_typ_id = ptp.pl_typ_id
273     and    c_effective_date
274       between ptp.effective_start_date
275            and     ptp.effective_end_date
276     and    ctp.pgm_id = c_pgm_id
278     and   (p_mode in ('G','D') or
279            exists (select null
280                    from ben_popl_yr_perd cpy,
281                         ben_yr_perd yrp
282                    where cpy.pl_id = pln.pl_id
283                    and    cpy.yr_perd_id = yrp.yr_perd_id
284                    and    c_effective_date
285                            between yrp.start_date
286                            and     yrp.end_date))
288     /* Histograms */
289     and    plp.plip_stat_cd = 'A'
290     and    pln.pl_stat_cd = 'A'
291     and    plp.alws_unrstrctd_enrt_flag = decode(c_mode,
292                                                  'U',
293                                                  'Y',
294 						 'D',
295 						 'Y',
296                                                  plp.alws_unrstrctd_enrt_flag)
297     and    ctp.ptip_stat_cd = 'A'
298     /* Other joins */
299     and    ctp.pl_typ_id = pln.pl_typ_id
300     and    c_effective_date
301            between plp.effective_start_date
302            and     plp.effective_end_date
303     and    c_effective_date
304            between ctp.effective_start_date
305            and     ctp.effective_end_date
306     order  by ctp.ordr_num ,plp.ordr_num;
307   --
308 begin
309   --
310 --  hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' Entering ',10);
311   --
312   l_row_num := 0;
313   --
314   if p_pl_id is null
315     and p_opt_id is null
316     and p_rptg_grp_id is null
317     and p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id is null
318     and p_eligy_prfl_id is null
319     -- PB : 5422 :
320     -- and p_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id is null
321     and p_asnd_lf_evt_dt is null
322   then
323     --
324     for obj in c_noparms
325       (c_pgm_id         => p_pgm_id
326       ,c_effective_date => p_effective_date
327       ,c_mode           => p_mode
328       )
329     loop
330       --
331       p_inst_set(l_row_num) := obj;
332       l_row_num := l_row_num+1;
333       --
334     end loop;
335     --
336   else
337     --
338     for obj in c_pln
339       (c_business_group_id     => p_business_group_id
340       ,c_effective_date        => p_effective_date
341       ,c_mode                  => p_mode
342       ,c_pgm_id                => p_pgm_id
343       ,c_pl_id                 => p_pl_id
344       ,c_opt_id                => p_opt_id
345       ,c_rptg_grp_id           => p_rptg_grp_id
346       ,c_vrbl_rt_prfl_id       => p_vrbl_rt_prfl_id
347       ,c_eligy_prfl_id         => p_eligy_prfl_id
348       -- PB : 5422 :
349       -- ,c_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id => p_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id
350       )
351     loop
352       --
353       p_inst_set(l_row_num) := obj;
354       l_row_num := l_row_num+1;
355       --
356     end loop;
357     --
358   end if;
359   --
360 --  hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' Leaving ',10);
361 exception
362   when others then
363     hr_utility.set_location (l_proc||' Leaving Others Exc ',100);
364     raise;
365 end bgpcpp_getdets;
366 --
367 procedure clear_down_cache is
368   --
369   l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'clear_down_cache';
370   --
371 begin
372   --
373   g_eedcpp_parlookup.delete;
374   g_eedcpp_lookup.delete;
375   g_eedcpp_inst.delete;
376   --
377   begin
378     --
379     dbms_session.free_unused_user_memory;
380     --
381   end;
382   --
383 end clear_down_cache;
384 --
385 end ben_pln_cache;