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1 package body IRC_PARTY_API as
2 /* $Header: irhzpapi.pkb 120.65.12020000.7 2013/01/01 17:33:43 nivsubra ship $ */
3 --Package Variables
4 --
5 g_package varchar2(33) := 'irc_party_api.';
6 --
7 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 -- |------------------------< create_candidate_internal >------------------|
9 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 --
11 procedure create_candidate_internal
12    (p_validate                  IN     boolean  default false
13    ,p_business_group_id         IN     number
14    ,p_last_name                 IN     varchar2
15    ,p_first_name                IN     varchar2 default null
16    ,p_date_of_birth             IN     date     default null
17    ,p_email_address             IN     varchar2 default null
18    ,p_title                     IN     varchar2 default null
19    ,p_gender                    IN     varchar2 default null
20    ,p_marital_status            IN     varchar2 default null
21    ,p_previous_last_name        IN     varchar2 default null
22    ,p_middle_name               IN     varchar2 default null
23    ,p_name_suffix               IN     varchar2 default null
24    ,p_known_as                  IN     varchar2 default null
25    ,p_first_name_phonetic       IN     varchar2 default null
26    ,p_last_name_phonetic        IN     varchar2 default null
27    ,p_attribute_category        IN     varchar2 default null
28    ,p_attribute1                IN     varchar2 default null
29    ,p_attribute2                IN     varchar2 default null
30    ,p_attribute3                IN     varchar2 default null
31    ,p_attribute4                IN     varchar2 default null
32    ,p_attribute5                IN     varchar2 default null
33    ,p_attribute6                IN     varchar2 default null
34    ,p_attribute7                IN     varchar2 default null
35    ,p_attribute8                IN     varchar2 default null
36    ,p_attribute9                IN     varchar2 default null
37    ,p_attribute10               IN     varchar2 default null
38    ,p_attribute11               IN     varchar2 default null
39    ,p_attribute12               IN     varchar2 default null
40    ,p_attribute13               IN     varchar2 default null
41    ,p_attribute14               IN     varchar2 default null
42    ,p_attribute15               IN     varchar2 default null
43    ,p_attribute16               IN     varchar2 default null
44    ,p_attribute17               IN     varchar2 default null
45    ,p_attribute18               IN     varchar2 default null
46    ,p_attribute19               IN     varchar2 default null
47    ,p_attribute20               IN     varchar2 default null
48    ,p_attribute21               IN     varchar2 default null
49    ,p_attribute22               IN     varchar2 default null
50    ,p_attribute23               IN     varchar2 default null
51    ,p_attribute24               IN     varchar2 default null
52    ,p_attribute25               IN     varchar2 default null
53    ,p_attribute26               IN     varchar2 default null
54    ,p_attribute27               IN     varchar2 default null
55    ,p_attribute28               IN     varchar2 default null
56    ,p_attribute29               IN     varchar2 default null
57    ,p_attribute30               IN     varchar2 default null
58    ,p_per_information_category  IN     varchar2 default null
59    ,p_per_information1          IN     varchar2 default null
60    ,p_per_information2          IN     varchar2 default null
61    ,p_per_information3          IN     varchar2 default null
62    ,p_per_information4          IN     varchar2 default null
63    ,p_per_information5          IN     varchar2 default null
64    ,p_per_information6          IN     varchar2 default null
65    ,p_per_information7          IN     varchar2 default null
66    ,p_per_information8          IN     varchar2 default null
67    ,p_per_information9          IN     varchar2 default null
68    ,p_per_information10         IN     varchar2 default null
69    ,p_per_information11         IN     varchar2 default null
70    ,p_per_information12         IN     varchar2 default null
71    ,p_per_information13         IN     varchar2 default null
72    ,p_per_information14         IN     varchar2 default null
73    ,p_per_information15         IN     varchar2 default null
74    ,p_per_information16         IN     varchar2 default null
75    ,p_per_information17         IN     varchar2 default null
76    ,p_per_information18         IN     varchar2 default null
77    ,p_per_information19         IN     varchar2 default null
78    ,p_per_information20         IN     varchar2 default null
79    ,p_per_information21         IN     varchar2 default null
80    ,p_per_information22         IN     varchar2 default null
81    ,p_per_information23         IN     varchar2 default null
82    ,p_per_information24         IN     varchar2 default null
83    ,p_per_information25         IN     varchar2 default null
84    ,p_per_information26         IN     varchar2 default null
85    ,p_per_information27         IN     varchar2 default null
86    ,p_per_information28         IN     varchar2 default null
87    ,p_per_information29         IN     varchar2 default null
88    ,p_per_information30         IN     varchar2 default null
89    ,p_nationality               IN     varchar2  default null
90    ,p_national_identifier       IN     varchar2  default null
91    ,p_town_of_birth             IN     varchar2  default null
92    ,p_region_of_birth           IN     varchar2  default null
93    ,p_country_of_birth          IN     varchar2  default null
94    ,p_allow_access              IN     varchar2 default null
95    ,p_party_id                  IN     number default null
96    ,p_start_date                IN     date default null
97    ,p_effective_start_date      OUT NOCOPY date
98    ,p_effective_end_date        OUT NOCOPY date
99    ,p_person_id                 OUT NOCOPY number) IS
100 --
101 l_proc          varchar2(72) := g_package||'create_candidate_internal';
102 l_person_id      PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.PERSON_ID%TYPE;
103 l_date_of_birth per_all_people_f.date_of_birth%type;
104 l_business_group_id per_all_people_f.business_group_id%type;
105 l_person_type_id per_all_people_f.person_type_id%type;
106 l_last_name_phonetic       hz_person_profiles.person_last_name_phonetic%type
107                            := p_last_name_phonetic;
108 --
109 -- dummy variables
110 --
111 l_object_version_number    per_all_people_f.object_version_number%type;
112 l_effective_start_date     per_all_people_f.effective_start_date%type;
113 l_effective_end_date       per_all_people_f.effective_end_date%type;
114 l_full_name                per_all_people_f.full_name%type;
115 l_comment_id               per_all_people_f.comment_id%type;
116 l_name_combination_warning boolean;
117 l_orig_hire_warning        boolean;
118 l_assign_payroll_warning   boolean;
119 l_legislation_code         per_business_groups_perf.legislation_code%type;
120 l_ptu_person_type_id       number(15);
121 l_employee_number          per_all_people_f.employee_number%type := hr_api.g_varchar2;
122 --
123 -- for disabling the descriptive flex field
124   l_add_struct_d hr_dflex_utility.l_ignore_dfcode_varray :=
125                            hr_dflex_utility.l_ignore_dfcode_varray();
126 --
127 -- cursor to select the legislation from per_business_groups_perf
128 -- corresponding to the business group
129 --
130 cursor csr_legislation_code(p_business_group_id number) is
131 select legislation_code
132 from per_business_groups_perf
133 where business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
134 --
135 -- cursor to select the person_type_id from hr_organization_inforamtion
136 -- corresponding to the recruiting flexfield on the business group
137 --
138 cursor csr_get_person_type_id(p_business_group_id number) is
139 select org_information8
140 from hr_organization_information
141 where organization_id=p_business_group_id
142 and ORG_INFORMATION_CONTEXT='BG Recruitment';
143 --
144 l_notification_preference_id number;
145 l_search_criteria_id number;
146 --
147 l_start_date date;
148 begin
149   hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: '||l_proc, 10);
150   --
151   -- Issue a savepoint
152   --
154   --
155   -- Truncate the time portion from all IN date parameters
156   --
157   l_date_of_birth := trunc(p_date_of_birth);
158   --
159   -- if the input p_start_date is NULL then
160   -- set the start date of the person record to two days in the past to allow the person to
161   -- made an applicant today, and for them to be hired today, pushing the apply date one
162   -- day in to the past if neccesary
163   --
164   if (p_start_date is NULL) then
165     l_start_date:=trunc(sysdate-2);
166   else
167     l_start_date:=trunc(p_start_date-2);
168   end if;
169   --
170   -- Call Before Process User Hook
171   --
172   begin
174     (p_business_group_id                     => p_business_group_id
175     ,p_last_name                             => p_last_name
176     ,p_first_name                            => p_first_name
177     ,p_email_address                         => p_email_address
178     ,p_date_of_birth                         => l_date_of_birth
179     ,p_title                                 => p_title
180     ,p_gender                                => p_gender
181     ,p_marital_status                        => p_marital_status
182     ,p_previous_last_name                    => p_previous_last_name
183     ,p_middle_name                           => p_middle_name
184     ,p_name_suffix                           => p_name_suffix
185     ,p_known_as                              => p_known_as
186     ,p_first_name_phonetic                   => p_first_name_phonetic
187     ,p_last_name_phonetic                    => p_last_name_phonetic
188     ,p_attribute_category                    => p_attribute_category
189     ,p_attribute1                            => p_attribute1
190     ,p_attribute2                            => p_attribute2
191     ,p_attribute3                            => p_attribute3
192     ,p_attribute4                            => p_attribute4
193     ,p_attribute5                            => p_attribute5
194     ,p_attribute6                            => p_attribute6
195     ,p_attribute7                            => p_attribute7
196     ,p_attribute8                            => p_attribute8
197     ,p_attribute9                            => p_attribute9
198     ,p_attribute10                           => p_attribute10
199     ,p_attribute11                           => p_attribute11
200     ,p_attribute12                           => p_attribute12
201     ,p_attribute13                           => p_attribute13
202     ,p_attribute14                           => p_attribute14
203     ,p_attribute15                           => p_attribute15
204     ,p_attribute16                           => p_attribute16
205     ,p_attribute17                           => p_attribute17
206     ,p_attribute18                           => p_attribute18
207     ,p_attribute19                           => p_attribute19
208     ,p_attribute20                           => p_attribute20
209     ,p_attribute21                           => p_attribute21
210     ,p_attribute22                           => p_attribute22
211     ,p_attribute23                           => p_attribute23
212     ,p_attribute24                           => p_attribute24
213     ,p_attribute25                           => p_attribute25
214     ,p_attribute26                           => p_attribute26
215     ,p_attribute27                           => p_attribute27
216     ,p_attribute28                           => p_attribute28
217     ,p_attribute29                           => p_attribute29
218     ,p_attribute30                           => p_attribute30
219     ,p_per_information_category              => p_per_information_category
220     ,p_per_information1                      => p_per_information1
221     ,p_per_information2                      => p_per_information2
222     ,p_per_information3                      => p_per_information3
223     ,p_per_information4                      => p_per_information4
224     ,p_per_information5                      => p_per_information5
225     ,p_per_information6                      => p_per_information6
226     ,p_per_information7                      => p_per_information7
227     ,p_per_information8                      => p_per_information8
228     ,p_per_information9                      => p_per_information9
229     ,p_per_information10                     => p_per_information10
230     ,p_per_information11                     => p_per_information11
231     ,p_per_information12                     => p_per_information12
232     ,p_per_information13                     => p_per_information13
233     ,p_per_information14                     => p_per_information14
234     ,p_per_information15                     => p_per_information15
235     ,p_per_information16                     => p_per_information16
236     ,p_per_information17                     => p_per_information17
237     ,p_per_information18                     => p_per_information18
238     ,p_per_information19                     => p_per_information19
239     ,p_per_information20                     => p_per_information20
240     ,p_per_information21                     => p_per_information21
241     ,p_per_information22                     => p_per_information22
242     ,p_per_information23                     => p_per_information23
243     ,p_per_information24                     => p_per_information24
244     ,p_per_information25                     => p_per_information25
245     ,p_per_information26                     => p_per_information26
246     ,p_per_information27                     => p_per_information27
247     ,p_per_information28                     => p_per_information28
248     ,p_per_information29                     => p_per_information29
249     ,p_per_information30                     => p_per_information30
250     ,p_nationality                           => p_nationality
251     ,p_national_identifier                   => p_national_identifier
252     ,p_town_of_birth                         => p_town_of_birth
253     ,p_region_of_birth                       => p_region_of_birth
254     ,p_country_of_birth                      => p_country_of_birth
255     ,p_allow_access                          => p_allow_access
256     ,p_start_date                            => l_start_date
257     ,p_party_id                              => p_party_id
258     );
259   exception
260     when hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit then
261       hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit_error
262         (p_module_name => 'CREATE_CANDIDATE_INTERNAL'
263         ,p_hook_type   => 'BP'
264         );
265   end;
266   --
267   -- Process Logic
268   -- code for disabling the descriptive flex field
269   --
270   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
271   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA';
272   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
273   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF';
274   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
275   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES';
276   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
277   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'PER_PEOPLE';
278   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
279   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'Person Developer DF';
280   --
281   hr_dflex_utility.create_ignore_df_validation(p_rec => l_add_struct_d);
282   --
283   --
284   --
285   -- Get the legislation code corrsponding to the business group id
286   --
287   open csr_legislation_code(p_business_group_id);
288   fetch csr_legislation_code into l_legislation_code;
289   close csr_legislation_code;
290   --
291   -- Get the person type id
292   --
293   open csr_get_person_type_id(p_business_group_id);
294   fetch csr_get_person_type_id into l_person_type_id;
295   close csr_get_person_type_id;
296   --
297   if l_person_type_id is null then
298     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_412156_PERS_TYPE_NOT_SET');
299     fnd_message.raise_error;
300   end if;
301   --
302   -- get the PTU person type for iRecruitment Candidate
303   --
304   l_ptu_person_type_id:=hr_person_type_usage_info.get_default_person_type_id
305                                          (p_business_group_id,
306                                           'IRC_REG_USER');
307   --
308   -- Handle Kana and Kanji names for Japan legislation
309   --
310   if (l_legislation_code = 'JP') then
312       hr_contact_api.create_irec_person
313       (p_validate                      => p_validate
314       ,p_start_date                    => l_start_date
315       ,p_business_group_id             => p_business_group_id
316       ,p_last_name                     => p_last_name
317       ,p_sex                           => p_gender
318       ,p_person_type_id                => l_person_type_id
319       ,p_date_of_birth                 => l_date_of_birth
320       ,p_email_address                 => p_email_address
321       ,p_first_name                    => p_first_name
322       ,p_known_as                      => p_known_as
323       ,p_marital_status                => p_marital_status
324       ,p_previous_last_name            => p_previous_last_name
325       ,p_title                         => p_title
326       ,p_middle_names                  => p_middle_name
327       ,p_attribute_category            => p_attribute_category
328       ,p_attribute1                    => p_attribute1
329       ,p_attribute2                    => p_attribute2
330       ,p_attribute3                    => p_attribute3
331       ,p_attribute4                    => p_attribute4
332       ,p_attribute5                    => p_attribute5
333       ,p_attribute6                    => p_attribute6
334       ,p_attribute7                    => p_attribute7
335       ,p_attribute8                    => p_attribute8
336       ,p_attribute9                    => p_attribute9
337       ,p_attribute10                   => p_attribute10
338       ,p_attribute11                   => p_attribute11
339       ,p_attribute12                   => p_attribute12
340       ,p_attribute13                   => p_attribute13
341       ,p_attribute14                   => p_attribute14
342       ,p_attribute15                   => p_attribute15
343       ,p_attribute16                   => p_attribute16
344       ,p_attribute17                   => p_attribute17
345       ,p_attribute18                   => p_attribute18
346       ,p_attribute19                   => p_attribute19
347       ,p_attribute20                   => p_attribute20
348       ,p_attribute21                   => p_attribute21
349       ,p_attribute22                   => p_attribute22
350       ,p_attribute23                   => p_attribute23
351       ,p_attribute24                   => p_attribute24
352       ,p_attribute25                   => p_attribute25
353       ,p_attribute26                   => p_attribute26
354       ,p_attribute27                   => p_attribute27
355       ,p_attribute28                   => p_attribute28
356       ,p_attribute29                   => p_attribute29
357       ,p_attribute30                   => p_attribute30
358       ,p_per_information_category      => l_legislation_code
359       ,p_per_information1              => p_per_information1
360       ,p_per_information2              => p_per_information2
361       ,p_per_information3              => p_per_information3
362       ,p_per_information4              => p_per_information4
363       ,p_per_information5              => p_per_information5
364       ,p_per_information6              => p_per_information6
365       ,p_per_information7              => p_per_information7
366       ,p_per_information8              => p_per_information8
367       ,p_per_information9              => p_per_information9
368       ,p_per_information10             => p_per_information10
369       ,p_per_information11             => p_per_information11
370       ,p_per_information12             => p_per_information12
371       ,p_per_information13             => p_per_information13
372       ,p_per_information14             => p_per_information14
373       ,p_per_information15             => p_per_information15
374       ,p_per_information16             => p_per_information16
375       ,p_per_information17             => p_per_information17
376       ,p_per_information18             => p_per_information18
377       ,p_per_information19             => p_per_information19
378       ,p_per_information20             => p_per_information20
379       ,p_per_information21             => p_per_information21
380       ,p_per_information22             => p_per_information22
381       ,p_per_information23             => p_per_information23
382       ,p_per_information24             => p_per_information24
383       ,p_per_information25             => p_per_information25
384       ,p_per_information26             => p_per_information26
385       ,p_per_information27             => p_per_information27
386       ,p_per_information28             => p_per_information28
387       ,p_per_information29             => p_per_information29
388       ,p_per_information30             => p_per_information30
389       ,p_nationality                   => p_nationality
390       ,p_national_identifier           => p_national_identifier
391       ,p_town_of_birth                 => p_town_of_birth
392       ,p_region_of_birth               => p_region_of_birth
393       ,p_country_of_birth              => p_country_of_birth
394       ,p_suffix                        => p_name_suffix
395       ,p_person_id                     => l_person_id
396       ,p_object_version_number         => l_object_version_number
397       ,p_effective_start_date          => l_effective_start_date
398       ,p_effective_end_date            => l_effective_end_date
399       ,p_full_name                     => l_full_name
400       ,p_comment_id                    => l_comment_id
401       ,p_name_combination_warning      => l_name_combination_warning
402       ,p_orig_hire_warning             => l_orig_hire_warning
403       );
404   --
405   -- Handle phonetic names for Korean legislation
406   --
407   elsif (l_legislation_code = 'KR') then
408     hr_contact_api.create_irec_person
409       (p_validate                      => p_validate
410       ,p_start_date                    => l_start_date
411       ,p_business_group_id             => p_business_group_id
412       ,p_last_name                     => p_last_name
413       ,p_sex                           => p_gender
414       ,p_person_type_id                => l_person_type_id
415       ,p_email_address                 => p_email_address
416       ,p_date_of_birth                 => l_date_of_birth
417       ,p_first_name                    => p_first_name
418       ,p_known_as                      => p_known_as
419       ,p_marital_status                => p_marital_status
420       ,p_previous_last_name            => p_previous_last_name
421       ,p_title                         => p_title
422       ,p_middle_names                  => p_middle_name
423       ,p_attribute_category            => p_attribute_category
424       ,p_attribute1                    => p_attribute1
425       ,p_attribute2                    => p_attribute2
426       ,p_attribute3                    => p_attribute3
427       ,p_attribute4                    => p_attribute4
428       ,p_attribute5                    => p_attribute5
429       ,p_attribute6                    => p_attribute6
430       ,p_attribute7                    => p_attribute7
431       ,p_attribute8                    => p_attribute8
432       ,p_attribute9                    => p_attribute9
433       ,p_attribute10                   => p_attribute10
434       ,p_attribute11                   => p_attribute11
435       ,p_attribute12                   => p_attribute12
436       ,p_attribute13                   => p_attribute13
437       ,p_attribute14                   => p_attribute14
438       ,p_attribute15                   => p_attribute15
439       ,p_attribute16                   => p_attribute16
440       ,p_attribute17                   => p_attribute17
441       ,p_attribute18                   => p_attribute18
442       ,p_attribute19                   => p_attribute19
443       ,p_attribute20                   => p_attribute20
444       ,p_attribute21                   => p_attribute21
445       ,p_attribute22                   => p_attribute22
446       ,p_attribute23                   => p_attribute23
447       ,p_attribute24                   => p_attribute24
448       ,p_attribute25                   => p_attribute25
449       ,p_attribute26                   => p_attribute26
450       ,p_attribute27                   => p_attribute27
451       ,p_attribute28                   => p_attribute28
452       ,p_attribute29                   => p_attribute29
453       ,p_attribute30                   => p_attribute30
454       ,p_per_information_category      => l_legislation_code
455       ,p_per_information1              => l_last_name_phonetic
456       ,p_per_information2              => p_first_name_phonetic
457       ,p_per_information3              => p_per_information3
458       ,p_per_information4              => p_per_information4
459       ,p_per_information5              => p_per_information5
460       ,p_per_information6              => p_per_information6
461       ,p_per_information7              => p_per_information7
462       ,p_per_information8              => p_per_information8
463       ,p_per_information9              => p_per_information9
464       ,p_per_information10             => p_per_information10
465       ,p_per_information11             => p_per_information11
466       ,p_per_information12             => p_per_information12
467       ,p_per_information13             => p_per_information13
468       ,p_per_information14             => p_per_information14
469       ,p_per_information15             => p_per_information15
470       ,p_per_information16             => p_per_information16
471       ,p_per_information17             => p_per_information17
472       ,p_per_information18             => p_per_information18
473       ,p_per_information19             => p_per_information19
474       ,p_per_information20             => p_per_information20
475       ,p_per_information21             => p_per_information21
476       ,p_per_information22             => p_per_information22
477       ,p_per_information23             => p_per_information23
478       ,p_per_information24             => p_per_information24
479       ,p_per_information25             => p_per_information25
480       ,p_per_information26             => p_per_information26
481       ,p_per_information27             => p_per_information27
482       ,p_per_information28             => p_per_information28
483       ,p_per_information29             => p_per_information29
484       ,p_per_information30             => p_per_information30
485       ,p_nationality                   => p_nationality
486       ,p_national_identifier           => p_national_identifier
487       ,p_town_of_birth                 => p_town_of_birth
488       ,p_region_of_birth               => p_region_of_birth
489       ,p_country_of_birth              => p_country_of_birth
490       ,p_suffix                        => p_name_suffix
491       ,p_person_id                     => l_person_id
492       ,p_object_version_number         => l_object_version_number
493       ,p_effective_start_date          => l_effective_start_date
494       ,p_effective_end_date            => l_effective_end_date
495       ,p_full_name                     => l_full_name
496       ,p_comment_id                    => l_comment_id
497       ,p_name_combination_warning      => l_name_combination_warning
498       ,p_orig_hire_warning             => l_orig_hire_warning
499       );
500   else
501     hr_contact_api.create_irec_person
502       (p_validate                      => p_validate
503       ,p_start_date                    => l_start_date
504       ,p_business_group_id             => p_business_group_id
505       ,p_last_name                     => p_last_name
506       ,p_sex                           => p_gender
507       ,p_person_type_id                => l_person_type_id
508       ,p_email_address                 => p_email_address
509       ,p_date_of_birth                 => l_date_of_birth
510       ,p_first_name                    => p_first_name
511       ,p_known_as                      => p_known_as
512       ,p_marital_status                => p_marital_status
513       ,p_previous_last_name            => p_previous_last_name
514       ,p_title                         => p_title
515       ,p_middle_names                  => p_middle_name
516       ,p_attribute_category            => p_attribute_category
517       ,p_attribute1                    => p_attribute1
518       ,p_attribute2                    => p_attribute2
519       ,p_attribute3                    => p_attribute3
520       ,p_attribute4                    => p_attribute4
521       ,p_attribute5                    => p_attribute5
522       ,p_attribute6                    => p_attribute6
523       ,p_attribute7                    => p_attribute7
524       ,p_attribute8                    => p_attribute8
525       ,p_attribute9                    => p_attribute9
526       ,p_attribute10                   => p_attribute10
527       ,p_attribute11                   => p_attribute11
528       ,p_attribute12                   => p_attribute12
529       ,p_attribute13                   => p_attribute13
530       ,p_attribute14                   => p_attribute14
531       ,p_attribute15                   => p_attribute15
532       ,p_attribute16                   => p_attribute16
533       ,p_attribute17                   => p_attribute17
534       ,p_attribute18                   => p_attribute18
535       ,p_attribute19                   => p_attribute19
536       ,p_attribute20                   => p_attribute20
537       ,p_attribute21                   => p_attribute21
538       ,p_attribute22                   => p_attribute22
539       ,p_attribute23                   => p_attribute23
540       ,p_attribute24                   => p_attribute24
541       ,p_attribute25                   => p_attribute25
542       ,p_attribute26                   => p_attribute26
543       ,p_attribute27                   => p_attribute27
544       ,p_attribute28                   => p_attribute28
545       ,p_attribute29                   => p_attribute29
546       ,p_attribute30                   => p_attribute30
547       ,p_per_information_category      => l_legislation_code
548       ,p_per_information1              => p_per_information1
549       ,p_per_information2              => p_per_information2
550       ,p_per_information3              => p_per_information3
551       ,p_per_information4              => p_per_information4
552       ,p_per_information5              => p_per_information5
553       ,p_per_information6              => p_per_information6
554       ,p_per_information7              => p_per_information7
555       ,p_per_information8              => p_per_information8
556       ,p_per_information9              => p_per_information9
557       ,p_per_information10             => p_per_information10
558       ,p_per_information11             => p_per_information11
559       ,p_per_information12             => p_per_information12
560       ,p_per_information13             => p_per_information13
561       ,p_per_information14             => p_per_information14
562       ,p_per_information15             => p_per_information15
563       ,p_per_information16             => p_per_information16
564       ,p_per_information17             => p_per_information17
565       ,p_per_information18             => p_per_information18
566       ,p_per_information19             => p_per_information19
567       ,p_per_information20             => p_per_information20
568       ,p_per_information21             => p_per_information21
569       ,p_per_information22             => p_per_information22
570       ,p_per_information23             => p_per_information23
571       ,p_per_information24             => p_per_information24
572       ,p_per_information25             => p_per_information25
573       ,p_per_information26             => p_per_information26
574       ,p_per_information27             => p_per_information27
575       ,p_per_information28             => p_per_information28
576       ,p_per_information29             => p_per_information29
577       ,p_per_information30             => p_per_information30
578       ,p_nationality                   => p_nationality
579       ,p_national_identifier           => p_national_identifier
580       ,p_town_of_birth                 => p_town_of_birth
581       ,p_region_of_birth               => p_region_of_birth
582       ,p_country_of_birth              => p_country_of_birth
583       ,p_suffix                        => p_name_suffix
584       ,p_person_id                     => l_person_id
585       ,p_object_version_number         => l_object_version_number
586       ,p_effective_start_date          => l_effective_start_date
587       ,p_effective_end_date            => l_effective_end_date
588       ,p_full_name                     => l_full_name
589       ,p_comment_id                    => l_comment_id
590       ,p_name_combination_warning      => l_name_combination_warning
591       ,p_orig_hire_warning             => l_orig_hire_warning
592       );
593   end if;
594   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 40);
596   -- calling this will associate the TCA party with the newly created Candidate and prevent PTU code from
597   -- creating a new TCA record
598   if p_party_id is not NULL then
599      hr_person_api.update_person(p_effective_date           => l_start_date
600                                 ,p_datetrack_update_mode    => 'CORRECTION'
601                                                                 ,p_person_id                => l_person_id
602                                                                 ,p_party_id                 => p_party_id
603                                                                 ,p_employee_number          => l_employee_number /* CHECK THIS*/
604                                                                 ,p_object_version_number    => l_object_version_number
605                                                                 ,p_effective_start_date     => l_effective_start_date
606                                 ,p_effective_end_date       => l_effective_end_date
607                                 ,p_full_name                => l_full_name
608                                 ,p_comment_id               => l_comment_id
609                                 ,p_name_combination_warning => l_name_combination_warning
610                                 ,p_assign_payroll_warning   => l_assign_payroll_warning
611                                 ,p_orig_hire_warning        => l_orig_hire_warning
612                                                                 );
613   end if;
615   --
616   -- create the extra PTU entry for iRecruitment Candidate
617   --
618   hr_per_type_usage_internal.maintain_person_type_usage
619   (p_effective_date       => l_start_date
620   ,p_person_id            => l_person_id
621   ,p_person_type_id       => l_ptu_person_type_id
622   );
623   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 45);
624   --
625   -- Call After Process User Hook
626   --
627   begin
629       (p_business_group_id            => p_business_group_id
630       ,p_last_name                    => p_last_name
631       ,p_first_name                   => p_first_name
632       ,p_email_address                => p_email_address
633       ,p_date_of_birth                => l_date_of_birth
634       ,p_title                        => p_title
635       ,p_gender                       => p_gender
636       ,p_marital_status               => p_marital_status
637       ,p_previous_last_name           => p_previous_last_name
638       ,p_middle_name                  => p_middle_name
639       ,p_name_suffix                  => p_name_suffix
640       ,p_known_as                     => p_known_as
641       ,p_first_name_phonetic          => p_first_name_phonetic
642       ,p_last_name_phonetic           => p_last_name_phonetic
643       ,p_attribute_category           => p_attribute_category
644       ,p_attribute1                   => p_attribute1
645       ,p_attribute2                   => p_attribute2
646       ,p_attribute3                   => p_attribute3
647       ,p_attribute4                   => p_attribute4
648       ,p_attribute5                   => p_attribute5
649       ,p_attribute6                   => p_attribute6
650       ,p_attribute7                   => p_attribute7
651       ,p_attribute8                   => p_attribute8
652       ,p_attribute9                   => p_attribute9
653       ,p_attribute10                  => p_attribute10
654       ,p_attribute11                  => p_attribute11
655       ,p_attribute12                  => p_attribute12
656       ,p_attribute13                  => p_attribute13
657       ,p_attribute14                  => p_attribute14
658       ,p_attribute15                  => p_attribute15
659       ,p_attribute16                  => p_attribute16
660       ,p_attribute17                  => p_attribute17
661       ,p_attribute18                  => p_attribute18
662       ,p_attribute19                  => p_attribute19
663       ,p_attribute20                  => p_attribute20
664       ,p_attribute21                  => p_attribute21
665       ,p_attribute22                  => p_attribute22
666       ,p_attribute23                  => p_attribute23
667       ,p_attribute24                  => p_attribute24
668       ,p_attribute25                  => p_attribute25
669       ,p_attribute26                  => p_attribute26
670       ,p_attribute27                  => p_attribute27
671       ,p_attribute28                  => p_attribute28
672       ,p_attribute29                  => p_attribute29
673       ,p_attribute30                  => p_attribute30
674       ,p_per_information_category     => p_per_information_category
675       ,p_per_information1             => p_per_information1
676       ,p_per_information2             => p_per_information2
677       ,p_per_information3             => p_per_information3
678       ,p_per_information4             => p_per_information4
679       ,p_per_information5             => p_per_information5
680       ,p_per_information6             => p_per_information6
681       ,p_per_information7             => p_per_information7
682       ,p_per_information8             => p_per_information8
683       ,p_per_information9             => p_per_information9
684       ,p_per_information10            => p_per_information10
685       ,p_per_information11            => p_per_information11
686       ,p_per_information12            => p_per_information12
687       ,p_per_information13            => p_per_information13
688       ,p_per_information14            => p_per_information14
689       ,p_per_information15            => p_per_information15
690       ,p_per_information16            => p_per_information16
691       ,p_per_information17            => p_per_information17
692       ,p_per_information18            => p_per_information18
693       ,p_per_information19            => p_per_information19
694       ,p_per_information20            => p_per_information20
695       ,p_per_information21            => p_per_information21
696       ,p_per_information22            => p_per_information22
697       ,p_per_information23            => p_per_information23
698       ,p_per_information24            => p_per_information24
699       ,p_per_information25            => p_per_information25
700       ,p_per_information26            => p_per_information26
701       ,p_per_information27            => p_per_information27
702       ,p_per_information28            => p_per_information28
703       ,p_per_information29            => p_per_information29
704       ,p_per_information30            => p_per_information30
705       ,p_nationality                  => p_nationality
706       ,p_national_identifier          => p_national_identifier
707       ,p_town_of_birth                => p_town_of_birth
708       ,p_region_of_birth              => p_region_of_birth
709       ,p_country_of_birth             => p_country_of_birth
710       ,p_person_id                    => l_person_id
711       ,p_effective_start_date         => l_effective_start_date
712       ,p_effective_end_date           => l_effective_end_date
713       ,p_allow_access                 => p_allow_access
714       ,p_start_date                   => l_start_date
715       ,p_party_id                     => p_party_id
716      );
717   exception
718     when hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit then
719       hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit_error
720         (p_module_name => 'CREATE_CANDIDATE_INTERNAL'
721         ,p_hook_type   => 'AP'
722         );
723   end;
724   --
725   -- When IN validation only mode raise the Validate_Enabled exception
726   --
727   if p_validate then
728     raise hr_api.validate_enabled;
729   end if;
730   --
731   -- Set all output arguments
732   --
733   p_person_id                := l_person_id;
734   p_effective_start_date     := l_effective_start_date;
735   p_effective_end_date       := l_effective_end_date;
736  --
737   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 70);
739   exception
740   when hr_Api.validate_enabled then
741     --
742     -- As the Validate_Enabled exception has been raised
743     -- we must rollback to the savepoint
744     --
745     rollback to CREATE_CANDIDATE_INTERNAL;
746     --
747     -- Only set output warning arguments
748     -- (Any key or derived arguments must be set to null
749     -- when validation only mode is beINg used.)
750     --
751     p_person_id               := null;
752     p_effective_start_date    := null;
753     p_effective_start_date    := null;
754    hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 80);
755   when others then
756     --
757     -- A validation or unexpected error has occured
758     --
759     rollback to CREATE_CANDIDATE_INTERNAL;
760     --
761     p_person_id               := null;
762     p_effective_start_date    := null;
763     p_effective_start_date    := null;
764     --
765     hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 90);
766     raise;
767 end create_candidate_internal;
768 --
769 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
770 -- |------------------------< create_registered_user >----------------------|
771 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
772 --
773 procedure create_registered_user
774    (p_validate                  IN     boolean  default false
775    ,p_last_name                 IN     varchar2
776    ,p_first_name                IN     varchar2 default null
777    ,p_date_of_birth             IN     date     default null
778    ,p_email_address             IN     varchar2 default null
779    ,p_title                     IN     varchar2 default null
780    ,p_gender                    IN     varchar2 default null
781    ,p_marital_status            IN     varchar2 default null
782    ,p_previous_last_name        IN     varchar2 default null
783    ,p_middle_name               IN     varchar2 default null
784    ,p_name_suffix               IN     varchar2 default null
785    ,p_known_as                  IN     varchar2 default null
786    ,p_first_name_phonetic       IN     varchar2 default null
787    ,p_last_name_phonetic        IN     varchar2 default null
788    ,p_attribute_category        IN     varchar2 default null
789    ,p_attribute1                IN     varchar2 default null
790    ,p_attribute2                IN     varchar2 default null
791    ,p_attribute3                IN     varchar2 default null
792    ,p_attribute4                IN     varchar2 default null
793    ,p_attribute5                IN     varchar2 default null
794    ,p_attribute6                IN     varchar2 default null
795    ,p_attribute7                IN     varchar2 default null
796    ,p_attribute8                IN     varchar2 default null
797    ,p_attribute9                IN     varchar2 default null
798    ,p_attribute10               IN     varchar2 default null
799    ,p_attribute11               IN     varchar2 default null
800    ,p_attribute12               IN     varchar2 default null
801    ,p_attribute13               IN     varchar2 default null
802    ,p_attribute14               IN     varchar2 default null
803    ,p_attribute15               IN     varchar2 default null
804    ,p_attribute16               IN     varchar2 default null
805    ,p_attribute17               IN     varchar2 default null
806    ,p_attribute18               IN     varchar2 default null
807    ,p_attribute19               IN     varchar2 default null
808    ,p_attribute20               IN     varchar2 default null
809    ,p_attribute21               IN     varchar2 default null
810    ,p_attribute22               IN     varchar2 default null
811    ,p_attribute23               IN     varchar2 default null
812    ,p_attribute24               IN     varchar2 default null
813    ,p_attribute25               IN     varchar2 default null
814    ,p_attribute26               IN     varchar2 default null
815    ,p_attribute27               IN     varchar2 default null
816    ,p_attribute28               IN     varchar2 default null
817    ,p_attribute29               IN     varchar2 default null
818    ,p_attribute30               IN     varchar2 default null
819    ,p_per_information_category  IN     varchar2 default null
820    ,p_per_information1          IN     varchar2 default null
821    ,p_per_information2          IN     varchar2 default null
822    ,p_per_information3          IN     varchar2 default null
823    ,p_per_information4          IN     varchar2 default null
824    ,p_per_information5          IN     varchar2 default null
825    ,p_per_information6          IN     varchar2 default null
826    ,p_per_information7          IN     varchar2 default null
827    ,p_per_information8          IN     varchar2 default null
828    ,p_per_information9          IN     varchar2 default null
829    ,p_per_information10         IN     varchar2 default null
830    ,p_per_information11         IN     varchar2 default null
831    ,p_per_information12         IN     varchar2 default null
832    ,p_per_information13         IN     varchar2 default null
833    ,p_per_information14         IN     varchar2 default null
834    ,p_per_information15         IN     varchar2 default null
835    ,p_per_information16         IN     varchar2 default null
836    ,p_per_information17         IN     varchar2 default null
837    ,p_per_information18         IN     varchar2 default null
838    ,p_per_information19         IN     varchar2 default null
839    ,p_per_information20         IN     varchar2 default null
840    ,p_per_information21         IN     varchar2 default null
841    ,p_per_information22         IN     varchar2 default null
842    ,p_per_information23         IN     varchar2 default null
843    ,p_per_information24         IN     varchar2 default null
844    ,p_per_information25         IN     varchar2 default null
845    ,p_per_information26         IN     varchar2 default null
846    ,p_per_information27         IN     varchar2 default null
847    ,p_per_information28         IN     varchar2 default null
848    ,p_per_information29         IN     varchar2 default null
849    ,p_per_information30         IN     varchar2 default null
850    ,p_allow_access              IN     varchar2 default null
851    ,p_start_date                IN     date     default null
852    ,p_effective_start_date      OUT NOCOPY date
853    ,p_effective_end_date        OUT NOCOPY date
854    ,p_person_id                 OUT NOCOPY number) IS
855 --
856 l_proc          varchar2(72) := g_package||'create_registered_user';
857 l_person_id      PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.PERSON_ID%TYPE;
858 l_date_of_birth per_all_people_f.date_of_birth%type;
859 l_business_group_id per_all_people_f.business_group_id%type;
860 l_person_type_id per_all_people_f.person_type_id%type;
861 l_last_name_phonetic       hz_person_profiles.person_last_name_phonetic%type
862                            := p_last_name_phonetic;
863 --
864 -- dummy variables
865 --
866 l_object_version_number    per_all_people_f.object_version_number%type;
867 l_effective_start_date     per_all_people_f.effective_start_date%type;
868 l_effective_end_date       per_all_people_f.effective_end_date%type;
869 l_full_name                per_all_people_f.full_name%type;
870 l_comment_id               per_all_people_f.comment_id%type;
871 l_name_combination_warning boolean;
872 l_orig_hire_warning        boolean;
873 l_legislation_code         per_business_groups_perf.legislation_code%type;
874 l_ptu_person_type_id       number(15);
875 --
876 -- for disabling the descriptive flex field
877   l_add_struct_d hr_dflex_utility.l_ignore_dfcode_varray :=
878                            hr_dflex_utility.l_ignore_dfcode_varray();
879 --
880 -- cursor to select the legislation from per_business_groups_perf
881 -- corresponding to the business group
882 --
883 cursor csr_legislation_code(p_business_group_id number) is
884 select legislation_code
885 from per_business_groups_perf
886 where business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
887 --
888 -- cursor to select the person_type_id from hr_organization_inforamtion
889 -- corresponding to the recruiting flexfield on the business group
890 --
891 cursor csr_get_person_type_id(p_business_group_id number) is
892 select org_information8
893 from hr_organization_information
894 where organization_id=p_business_group_id
895 and ORG_INFORMATION_CONTEXT='BG Recruitment';
896 --
897 l_notification_preference_id number;
898 l_search_criteria_id number;
899 --
900 l_start_date date;
901 begin
902   hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: '||l_proc, 10);
903   --
904   -- Issue a savepoint
905   --
907   --
908   -- Truncate the time portion from all IN date parameters
909   --
910   l_date_of_birth := trunc(p_date_of_birth);
911   --
912   -- set the start date of the person record to two days in the past to allow the person to
913   -- made an applicant today, and for them to be hired today, pushing the apply date one
914   -- day in to the past if neccesary
915   --
916   l_start_date:=trunc(sysdate-2);
917   --
918   -- Call Before Process User Hook
919   --
920   begin
922     (p_last_name                             => p_last_name
923     ,p_first_name                            => p_first_name
924     ,p_email_address                         => p_email_address
925     ,p_date_of_birth                         => l_date_of_birth
926     ,p_title                                 => p_title
927     ,p_gender                                => p_gender
928     ,p_marital_status                        => p_marital_status
929     ,p_previous_last_name                    => p_previous_last_name
930     ,p_middle_name                           => p_middle_name
931     ,p_name_suffix                           => p_name_suffix
932     ,p_known_as                              => p_known_as
933     ,p_first_name_phonetic                   => p_first_name_phonetic
934     ,p_last_name_phonetic                    => p_last_name_phonetic
935     ,p_attribute_category                    => p_attribute_category
936     ,p_attribute1                            => p_attribute1
937     ,p_attribute2                            => p_attribute2
938     ,p_attribute3                            => p_attribute3
939     ,p_attribute4                            => p_attribute4
940     ,p_attribute5                            => p_attribute5
941     ,p_attribute6                            => p_attribute6
942     ,p_attribute7                            => p_attribute7
943     ,p_attribute8                            => p_attribute8
944     ,p_attribute9                            => p_attribute9
945     ,p_attribute10                           => p_attribute10
946     ,p_attribute11                           => p_attribute11
947     ,p_attribute12                           => p_attribute12
948     ,p_attribute13                           => p_attribute13
949     ,p_attribute14                           => p_attribute14
950     ,p_attribute15                           => p_attribute15
951     ,p_attribute16                           => p_attribute16
952     ,p_attribute17                           => p_attribute17
953     ,p_attribute18                           => p_attribute18
954     ,p_attribute19                           => p_attribute19
955     ,p_attribute20                           => p_attribute20
956     ,p_attribute21                           => p_attribute21
957     ,p_attribute22                           => p_attribute22
958     ,p_attribute23                           => p_attribute23
959     ,p_attribute24                           => p_attribute24
960     ,p_attribute25                           => p_attribute25
961     ,p_attribute26                           => p_attribute26
962     ,p_attribute27                           => p_attribute27
963     ,p_attribute28                           => p_attribute28
964     ,p_attribute29                           => p_attribute29
965     ,p_attribute30                           => p_attribute30
966     ,p_per_information_category              => p_per_information_category
967     ,p_per_information1                      => p_per_information1
968     ,p_per_information2                      => p_per_information2
969     ,p_per_information3                      => p_per_information3
970     ,p_per_information4                      => p_per_information4
971     ,p_per_information5                      => p_per_information5
972     ,p_per_information6                      => p_per_information6
973     ,p_per_information7                      => p_per_information7
974     ,p_per_information8                      => p_per_information8
975     ,p_per_information9                      => p_per_information9
976     ,p_per_information10                     => p_per_information10
977     ,p_per_information11                     => p_per_information11
978     ,p_per_information12                     => p_per_information12
979     ,p_per_information13                     => p_per_information13
980     ,p_per_information14                     => p_per_information14
981     ,p_per_information15                     => p_per_information15
982     ,p_per_information16                     => p_per_information16
983     ,p_per_information17                     => p_per_information17
984     ,p_per_information18                     => p_per_information18
985     ,p_per_information19                     => p_per_information19
986     ,p_per_information20                     => p_per_information20
987     ,p_per_information21                     => p_per_information21
988     ,p_per_information22                     => p_per_information22
989     ,p_per_information23                     => p_per_information23
990     ,p_per_information24                     => p_per_information24
991     ,p_per_information25                     => p_per_information25
992     ,p_per_information26                     => p_per_information26
993     ,p_per_information27                     => p_per_information27
994     ,p_per_information28                     => p_per_information28
995     ,p_per_information29                     => p_per_information29
996     ,p_per_information30                     => p_per_information30
997     ,p_allow_access                          => p_allow_access
998     ,p_start_date                            => p_start_date
999     );
1000   exception
1001     when hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit then
1002       hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit_error
1003         (p_module_name => 'CREATE_REGISTERED_USER'
1004         ,p_hook_type   => 'BP'
1005         );
1006   end;
1007   --
1008   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 10);
1009   --
1010   -- Process Logic
1011   -- code for disabling the descriptive flex field
1012   --
1013   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
1014   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA';
1015   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
1016   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF';
1017   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
1018   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES';
1019   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
1020   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'PER_PEOPLE';
1021   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
1022   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'Person Developer DF';
1023   --
1024   hr_dflex_utility.create_ignore_df_validation(p_rec => l_add_struct_d);
1025   --
1026   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
1027   --
1028   --
1029   -- Get the business group id from profile
1030   --
1031   l_business_group_id := fnd_profile.value('IRC_REGISTRATION_BG_ID');
1032   --
1033   if l_business_group_id is null then
1034     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_412155_REG_BG_NOT_SET');
1035     fnd_message.raise_error;
1036   end if;
1037   --
1038   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 30);
1039   --
1041     (p_business_group_id                     => l_business_group_id
1042     ,p_last_name                             => p_last_name
1043     ,p_first_name                            => p_first_name
1044     ,p_email_address                         => p_email_address
1045     ,p_date_of_birth                         => p_date_of_birth
1046     ,p_title                                 => p_title
1047     ,p_gender                                => p_gender
1048     ,p_marital_status                        => p_marital_status
1049     ,p_previous_last_name                    => p_previous_last_name
1050     ,p_middle_name                           => p_middle_name
1051     ,p_name_suffix                           => p_name_suffix
1052     ,p_known_as                              => p_known_as
1053     ,p_first_name_phonetic                   => p_first_name_phonetic
1054     ,p_last_name_phonetic                    => p_last_name_phonetic
1055     ,p_attribute_category                    => p_attribute_category
1056     ,p_attribute1                            => p_attribute1
1057     ,p_attribute2                            => p_attribute2
1058     ,p_attribute3                            => p_attribute3
1059     ,p_attribute4                            => p_attribute4
1060     ,p_attribute5                            => p_attribute5
1061     ,p_attribute6                            => p_attribute6
1062     ,p_attribute7                            => p_attribute7
1063     ,p_attribute8                            => p_attribute8
1064     ,p_attribute9                            => p_attribute9
1065     ,p_attribute10                           => p_attribute10
1066     ,p_attribute11                           => p_attribute11
1067     ,p_attribute12                           => p_attribute12
1068     ,p_attribute13                           => p_attribute13
1069     ,p_attribute14                           => p_attribute14
1070     ,p_attribute15                           => p_attribute15
1071     ,p_attribute16                           => p_attribute16
1072     ,p_attribute17                           => p_attribute17
1073     ,p_attribute18                           => p_attribute18
1074     ,p_attribute19                           => p_attribute19
1075     ,p_attribute20                           => p_attribute20
1076     ,p_attribute21                           => p_attribute21
1077     ,p_attribute22                           => p_attribute22
1078     ,p_attribute23                           => p_attribute23
1079     ,p_attribute24                           => p_attribute24
1080     ,p_attribute25                           => p_attribute25
1081     ,p_attribute26                           => p_attribute26
1082     ,p_attribute27                           => p_attribute27
1083     ,p_attribute28                           => p_attribute28
1084     ,p_attribute29                           => p_attribute29
1085     ,p_attribute30                           => p_attribute30
1086     ,p_per_information_category              => p_per_information_category
1087     ,p_per_information1                      => p_per_information1
1088     ,p_per_information2                      => p_per_information2
1089     ,p_per_information3                      => p_per_information3
1090     ,p_per_information4                      => p_per_information4
1091     ,p_per_information5                      => p_per_information5
1092     ,p_per_information6                      => p_per_information6
1093     ,p_per_information7                      => p_per_information7
1094     ,p_per_information8                      => p_per_information8
1095     ,p_per_information9                      => p_per_information9
1096     ,p_per_information10                     => p_per_information10
1097     ,p_per_information11                     => p_per_information11
1098     ,p_per_information12                     => p_per_information12
1099     ,p_per_information13                     => p_per_information13
1100     ,p_per_information14                     => p_per_information14
1101     ,p_per_information15                     => p_per_information15
1102     ,p_per_information16                     => p_per_information16
1103     ,p_per_information17                     => p_per_information17
1104     ,p_per_information18                     => p_per_information18
1105     ,p_per_information19                     => p_per_information19
1106     ,p_per_information20                     => p_per_information20
1107     ,p_per_information21                     => p_per_information21
1108     ,p_per_information22                     => p_per_information22
1109     ,p_per_information23                     => p_per_information23
1110     ,p_per_information24                     => p_per_information24
1111     ,p_per_information25                     => p_per_information25
1112     ,p_per_information26                     => p_per_information26
1113     ,p_per_information27                     => p_per_information27
1114     ,p_per_information28                     => p_per_information28
1115     ,p_per_information29                     => p_per_information29
1116     ,p_per_information30                     => p_per_information30
1117     ,p_allow_access                          => p_allow_access
1118     ,p_start_date                            => p_start_date
1119     ,p_effective_start_date                  => l_effective_start_date
1120     ,p_effective_end_date                    => l_effective_end_date
1121     ,p_person_id                             => l_person_id
1122     );
1123   --
1124   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 40);
1125   --
1126   -- create notification preferences
1127   --
1128   irc_notification_prefs_api.create_notification_prefs
1129   (p_validate=>p_validate
1130   ,p_person_id =>l_person_id
1131   ,p_effective_date=>trunc(sysdate)
1132   ,p_notification_preference_id=>l_notification_preference_id
1133   ,p_object_version_number =>l_object_version_number
1134   ,p_allow_access => p_allow_access);
1135   --
1136   --
1137   -- create a work preference row
1138   --
1139   irc_search_criteria_api.create_work_choices
1140   (p_validate=>p_validate
1141   ,p_effective_date=>trunc(sysdate)
1142   ,p_person_id =>l_person_id
1143   ,p_employee=>'Y'
1144   ,p_contractor=>'Y'
1145   ,p_object_version_number=>l_object_version_number
1146   ,p_search_criteria_id=>l_search_criteria_id);
1147   --
1148   -- Call After Process User Hook
1149   --
1150   begin
1152       (
1153        p_last_name                    => p_last_name
1154       ,p_first_name                   => p_first_name
1155       ,p_email_address                => p_email_address
1156       ,p_date_of_birth                => l_date_of_birth
1157       ,p_title                        => p_title
1158       ,p_gender                       => p_gender
1159       ,p_marital_status               => p_marital_status
1160       ,p_previous_last_name           => p_previous_last_name
1161       ,p_middle_name                  => p_middle_name
1162       ,p_name_suffix                  => p_name_suffix
1163       ,p_known_as                     => p_known_as
1164       ,p_first_name_phonetic          => p_first_name_phonetic
1165       ,p_last_name_phonetic           => p_last_name_phonetic
1166       ,p_attribute_category           => p_attribute_category
1167       ,p_attribute1                   => p_attribute1
1168       ,p_attribute2                   => p_attribute2
1169       ,p_attribute3                   => p_attribute3
1170       ,p_attribute4                   => p_attribute4
1171       ,p_attribute5                   => p_attribute5
1172       ,p_attribute6                   => p_attribute6
1173       ,p_attribute7                   => p_attribute7
1174       ,p_attribute8                   => p_attribute8
1175       ,p_attribute9                   => p_attribute9
1176       ,p_attribute10                  => p_attribute10
1177       ,p_attribute11                  => p_attribute11
1178       ,p_attribute12                  => p_attribute12
1179       ,p_attribute13                  => p_attribute13
1180       ,p_attribute14                  => p_attribute14
1181       ,p_attribute15                  => p_attribute15
1182       ,p_attribute16                  => p_attribute16
1183       ,p_attribute17                  => p_attribute17
1184       ,p_attribute18                  => p_attribute18
1185       ,p_attribute19                  => p_attribute19
1186       ,p_attribute20                  => p_attribute20
1187       ,p_attribute21                  => p_attribute21
1188       ,p_attribute22                  => p_attribute22
1189       ,p_attribute23                  => p_attribute23
1190       ,p_attribute24                  => p_attribute24
1191       ,p_attribute25                  => p_attribute25
1192       ,p_attribute26                  => p_attribute26
1193       ,p_attribute27                  => p_attribute27
1194       ,p_attribute28                  => p_attribute28
1195       ,p_attribute29                  => p_attribute29
1196       ,p_attribute30                  => p_attribute30
1197       ,p_per_information_category     => p_per_information_category
1198       ,p_per_information1             => p_per_information1
1199       ,p_per_information2             => p_per_information2
1200       ,p_per_information3             => p_per_information3
1201       ,p_per_information4             => p_per_information4
1202       ,p_per_information5             => p_per_information5
1203       ,p_per_information6             => p_per_information6
1204       ,p_per_information7             => p_per_information7
1205       ,p_per_information8             => p_per_information8
1206       ,p_per_information9             => p_per_information9
1207       ,p_per_information10            => p_per_information10
1208       ,p_per_information11            => p_per_information11
1209       ,p_per_information12            => p_per_information12
1210       ,p_per_information13            => p_per_information13
1211       ,p_per_information14            => p_per_information14
1212       ,p_per_information15            => p_per_information15
1213       ,p_per_information16            => p_per_information16
1214       ,p_per_information17            => p_per_information17
1215       ,p_per_information18            => p_per_information18
1216       ,p_per_information19            => p_per_information19
1217       ,p_per_information20            => p_per_information20
1218       ,p_per_information21            => p_per_information21
1219       ,p_per_information22            => p_per_information22
1220       ,p_per_information23            => p_per_information23
1221       ,p_per_information24            => p_per_information24
1222       ,p_per_information25            => p_per_information25
1223       ,p_per_information26            => p_per_information26
1224       ,p_per_information27            => p_per_information27
1225       ,p_per_information28            => p_per_information28
1226       ,p_per_information29            => p_per_information29
1227       ,p_per_information30            => p_per_information30
1228       ,p_person_id                    => l_person_id
1229       ,p_effective_start_date         => l_effective_start_date
1230       ,p_effective_end_date           => l_effective_end_date
1231       ,p_allow_access                 => p_allow_access
1232       ,p_start_date                   => p_start_date
1233      );
1234   exception
1235     when hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit then
1236       hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit_error
1237         (p_module_name => 'CREATE_REGISTERED_USER'
1238         ,p_hook_type   => 'AP'
1239         );
1240   end;
1241   --
1242   -- When IN validation only mode raise the Validate_Enabled exception
1243   --
1244   if p_validate then
1245     raise hr_api.validate_enabled;
1246   end if;
1247   --
1248   -- Set all output arguments
1249   --
1250   p_person_id                := l_person_id;
1251   p_effective_start_date     := l_effective_start_date;
1252   p_effective_end_date       := l_effective_end_date;
1253   --
1254   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 70);
1255   --
1256   exception
1257   when hr_Api.validate_enabled then
1258     --
1259     -- As the Validate_Enabled exception has been raised
1260     -- we must rollback to the savepoint
1261     --
1262     rollback to CREATE_REGISTERED_USER;
1263     --
1264     -- Only set output warning arguments
1265     -- (Any key or derived arguments must be set to null
1266     -- when validation only mode is beINg used.)
1267     --
1268     p_person_id               := null;
1269     p_effective_start_date    := null;
1270     p_effective_start_date    := null;
1271    hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 80);
1272   when others then
1273     --
1274     -- A validation or unexpected error has occured
1275     --
1276     rollback to CREATE_REGISTERED_USER;
1277     --
1278     p_person_id               := null;
1279     p_effective_start_date    := null;
1280     p_effective_start_date    := null;
1281     --
1282     hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 90);
1283     raise;
1284 end create_registered_user;
1285 --
1286 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1287 -- |-----------------------< update_registered_user >----------------------|
1288 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1289 --
1290 procedure update_registered_user
1291    (p_validate                  IN     boolean  default false
1292    ,p_effective_date            IN     date
1293    ,p_person_id                 IN     number
1294    ,p_first_name                IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1295    ,p_last_name                 IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1296    ,p_date_of_birth             IN     date     default hr_api.g_date
1297    ,p_title                     IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1298    ,p_gender                    IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1299    ,p_marital_status            IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1300    ,p_previous_last_name        IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1301    ,p_middle_name               IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1302    ,p_name_suffix               IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1303    ,p_known_as                  IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1304    ,p_first_name_phonetic       IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1305    ,p_last_name_phonetic        IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1306    ,p_attribute_category        IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1307    ,p_attribute1                IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1308    ,p_attribute2                IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1309    ,p_attribute3                IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1310    ,p_attribute4                IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1311    ,p_attribute5                IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1312    ,p_attribute6                IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1313    ,p_attribute7                IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1314    ,p_attribute8                IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1315    ,p_attribute9                IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1316    ,p_attribute10               IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1317    ,p_attribute11               IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1318    ,p_attribute12               IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1319    ,p_attribute13               IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1320    ,p_attribute14               IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1321    ,p_attribute15               IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1322    ,p_attribute16               IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1323    ,p_attribute17               IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1324    ,p_attribute18               IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1325    ,p_attribute19               IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1326    ,p_attribute20               IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1327    ,p_attribute21               IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1328    ,p_attribute22               IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1329    ,p_attribute23               IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1330    ,p_attribute24               IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1331    ,p_attribute25               IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1332    ,p_attribute26               IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1333    ,p_attribute27               IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1334    ,p_attribute28               IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1335    ,p_attribute29               IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1336    ,p_attribute30               IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1337    ,p_per_information_category  IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1338    ,p_per_information1          IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1339    ,p_per_information2          IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1340    ,p_per_information3          IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1341    ,p_per_information4          IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1342    ,p_per_information5          IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1343    ,p_per_information6          IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1344    ,p_per_information7          IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1345    ,p_per_information8          IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1346    ,p_per_information9          IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1347    ,p_per_information10         IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1348    ,p_per_information11         IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1349    ,p_per_information12         IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1350    ,p_per_information13         IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1351    ,p_per_information14         IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1352    ,p_per_information15         IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1353    ,p_per_information16         IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1354    ,p_per_information17         IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1355    ,p_per_information18         IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1356    ,p_per_information19         IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1357    ,p_per_information20         IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1358    ,p_per_information21         IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1359    ,p_per_information22         IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1360    ,p_per_information23         IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1361    ,p_per_information24         IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1362    ,p_per_information25         IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1363    ,p_per_information26         IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1364    ,p_per_information27         IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1365    ,p_per_information28         IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1366    ,p_per_information29         IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1367    ,p_per_information30         IN     varchar2 default hr_api.g_varchar2
1368    ) IS
1369 --
1370 l_proc                     varchar2(72) := g_package||'update_registered_user';
1371 l_object_version_number    per_all_people_f.object_version_number%TYPE;
1372 l_employee_number          per_all_people_f.employee_number%TYPE;
1373 l_effective_date           date;
1374 l_legislation_code         per_business_groups.legislation_code%type;
1375 -- sex is defaulted to null - it is set to the value of sex
1376 -- on per_all_people_f if p_gender exists in hr_lookups
1377 l_sex                      per_all_people_f.sex%TYPE := hr_api.g_varchar2;
1378 l_last_name_phonetic       hz_person_profiles.person_last_name_phonetic%type
1379                            := p_last_name_phonetic;
1380 --
1381 -- dummy variables
1382 --
1383 l_profile_id               number;
1384 l_effective_start_date     date;
1385 l_effective_end_date       date;
1386 l_full_name                per_all_people_f.full_name%type;
1387 l_comment_id               number;
1388 l_name_combination_warning boolean;
1389 l_assign_payroll_warning   boolean;
1390 l_orig_hire_warning        boolean;
1391 l_date_of_birth            date;
1392 l_marital_status           hz_person_profiles.marital_status%type;
1393 --
1394 -- for disabling the descriptive flex field
1395   l_add_struct_d hr_dflex_utility.l_ignore_dfcode_varray :=
1396                            hr_dflex_utility.l_ignore_dfcode_varray();
1397 -- for disabling the key flex field
1398   l_add_struct_k hr_kflex_utility.l_ignore_kfcode_varray :=
1399                            hr_kflex_utility.l_ignore_kfcode_varray();
1400 --
1401 --
1402 -- cursor to select entries IN per_all_people_f
1403 -- relating to registered user
1404 --
1405 cursor csr_person_id(p_person_id number,p_effective_date date) is
1406 select effective_start_date,object_version_number,employee_number
1407 from per_all_people_f
1408 where person_id = p_person_id
1409 and l_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
1410 --
1411 begin
1412   hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: ' || l_proc, 10);
1413   --
1414   -- Issue a savepoint
1415   --
1416   savepoint UPDATE_REGISTERED_USER;
1417   --
1418   l_date_of_birth := trunc(p_date_of_birth);
1419   l_effective_date := trunc(p_effective_date);
1420   l_marital_status := p_marital_status;
1421   --
1422   --
1423   -- Call Before Process User Hook
1424   --
1425   begin
1426     irc_party_bk2.update_registered_user_b
1427     (
1428        p_effective_date                         => l_effective_date
1429       ,p_person_id                              => p_person_id
1430       ,p_first_name                             => p_first_name
1431       ,p_last_name                              => p_last_name
1432       ,p_date_of_birth                          => l_date_of_birth
1433       ,p_title                                  => p_title
1434       ,p_gender                                 => p_gender
1435       ,p_marital_status                         => p_marital_status
1436       ,p_previous_last_name                     => p_previous_last_name
1437       ,p_middle_name                            => p_middle_name
1438       ,p_name_suffix                            => p_name_suffix
1439       ,p_known_as                               => p_known_as
1440       ,p_first_name_phonetic                    => p_first_name_phonetic
1441       ,p_last_name_phonetic                     => p_last_name_phonetic
1442       ,p_attribute_category                     => p_attribute_category
1443       ,p_attribute1                             => p_attribute1
1444       ,p_attribute2                             => p_attribute2
1445       ,p_attribute3                             => p_attribute3
1446       ,p_attribute4                             => p_attribute4
1447       ,p_attribute5                             => p_attribute5
1448       ,p_attribute6                             => p_attribute6
1449       ,p_attribute7                             => p_attribute7
1450       ,p_attribute8                             => p_attribute8
1451       ,p_attribute9                             => p_attribute9
1452       ,p_attribute10                            => p_attribute10
1453       ,p_attribute11                            => p_attribute11
1454       ,p_attribute12                            => p_attribute12
1455       ,p_attribute13                            => p_attribute13
1456       ,p_attribute14                            => p_attribute14
1457       ,p_attribute15                            => p_attribute15
1458       ,p_attribute16                            => p_attribute16
1459       ,p_attribute17                            => p_attribute17
1460       ,p_attribute18                            => p_attribute18
1461       ,p_attribute19                            => p_attribute19
1462       ,p_attribute20                            => p_attribute20
1463       ,p_attribute21                            => p_attribute21
1464       ,p_attribute22                            => p_attribute22
1465       ,p_attribute23                            => p_attribute23
1466       ,p_attribute24                            => p_attribute24
1467       ,p_attribute25                            => p_attribute25
1468       ,p_attribute26                            => p_attribute26
1469       ,p_attribute27                            => p_attribute27
1470       ,p_attribute28                            => p_attribute28
1471       ,p_attribute29                            => p_attribute29
1472       ,p_attribute30                            => p_attribute30
1473       ,p_per_information_category               => p_per_information_category
1474       ,p_per_information1                       => p_per_information1
1475       ,p_per_information2                       => p_per_information2
1476       ,p_per_information3                       => p_per_information3
1477       ,p_per_information4                       => p_per_information4
1478       ,p_per_information5                       => p_per_information5
1479       ,p_per_information6                       => p_per_information6
1480       ,p_per_information7                       => p_per_information7
1481       ,p_per_information8                       => p_per_information8
1482       ,p_per_information9                       => p_per_information9
1483       ,p_per_information10                      => p_per_information10
1484       ,p_per_information11                      => p_per_information11
1485       ,p_per_information12                      => p_per_information12
1486       ,p_per_information13                      => p_per_information13
1487       ,p_per_information14                      => p_per_information14
1488       ,p_per_information15                      => p_per_information15
1489       ,p_per_information16                      => p_per_information16
1490       ,p_per_information17                      => p_per_information17
1491       ,p_per_information18                      => p_per_information18
1492       ,p_per_information19                      => p_per_information19
1493       ,p_per_information20                      => p_per_information20
1494       ,p_per_information21                      => p_per_information21
1495       ,p_per_information22                      => p_per_information22
1496       ,p_per_information23                      => p_per_information23
1497       ,p_per_information24                      => p_per_information24
1498       ,p_per_information25                      => p_per_information25
1499       ,p_per_information26                      => p_per_information26
1500       ,p_per_information27                      => p_per_information27
1501       ,p_per_information28                      => p_per_information28
1502       ,p_per_information29                      => p_per_information29
1503       ,p_per_information30                      => p_per_information30
1504     );
1505   exception
1506     when hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit then
1507       hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit_error
1508         (p_module_name => 'UPDATE_REGISTERED_USER'
1509         ,p_hook_type   => 'BP'
1510         );
1511   end;
1512   --
1513   -- Process Logic
1514   --
1515   --
1516   -- Set profile option
1517   fnd_profile.put('HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULE','HR API');
1518   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 40);
1519   --
1520   -- Added for turn off key flex field validation
1521   --
1522   l_add_struct_k.extend(1);
1523   l_add_struct_k(l_add_struct_k.count) := 'GRP';
1524   l_add_struct_k.extend(1);
1525   l_add_struct_k(l_add_struct_k.count) := 'CAGR';
1526   l_add_struct_k.extend(1);
1527   l_add_struct_k(l_add_struct_k.count) := 'SCL';
1528   --
1529   hr_kflex_utility.create_ignore_kf_validation(p_rec => l_add_struct_k);
1530   --
1531   -- code for disabling the descriptive flex field
1532   --
1533   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
1534   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'PER_ASSIGNMENTS';
1535   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
1536   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'Person Developer DF';
1537   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
1538   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'PER_PEOPLE';
1539   --
1540   hr_dflex_utility.create_ignore_df_validation(p_rec => l_add_struct_d);
1542   open csr_person_id(p_person_id,p_effective_date);
1543   fetch csr_person_id into l_effective_start_date,l_object_version_number,l_employee_number;
1544   close csr_person_id;
1545   --
1546   l_legislation_code := per_per_bus.return_legislation_code(p_person_id);
1547   --
1548   if (l_legislation_code = 'JP') then
1550       hr_person_api.update_person
1551         (p_validate                  => false
1552         ,p_effective_date            => l_effective_date
1553         ,p_datetrack_update_mode     => 'CORRECTION'
1554         ,p_person_id                 => p_person_id
1555         ,p_employee_number           => l_employee_number
1556         ,p_object_version_number     => l_object_version_number
1557         ,p_last_name                 => p_last_name
1558         ,p_previous_last_name        => p_previous_last_name
1559         ,p_date_of_birth             => l_date_of_birth
1560         ,p_first_name                => p_first_name
1561         ,p_known_as                  => p_known_as
1562         ,p_sex                       => p_gender
1563         ,p_marital_status            => l_marital_status
1564         ,p_middle_names              => p_middle_name
1565         ,p_suffix                    => p_name_suffix
1566         ,p_attribute_category        => p_attribute_category
1567         ,p_attribute1                => p_attribute1
1568         ,p_attribute2                => p_attribute2
1569         ,p_attribute3                => p_attribute3
1570         ,p_attribute4                => p_attribute4
1571         ,p_attribute5                => p_attribute5
1572         ,p_attribute6                => p_attribute6
1573         ,p_attribute7                => p_attribute7
1574         ,p_attribute8                => p_attribute8
1575         ,p_attribute9                => p_attribute9
1576         ,p_attribute10               => p_attribute10
1577         ,p_attribute11               => p_attribute11
1578         ,p_attribute12               => p_attribute12
1579         ,p_attribute13               => p_attribute13
1580         ,p_attribute14               => p_attribute14
1581         ,p_attribute15               => p_attribute15
1582         ,p_attribute16               => p_attribute16
1583         ,p_attribute17               => p_attribute17
1584         ,p_attribute18               => p_attribute18
1585         ,p_attribute19               => p_attribute19
1586         ,p_attribute20               => p_attribute20
1587         ,p_attribute21               => p_attribute21
1588         ,p_attribute22               => p_attribute22
1589         ,p_attribute23               => p_attribute23
1590         ,p_attribute24               => p_attribute24
1591         ,p_attribute25               => p_attribute25
1592         ,p_attribute26               => p_attribute26
1593         ,p_attribute27               => p_attribute27
1594         ,p_attribute28               => p_attribute28
1595         ,p_attribute29               => p_attribute29
1596         ,p_attribute30               => p_attribute30
1597         ,p_per_information_category  => p_per_information_category
1598         ,p_per_information1          => p_per_information1
1599         ,p_per_information2          => p_per_information2
1600         ,p_per_information3          => p_per_information3
1601         ,p_per_information4          => p_per_information4
1602         ,p_per_information5          => p_per_information5
1603         ,p_per_information6          => p_per_information6
1604         ,p_per_information7          => p_per_information7
1605         ,p_per_information8          => p_per_information8
1606         ,p_per_information9          => p_per_information9
1607         ,p_per_information10         => p_per_information10
1608         ,p_per_information11         => p_per_information11
1609         ,p_per_information12         => p_per_information12
1610         ,p_per_information13         => p_per_information13
1611         ,p_per_information14         => p_per_information14
1612         ,p_per_information15         => p_per_information15
1613         ,p_per_information16         => p_per_information16
1614         ,p_per_information17         => p_per_information17
1615         ,p_per_information18         => p_per_information18
1616         ,p_per_information19         => p_per_information19
1617         ,p_per_information20         => p_per_information20
1618         ,p_per_information21         => p_per_information21
1619         ,p_per_information22         => p_per_information22
1620         ,p_per_information23         => p_per_information23
1621         ,p_per_information24         => p_per_information24
1622         ,p_per_information25         => p_per_information25
1623         ,p_per_information26         => p_per_information26
1624         ,p_per_information27         => p_per_information27
1625         ,p_per_information28         => p_per_information28
1626         ,p_per_information29         => p_per_information29
1627         ,p_per_information30         => p_per_information30
1628         ,p_effective_start_date      => l_effective_start_date
1629         ,p_effective_end_date        => l_effective_end_date
1630         ,p_full_name                 => l_full_name
1631         ,p_comment_id                => l_comment_id
1632         ,p_name_combination_warning  => l_name_combination_warning
1633         ,p_assign_payroll_warning    => l_assign_payroll_warning
1634         ,p_orig_hire_warning         => l_orig_hire_warning
1635         );
1636     elsif (l_legislation_code = 'KR') then
1637       hr_person_api.update_person
1638         (p_validate                  => false
1639         ,p_effective_date            => l_effective_date
1640         ,p_datetrack_update_mode     => 'CORRECTION'
1641         ,p_person_id                 => p_person_id
1642         ,p_employee_number           => l_employee_number
1643         ,p_object_version_number     => l_object_version_number
1644         ,p_last_name                 => p_last_name
1645         ,p_previous_last_name        => p_previous_last_name
1646         ,p_date_of_birth             => l_date_of_birth
1647         ,p_first_name                => p_first_name
1648         ,p_known_as                  => p_known_as
1649         ,p_sex                       => p_gender
1650         ,p_marital_status            => l_marital_status
1651         ,p_middle_names              => p_middle_name
1652         ,p_suffix                    => p_name_suffix
1653         ,p_attribute_category        => p_attribute_category
1654         ,p_attribute1                => p_attribute1
1655         ,p_attribute2                => p_attribute2
1656         ,p_attribute3                => p_attribute3
1657         ,p_attribute4                => p_attribute4
1658         ,p_attribute5                => p_attribute5
1659         ,p_attribute6                => p_attribute6
1660         ,p_attribute7                => p_attribute7
1661         ,p_attribute8                => p_attribute8
1662         ,p_attribute9                => p_attribute9
1663         ,p_attribute10               => p_attribute10
1664         ,p_attribute11               => p_attribute11
1665         ,p_attribute12               => p_attribute12
1666         ,p_attribute13               => p_attribute13
1667         ,p_attribute14               => p_attribute14
1668         ,p_attribute15               => p_attribute15
1669         ,p_attribute16               => p_attribute16
1670         ,p_attribute17               => p_attribute17
1671         ,p_attribute18               => p_attribute18
1672         ,p_attribute19               => p_attribute19
1673         ,p_attribute20               => p_attribute20
1674         ,p_attribute21               => p_attribute21
1675         ,p_attribute22               => p_attribute22
1676         ,p_attribute23               => p_attribute23
1677         ,p_attribute24               => p_attribute24
1678         ,p_attribute25               => p_attribute25
1679         ,p_attribute26               => p_attribute26
1680         ,p_attribute27               => p_attribute27
1681         ,p_attribute28               => p_attribute28
1682         ,p_attribute29               => p_attribute29
1683         ,p_attribute30               => p_attribute30
1684         ,p_per_information_category  => p_per_information_category
1685         ,p_per_information1          => l_last_name_phonetic
1686         ,p_per_information2          => p_first_name_phonetic
1687         ,p_per_information3          => p_per_information3
1688         ,p_per_information4          => p_per_information4
1689         ,p_per_information5          => p_per_information5
1690         ,p_per_information6          => p_per_information6
1691         ,p_per_information7          => p_per_information7
1692         ,p_per_information8          => p_per_information8
1693         ,p_per_information9          => p_per_information9
1694         ,p_per_information10         => p_per_information10
1695         ,p_per_information11         => p_per_information11
1696         ,p_per_information12         => p_per_information12
1697         ,p_per_information13         => p_per_information13
1698         ,p_per_information14         => p_per_information14
1699         ,p_per_information15         => p_per_information15
1700         ,p_per_information16         => p_per_information16
1701         ,p_per_information17         => p_per_information17
1702         ,p_per_information18         => p_per_information18
1703         ,p_per_information19         => p_per_information19
1704         ,p_per_information20         => p_per_information20
1705         ,p_per_information21         => p_per_information21
1706         ,p_per_information22         => p_per_information22
1707         ,p_per_information23         => p_per_information23
1708         ,p_per_information24         => p_per_information24
1709         ,p_per_information25         => p_per_information25
1710         ,p_per_information26         => p_per_information26
1711         ,p_per_information27         => p_per_information27
1712         ,p_per_information28         => p_per_information28
1713         ,p_per_information29         => p_per_information29
1714         ,p_per_information30         => p_per_information30
1715         ,p_effective_start_date      => l_effective_start_date
1716         ,p_effective_end_date        => l_effective_end_date
1717         ,p_full_name                 => l_full_name
1718         ,p_comment_id                => l_comment_id
1719         ,p_name_combination_warning  => l_name_combination_warning
1720         ,p_assign_payroll_warning    => l_assign_payroll_warning
1721         ,p_orig_hire_warning         => l_orig_hire_warning
1722         );
1723     else
1724       hr_person_api.update_person
1725         (p_validate                  => false
1726         ,p_effective_date            => l_effective_date
1727         ,p_datetrack_update_mode     => 'CORRECTION'
1728         ,p_person_id                 => p_person_id
1729         ,p_employee_number           => l_employee_number
1730         ,p_object_version_number     => l_object_version_number
1731         ,p_last_name                 => p_last_name
1732         ,p_previous_last_name        => p_previous_last_name
1733         ,p_date_of_birth             => l_date_of_birth
1734         ,p_first_name                => p_first_name
1735         ,p_known_as                  => p_known_as
1736         ,p_sex                       => p_gender
1737         ,p_marital_status            => l_marital_status
1738         ,p_middle_names              => p_middle_name
1739         ,p_suffix                    => p_name_suffix
1740         ,p_attribute_category        => p_attribute_category
1741         ,p_attribute1                => p_attribute1
1742         ,p_attribute2                => p_attribute2
1743         ,p_attribute3                => p_attribute3
1744         ,p_attribute4                => p_attribute4
1745         ,p_attribute5                => p_attribute5
1746         ,p_attribute6                => p_attribute6
1747         ,p_attribute7                => p_attribute7
1748         ,p_attribute8                => p_attribute8
1749         ,p_attribute9                => p_attribute9
1750         ,p_attribute10               => p_attribute10
1751         ,p_attribute11               => p_attribute11
1752         ,p_attribute12               => p_attribute12
1753         ,p_attribute13               => p_attribute13
1754         ,p_attribute14               => p_attribute14
1755         ,p_attribute15               => p_attribute15
1756         ,p_attribute16               => p_attribute16
1757         ,p_attribute17               => p_attribute17
1758         ,p_attribute18               => p_attribute18
1759         ,p_attribute19               => p_attribute19
1760         ,p_attribute20               => p_attribute20
1761         ,p_attribute21               => p_attribute21
1762         ,p_attribute22               => p_attribute22
1763         ,p_attribute23               => p_attribute23
1764         ,p_attribute24               => p_attribute24
1765         ,p_attribute25               => p_attribute25
1766         ,p_attribute26               => p_attribute26
1767         ,p_attribute27               => p_attribute27
1768         ,p_attribute28               => p_attribute28
1769         ,p_attribute29               => p_attribute29
1770         ,p_attribute30               => p_attribute30
1771         ,p_per_information_category  => p_per_information_category
1772         ,p_per_information1          => p_per_information1
1773         ,p_per_information2          => p_per_information2
1774         ,p_per_information3          => p_per_information3
1775         ,p_per_information4          => p_per_information4
1776         ,p_per_information5          => p_per_information5
1777         ,p_per_information6          => p_per_information6
1778         ,p_per_information7          => p_per_information7
1779         ,p_per_information8          => p_per_information8
1780         ,p_per_information9          => p_per_information9
1781         ,p_per_information10         => p_per_information10
1782         ,p_per_information11         => p_per_information11
1783         ,p_per_information12         => p_per_information12
1784         ,p_per_information13         => p_per_information13
1785         ,p_per_information14         => p_per_information14
1786         ,p_per_information15         => p_per_information15
1787         ,p_per_information16         => p_per_information16
1788         ,p_per_information17         => p_per_information17
1789         ,p_per_information18         => p_per_information18
1790         ,p_per_information19         => p_per_information19
1791         ,p_per_information20         => p_per_information20
1792         ,p_per_information21         => p_per_information21
1793         ,p_per_information22         => p_per_information22
1794         ,p_per_information23         => p_per_information23
1795         ,p_per_information24         => p_per_information24
1796         ,p_per_information25         => p_per_information25
1797         ,p_per_information26         => p_per_information26
1798         ,p_per_information27         => p_per_information27
1799         ,p_per_information28         => p_per_information28
1800         ,p_per_information29         => p_per_information29
1801         ,p_per_information30         => p_per_information30
1802         ,p_effective_start_date      => l_effective_start_date
1803         ,p_effective_end_date        => l_effective_end_date
1804         ,p_full_name                 => l_full_name
1805         ,p_comment_id                => l_comment_id
1806         ,p_name_combination_warning  => l_name_combination_warning
1807         ,p_assign_payroll_warning    => l_assign_payroll_warning
1808         ,p_orig_hire_warning         => l_orig_hire_warning
1809         );
1810     end if;
1811     hr_utility.set_Location(l_proc, 60);
1812     -- Save person ovn to global
1813     if ( p_person_id = g_person_id ) then
1814       g_ovn_for_person := l_object_version_number;
1815     end if;
1816   --
1817   -- Call After Process User Hook
1818   --
1819   begin
1820     irc_party_bk2.update_registered_user_a
1821     (
1822        p_effective_date               => l_effective_date
1823       ,p_person_id                    => p_person_id
1824       ,p_first_name                   => p_first_name
1825       ,p_last_name                    => p_last_name
1826       ,p_date_of_birth                => l_date_of_birth
1827       ,p_title                        => p_title
1828       ,p_gender                       => p_gender
1829       ,p_marital_status               => l_marital_status
1830       ,p_previous_last_name           => p_previous_last_name
1831       ,p_middle_name                  => p_middle_name
1832       ,p_name_suffix                  => p_name_suffix
1833       ,p_known_as                     => p_known_as
1834       ,p_first_name_phonetic          => p_first_name_phonetic
1835       ,p_last_name_phonetic           => p_last_name_phonetic
1836       ,p_attribute_category           => p_attribute_category
1837       ,p_attribute1                   => p_attribute1
1838       ,p_attribute2                   => p_attribute2
1839       ,p_attribute3                   => p_attribute3
1840       ,p_attribute4                   => p_attribute4
1841       ,p_attribute5                   => p_attribute5
1842       ,p_attribute6                   => p_attribute6
1843       ,p_attribute7                   => p_attribute7
1844       ,p_attribute8                   => p_attribute8
1845       ,p_attribute9                   => p_attribute9
1846       ,p_attribute10                  => p_attribute10
1847       ,p_attribute11                  => p_attribute11
1848       ,p_attribute12                  => p_attribute12
1849       ,p_attribute13                  => p_attribute13
1850       ,p_attribute14                  => p_attribute14
1851       ,p_attribute15                  => p_attribute15
1852       ,p_attribute16                  => p_attribute16
1853       ,p_attribute17                  => p_attribute17
1854       ,p_attribute18                  => p_attribute18
1855       ,p_attribute19                  => p_attribute19
1856       ,p_attribute20                  => p_attribute20
1857       ,p_attribute21                  => p_attribute21
1858       ,p_attribute22                  => p_attribute22
1859       ,p_attribute23                  => p_attribute23
1860       ,p_attribute24                  => p_attribute24
1861       ,p_attribute25                  => p_attribute25
1862       ,p_attribute26                  => p_attribute26
1863       ,p_attribute27                  => p_attribute27
1864       ,p_attribute28                  => p_attribute28
1865       ,p_attribute29                  => p_attribute29
1866       ,p_attribute30                  => p_attribute30
1867       ,p_per_information_category     => p_per_information_category
1868       ,p_per_information1             => p_per_information1
1869       ,p_per_information2             => p_per_information2
1870       ,p_per_information3             => p_per_information3
1871       ,p_per_information4             => p_per_information4
1872       ,p_per_information5             => p_per_information5
1873       ,p_per_information6             => p_per_information6
1874       ,p_per_information7             => p_per_information7
1875       ,p_per_information8             => p_per_information8
1876       ,p_per_information9             => p_per_information9
1877       ,p_per_information10            => p_per_information10
1878       ,p_per_information11            => p_per_information11
1879       ,p_per_information12            => p_per_information12
1880       ,p_per_information13            => p_per_information13
1881       ,p_per_information14            => p_per_information14
1882       ,p_per_information15            => p_per_information15
1883       ,p_per_information16            => p_per_information16
1884       ,p_per_information17            => p_per_information17
1885       ,p_per_information18            => p_per_information18
1886       ,p_per_information19            => p_per_information19
1887       ,p_per_information20            => p_per_information20
1888       ,p_per_information21            => p_per_information21
1889       ,p_per_information22            => p_per_information22
1890       ,p_per_information23            => p_per_information23
1891       ,p_per_information24            => p_per_information24
1892       ,p_per_information25            => p_per_information25
1893       ,p_per_information26            => p_per_information26
1894       ,p_per_information27            => p_per_information27
1895       ,p_per_information28            => p_per_information28
1896       ,p_per_information29            => p_per_information29
1897       ,p_per_information30            => p_per_information30
1898     );
1899   exception
1900     when hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit then
1901       hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit_error
1902         (p_module_name => 'UPDATE_REGISTERED_USER'
1903         ,p_hook_type   => 'AP'
1904         );
1905   end;
1906   --
1907   -- When IN validation only mode raise the Validate_Enabled exception
1908   --
1909   if p_validate then
1910     raise hr_api.validate_enabled;
1911   end if;
1912   --
1913   -- Set all output arguments
1914   --
1915   --
1916   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 70);
1918   exception
1919   when hr_api.validate_enabled then
1920     --
1921     -- As the Validate_Enabled exception has been raised
1922     -- we must rollback to the savepoint
1923     --
1924     rollback to UPDATE_REGISTERED_USER;
1925     --
1926     -- Only set output warning arguments
1927     -- (Any key or derived arguments must be set to null
1928     -- when validation only mode is beINg used.)
1929     --
1930     hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 80);
1931   when others then
1932     --
1933     -- A validation or unexpected error has occured
1934     --
1935     rollback to UPDATE_REGISTERED_USER;
1936     hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 90);
1937     raise;
1939 end update_registered_user;
1940 --
1941 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1942 -- |---------------------< chk_agency_application_limit >-------------------|
1943 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1944 --
1945 procedure chk_agency_application_limit
1946    (p_vacancy_id                IN     number   default null
1947    ,p_effective_date            IN     date) IS
1948   --
1949   cursor csr_application_count(p_vacancy_id number, p_effective_date date) is
1950   select count(*)
1951   from per_all_assignments_f paaf
1953   ,per_all_people_f per1
1954   ,irc_notification_preferences prefs
1955   where paaf.vacancy_id = p_vacancy_id and paaf.assignment_type = 'A'
1956   and p_effective_date between PAAF.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE
1958   and paaf.VACANCY_ID = AGV1.VACANCY_ID
1960   and per1.person_id=paaf.person_id
1961   and p_effective_date between per1.effective_start_date and per1.effective_end_date
1962   and per1.party_id=prefs.party_id
1963   and prefs.agency_id=agv1.agency_id
1964   and p_effective_date between nvl(agv1.start_date,p_effective_date)
1965   and nvl(agv1.end_date,p_effective_date);
1966   --
1967   cursor csr_application_count_limit(p_vacancy_id number) is
1970   where agv.vacancy_id = p_vacancy_id
1972   --
1974   l_application_count Number;
1976 begin
1977   --
1978   -- only check if Agency profile is set
1979   --
1980   if ( FND_PROFILE.VALUE('IRC_AGENCY_NAME') is not null ) then
1981     --
1982     -- get the applicant count limit for the vacancy
1983     --
1984     open csr_application_count_limit(p_vacancy_id);
1985     fetch csr_application_count_limit into l_application_count_limit;
1986     --
1987     if ( csr_application_count_limit%found ) then
1988       if ( l_application_count_limit is null ) then
1989         l_application_count_limit := FND_PROFILE.VALUE('IRC_MAX_APPLICANTS_DFT');
1990       end if;
1991     end if;
1992     close csr_application_count_limit;
1993     --
1994     -- only do check if applicant count limit has been set
1995     --
1996     if ( l_application_count_limit is not null ) then
1997       open csr_application_count(p_vacancy_id, p_effective_date);
1998       fetch csr_application_count into l_application_count;
1999       if ( l_application_count >= l_application_count_limit ) then
2000         fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_MAX_APPLICATIONS_LIMIT');
2001         hr_multi_message.add();
2002         hr_multi_message.end_validation_set();
2003       end if;
2004       close csr_application_count;
2005     end if;
2006   end if;
2007 end chk_agency_application_limit;
2009 --
2010 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2011 -- |---------------------< registered_user_application >-------------------|
2012 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2013 --
2014 procedure registered_user_application
2015    (p_validate                  IN     boolean  default false
2016    ,p_effective_date            IN     date
2017    ,p_recruitment_person_id     IN     number
2018    ,p_person_id                 IN     number
2019    ,p_assignment_id             IN     number
2020    ,p_application_received_date IN     date     default null
2021    ,p_vacancy_id                IN     number   default null
2022    ,p_posting_content_id        IN     number   default null
2023    ,p_per_information4          IN     per_all_people_f.per_information4%type default null
2024    ,p_per_object_version_number    OUT NOCOPY number
2025    ,p_asg_object_version_number    OUT NOCOPY number
2026    ,p_applicant_number             OUT NOCOPY varchar2) IS
2027   --
2028   l_proc                      varchar2(72) := g_package||'registered_user_application';
2029   l_per_object_version_number     per_all_people_f.object_version_number%TYPE;
2030   l_asg_object_version_number     per_all_assignments_f.object_version_number%TYPE;
2031   l_person_id                 per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE;
2032   l_party_id                  per_all_people_f.party_id%TYPE;
2033   l_rec_person_id             per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE;
2034   l_assignment_id             per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%TYPE;
2035   l_effective_date            date;
2036   l_application_received_date date;
2037   l_party_last_update_date    date;
2038   l_return_status             varchar2(10);
2039   l_applicant_number          per_all_people_f.applicant_number%type;
2040   l_person_type_id            per_person_types.person_type_id%type;
2041   l_current_employee_flag     per_all_people_f.current_employee_flag%type;
2042   l_current_applicant_flag    per_all_people_f.current_applicant_flag%type;
2043   l_current_npw_flag          per_all_people_f.current_npw_flag%type;
2045   l_last_name per_all_people_f.last_name%type;
2046   l_first_name per_all_people_f.first_name%type;
2047   l_per_information1 per_all_people_f.per_information1%type;
2048   l_per_information2 per_all_people_f.per_information2%type;
2049   l_per_information18 per_all_people_f.per_information18%type;
2050   l_per_information19 per_all_people_f.per_information19%type;
2051   l_date_of_birth per_all_people_f.date_of_birth%type;
2052   l_title per_all_people_f.title%type;
2053   l_gender per_all_people_f.sex%type;
2054   l_marital_status per_all_people_f.marital_status%type;
2055   l_previous_last_name per_all_people_f.last_name%type;
2056   l_middle_name per_all_people_f.middle_names%type;
2057   l_name_suffix per_all_people_f.suffix%type;
2058   l_known_as per_all_people_f.known_as%type;
2059   l_business_group_id per_all_vacancies.business_group_id%type;
2060   l_organization_id per_all_vacancies.organization_id%type;
2061   l_job_id per_all_vacancies.job_id%type;
2062   l_position_id per_all_vacancies.position_id%type;
2063   l_manager_id per_all_vacancies.manager_id%type;
2064   l_grade_id per_all_vacancies.grade_id%type;
2065   l_location_id per_all_vacancies.location_id%type;
2066   l_recruiter_id per_all_vacancies.recruiter_id%type;
2067   l_people_group_id per_all_vacancies.people_group_id%type;
2068   l_legislation_code per_business_groups.legislation_code%type;
2069   --
2070   -- variables for hr_person_api.update_person
2071   --
2072   l_object_version_number    per_all_people_f.object_version_number%TYPE;
2073   l_employee_number          per_all_people_f.employee_number%TYPE;
2074   --
2075   -- dummy variables
2076   --
2077   l_msg_count                 number;
2078   l_msg_data                  varchar2(2000);
2079   l_var                       varchar2(1);
2080   l_party_number  hz_parties.party_number%type;
2081   l_profile_id                number;
2082   l_effective_start_date      date;
2083   l_effective_end_date        date;
2084   l_comment_id                number;
2085   l_name_combination_warning  boolean;
2086   l_assign_payroll_warning    boolean;
2087   l_orig_hire_warning         boolean;
2088   l_object_version_number_d   per_all_people_f.object_version_number%TYPE;
2089   -- those required for hr_assignment_api.create_secondary_apl_asg
2090   l_concatenated_segments    varchar2(2000);
2091   l_cagr_grade_def_id         number;
2092   l_cagr_concatenated_segments varchar2(2000);
2093   l_group_name                pay_people_groups.group_name%type;
2094   l_soft_coding_keyflex_id    number;
2095   l_assignment_sequence       per_all_assignments_f.assignment_sequence%type;
2096   -- those required for hr_applicant_api.create_applicant
2097   l_application_id            number;
2098   l_full_name                 per_all_people_f.full_name%type;
2099   l_person_type               per_person_types.system_person_type%type;
2100   l_ptu_person_type_id        number;
2101 -- for disabling the descriptive flex field
2102   l_add_struct_d hr_dflex_utility.l_ignore_dfcode_varray :=
2103                            hr_dflex_utility.l_ignore_dfcode_varray();
2104 -- for disabling the key flex field
2105   l_add_struct_k hr_kflex_utility.l_ignore_kfcode_varray :=
2106                            hr_kflex_utility.l_ignore_kfcode_varray();
2107   --
2108   l_time_normal_finish     per_business_groups.default_end_time%TYPE;
2109   l_time_normal_start      per_business_groups.default_start_time%TYPE;
2110   l_normal_hours           number;
2111   l_frequency              per_business_groups.frequency%TYPE;
2112   --
2113   -- cursor to select entries IN per_all_people_f
2114   -- relating to registered user
2115   --
2116   cursor csr_person_id(p_party_id number
2117                       ,p_effective_date date
2118                       ,p_business_group_id number) is
2119   select per.person_id
2120         ,per.object_version_number
2121         ,per.current_employee_flag
2122         ,per.current_applicant_flag
2123         ,per.current_npw_flag
2124         ,per.applicant_number
2125   from per_all_people_f per
2126   where per.party_id = p_party_id
2127   and p_effective_date between per.effective_start_date and per.effective_end_date
2128   and business_group_id=p_business_group_id;
2129   --
2130   -- cursor to select entries IN per_all_people_f
2131   -- for a given person over all dates
2132   --
2133   cursor csr_person_all_dates(p_party_id number
2134                       ,p_business_group_id number) is
2135   select null
2136   from per_all_people_f per
2137   where per.party_id = p_party_id
2138   and business_group_id=p_business_group_id;
2139   --
2140   -- cursor to select person details for the registered user
2141   --
2142   cursor csr_party_details(p_person_id number,p_effective_date date) is
2143   select last_update_date
2144   ,party_id
2145   ,last_name
2146   ,first_name
2147   ,date_of_birth
2148   ,title
2149   ,sex
2150   ,marital_status
2151   ,previous_last_name
2152   ,middle_names
2153   ,suffix
2154   ,known_as
2155   ,per_information1
2156   ,per_information2
2157   ,per_information18
2158   ,per_information19
2159   from per_all_people_f
2160   where person_id = p_person_id
2161   and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
2162 -- cursor to select business_group relating to a vacancy
2163 cursor csr_get_vac(p_vacancy_id number) is
2164 select business_group_id
2165 ,organization_id
2166 ,job_id
2167 ,position_id
2168 ,grade_id
2169 ,people_group_id
2170 ,location_id
2171 ,recruiter_id
2172 ,manager_id
2173 from per_all_vacancies
2174 where vacancy_id = p_vacancy_id;
2175 --
2176 cursor get_new_asg(p_person_id number, p_effective_date date) is
2177 select assignment_id,object_version_number
2178 from per_all_assignments_f
2179 where person_id=p_person_id
2180 and effective_start_date = p_effective_date
2181 and assignment_type='A';
2182 --
2183 -- Cursors to get work schedule
2184 --
2185 CURSOR csr_pos_default_details(p_position_id Number) IS
2187        , pos.TIME_NORMAL_FINISH
2188        , pos.working_hours
2189        , pos.frequency
2190   FROM   hr_all_positions_f pos
2191   WHERE  pos.position_id = p_position_id
2192     AND  p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
2193 --
2194 CURSOR csr_org_default_details(p_organization_id Number) IS
2195   SELECT org.org_information1
2196        , org.org_information2
2197        , fnd_number.canonical_to_number(org.org_information3) normal_hours
2198        , org.org_information4
2200   WHERE  org.organization_id  = p_organization_id
2201     AND  org.org_information_context(+) = 'Work Day Information';
2202 --
2203 CURSOR csr_get_bg_default_details(p_business_group_id number) IS
2204   SELECT bus.default_start_time
2205        , bus.default_end_time
2206        , fnd_number.canonical_to_number(bus.working_hours)
2207        , bus.frequency
2208    FROM  per_business_groups bus
2209   WHERE  bus.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
2210 --
2211 --
2212   begin
2213   hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: ' || l_proc, 10);
2214   --
2215   -- Issue a savepoint
2216   --
2218   --
2219   -- Truncate time portion from date
2220   --
2221   l_effective_date := trunc(p_effective_date);
2222   --
2223   -- check if an agency is applying and if the application count is exceeded
2224   --
2225   irc_party_api.chk_agency_application_limit(p_vacancy_id => p_vacancy_id
2226                                             ,p_effective_date => l_effective_date);
2227   --
2228   -- If no application received date passed, then assume application received
2229   -- on effective_date
2230   --
2231   l_application_received_date:=trunc(nvl(p_application_received_date
2232                                   ,l_effective_date));
2233   --
2234   -- Added for turn off key flex field validation
2235   l_add_struct_k.extend(1);
2236   l_add_struct_k(l_add_struct_k.count) := 'GRP';
2237   l_add_struct_k.extend(1);
2238   l_add_struct_k(l_add_struct_k.count) := 'CAGR';
2239   l_add_struct_k.extend(1);
2240   l_add_struct_k(l_add_struct_k.count) := 'SCL';
2241   --
2242   hr_kflex_utility.create_ignore_kf_validation(p_rec => l_add_struct_k);
2243   --
2244   -- code for disabling the descriptive flex field
2245   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
2246   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'PER_ASSIGNMENTS';
2247   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
2248   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'Person Developer DF';
2249   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
2250   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'PER_PEOPLE';
2251   --
2252   hr_dflex_utility.create_ignore_df_validation(p_rec => l_add_struct_d);
2253   --
2254   -- Call Before Process User Hook
2255   --
2256   begin
2257     irc_party_bk3.registered_user_application_b
2258     (
2259        p_effective_date                         => l_effective_date
2260       ,p_person_id                              => p_person_id
2261       ,p_applicant_number                       => l_applicant_number
2262       ,p_application_received_date              => l_application_received_date
2263       ,p_vacancy_id                             => p_vacancy_id
2264       ,p_posting_content_id                     => p_posting_content_id
2265     );
2266   exception
2267     when hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit then
2268       hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit_error
2269         (p_module_name => 'REGISTERED_USER_APPLICATION'
2270         ,p_hook_type   => 'BP'
2271         );
2272   end;
2273   --
2274   -- Process Logic
2275   --
2276   -- get person info for recruitment person
2277   --
2278   open csr_party_details(p_recruitment_person_id,l_effective_date);
2279   fetch csr_party_details into l_party_last_update_date
2280   ,l_party_id
2281   ,l_last_name
2282   ,l_first_name
2283   ,l_date_of_birth
2284   ,l_title
2285   ,l_gender
2286   ,l_marital_status
2287   ,l_previous_last_name
2288   ,l_middle_name
2289   ,l_name_suffix
2290   ,l_known_as
2291   ,l_per_information1
2292   ,l_per_information2
2293   ,l_per_information18
2294   ,l_per_information19;
2295   close csr_party_details;
2296   --
2297   open csr_get_vac(p_vacancy_id);
2298   fetch csr_get_vac into l_business_group_id
2299   ,l_organization_id
2300   ,l_job_id
2301   ,l_position_id
2302   ,l_grade_id
2303   ,l_people_group_id
2304   ,l_location_id
2305   ,l_recruiter_id
2306   ,l_manager_id;
2307   close csr_get_vac;
2308   --
2309   open csr_person_id(l_party_id, l_effective_date,l_business_group_id);
2310   fetch csr_person_id into l_person_id
2311                           ,l_per_object_version_number
2312                           ,l_current_employee_flag
2313                           ,l_current_applicant_flag
2314                           ,l_current_npw_flag
2315                           ,l_applicant_number;
2316   --
2317   -- check if there is an out of date person
2318   --
2319   open csr_person_all_dates(l_party_id, l_business_group_id);
2320   fetch csr_person_all_dates into l_var;
2321   --
2322   if ( csr_person_id%notfound and csr_person_all_dates%found ) then
2323   --
2324     close csr_person_id;
2325     close csr_person_all_dates;
2326     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_412099_CANNOT_APPLY');
2327     hr_multi_message.add();
2328   end if;
2329   close csr_person_all_dates;
2330   --
2331   -- Register Assignment ID
2332   --
2333   per_asg_ins.set_base_key_value
2334     (p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id
2335     );
2336   --
2337   -- Get the work schedule.
2338   --
2339   IF(l_position_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
2340   open csr_pos_default_details(l_position_id);
2341   fetch csr_pos_default_details into l_time_normal_start
2342                                    , l_time_normal_finish
2343                                    , l_normal_hours
2344                                    , l_frequency;
2345   close csr_pos_default_details;
2346   END IF;
2347   --
2348   IF (l_organization_id   IS NOT NULL AND
2349       l_time_normal_start IS NULL     AND l_time_normal_finish IS NULL AND
2350       l_normal_hours      IS NULL     AND l_frequency iS NULL) THEN
2351   open csr_org_default_details(l_organization_id);
2352   fetch csr_org_default_details into l_time_normal_start
2353                                    , l_time_normal_finish
2354                                    , l_normal_hours
2355                                    , l_frequency;
2356   close csr_org_default_details;
2357   END IF;
2358   --
2359   IF (l_time_normal_start IS NULL AND l_time_normal_finish IS NULL AND
2360       l_normal_hours      IS NULL AND l_frequency iS NULL) THEN
2361     open  csr_get_bg_default_details(l_business_group_id);
2362     fetch csr_get_bg_default_details into l_time_normal_start
2363                                         , l_time_normal_finish
2364                                         , l_normal_hours
2365                                         , l_frequency;
2366     if csr_get_bg_default_details%NOTFOUND then
2367     --
2368       close csr_get_bg_default_details;
2369     --
2370       hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_7208_API_BUS_GRP_INVALID');
2371       hr_utility.raise_error;
2372     end if;
2373     close csr_get_bg_default_details;
2374   END IF;
2375   --
2376   if csr_person_id%found then
2377   --
2378     if (l_current_applicant_flag = 'Y') then
2379       hr_assignment_api.create_secondary_apl_asg
2380         (p_validate                  => false
2381         ,p_effective_date            => l_effective_date
2382         ,p_person_id                 => l_person_id
2383         ,p_organization_id           => nvl(l_organization_id,l_business_group_id)
2384         ,p_job_id                    => l_job_id
2385         ,p_position_id               => l_position_id
2386         ,p_grade_id                  => l_grade_id
2387         ,p_people_group_id           => l_people_group_id
2388         ,p_frequency                 => l_frequency
2389         ,p_normal_hours              => l_normal_hours
2390         ,p_time_normal_finish        => l_time_normal_finish
2391         ,p_time_normal_start         => l_time_normal_start
2392         ,p_location_id               => l_location_id
2393         ,p_recruiter_id              => l_recruiter_id
2394         ,p_supervisor_id             => l_manager_id
2395         ,p_vacancy_id                => p_vacancy_id
2396         ,p_posting_content_id        => p_posting_content_id
2397         ,p_concatenated_segments     => l_concatenated_segments
2398         ,p_cagr_grade_def_id         => l_cagr_grade_def_id
2399         ,p_cagr_concatenated_segments=> l_cagr_concatenated_segments
2400         ,p_group_name                => l_group_name
2401         ,p_assignment_id             => l_assignment_id
2402         ,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id    => l_soft_coding_keyflex_id
2403         ,p_comment_id                => l_comment_id
2404         ,p_object_version_number     => l_asg_object_version_number
2405         ,p_effective_start_date      => l_effective_start_date
2406         ,p_effective_end_date        => l_effective_end_date
2407         ,p_assignment_sequence       => l_assignment_sequence
2408         );
2409     elsif (l_current_employee_flag = 'Y') then
2410       hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,20);
2411       --
2412       hr_employee_api.apply_for_internal_vacancy
2413         (p_validate                  => false
2414         ,p_effective_date            => l_effective_date
2415         ,p_person_id                 => l_person_id
2416         ,p_applicant_number          => l_applicant_number
2417         ,p_per_object_version_number => l_per_object_version_number
2418         ,p_vacancy_id                => p_vacancy_id
2419         ,p_application_id            => l_application_id
2420         ,p_assignment_id             => l_assignment_id
2421         ,p_apl_object_version_number => l_object_version_number_d
2422         ,p_asg_object_version_number => l_asg_object_version_number
2423         ,p_assignment_sequence       => l_assignment_sequence
2424         ,p_per_effective_start_date  => l_effective_start_date
2425         ,p_per_effective_end_date    => l_effective_end_date);
2426        --
2427        hr_assignment_api.update_apl_asg
2428       (p_effective_date            => l_effective_date
2429       ,p_datetrack_update_mode     => 'CORRECTION'
2430       ,p_assignment_id             => l_assignment_id
2431       ,p_object_version_number     => l_asg_object_version_number
2432       ,p_posting_content_id        => p_posting_content_id
2433       ,p_supervisor_id             => l_manager_id
2434       ,p_concatenated_segments     => l_concatenated_segments
2435       ,p_cagr_grade_def_id         => l_cagr_grade_def_id
2436       ,p_cagr_concatenated_segments=> l_cagr_concatenated_segments
2437       ,p_group_name                => l_group_name
2438       ,p_comment_id                => l_comment_id
2439       ,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id    => l_soft_coding_keyflex_id
2440       ,p_people_group_id           => l_people_group_id
2441       ,p_frequency                 => l_frequency
2442       ,p_normal_hours              => l_normal_hours
2443       ,p_time_normal_finish        => l_time_normal_finish
2444       ,p_time_normal_start         => l_time_normal_start
2445       ,p_effective_start_date      => l_effective_start_date
2446       ,p_effective_end_date        => l_effective_end_date
2447       );
2448    --
2449    else
2450       hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,30);
2451       --
2452       hr_applicant_api.convert_to_applicant
2453         (p_validate                  => false
2454         ,p_effective_date            => l_effective_date
2455         ,p_person_id                 => l_person_id
2456         ,p_object_version_number     => l_per_object_version_number
2457         ,p_applicant_number          => l_applicant_number
2458         ,p_person_type_id            => l_person_type_id
2459         ,p_effective_start_date      => l_effective_start_date
2460         ,p_effective_end_date        => l_effective_end_date);
2461        --
2462        open get_new_asg(l_person_id,l_effective_date);
2463        fetch get_new_asg into l_assignment_id,l_asg_object_version_number;
2464        close get_new_asg;
2465       --
2466       hr_assignment_api.update_apl_asg
2467       (p_effective_date            => l_effective_date
2468       ,p_datetrack_update_mode     => 'CORRECTION'
2469       ,p_assignment_id             => l_assignment_id
2470       ,p_object_version_number     => l_asg_object_version_number
2471       ,p_vacancy_id                => p_vacancy_id
2472       ,p_posting_content_id        => p_posting_content_id
2473       ,p_organization_id           => nvl(l_organization_id,l_business_group_id)
2474       ,p_job_id                    => l_job_id
2475       ,p_position_id               => l_position_id
2476       ,p_grade_id                  => l_grade_id
2477       ,p_people_group_id           => l_people_group_id
2478       ,p_location_id               => l_location_id
2479       ,p_recruiter_id              => l_recruiter_id
2480       ,p_supervisor_id             => l_manager_id
2481       ,p_concatenated_segments     => l_concatenated_segments
2482       ,p_cagr_grade_def_id         => l_cagr_grade_def_id
2483       ,p_cagr_concatenated_segments=> l_cagr_concatenated_segments
2484       ,p_group_name                => l_group_name
2485       ,p_comment_id                => l_comment_id
2486       ,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id    => l_soft_coding_keyflex_id
2487       ,p_frequency                 => l_frequency
2488       ,p_normal_hours              => l_normal_hours
2489       ,p_time_normal_finish        => l_time_normal_finish
2490       ,p_time_normal_start         => l_time_normal_start
2491       ,p_effective_start_date      => l_effective_start_date
2492       ,p_effective_end_date        => l_effective_end_date
2493       );
2494     end if;
2495   else
2496     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 40);
2497     --
2498     -- Register Person ID
2499     --
2500     per_per_ins.set_base_key_value
2501       (p_person_id => p_person_id);
2502     --
2503     l_legislation_code := per_vac_bus.return_legislation_code(p_vacancy_id);
2504     l_applicant_number:=null;
2505     if (l_legislation_code = 'JP') then
2506       hr_applicant_api.create_applicant
2507         (p_validate                  => false
2508         ,p_date_received             => l_application_received_date
2509         ,p_business_group_id         => l_business_group_id
2510         ,p_last_name                 => l_last_name
2511         ,p_first_name                => l_first_name
2512         ,p_per_information18         => l_per_information18
2513         ,p_per_information19         => l_per_information19
2514         ,p_date_of_birth             => l_date_of_birth
2515         ,p_applicant_number          => l_applicant_number
2516         ,p_previous_last_name        => l_previous_last_name
2517         ,p_known_as                  => l_known_as
2518         ,p_marital_status            => l_marital_status
2519         ,p_middle_names              => l_middle_name
2520         ,p_suffix                    => l_name_suffix
2521         ,p_person_id                 => l_person_id
2522         ,p_assignment_id             => l_assignment_id
2523         ,p_application_id            => l_application_id
2524         ,p_per_object_version_number => l_per_object_version_number
2525         ,p_asg_object_version_number => l_asg_object_version_number
2526         ,p_apl_object_version_number => l_object_version_number_d
2527         ,p_per_effective_start_date  => l_effective_start_date
2528         ,p_per_effective_end_date    => l_effective_end_date
2529         ,p_full_name                 => l_full_name
2530         ,p_per_comment_id            => l_comment_id
2531         ,p_assignment_sequence       => l_assignment_sequence
2532         ,p_name_combination_warning  => l_name_combination_warning
2533         ,p_orig_hire_warning         => l_orig_hire_warning
2534         ,p_party_id                  => l_party_id
2535         );
2536     elsif (l_legislation_code = 'KR') then
2537       hr_applicant_api.create_applicant
2538         (p_validate                  => false
2539         ,p_date_received             => l_application_received_date
2540         ,p_business_group_id         => l_business_group_id
2541         ,p_last_name                 => l_last_name
2542         ,p_first_name                => l_first_name
2543         ,p_per_information1          => l_per_information1
2544         ,p_per_information2          => l_per_information2
2545         ,p_date_of_birth             => l_date_of_birth
2546         ,p_applicant_number          => l_applicant_number
2547         ,p_previous_last_name        => l_previous_last_name
2548         ,p_known_as                  => l_known_as
2549         ,p_marital_status            => l_marital_status
2550         ,p_middle_names              => l_middle_name
2551         ,p_suffix                    => l_name_suffix
2552         ,p_person_id                 => l_person_id
2553         ,p_assignment_id             => l_assignment_id
2554         ,p_application_id            => l_application_id
2555         ,p_per_object_version_number => l_per_object_version_number
2556         ,p_asg_object_version_number => l_asg_object_version_number
2557         ,p_apl_object_version_number => l_object_version_number_d
2558         ,p_per_effective_start_date  => l_effective_start_date
2559         ,p_per_effective_end_date    => l_effective_end_date
2560         ,p_full_name                 => l_full_name
2561         ,p_per_comment_id            => l_comment_id
2562         ,p_assignment_sequence       => l_assignment_sequence
2563         ,p_name_combination_warning  => l_name_combination_warning
2564         ,p_orig_hire_warning         => l_orig_hire_warning
2565         ,p_party_id                  => l_party_id
2566         );
2567     elsif (l_legislation_code = 'ZA') then
2568       hr_applicant_api.create_applicant
2569         (p_validate                  => false
2570         ,p_date_received             => l_application_received_date
2571         ,p_business_group_id         => l_business_group_id
2572         ,p_last_name                 => l_last_name
2573         ,p_first_name                => l_first_name
2574         ,p_per_information4          => p_per_information4
2575         ,p_date_of_birth             => l_date_of_birth
2576         ,p_applicant_number          => l_applicant_number
2577         ,p_previous_last_name        => l_previous_last_name
2578         ,p_known_as                  => l_known_as
2579         ,p_marital_status            => l_marital_status
2580         ,p_middle_names              => l_middle_name
2581         ,p_suffix                    => l_name_suffix
2582         ,p_person_id                 => l_person_id
2583         ,p_assignment_id             => l_assignment_id
2584         ,p_application_id            => l_application_id
2585         ,p_per_object_version_number => l_per_object_version_number
2586         ,p_asg_object_version_number => l_asg_object_version_number
2587         ,p_apl_object_version_number => l_object_version_number_d
2588         ,p_per_effective_start_date  => l_effective_start_date
2589         ,p_per_effective_end_date    => l_effective_end_date
2590         ,p_full_name                 => l_full_name
2591         ,p_per_comment_id            => l_comment_id
2592         ,p_assignment_sequence       => l_assignment_sequence
2593         ,p_name_combination_warning  => l_name_combination_warning
2594         ,p_orig_hire_warning         => l_orig_hire_warning
2595         ,p_party_id                  => l_party_id
2596         );
2597     else
2598       hr_applicant_api.create_applicant
2599         (p_validate                  => false
2600         ,p_date_received             => l_application_received_date
2601         ,p_business_group_id         => l_business_group_id
2602         ,p_last_name                 => l_last_name
2603         ,p_first_name                => l_first_name
2604         ,p_date_of_birth             => l_date_of_birth
2605         ,p_applicant_number          => l_applicant_number
2606         ,p_previous_last_name        => l_previous_last_name
2607         ,p_known_as                  => l_known_as
2608         ,p_marital_status            => l_marital_status
2609         ,p_middle_names              => l_middle_name
2610         ,p_suffix                    => l_name_suffix
2611         ,p_person_id                 => l_person_id
2612         ,p_assignment_id             => l_assignment_id
2613         ,p_application_id            => l_application_id
2614         ,p_per_object_version_number => l_per_object_version_number
2615         ,p_asg_object_version_number => l_asg_object_version_number
2616         ,p_apl_object_version_number => l_object_version_number_d
2617         ,p_per_effective_start_date  => l_effective_start_date
2618         ,p_per_effective_end_date    => l_effective_end_date
2619         ,p_full_name                 => l_full_name
2620         ,p_per_comment_id            => l_comment_id
2621         ,p_assignment_sequence       => l_assignment_sequence
2622         ,p_name_combination_warning  => l_name_combination_warning
2623         ,p_orig_hire_warning         => l_orig_hire_warning
2624         ,p_party_id                  => l_party_id
2625         );
2626     end if;
2627     --
2628     -- get the PTU person type for iRecruitment Candidate
2629     --
2630     l_ptu_person_type_id:=hr_person_type_usage_info.get_default_person_type_id
2631                                            (l_business_group_id,
2632                                             'IRC_REG_USER');
2633     --
2634     -- create the extra PTU entry for iRecruitment Candidate
2635     --
2636     hr_per_type_usage_internal.maintain_person_type_usage
2637     (p_effective_date       => l_effective_start_date
2638     ,p_person_id            => l_person_id
2639     ,p_person_type_id       => l_ptu_person_type_id
2640     );
2641     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 45);
2642     --
2643     hr_assignment_api.update_apl_asg
2644       (p_effective_date            => l_application_received_date
2645       ,p_datetrack_update_mode     => 'CORRECTION'
2646       ,p_assignment_id             => l_assignment_id
2647       ,p_object_version_number     => l_asg_object_version_number
2648       ,p_vacancy_id                => p_vacancy_id
2649       ,p_posting_content_id        => p_posting_content_id
2650       ,p_organization_id           => nvl(l_organization_id,l_business_group_id)
2651       ,p_job_id                    => l_job_id
2652       ,p_position_id               => l_position_id
2653       ,p_grade_id                  => l_grade_id
2654       ,p_people_group_id           => l_people_group_id
2655       ,p_location_id               => l_location_id
2656       ,p_recruiter_id              => l_recruiter_id
2657       ,p_supervisor_id             => l_manager_id
2658       ,p_concatenated_segments     => l_concatenated_segments
2659       ,p_cagr_grade_def_id         => l_cagr_grade_def_id
2660       ,p_cagr_concatenated_segments=> l_cagr_concatenated_segments
2661       ,p_group_name                => l_group_name
2662       ,p_comment_id                => l_comment_id
2663       ,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id    => l_soft_coding_keyflex_id
2664       ,p_frequency                 => l_frequency
2665       ,p_normal_hours              => l_normal_hours
2666       ,p_time_normal_finish        => l_time_normal_finish
2667       ,p_time_normal_start         => l_time_normal_start
2668       ,p_effective_start_date      => l_effective_start_date
2669       ,p_effective_end_date        => l_effective_end_date
2670       );
2671   end if;
2672   close csr_person_id;
2673   --
2674   -- Call After Process User Hook
2675   --
2676   begin
2677     irc_party_bk3.registered_user_application_a
2678     (
2679        p_effective_date                        => l_effective_date
2680       ,p_person_id                             => p_person_id
2681       ,p_applicant_number                      => l_applicant_number
2682       ,p_application_received_date             => l_application_received_date
2683       ,p_vacancy_id                            => p_vacancy_id
2684       ,p_posting_content_id                    => p_posting_content_id
2685       ,p_assignment_id                         => l_assignment_id
2686       ,p_asg_object_version_number             => l_asg_object_version_number
2687     );
2688   exception
2689     when hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit then
2690       hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit_error
2691         (p_module_name => 'REGISTERED_USER_APPLICATION'
2692         ,p_hook_type   => 'AP'
2693         );
2694   end;
2695   --
2696   -- When IN validation only mode raise the Validate_Enabled exception
2697   --
2698   if p_validate then
2699     raise hr_api.validate_enabled;
2700   end if;
2701   --
2702   -- Set all output arguments
2703   --
2704   p_asg_object_version_number := l_asg_object_version_number;
2705   p_per_object_version_number := l_per_object_version_number;
2706   p_applicant_number := l_applicant_number;
2707   --
2708   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 70);
2710   exception
2711   when hr_api.validate_enabled then
2712     --
2713     -- As the Validate_Enabled exception has been raised
2714     -- we must rollback to the savepoint
2715     --
2717     --
2718     -- Only set output warning arguments
2719     -- (Any key or derived arguments must be set to null
2720     -- when validation only mode is beINg used.)
2721     --
2722     p_asg_object_version_number := null;
2723     p_per_object_version_number := null;
2724     hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 80);
2725   when others then
2726     --
2727     -- A validation or unexpected error has occured
2728     --
2730     -- Check whether csr_person_id is open or not. If open, close it.
2732     if csr_person_id%isopen then
2733         close csr_person_id;
2734     end if;
2737     --
2738     p_asg_object_version_number := null;
2739     p_per_object_version_number := null;
2740     --
2741     hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 90);
2742     raise;
2743 end registered_user_application;
2744 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2745 -- |------------------------< grant_access >-------------------------------|
2746 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2747 procedure grant_access
2748 (p_user_name    IN varchar2
2749 ,p_user_id      IN number
2750 ,p_menu_id      IN number
2751 ,p_resp_id      IN number
2752 ,p_resp_appl_id IN number
2753 ,p_sec_group_id IN number
2754 ,p_grant_name   IN varchar2
2755 ,p_description  IN varchar2 default null
2756 ) is
2757 srowId VARCHAR2(100);
2758 l_guid raw(16);
2759 begin
2760   select sys_guid() into l_guid from dual;
2761   fnd_grants_pkg.insert_row
2762   (
2763     X_ROWID        => srowId,
2764     X_GRANT_GUID   => l_guid,
2765     X_GRANTEE_TYPE => 'USER',
2766     X_GRANTEE_KEY  => upper(p_user_name),
2767     X_MENU_ID      => p_menu_id,
2768     X_START_DATE   => trunc(sysdate),
2769     X_END_DATE     => null,
2770     X_OBJECT_ID    => '-1',
2772     X_INSTANCE_SET_ID => null,
2773     X_INSTANCE_PK1_VALUE => '*NULL*',
2774     X_INSTANCE_PK2_VALUE => '*NULL*',
2775     X_INSTANCE_PK3_VALUE => '*NULL*',
2776     X_INSTANCE_PK4_VALUE => '*NULL*',
2777     X_INSTANCE_PK5_VALUE => '*NULL*',
2778     X_PROGRAM_NAME       => 'IRC_API',
2779     X_PROGRAM_TAG        => null,
2780     X_CREATION_DATE      => sysdate,
2781     X_CREATED_BY         => p_user_id,
2782     X_LAST_UPDATE_DATE   => sysdate,
2783     X_LAST_UPDATED_BY    => p_user_id,
2784     X_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN  => p_user_id,
2785     X_CTX_SECGRP_ID      => p_sec_group_id,
2786     X_CTX_RESP_ID        => p_resp_id,
2787     X_CTX_RESP_APPL_ID   => p_resp_appl_id,
2788     X_NAME               => p_grant_name,
2789     X_DESCRIPTION        => p_description
2790   );
2791 end grant_access;
2792 --
2793 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2794 -- |------------------------< create_user_internal >-----------------------|
2795 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2796 --
2797 procedure create_user_internal
2798    (p_user_name                 IN     varchar2
2799    ,p_password                  IN     varchar2
2800    ,p_start_date                IN     date
2801    ,p_responsibility_id         IN     number
2802    ,p_resp_appl_id              IN     number
2803    ,p_security_group_id         IN     number
2804    ,p_email                     IN     varchar2 default null
2805    ,p_language                  IN     varchar2 default null
2806    ,p_last_name                 IN     varchar2 default null
2807    ,p_first_name                IN     varchar2 default null
2808    ,p_allow_access              IN     varchar2 default null
2809    ,p_per_information_category  IN     varchar2 default null
2810    ,p_per_information1          IN     varchar2 default null
2811    ,p_per_information2          IN     varchar2 default null
2812    ,p_per_information3          IN     varchar2 default null
2813    ,p_per_information4          IN     varchar2 default null
2814    ,p_per_information5          IN     varchar2 default null
2815    ,p_per_information6          IN     varchar2 default null
2816    ,p_per_information7          IN     varchar2 default null
2817    ,p_per_information8          IN     varchar2 default null
2818    ,p_per_information9          IN     varchar2 default null
2819    ,p_per_information10         IN     varchar2 default null
2820    ,p_per_information11         IN     varchar2 default null
2821    ,p_per_information12         IN     varchar2 default null
2822    ,p_per_information13         IN     varchar2 default null
2823    ,p_per_information14         IN     varchar2 default null
2824    ,p_per_information15         IN     varchar2 default null
2825    ,p_per_information16         IN     varchar2 default null
2826    ,p_per_information17         IN     varchar2 default null
2827    ,p_per_information18         IN     varchar2 default null
2828    ,p_per_information19         IN     varchar2 default null
2829    ,p_per_information20         IN     varchar2 default null
2830    ,p_per_information21         IN     varchar2 default null
2831    ,p_per_information22         IN     varchar2 default null
2832    ,p_per_information23         IN     varchar2 default null
2833    ,p_per_information24         IN     varchar2 default null
2834    ,p_per_information25         IN     varchar2 default null
2835    ,p_per_information26         IN     varchar2 default null
2836    ,p_per_information27         IN     varchar2 default null
2837    ,p_per_information28         IN     varchar2 default null
2838    ,p_per_information29         IN     varchar2 default null
2839    ,p_per_information30         IN     varchar2 default null
2840    ) IS
2841 --
2842 PRAGMA autonomous_transaction;
2843 l_proc          varchar2(72) := g_package||'create_user';
2844 l_person_id     per_all_people_f.person_id%type;
2845 l_user_id       number;
2846 l_profile_check boolean;
2847 l_user_name     fnd_user.user_name%type;
2848 l_default_last_name per_all_people_f.last_name%type;
2849 l_effective_start_date date;
2850 l_effective_end_date date;
2851 l_sec_profile_assignment_id number;
2852 l_business_group_id number;
2853 l_sec_profile_id number;
2854 l_ovn number;
2855 l_menu_name varchar2(30);
2856 l_menu_id number;
2857 l_grant_name varchar2(80);
2858 --
2859 cursor get_menu_id (p_menu_name varchar2) is
2860 select menu_id from fnd_menus where menu_name=upper(p_menu_name);
2861 --
2862 begin
2863   hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: '||l_proc, 10);
2864   --
2865   -- Create Person
2866   l_default_last_name := nvl(p_last_name,fnd_message.get_string('PER','IRC_412108_UNKNOWN_NAME'));
2868   irc_party_api.create_registered_user
2869    (p_last_name              =>    l_default_last_name
2870    ,p_first_name             =>    p_first_name
2871    ,p_email_address          =>    p_email
2872    ,p_effective_start_date   =>    l_effective_start_date
2873    ,p_effective_end_date     =>    l_effective_end_date
2874    ,p_person_id              =>    l_person_id
2875    ,p_allow_access           =>    p_allow_access
2876    ,p_start_date             =>    p_start_date
2877    ,p_per_information_category              => p_per_information_category
2878    ,p_per_information1                      => p_per_information1
2879    ,p_per_information2                      => p_per_information2
2880    ,p_per_information3                      => p_per_information3
2881    ,p_per_information4                      => p_per_information4
2882    ,p_per_information5                      => p_per_information5
2883    ,p_per_information6                      => p_per_information6
2884    ,p_per_information7                      => p_per_information7
2885    ,p_per_information8                      => p_per_information8
2886    ,p_per_information9                      => p_per_information9
2887    ,p_per_information10                     => p_per_information10
2888    ,p_per_information11                     => p_per_information11
2889    ,p_per_information12                     => p_per_information12
2890    ,p_per_information13                     => p_per_information13
2891    ,p_per_information14                     => p_per_information14
2892    ,p_per_information15                     => p_per_information15
2893    ,p_per_information16                     => p_per_information16
2894    ,p_per_information17                     => p_per_information17
2895    ,p_per_information18                     => p_per_information18
2896    ,p_per_information19                     => p_per_information19
2897    ,p_per_information20                     => p_per_information20
2898    ,p_per_information21                     => p_per_information21
2899    ,p_per_information22                     => p_per_information22
2900    ,p_per_information23                     => p_per_information23
2901    ,p_per_information24                     => p_per_information24
2902    ,p_per_information25                     => p_per_information25
2903    ,p_per_information26                     => p_per_information26
2904    ,p_per_information27                     => p_per_information27
2905    ,p_per_information28                     => p_per_information28
2906    ,p_per_information29                     => p_per_information29
2907    ,p_per_information30                     => p_per_information30
2908    );
2910   --
2911   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,20);
2912   --
2913   -- Create User and set person_id to employee_id
2914   --
2915   l_user_id := fnd_user_pkg.CreateUserId (
2916   x_user_name                  => p_user_name,
2917   x_owner                      => 'CUST',
2918   x_unencrypted_password       => p_password,
2919   x_email_address              => p_email,
2920   x_employee_id                => l_person_id,
2921   x_password_date              => trunc(sysdate));
2922   --
2923   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,30);
2924   --
2925   -- set the language profile option
2926   --
2927   l_profile_check := fnd_profile.save (
2928   x_name                =>      'ICX_LANGUAGE',
2929   x_value               =>      p_language,
2930   x_level_name          =>      'USER',
2931   x_level_value         =>      l_user_id );
2932   --
2933   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,40);
2934   --
2935   --
2936   -- add the appropriate responsibility
2937   --
2938   fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Insert_Assignment
2939   (user_id => l_user_id
2940   ,responsibility_id => p_responsibility_id
2941   ,responsibility_application_id => p_resp_appl_id
2942   ,security_group_id => p_security_group_id
2943   ,start_date => trunc(sysdate)
2944   ,end_date => null
2945   ,description => ' ' -- ### description was supposed to default
2946                             -- to null... but does not look like it has
2947   );
2948   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,50);
2949   --
2950   -- look to see if we are using multiple security groups
2951   --
2952   if (fnd_profile.value('ENABLE_SECURITY_GROUPS')='Y') then
2953     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,60);
2954     l_sec_profile_id:=fnd_profile.value_specific
2955     (name=>'PER_SECURITY_PROFILE_ID'
2956     ,user_id=>l_user_id
2957     ,responsibility_id=>p_responsibility_id
2958     ,application_id=>p_resp_appl_id);
2959     l_business_group_id:=fnd_profile.value_specific
2960     (name=>'PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID'
2961     ,user_id=>l_user_id
2962     ,responsibility_id=>p_responsibility_id
2963     ,application_id=>p_resp_appl_id);
2964     --
2965     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,70);
2966     per_sec_profile_asg_api.create_security_profile_asg
2967     (p_sec_profile_assignment_id    => l_sec_profile_assignment_id
2968     ,p_user_id                      => l_user_id
2969     ,p_security_group_id            => p_security_group_id
2970     ,p_business_group_id            => l_business_group_id
2971     ,p_security_profile_id          => l_sec_profile_id
2972     ,p_responsibility_id            => p_responsibility_id
2973     ,p_responsibility_application_i => p_resp_appl_id
2974     ,p_start_date                   => trunc(sysdate)
2975     ,p_object_version_number        => l_ovn
2976     );
2977   end if;
2978   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,90);
2979   --
2980   -- Assign the grant to the User
2981   --
2982   l_menu_name:=fnd_profile.value_specific
2983     (name=>'IRC_CANDIDATE_PSET'
2984     ,user_id=>l_user_id
2985     ,responsibility_id=>p_responsibility_id
2986     ,application_id=>p_resp_appl_id);
2988   open get_menu_id(l_menu_name);
2989   fetch get_menu_id into l_menu_id;
2990   close get_menu_id;
2992   if l_menu_id is not null then
2993     if length(p_user_name) > 65 then
2994       l_grant_name := 'IRC_'||substr(p_user_name,1,65)||'_CAND_GRANT';
2995     else
2996       l_grant_name := 'IRC_'||upper(p_user_name)||'_CAND_GRANT';
2997     end if;
2998     irc_party_api.grant_access(p_user_name=> p_user_name,
2999                              p_user_id=> l_user_id,
3000                              p_menu_id=> l_menu_id,
3001                              p_resp_id=> p_responsibility_id,
3002                              p_resp_appl_id=> p_resp_appl_id,
3003                              p_sec_group_id=> p_security_group_id,
3004                              p_grant_name=> l_grant_name,
3005                              p_description=>' ');
3006   end if;
3007   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,100);
3008   --
3009   -- commit autonomous transaction
3010   --
3011   commit;
3012   --
3013   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 110);
3014 end create_user_internal;
3015 --
3016 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
3017 -- |------------------------< create_user >--------------------------------|
3018 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
3019 --
3020 procedure create_user
3021    (p_user_name                 IN     varchar2
3022    ,p_password                  IN     varchar2
3023    ,p_start_date                IN     date
3024    ,p_responsibility_id         IN     number
3025    ,p_resp_appl_id              IN     number
3026    ,p_security_group_id         IN     number
3027    ,p_email                     IN     varchar2 default null
3028    ,p_language                  IN     varchar2 default null
3029    ,p_last_name                 IN     varchar2 default null
3030    ,p_first_name                IN     varchar2 default null
3031    ,p_allow_access              IN     varchar2 default null
3032    ,p_per_information_category  IN     varchar2 default null
3033    ,p_per_information1          IN     varchar2 default null
3034    ,p_per_information2          IN     varchar2 default null
3035    ,p_per_information3          IN     varchar2 default null
3036    ,p_per_information4          IN     varchar2 default null
3037    ,p_per_information5          IN     varchar2 default null
3038    ,p_per_information6          IN     varchar2 default null
3039    ,p_per_information7          IN     varchar2 default null
3040    ,p_per_information8          IN     varchar2 default null
3041    ,p_per_information9          IN     varchar2 default null
3042    ,p_per_information10         IN     varchar2 default null
3043    ,p_per_information11         IN     varchar2 default null
3044    ,p_per_information12         IN     varchar2 default null
3045    ,p_per_information13         IN     varchar2 default null
3046    ,p_per_information14         IN     varchar2 default null
3047    ,p_per_information15         IN     varchar2 default null
3048    ,p_per_information16         IN     varchar2 default null
3049    ,p_per_information17         IN     varchar2 default null
3050    ,p_per_information18         IN     varchar2 default null
3051    ,p_per_information19         IN     varchar2 default null
3052    ,p_per_information20         IN     varchar2 default null
3053    ,p_per_information21         IN     varchar2 default null
3054    ,p_per_information22         IN     varchar2 default null
3055    ,p_per_information23         IN     varchar2 default null
3056    ,p_per_information24         IN     varchar2 default null
3057    ,p_per_information25         IN     varchar2 default null
3058    ,p_per_information26         IN     varchar2 default null
3059    ,p_per_information27         IN     varchar2 default null
3060    ,p_per_information28         IN     varchar2 default null
3061    ,p_per_information29         IN     varchar2 default null
3062    ,p_per_information30         IN     varchar2 default null
3063    ) IS
3064 --
3065 l_password_check varchar2(1);
3066 l_password_change_check varchar2(1);
3067 l_allow_access irc_notification_preferences.allow_access%type;
3068 l_start_date date;
3069 cursor get_nls_language is
3070 select nls_language
3071 from fnd_languages
3072 where language_code=p_language;
3073 --
3074 l_nls_language fnd_languages.nls_language%type;
3075 --
3076 begin
3077   --
3078   -- Truncate time portion from date
3079   --
3080   l_start_date := trunc(p_start_date);
3081   --
3082   -- default Allow Access if input value is NULL
3083   --
3084   l_allow_access := nvl(p_allow_access,nvl(fnd_profile.value('IRC_VISIBLE_PREF_DEFAULT'),'N'));
3085   --
3086   -- Call Before Process User Hook
3087   --
3088   begin
3089     irc_party_bk4.create_user_b
3090     (
3091        p_user_name             => p_user_name
3092       ,p_password              => p_password
3093       ,p_start_date            => l_start_date
3094       ,p_email                 => p_email
3095       ,p_language              => p_language
3096       ,p_last_name             => p_last_name
3097       ,p_first_name            => p_first_name
3098       ,p_allow_access          => l_allow_access
3099     ,p_per_information_category              => p_per_information_category
3100     ,p_per_information1                      => p_per_information1
3101     ,p_per_information2                      => p_per_information2
3102     ,p_per_information3                      => p_per_information3
3103     ,p_per_information4                      => p_per_information4
3104     ,p_per_information5                      => p_per_information5
3105     ,p_per_information6                      => p_per_information6
3106     ,p_per_information7                      => p_per_information7
3107     ,p_per_information8                      => p_per_information8
3108     ,p_per_information9                      => p_per_information9
3109     ,p_per_information10                     => p_per_information10
3110     ,p_per_information11                     => p_per_information11
3111     ,p_per_information12                     => p_per_information12
3112     ,p_per_information13                     => p_per_information13
3113     ,p_per_information14                     => p_per_information14
3114     ,p_per_information15                     => p_per_information15
3115     ,p_per_information16                     => p_per_information16
3116     ,p_per_information17                     => p_per_information17
3117     ,p_per_information18                     => p_per_information18
3118     ,p_per_information19                     => p_per_information19
3119     ,p_per_information20                     => p_per_information20
3120     ,p_per_information21                     => p_per_information21
3121     ,p_per_information22                     => p_per_information22
3122     ,p_per_information23                     => p_per_information23
3123     ,p_per_information24                     => p_per_information24
3124     ,p_per_information25                     => p_per_information25
3125     ,p_per_information26                     => p_per_information26
3126     ,p_per_information27                     => p_per_information27
3127     ,p_per_information28                     => p_per_information28
3128     ,p_per_information29                     => p_per_information29
3129     ,p_per_information30                     => p_per_information30
3130     );
3131   exception
3132     when hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit then
3133       hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit_error
3134         (p_module_name => 'CREATE_USER'
3135         ,p_hook_type   => 'BP'
3136         );
3137   end;
3138   --
3139   -- get NLS_LANGUAGE
3140   --
3141   open get_nls_language;
3142   fetch get_nls_language into l_nls_language;
3143   if get_nls_language%notfound then
3144     close get_nls_language;
3145     l_nls_language:=p_language;
3146   else
3147     close get_nls_language;
3148   end if;
3149   --
3150   -- Validate the password
3151   --
3152   l_password_check := fnd_web_sec.validate_password(username => p_user_name
3153                                                    ,password => p_password);
3155   if (l_password_check = 'N') then
3156     fnd_message.raise_error;
3157   end if;
3158   --
3159   -- create party and user
3160   --
3161   irc_party_api.create_user_internal(p_user_name => p_user_name
3162                                     ,p_password  => p_password
3163                                     ,p_start_date => l_start_date
3164                                     ,p_email => p_email
3165                                     ,p_responsibility_id => p_responsibility_id
3166                                     ,p_resp_appl_id => p_resp_appl_id
3167                                     ,p_security_group_id => p_security_group_id
3168                                     ,p_language => l_nls_language
3169                                     ,p_last_name => p_last_name
3170                                     ,p_first_name => p_first_name
3171                                     ,p_allow_access => l_allow_access
3172     ,p_per_information_category              => p_per_information_category
3173     ,p_per_information1                      => p_per_information1
3174     ,p_per_information2                      => p_per_information2
3175     ,p_per_information3                      => p_per_information3
3176     ,p_per_information4                      => p_per_information4
3177     ,p_per_information5                      => p_per_information5
3178     ,p_per_information6                      => p_per_information6
3179     ,p_per_information7                      => p_per_information7
3180     ,p_per_information8                      => p_per_information8
3181     ,p_per_information9                      => p_per_information9
3182     ,p_per_information10                     => p_per_information10
3183     ,p_per_information11                     => p_per_information11
3184     ,p_per_information12                     => p_per_information12
3185     ,p_per_information13                     => p_per_information13
3186     ,p_per_information14                     => p_per_information14
3187     ,p_per_information15                     => p_per_information15
3188     ,p_per_information16                     => p_per_information16
3189     ,p_per_information17                     => p_per_information17
3190     ,p_per_information18                     => p_per_information18
3191     ,p_per_information19                     => p_per_information19
3192     ,p_per_information20                     => p_per_information20
3193     ,p_per_information21                     => p_per_information21
3194     ,p_per_information22                     => p_per_information22
3195     ,p_per_information23                     => p_per_information23
3196     ,p_per_information24                     => p_per_information24
3197     ,p_per_information25                     => p_per_information25
3198     ,p_per_information26                     => p_per_information26
3199     ,p_per_information27                     => p_per_information27
3200     ,p_per_information28                     => p_per_information28
3201     ,p_per_information29                     => p_per_information29
3202     ,p_per_information30                     => p_per_information30
3203     );
3204   --
3205   -- Call After Process User Hook
3206   --
3207   begin
3208     irc_party_bk4.create_user_a
3209     (
3210        p_user_name             => p_user_name
3211       ,p_password              => p_password
3212       ,p_start_date            => l_start_date
3213       ,p_email                 => p_email
3214       ,p_language              => p_language
3215       ,p_last_name             => p_last_name
3216       ,p_first_name            => p_first_name
3217       ,p_allow_access          => l_allow_access
3218     ,p_per_information_category              => p_per_information_category
3219     ,p_per_information1                      => p_per_information1
3220     ,p_per_information2                      => p_per_information2
3221     ,p_per_information3                      => p_per_information3
3222     ,p_per_information4                      => p_per_information4
3223     ,p_per_information5                      => p_per_information5
3224     ,p_per_information6                      => p_per_information6
3225     ,p_per_information7                      => p_per_information7
3226     ,p_per_information8                      => p_per_information8
3227     ,p_per_information9                      => p_per_information9
3228     ,p_per_information10                     => p_per_information10
3229     ,p_per_information11                     => p_per_information11
3230     ,p_per_information12                     => p_per_information12
3231     ,p_per_information13                     => p_per_information13
3232     ,p_per_information14                     => p_per_information14
3233     ,p_per_information15                     => p_per_information15
3234     ,p_per_information16                     => p_per_information16
3235     ,p_per_information17                     => p_per_information17
3236     ,p_per_information18                     => p_per_information18
3237     ,p_per_information19                     => p_per_information19
3238     ,p_per_information20                     => p_per_information20
3239     ,p_per_information21                     => p_per_information21
3240     ,p_per_information22                     => p_per_information22
3241     ,p_per_information23                     => p_per_information23
3242     ,p_per_information24                     => p_per_information24
3243     ,p_per_information25                     => p_per_information25
3244     ,p_per_information26                     => p_per_information26
3245     ,p_per_information27                     => p_per_information27
3246     ,p_per_information28                     => p_per_information28
3247     ,p_per_information29                     => p_per_information29
3248     ,p_per_information30                     => p_per_information30
3249     );
3250   exception
3251     when hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit then
3252       hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit_error
3253         (p_module_name => 'CREATE_USER'
3254         ,p_hook_type   => 'AP'
3255         );
3256   end;
3257 --
3258 end create_user;
3259 --
3260 -- Function to encrypt a string using a specified key.
3261 --
3262 function encrypt
3263   (p_key   in varchar2,
3264    p_value in varchar2)
3265   return varchar2
3266   as language java name 'oracle.apps.fnd.security.WebSessionManagerProc.encrypt(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) return
3267  java.lang.String';
3268 --
3269 -- Function to decrypt an encrypted string using a specified key.
3270 --
3271 function decrypt
3272   (p_key in varchar2,
3273    p_value in varchar2)
3274   return varchar2
3275   as language java name 'oracle.apps.fnd.security.WebSessionManagerProc.decrypt(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) return
3276  java.lang.String';
3277 --
3278 -- Returns the foundation password.
3279 --
3280 function get_foundation_password
3281   return varchar2
3282 is
3283   guestUserPwd varchar2(200);
3284   guestUserName varchar2(100);
3285   guestUserPwdOnly varchar2(100);
3286   guestFndPwd varchar2(100);
3287   delim number;
3288   bad_guest_user exception;
3290   cursor get_pwd(p_guestUserName varchar2) is
3291   select encrypted_foundation_password
3292   from fnd_user
3293   where user_name = p_guestUserName
3294   and trunc(sysdate) between start_date and
3295   nvl(end_date,trunc(sysdate));
3296   --
3297   guestEncFndPwd fnd_user.encrypted_foundation_password%type;
3298   --
3299 begin
3300   --
3301   guestUserPwd := upper(FND_WEB_SEC.GET_GUEST_USERNAME_PWD());
3302   --
3303   delim := instr(guestUserPwd,'/');
3304   --
3305   if(delim = 0) then
3306     raise bad_guest_user;
3307   else
3308     guestUserName := upper(substr(guestUserPwd,1,delim-1));
3309     guestUserPwdOnly := upper(substr(guestUserPwd,delim+1));
3310   end if;
3311   --
3312   if(fnd_web_sec.validate_login(guestUserName,guestUserPwdOnly) = 'N') then
3313     raise bad_guest_user;
3314   end if;
3315   --
3316   open get_pwd(guestUserName);
3317   fetch get_pwd into guestEncFndPwd;
3318   close get_pwd;
3319   --
3320   guestFndPwd := decrypt(guestUserPwd,guestEncFndPwd);
3321   --
3322   if(guestFndPwd is null) then
3323     raise bad_guest_user;
3324   end if;
3325   --
3326   return guestFndPwd;
3327   --
3328   exception
3329     when others then
3330       fnd_message.set_encoded('MRP'||fnd_global.local_chr(0)||
3331         'GEN-INVALID PROFILE'||fnd_global.local_chr(0)||
3332         'N'||fnd_global.local_chr(0)||
3333         'PROFILE'||fnd_global.local_chr(0)||
3334         'GUEST_USER_PWD'||fnd_global.local_chr(0)||
3335         'N'||fnd_global.local_chr(0)||
3336         'VALUE'||fnd_global.local_chr(0)||
3337         guestUserPwd||fnd_global.local_chr(0));
3338       return null;
3339 end;
3340 --
3341 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
3342 -- |------------------------< update_user >--------------------------------|
3343 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
3344 --
3345 procedure update_user (
3346   p_user_name                  in varchar2,
3347   p_owner                      in varchar2,
3348   p_unencrypted_password       in varchar2 default null,
3349   p_encrypted_user_password    in varchar2 default null,
3350   p_session_number             in number default null,
3351   p_start_date                 in date default null,
3352   p_end_date                   in date default null,
3353   p_last_logon_date            in date default null,
3354   p_description                in varchar2 default null,
3355   p_password_date              in date default null,
3356   p_password_accesses_left     in number default null,
3357   p_password_lifespan_accesses in number default null,
3358   p_password_lifespan_days     in number default null,
3359   p_employee_id                in number default null,
3360   p_email_address              in varchar2 default null,
3361   p_fax                        in varchar2 default null,
3362   p_customer_id                in number default null,
3363   p_supplier_id                in number default null,
3364   p_old_password               in varchar2 default null) is
3365 l_new_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type;
3366 l_current_email_address fnd_user.email_address%type;
3367 l_central_registration_url varchar2(4000);
3368 --
3369 cursor csr_get_email(p_user_name varchar2) is
3370 select upper(email_address)
3371 from fnd_user
3372 where user_name = p_user_name;
3373 --
3374 begin
3375   -- get existing email address
3376   --
3377   open csr_get_email(p_user_name);
3378   fetch csr_get_email into l_current_email_address;
3379   close csr_get_email;
3380   --
3381   l_central_registration_url:=fnd_profile.value('APPS_CENTRAL_REGISTER_URL');
3382   --
3383  if l_central_registration_url is null then
3384   --
3385   fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser (
3386   x_user_name                  => p_user_name,
3387   x_owner                      => p_owner,
3388   x_unencrypted_password       => p_unencrypted_password,
3389   x_session_number             => p_session_number,
3390   x_start_date                 => p_start_date,
3391   x_end_date                   => p_end_date,
3392   x_last_logon_date            => p_last_logon_date,
3393   x_description                => p_description,
3394   x_password_date              => p_password_date,
3395   x_password_accesses_left     => p_password_accesses_left,
3396   x_password_lifespan_accesses => p_password_lifespan_accesses,
3397   x_password_lifespan_days     => p_password_lifespan_days,
3398   x_employee_id                => p_employee_id,
3399   x_email_address              => p_email_address,
3400   x_fax                        => p_fax,
3401   x_customer_id                => p_customer_id,
3402   x_supplier_id                => p_supplier_id);
3403   --
3404  end if;
3405   --
3406   -- if email address is updated then update user_name
3407   -- if the existing user_name and email_address match
3408   --
3409   l_new_user_name := upper(p_email_address);
3410   if p_user_name <> l_new_user_name
3411    and l_current_email_address = p_user_name then
3412     fnd_user_pkg.change_user_name(p_user_name,l_new_user_name);
3413   end if;
3414 end update_user;
3415 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
3416 -- |------------------------< self_register_user >-------------------------|
3417 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
3418 --
3419 procedure self_register_user
3420    (p_validate                  IN     boolean  default false
3421    ,p_current_email_address     IN     varchar2
3422    ,p_responsibility_id         IN     number
3423    ,p_resp_appl_id              IN     number
3424    ,p_security_group_id         IN     number
3425    ,p_first_name                IN     varchar2 default null
3426    ,p_last_name                 IN     varchar2 default null
3427    ,p_middle_names              IN     varchar2 default null
3428    ,p_previous_last_name        IN     varchar2 default null
3429    ,p_employee_number           IN     varchar2 default null
3430    ,p_national_identifier       IN     varchar2 default null
3431    ,p_date_of_birth             IN     date     default null
3432    ,p_email_address             IN     varchar2 default null
3433    ,p_home_phone_number         IN     varchar2 default null
3434    ,p_work_phone_number         IN     varchar2 default null
3435    ,p_address_line_1            IN     varchar2 default null
3436    ,p_manager_last_name         IN     varchar2 default null
3437    ,p_allow_access              IN     varchar2 default null
3438    ,p_language                  IN     varchar2 default null
3439    ,p_user_name                 IN     varchar2 default null
3440    ) is
3442   cursor email_exists is
3443   select 1 from fnd_user
3444   where user_name=upper(p_current_email_address);
3446   l_date_of_birth date;
3448   cursor get_prev_emp is
3449   select per1.party_id,count(*)
3450   from per_all_people_f per1
3451   where UPPER(per1.last_name)=UPPER(p_last_name)
3452   and ( UPPER(per1.first_name)=UPPER(nvl(p_first_name,per1.first_name))
3453        or (per1.first_name is null and p_first_name is null))
3454   and ( UPPER(per1.middle_names)= UPPER(nvl(p_middle_names,per1.middle_names))
3455        or (per1.middle_names is null and p_middle_names is null))
3456   and ( UPPER(per1.previous_last_name)= UPPER(nvl(p_previous_last_name,per1.previous_last_name))
3457        or (per1.previous_last_name is null and p_previous_last_name is null))
3458   and ( UPPER(per1.employee_number)= UPPER(nvl(p_employee_number,per1.employee_number))
3459        or (per1.employee_number is null and p_employee_number is null))
3460   and ( UPPER(per1.national_identifier)= UPPER(nvl(p_national_identifier,per1.national_identifier))
3461        or (per1.national_identifier is null and p_national_identifier is null))
3462   and (per1.date_of_birth=nvl(l_date_of_birth,per1.date_of_birth)
3463        or (per1.date_of_birth is null and p_date_of_birth is null))
3464   and ( UPPER(per1.email_address)= UPPER(nvl(p_email_address,per1.email_address))
3465        or (per1.email_address is null and p_email_address is null))
3466   and (p_home_phone_number is null
3467        or exists (select 1 from per_phones phns
3468        where phns.parent_id=per1.person_id
3469        and phns.parent_table='PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F'
3470        and phns.phone_type in ('H1','H2','H3')
3471        and phns.phone_number = p_home_phone_number))
3472   and (p_work_phone_number is null
3473        or exists (select 1 from per_phones phns
3474        where phns.parent_id=per1.person_id
3475        and phns.parent_table='PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F'
3476        and phns.phone_type in ('W1','W2','W3')
3477        and phns.phone_number = p_work_phone_number))
3478   and (p_address_line_1 is null
3479       or exists (select 1 from per_addresses addr
3480       where addr.person_id=per1.person_id
3481       and addr.address_type in ('H','REC','HOME')))
3482   and (p_manager_last_name is null
3483       or exists (select 1 from per_all_people_f per2
3484       ,per_all_assignments_f asg2
3485       where asg2.person_id=per1.person_id
3486       and asg2.assignment_type in ('E','C')
3487       and asg2.supervisor_id=per2.person_id
3488       and asg2.effective_start_date between per2.effective_start_date and per2.effective_end_date
3489       and UPPER(per2.last_name)=UPPER(p_manager_last_name)))
3490   and exists(SELECT  1
3491       FROM  per_person_types typ
3492            ,per_person_type_usages_f ptu
3493       WHERE typ.system_person_type = 'EX_EMP'
3494        AND  typ.person_type_id = ptu.person_type_id
3495        AND  sysdate BETWEEN ptu.effective_start_date
3496                                  AND ptu.effective_end_date
3497        AND  ptu.person_id = per1.person_id)
3498   group by per1.party_id;
3500 l_party_id number;
3501 l_count number;
3502 l_party_id2 number;
3503 l_count2 number;
3505 cursor current_emp(p_party_id number) is
3506 select 1
3507 from per_all_people_f per1
3508 where per1.party_id=p_party_id
3509 and trunc(sysdate) between per1.effective_start_date and per1.effective_end_date
3510 and current_employee_flag='Y';
3512 l_dummy number;
3514 cursor in_reg_bg(p_party_id number) is
3515 select per1.person_id
3516 from per_all_people_f per1
3517 where per1.party_id=p_party_id
3518 and trunc(sysdate) between per1.effective_start_date and per1.effective_end_date
3519 and per1.business_group_id = fnd_profile.value('IRC_REGISTRATION_BG_ID');
3521 l_person_id number;
3523 cursor has_notification_prefs(p_party_id number) is
3524 select notif.person_id
3525 from irc_notification_preferences notif
3526 where notif.party_id=p_party_id;
3528 l_notif_person_id number;
3529 l_object_version_number    number;
3530 l_notification_preference_id number;
3531 l_search_criteria_id number;
3533 cursor has_work_prefs(p_person_id number) is
3534 select prefs.object_id
3535 from irc_search_criteria prefs
3536 where prefs.object_id=p_person_id
3537 and prefs.object_type='WPREF';
3539 cursor get_last_emp_rec(p_party_id number) is
3540 select per1.person_id
3541 from per_all_people_f per1
3542 where per1.party_id=p_party_id
3543 and per1.current_employee_flag='Y'
3544 and per1.effective_start_date<sysdate
3545 order by per1.effective_end_date desc;
3547 cursor get_last_per_rec(p_party_id number) is
3548 select per1.person_id
3549 from per_all_people_f per1
3550 where per1.party_id=p_party_id
3551 and per1.effective_start_date<sysdate
3552 order by per1.effective_end_date desc;
3554 cursor get_bg(p_person_id number) is
3555 select per1.business_group_id
3556 ,per1.object_version_number
3557 ,per1.employee_number
3558 ,per1.effective_start_date
3559 from per_all_people_f per1
3560 where per1.person_id=p_person_id
3561 and trunc(sysdate) between per1.effective_start_date and per1.effective_end_date;
3563 l_person_ovn number;
3564 l_employee_number varchar2(255);
3565 l_business_group_id number;
3566 l_ptu_person_type_id number;
3567 l_person_start_date date;
3568 l_dt_mode varchar2(30);
3570 cursor ptu_exists(p_person_id number,p_person_type_id number) is
3571 select 1 from per_person_type_usages_f ptuf
3572 where ptuf.person_id=p_person_id
3573 and   ptuf.person_type_id=p_person_type_id
3574 and trunc(sysdate) between ptuf.effective_start_date and ptuf.effective_end_date;
3576 cursor existing_emails(p_person_id number,p_party_id number) is
3577 select fusr.user_name
3578 from fnd_user fusr
3579 where fusr.employee_id=p_person_id
3580 and trunc(sysdate) between fusr.start_date and
3581   nvl(fusr.end_date,trunc(sysdate))
3582 union
3583 select fusr.user_name
3584 from fnd_user fusr
3585 where fusr.customer_id=p_party_id
3586 and trunc(sysdate) between fusr.start_date and
3587   nvl(fusr.end_date,trunc(sysdate));
3589 cursor user_association_exists(p_user_name varchar2) is
3590 select 1
3591 from fnd_user fusr
3592 where fusr.user_name=p_user_name
3593 and fusr.employee_id is not null;
3595 cursor get_user_id(p_user_name varchar2) is
3596 select fusr.user_id
3597 from fnd_user fusr
3598 where fusr.user_name=p_user_name;
3599 --
3600 cursor get_menu_id (p_menu_name varchar2)is
3601 select menu_id from fnd_menus where menu_name=upper(p_menu_name);
3602 --
3603 cursor get_party_id(p_user_name varchar2) is
3604 select fusr.person_party_id
3605 from fnd_user fusr
3606 where fusr.user_name=p_user_name;
3607 --
3608 l_user_id       number;
3609 l_profile_check boolean;
3610 l_sec_profile_assignment_id number;
3611 l_business_group_id2 number;
3612 l_sec_profile_id number;
3613 l_password varchar2(30);
3614 l_effective_start_date     date;
3615 l_effective_end_date       date;
3616 l_full_name                per_all_people_f.full_name%type;
3617 l_comment_id               number;
3618 l_name_combination_warning boolean;
3619 l_assign_payroll_warning   boolean;
3620 l_orig_hire_warning        boolean;
3621 l_nid             number;
3622 l_subject varchar2(32000);
3623 l_html_body varchar2(32000);
3624 l_text_body varchar2(32000);
3625 l_passchar varchar2(1);
3626 l_oldpasschar varchar2(1);
3627 l_num number;
3628 l_function_name varchar2(30);
3629 l_func_check varchar2(1);
3630 l_menu_name varchar2(30);
3631 l_menu_id number;
3632 l_grant_name varchar2(80);
3633 l_resp_exists boolean;
3634 l_allow_access irc_notification_preferences.allow_access%type;
3635 l_sso_enabled varchar2(30);
3636 l_central_registration_url varchar2(4000);
3637 l_purge_party_id number;
3638 --
3639 cursor get_nls_language is
3640 select nls_language
3641 from fnd_languages
3642 where language_code=p_language;
3643 --
3644 l_nls_language fnd_languages.nls_language%type;
3645 --
3646 l_proc          varchar2(72) := g_package||'self_register_user';
3647 --
3648 l_password_length number;
3649 l_min_password_length number := 8;
3650 --
3651 -- for disabling the descriptive flex field
3652 l_add_struct_d hr_dflex_utility.l_ignore_dfcode_varray :=
3653                            hr_dflex_utility.l_ignore_dfcode_varray();
3654 --
3655 begin
3657   hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: '||l_proc, 10);
3658   --
3659   -- Issue a savepoint
3660   --
3661   savepoint SELF_REGISTER_USER;
3662   --
3663   -- Truncate the time portion from all IN date parameters
3664   --
3665   l_date_of_birth := trunc(p_date_of_birth);
3666   --
3667   -- default Allow Access if input value is NULL
3668   --
3669   if p_allow_access is NULL then
3670     l_allow_access := nvl(fnd_profile.value_specific
3671                       (name=>'IRC_VISIBLE_PREF_DEFAULT'
3672                       ,responsibility_id=>p_responsibility_id
3673                       ,application_id=>p_resp_appl_id), 'N');
3674   else
3675     l_allow_access := p_allow_access;
3676   end if;
3677   --
3678   -- Call Before Process User Hook
3679   --
3680   begin
3682     (p_current_email_address                 => p_current_email_address
3683     ,p_responsibility_id                     => p_responsibility_id
3684     ,p_resp_appl_id                          => p_resp_appl_id
3685     ,p_security_group_id                     => p_security_group_id
3686     ,p_first_name                            => p_first_name
3687     ,p_last_name                             => p_last_name
3688     ,p_middle_names                          => p_middle_names
3689     ,p_previous_last_name                    => p_previous_last_name
3690     ,p_employee_number                       => p_employee_number
3691     ,p_national_identifier                   => p_national_identifier
3692     ,p_date_of_birth                         => l_date_of_birth
3693     ,p_email_address                         => p_email_address
3694     ,p_home_phone_number                     => p_home_phone_number
3695     ,p_work_phone_number                     => p_work_phone_number
3696     ,p_address_line_1                        => p_address_line_1
3697     ,p_manager_last_name                     => p_manager_last_name
3698     ,p_allow_access                          => l_allow_access
3699     ,p_language                              => p_language
3700     ,p_user_name                             => p_user_name
3701     );
3702   exception
3703     when hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit then
3704       hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit_error
3705         (p_module_name => 'SELF_REGISTER_USER'
3706         ,p_hook_type   => 'BP'
3707         );
3708   end;
3709   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,20);
3710   --
3711   -- Process Logic
3712   -- code for disabling the descriptive flex field
3713   --
3714   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
3715   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA';
3716   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
3717   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'IRC_SEARCH_CRITERIA_DDF';
3718   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
3719   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES';
3720   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
3721   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'PER_PEOPLE';
3722   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
3723   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'Person Developer DF';
3724   --
3725   hr_dflex_utility.create_ignore_df_validation(p_rec => l_add_struct_d);
3726   --
3727   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 21);
3728   --
3729   --
3730   -- Process Logic
3731   --
3732   if p_user_name is null then
3733      --
3734      hr_utility.set_location(l_proc || ' p_user_name is null.',22);
3735     -- use the FND API to determine if a user exists with the same user name
3736     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,23);
3737     l_num := TestUserName(p_user_name=>upper(p_current_email_address));
3738     if l_num = 2 or l_num = 4 then
3739       -- the e-mail address is already in use. Raise an error
3740       fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_EXEMP_EMAIL_IN_USE');
3741       fnd_message.raise_error;
3742     elsif l_num = 3 then
3743       fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_412220_USER_SYNCH_MSG');
3744       fnd_message.raise_error;
3745     elsif l_num = 1 then
3746       fnd_message.set_name('FND','INVALID_USER_NAME');
3747       fnd_message.set_token('UNAME',p_current_email_address);
3748       fnd_message.raise_error;
3749     end if;
3750   else
3751      hr_utility.set_location(l_proc|| ' p_user_name is not null.',23);
3752     -- check if the user account is already associated to a person
3753     open user_association_exists(p_user_name);
3754     fetch user_association_exists into l_dummy;
3755     if user_association_exists%found then
3756       close user_association_exists;
3757       fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_EXEMP_PERSON_LINK_EXISTS');
3758       fnd_message.raise_error;
3759     else
3760       close user_association_exists;
3761     end if;
3762   end if;
3763   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,30);
3765   open get_prev_emp;
3766   fetch get_prev_emp into l_party_id,l_count;
3767   if get_prev_emp%notfound then
3768     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 31);
3769     -- we have not found a match at all, so error out
3770     close get_prev_emp;
3771     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_EXEMP_NO_RECORD_FOUND');
3772     fnd_message.raise_error;
3773   end if;
3774   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,40);
3776   fetch get_prev_emp into l_party_id2,l_count2;
3777    if get_prev_emp%found then
3778     -- we have found more than one match, so error out
3779     close get_prev_emp;
3780     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_EXEMP_MANY_RECORDS_FOUND');
3781     fnd_message.raise_error;
3782   end if;
3783   close get_prev_emp;
3784     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,50);
3786   -- we have only one match, so check their credentials.
3787   open current_emp(l_party_id);
3788   fetch current_emp into l_dummy;
3789   if current_emp%found then
3790     close current_emp;
3791      hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,51);
3792     -- the person is a current employee, so error
3793     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_EXEMP_CURRENT_EMP');
3794     fnd_message.raise_error;
3795   end if;
3796   close current_emp;
3797   --
3798   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,60);
3799   --
3800   -- the person is not a current employee, so good to go.
3801   -- look to see if they have any notification preferences already
3802   open has_notification_prefs(l_party_id);
3803   fetch has_notification_prefs into l_person_id;
3804   if has_notification_prefs%found then
3805     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,61);
3806     close has_notification_prefs;
3807     -- we have notification preferences already for this person, so use that as
3808     -- the primary person
3809   else
3810     close has_notification_prefs;
3811     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,70);
3812     open in_reg_bg(l_party_id);
3813     fetch in_reg_bg into l_person_id;
3814     if in_reg_bg%found then
3815       close in_reg_bg;
3816       -- the person exists in the registration business group, so use that
3817       -- as the primary person record
3818     else
3819       close in_reg_bg;
3820        hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,80);
3822       -- the person is not in the registration business group, look to
3823       -- find their last employee record
3824       open get_last_emp_rec(l_party_id);
3825       fetch get_last_emp_rec into l_person_id;
3826       if get_last_emp_rec%notfound then
3827         --could not find an old employee record, so find the last record
3828         close get_last_emp_rec;
3829         hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,90);
3831         open get_last_per_rec(l_party_id);
3832         fetch get_last_per_rec into l_person_id;
3833         close get_last_per_rec;
3834       else
3835         close get_last_emp_rec;
3836       end if;
3837     end if;
3838     -- we have gone through all of the options, and found the best person_id
3839     -- for this person, so now create their notification preferences
3840     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,100);
3842     irc_notification_prefs_api.create_notification_prefs
3843     (p_validate      => p_validate
3844     ,p_person_id      => l_person_id
3845     ,p_effective_date => trunc(sysdate)
3846     ,p_notification_preference_id => l_notification_preference_id
3847     ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
3848     ,p_allow_access => l_allow_access);
3850   end if;
3851   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,110);
3853   -- look for work preferences for the person
3854   open has_work_prefs(l_person_id);
3855   fetch has_work_prefs into l_dummy;
3856   if has_work_prefs%notfound then
3857     -- no work preferences, so create some
3858     close has_work_prefs;
3859     --
3860     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,120);
3862     irc_search_criteria_api.create_work_choices
3863     (p_validate => p_validate
3864     ,p_effective_date => trunc(sysdate)
3865     ,p_person_id => l_person_id
3866     ,p_employee => 'Y'
3867     ,p_contractor => 'Y'
3868     ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
3869     ,p_search_criteria_id => l_search_criteria_id);
3870   else
3871     close has_work_prefs;
3872   end if;
3874   -- get the PTU person type for iRecruitment Candidate
3875   --
3876     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,130);
3877   --
3878   open get_bg(l_person_id);
3879   fetch get_bg into l_business_group_id
3880   ,l_person_ovn
3881   ,l_employee_number
3882   ,l_person_start_date;
3883   close get_bg;
3885   l_ptu_person_type_id:=hr_person_type_usage_info.get_default_person_type_id
3886                                          (l_business_group_id,
3887                                           'IRC_REG_USER');
3888   open ptu_exists(l_person_id,l_ptu_person_type_id);
3889   fetch ptu_exists into l_dummy;
3890   if ptu_exists%notfound then
3891     close ptu_exists;
3892     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,140);
3894     hr_per_type_usage_internal.maintain_person_type_usage
3895     (p_effective_date       => trunc(sysdate)
3896     ,p_person_id            => l_person_id
3897     ,p_person_type_id       => l_ptu_person_type_id
3898     );
3899   else
3900     close ptu_exists;
3901   end if;
3902   --
3903  hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,145);
3904   --
3905   if trunc(sysdate)=l_person_start_date then
3906     l_dt_mode:='CORRECTION';
3907   else
3908     l_dt_mode:='UPDATE';
3909   end if;
3910   -- now update the person record to set the e-mail address
3911   hr_person_api.update_person
3912   (p_validate                  => p_validate
3913   ,p_effective_date            => trunc(sysdate)
3914   ,p_datetrack_update_mode     => l_dt_mode
3915   ,p_person_id                 => l_person_id
3916   ,p_employee_number           => l_employee_number
3917   ,p_email_address             => p_current_email_address
3918   ,p_object_version_number     => l_person_ovn
3919   ,p_effective_start_date      => l_effective_start_date
3920   ,p_effective_end_date        => l_effective_end_date
3921   ,p_full_name                 => l_full_name
3922   ,p_comment_id                => l_comment_id
3923   ,p_name_combination_warning  => l_name_combination_warning
3924   ,p_assign_payroll_warning    => l_assign_payroll_warning
3925   ,p_orig_hire_warning         => l_orig_hire_warning
3926   );
3927   --
3928   -- Raise error before creating user as data is getting committed to OID.
3929   --
3930   if p_validate then
3931     raise hr_api.validate_enabled;
3932   end if;
3933   --
3934   -- close off the old user accounts for this person
3935   --
3936     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,150);
3938   for user_rec in existing_emails(l_person_id,l_party_id) loop
3939     fnd_user_pkg.disableUser(user_rec.user_name);
3940   end loop;
3941   --
3942   -- Get the Password Length from the profile
3943   --
3944   begin
3945        if fnd_profile.value('SIGNON_PASSWORD_LENGTH') is not null then
3946           l_password_length := fnd_profile.value('SIGNON_PASSWORD_LENGTH');
3947        else
3948           l_password_length := l_min_password_length;
3949        end if;
3950   exception
3951       when others then
3952           l_password_length := l_min_password_length;
3953   end;
3954   --
3955   -- Ensure password length is minumum of 8
3956   --
3957   if ( l_password_length < l_min_password_length ) then
3958       l_password_length := l_min_password_length;
3959   end if;
3960   --
3961   --
3962   -- create the new user account
3963   --
3964   if p_user_name is null then
3965     --
3966     -- if comply with 'hard to guess password' and pwd length set, the logic is
3967     -- 1. generate the pwd of length as 'SIGNON_PASSWORD_LENGTH'
3968     -- 2. ensure that must contain at least 1 number
3969     -- 3. there are no consecutive repeating characts like 'AA1' or X22C'
3970     --
3973     -- l_oldpasschar:=floor(dbms_random.value(0,9));
3974     -- the following line has an ATG CU3 dependency. If you need to update and
3975     -- release the patch before that, comment it out and replace with the line above
3977     l_oldpasschar:=mod(fnd_crypto.randomnumber,10);
3978     l_password:=l_oldpasschar;
3980     loop
3981       --l_passchar:=dbms_random.string('U',1);
3982       -- the following line has an ATG CU3 dependency. If you need to update and
3983       -- release the patch before that, comment it out and replace with the line above
3985       l_passchar:=fnd_crypto.RandomString(len=>1);
3986       if (l_passchar<>l_oldpasschar) then
3987         l_password:=l_password||l_passchar;
3988         l_oldpasschar:=l_passchar;
3989       end if;
3990       if length(l_password)=l_password_length then
3991         exit;
3992       end if;
3993     end loop;
3995     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,160);
3997     l_user_id := fnd_user_pkg.CreateUserId (
3998     x_user_name                  => upper(p_current_email_address),
3999     x_owner                      => 'CUST',
4000     x_unencrypted_password       => l_password,
4001     x_employee_id                => l_person_id);
4003   else
4004     -- associate the previous employee record to the fnd user
4005     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,165);
4006     open get_party_id(p_user_name =>p_user_name) ;
4007     fetch get_party_id into l_purge_party_id;
4008     close get_party_id;
4009     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,166);
4010     --
4011     fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUserParty(
4012       x_user_name          => p_user_name,
4013       x_owner              => 'CUST',
4014       x_person_party_id    => l_party_id);
4015     --
4016     fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser(
4017       x_user_name          => p_user_name,
4018       x_owner              => 'CUST',
4019       x_employee_id        => l_person_id);
4020     --
4021     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,167);
4023     if l_purge_party_id is not null then
4024        hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,168);
4025        per_hrtca_merge.purge_person(p_person_id=>-1 ,p_party_id=>l_purge_party_id );
4026     end if;
4027     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,169);
4028     -- get the user ID for the given user name
4029     open get_user_id(p_user_name);
4030     fetch get_user_id into l_user_id;
4031     close get_user_id;
4032   end if;
4033   --
4034   -- get NLS_LANGUAGE
4035   --
4036   open get_nls_language;
4037   fetch get_nls_language into l_nls_language;
4038   if get_nls_language%notfound then
4039     close get_nls_language;
4040     l_nls_language:=p_language;
4041   else
4042     close get_nls_language;
4043   end if;
4045   -- set the language prefs if required
4046   if (p_language is not null) then
4047     l_profile_check := fnd_profile.save (
4048     x_name                =>      'ICX_LANGUAGE',
4049     x_value               =>      l_nls_language,
4050     x_level_name          =>      'USER',
4051     x_level_value         =>      l_user_id );
4052   end if;
4053   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,170);
4054   -- If this is an existing user, check if he has the required responsibility
4055   if p_user_name is null then
4056     l_resp_exists := false;
4057   else
4058     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,175);
4059     l_resp_exists := fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Assignment_Exists(l_user_id,
4060                      p_responsibility_id, p_resp_appl_id, p_security_group_id);
4061   end if;
4062   -- if the User doesn't have the responsibility, assign it.
4063   if NOT l_resp_exists then
4064     --
4065     -- add the appropriate responsibility
4066     --
4067     fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Insert_Assignment
4068     (user_id => l_user_id
4069     ,responsibility_id => p_responsibility_id
4070     ,responsibility_application_id => p_resp_appl_id
4071     ,security_group_id => p_security_group_id
4072     ,start_date => trunc(sysdate)
4073     ,end_date => null
4074     ,description => ' ' -- ### description was supposed to default
4075                               -- to null... but does not look like it has
4076     );
4077     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,180);
4078     --
4079     -- look to see if we are using multiple security groups
4080     --
4081     if (fnd_profile.value('ENABLE_SECURITY_GROUPS')='Y') then
4082       hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,190);
4083       l_sec_profile_id:=fnd_profile.value_specific
4084       (name=>'PER_SECURITY_PROFILE_ID'
4085       ,user_id=>l_user_id
4086       ,responsibility_id=>p_responsibility_id
4087       ,application_id=>p_resp_appl_id);
4088       l_business_group_id2:=fnd_profile.value_specific
4089       (name=>'PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID'
4090       ,user_id=>l_user_id
4091       ,responsibility_id=>p_responsibility_id
4092       ,application_id=>p_resp_appl_id);
4093       --
4094       hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,200);
4095       per_sec_profile_asg_api.create_security_profile_asg
4096       (p_sec_profile_assignment_id    => l_sec_profile_assignment_id
4097       ,p_user_id                      => l_user_id
4098       ,p_security_group_id            => p_security_group_id
4099       ,p_business_group_id            => l_business_group_id2
4100       ,p_security_profile_id          => l_sec_profile_id
4101       ,p_responsibility_id            => p_responsibility_id
4102       ,p_responsibility_application_i => p_resp_appl_id
4103       ,p_start_date                   => trunc(sysdate)
4104       ,p_object_version_number        => l_object_version_number
4105       );
4106     end if;
4107   else
4108     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 205);
4109     --
4110     -- reopen the candidate responsibility
4111     --
4112     fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Update_Assignment
4113     (user_id => l_user_id
4114     ,responsibility_id => p_responsibility_id
4115     ,responsibility_application_id => p_resp_appl_id
4116     ,security_group_id => p_security_group_id
4117     ,start_date => trunc(sysdate)
4118     ,end_date => null
4119     ,description => ' ' -- ### description was supposed to default
4120                         -- to null... but does not look like it has
4121     );
4122     -- REVISIT, what about Security Profile Assignment
4123   end if;
4124   --
4125   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,210);
4126   --
4127   -- now send an e-mail to the user confirming that this has been done
4128   --
4129   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,220);
4130   l_sso_enabled:=fnd_profile.value('APPS_SSO');
4132   l_central_registration_url:=fnd_profile.value('APPS_CENTRAL_REGISTER_URL');
4134   l_nid:=wf_notification.send(  upper(p_current_email_address)
4135                            ,  fnd_profile.value('IRC_WORKFLOW_ITEM_TYPE')
4136                            ,  'IRC_TEXT_HTML_MSG'
4137                            );
4138   --
4139   fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_EXEMP_SUBJECT');
4140   l_subject:=fnd_message.get;
4141   wf_notification.setAttrText ( l_nid , 'SUBJECT'   , l_subject);
4143   if p_user_name is null
4144   and (l_sso_enabled<>'SSWA_SSO' and l_sso_enabled<>'SSO_SDK') then
4145     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_EXEMP_HTML');
4146   elsif l_central_registration_url is not null then
4147     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_EXEMP_REGISTERED_HTML');
4148   else
4149     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_412581_EXEMP_SSO_REG_HTML');
4150   end if;
4151   l_html_body:=fnd_message.get;
4153   if p_user_name is null
4154   and (l_sso_enabled<>'SSWA_SSO' and l_sso_enabled<>'SSO_SDK') then
4155     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_EXEMP_HTML');
4156   elsif l_central_registration_url is not null then
4157     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_EXEMP_REGISTERED_HTML');
4158   else
4159     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_412581_EXEMP_SSO_REG_HTML');
4160   end if;
4162   if (instrb(l_html_body,'&'||'PASSWORD')>0) then
4163     fnd_message.set_token('PASSWORD', l_password);
4164   end if;
4165   if (instrb(l_html_body,'&'||'FIRST_NAME')>0) then
4166     fnd_message.set_token('FIRST_NAME', p_first_name);
4167   end if;
4168   if (instrb(l_html_body,'&'||'LAST_NAME')>0) then
4169     fnd_message.set_token('LAST_NAME', p_last_name);
4170   end if;
4171   if (instrb(l_html_body,'&'||'EMAIL')>0) then
4172     fnd_message.set_token('EMAIL', p_current_email_address);
4173   end if;
4174   if (instrb(l_html_body,'&'||'USER_NAME')>0) then
4175     fnd_message.set_token('USER_NAME', p_user_name);
4176   end if;
4177   l_html_body:=fnd_message.get;
4178   irc_notification_helper_pkg.set_v2_attributes
4179     (p_wf_attribute_value  => l_html_body
4180     ,p_wf_attribute_name   => 'HTML_BODY'
4181     ,p_nid                 => l_nid);
4184   if p_user_name is null
4185   and (l_sso_enabled<>'SSWA_SSO' and l_sso_enabled<>'SSO_SDK') then
4186     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_EXEMP_TEXT');
4187   elsif l_central_registration_url is not null then
4188     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_EXEMP_REGISTERED_TEXT');
4189   else
4190     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_412582_EXEMP_SSO_REG_TEXT');
4191   end if;
4193   l_text_body:=fnd_message.get;
4195   if p_user_name is null
4196   and (l_sso_enabled<>'SSWA_SSO' and l_sso_enabled<>'SSO_SDK') then
4197     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_EXEMP_TEXT');
4198   elsif l_central_registration_url is not null then
4199     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_EXEMP_REGISTERED_TEXT');
4200   else
4201     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_412582_EXEMP_SSO_REG_TEXT');
4202   end if;
4204   if (instrb(l_text_body,'&'||'PASSWORD')>0) then
4205     fnd_message.set_token('PASSWORD', l_password);
4206   end if;
4207   if (instrb(l_text_body,'&'||'FIRST_NAME')>0) then
4208     fnd_message.set_token('FIRST_NAME', p_first_name);
4209   end if;
4210   if (instrb(l_text_body,'&'||'LAST_NAME')>0) then
4211     fnd_message.set_token('LAST_NAME', p_last_name);
4212   end if;
4213   if (instrb(l_text_body,'&'||'EMAIL')>0) then
4214     fnd_message.set_token('EMAIL', p_current_email_address);
4215   end if;
4216   if (instrb(l_text_body,'&'||'USER_NAME')>0) then
4217     fnd_message.set_token('USER_NAME', p_user_name);
4218   end if;
4219   l_text_body:=fnd_message.get;
4220   irc_notification_helper_pkg.set_v2_attributes
4221     (p_wf_attribute_value  => l_text_body
4222     ,p_wf_attribute_name   => 'TEXT_BODY'
4223     ,p_nid                 => l_nid);
4224   wf_notification.denormalize_notification(l_nid);
4225   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,230);
4226   --
4227   -- Call After Process User Hook
4228   --
4229   begin
4231     (p_current_email_address                 => p_current_email_address
4232     ,p_responsibility_id                     => p_responsibility_id
4233     ,p_resp_appl_id                          => p_resp_appl_id
4234     ,p_security_group_id                     => p_security_group_id
4235     ,p_first_name                            => p_first_name
4236     ,p_last_name                             => p_last_name
4237     ,p_middle_names                          => p_middle_names
4238     ,p_previous_last_name                    => p_previous_last_name
4239     ,p_employee_number                       => p_employee_number
4240     ,p_national_identifier                   => p_national_identifier
4241     ,p_date_of_birth                         => l_date_of_birth
4242     ,p_email_address                         => p_email_address
4243     ,p_home_phone_number                     => p_home_phone_number
4244     ,p_work_phone_number                     => p_work_phone_number
4245     ,p_address_line_1                        => p_address_line_1
4246     ,p_manager_last_name                     => p_manager_last_name
4247     ,p_allow_access                          => l_allow_access
4248     ,p_language                              => p_language
4249     ,p_user_name                             => p_user_name
4250     );
4251   exception
4252     when hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit then
4253       hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit_error
4254         (p_module_name => 'SELF_REGISTER_USER'
4255         ,p_hook_type   => 'AP'
4256         );
4257   end;
4258   --
4259   -- When IN validation only mode raise the Validate_Enabled exception
4260   --
4261   if p_validate then
4262     raise hr_api.validate_enabled;
4263   end if;
4264     hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 240);
4266   exception
4267   when hr_api.validate_enabled then
4268     --
4269     -- As the Validate_Enabled exception has been raised
4270     -- we must rollback to the savepoint
4271     --
4272     rollback to SELF_REGISTER_USER;
4273     --
4274     hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 250);
4275   when others then
4276     --
4277     -- A validation or unexpected error has occured
4278     --
4279     rollback to SELF_REGISTER_USER;
4280     --
4281     --
4282     hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 260);
4283     raise;
4285 end self_register_user;
4287 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
4288 -- |------------------------< create_partial_user >-------------------------|
4289 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
4290 --
4291 PROCEDURE create_partial_user
4292   (p_user_name                  IN      varchar2
4293   ,p_start_date                 IN      date     default null
4294   ,p_email                      IN      varchar2 default null
4295   ,p_language                   IN      varchar2 default null
4296   ,p_last_name                  IN      varchar2 default null
4297   ,p_first_name                 IN      varchar2 default null
4298   ,p_reg_bg_id                  IN      number
4299   ,p_responsibility_id          IN      number
4300   ,p_resp_appl_id               IN      number
4301   ,p_security_group_id          IN      number
4302   ,p_allow_access               IN      varchar2 default null
4303   )is
4304   --
4305   l_allow_access irc_notification_preferences.allow_access%type;
4306   l_start_date date;
4307   --
4308   cursor get_nls_language is
4309   select nls_language
4310   from fnd_languages
4311   where language_code=p_language;
4312   --
4313   l_user_id number;
4314   l_person_id number;
4315   l_person_party_id number;
4316   l_first_name per_all_people_f.first_name%type;
4317   l_last_name per_all_people_f.last_name%type;
4318   l_email_address per_all_people_f.email_address%type;
4319   l_default_last_name per_all_people_f.last_name%type;
4320   --
4321   cursor get_person_party_info is
4322   select user_id, employee_id, person_party_id
4323   from fnd_user
4324   where user_name=upper(p_user_name);
4325   --
4326   cursor get_email_address is
4327   select nvl(fu.email_address, hzp.email_address)
4328   from fnd_user fu, hz_parties hzp
4329   where user_name=upper(p_user_name)
4330   and fu.person_party_id=hzp.party_id(+);
4331   --
4332   cursor get_notif_prefs(p_party_id number) is
4333   select notification_preference_id
4334   from irc_notification_preferences
4335   where party_id=p_party_id;
4336   --
4337   cursor get_bg(p_person_id number) is
4338   select per1.business_group_id,per1.object_version_number,per1.employee_number
4339         ,per1.effective_start_date
4340   from per_all_people_f per1
4341   where per1.person_id=p_person_id
4342   and trunc(sysdate) between per1.effective_start_date and per1.effective_end_date;
4343   --
4344   cursor ptu_exists(p_person_id number,p_person_type_id number) is
4345   select 1 from per_person_type_usages_f ptuf
4346   where ptuf.person_id=p_person_id
4347   and   ptuf.person_type_id=p_person_type_id
4348   and trunc(sysdate) between ptuf.effective_start_date and ptuf.effective_end_date;
4349   --
4350   cursor get_menu_id (p_menu_name varchar2)is
4351   select menu_id from fnd_menus where menu_name=upper(p_menu_name);
4352   --
4353   l_nls_language fnd_languages.nls_language%type;
4354   --
4355   --
4356   -- dummy variables
4357   --
4358   l_tmp_resp_id number;
4359   l_object_version_number    per_all_people_f.object_version_number%type;
4360   l_effective_start_date     per_all_people_f.effective_start_date%type;
4361   l_effective_end_date       per_all_people_f.effective_end_date%type;
4362   l_new_person_id      PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.PERSON_ID%TYPE;
4363   l_profile_check boolean;
4364   l_search_criteria_id number;
4365   l_sc_ovn number;
4366   l_notif_preference_id number;
4367   l_notif_ovn number;
4368   l_per_type varchar2(100);
4369   l_sec_profile_assignment_id number;
4370   l_business_group_id number;
4371   l_sec_profile_id number;
4372   l_ovn number;
4373   l_ptu_person_type_id number;
4374   l_pers_business_group_id number;
4375   l_person_ovn number;
4376   l_employee_number varchar2(255);
4377   l_person_start_date date;
4378   l_dt_mode varchar2(30);
4379   l_full_name per_all_people_f.full_name%type;
4380   l_comment_id number;
4381   l_name_combination_warning boolean;
4382   l_assign_payroll_warning boolean;
4383   l_orig_hire_warning boolean;
4384   l_resp_exists boolean;
4385   l_dummy number;
4386   l_function_name varchar2(30);
4387   l_func_check varchar2(1);
4388   l_menu_name varchar2(30);
4389   l_menu_id number;
4390   l_grant_name varchar2(80);
4391   --
4392   l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'create_partial_user';
4393   --
4394   begin
4395     hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: '||l_proc, 10);
4396     --
4397     -- Truncate time portion from date
4398     --
4399     l_start_date := trunc(p_start_date);
4400     --
4401     -- get NLS_LANGUAGE
4402     --
4403     open get_nls_language;
4404     fetch get_nls_language into l_nls_language;
4405     if get_nls_language%notfound then
4406       close get_nls_language;
4407       l_nls_language:=p_language;
4408     else
4409       close get_nls_language;
4410     end if;
4411     --
4412     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
4413     --
4414     -- default Allow Access if input value is NULL
4415     --
4416     l_allow_access := nvl(p_allow_access,nvl(fnd_profile.value('IRC_VISIBLE_PREF_DEFAULT'),'N'));
4417     --
4418     open get_person_party_info;
4419     fetch get_person_party_info into l_user_id, l_person_id, l_person_party_id;
4420     close get_person_party_info;
4421     --
4422     -- if input email address is not null, use it rather than one from fnd_user
4423     --
4424     if p_email is not null then
4425       l_email_address := p_email;
4426     else
4427       -- if input email is NULL, try getting it from FND_USER
4428       -- and if it is NULL try getting it from HZ_PARTIES
4429       -- and if that is NULL, use the UserName
4430       open get_email_address;
4431       fetch get_email_address into l_email_address;
4432       close get_email_address;
4434       if l_email_address is null then
4435         l_email_address := p_user_name;
4436       end if;
4437     end if;
4438     --
4439     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 30);
4440     -- Disable Partial Registration for Employees
4441     -- we have to REVISIT after using UMX support for Registration
4442     if l_person_id is not null then
4443       l_per_type := irc_utilities_pkg.get_emp_spt_for_person(l_person_id, trunc(p_start_date));
4444       if (l_per_type = 'EMP') then
4445         fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_412224_EMP_PARTIAL_REG');
4446         fnd_message.raise_error;
4447       end if;
4448     end if;
4449     --
4450     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 40);
4451    --intialize the first name
4452     l_first_name := p_first_name;
4453         -- there is no person attached to this FND_USER. We need to create a new
4454     -- iRecruitment Candidate, update FND user with the person_id,
4455     -- set Language profile and Create Work Preferences
4456     if l_person_id is NULL then
4457       l_default_last_name := nvl(p_last_name,fnd_message.get_string('PER','IRC_412108_UNKNOWN_NAME'));
4460       (p_business_group_id     => p_reg_bg_id
4461       ,p_last_name             => l_default_last_name
4462       ,p_first_name            => l_first_name
4463       ,p_email_address         => l_email_address
4464       ,p_allow_access          => l_allow_access
4465       ,p_effective_start_date  => l_effective_start_date
4466       ,p_effective_end_date    => l_effective_end_date
4467       ,p_person_id             => l_person_id
4468       ,p_party_id              => l_person_party_id
4469       ,p_start_date            => l_start_date
4470       );
4471       --
4472       hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 50);
4473       --
4474       fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser
4475       (x_user_name => p_user_name
4476       ,x_owner     => 'CUST'
4477       ,x_employee_id => l_person_id);
4478       --
4479       hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 60);
4480       --
4481       l_profile_check := fnd_profile.save (
4482       x_name                =>      'ICX_LANGUAGE',
4483       x_value               =>      l_nls_language,
4484       x_level_name          =>      'USER',
4485       x_level_value         =>      l_user_id );
4486       --
4487       hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 70);
4488       --
4489       -- create work preferences
4490       irc_search_criteria_api.create_work_choices
4491       (p_effective_date=>trunc(sysdate)
4492       ,p_person_id =>l_person_id
4493       ,p_employee=>'Y'
4494       ,p_contractor=>'Y'
4495       ,p_object_version_number=>l_sc_ovn
4496       ,p_search_criteria_id=>l_search_criteria_id);
4497       --
4498       hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 80);
4499     else
4500       hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 45);
4501       open get_bg(l_person_id);
4502       fetch get_bg into l_pers_business_group_id, l_person_ovn,
4503                         l_employee_number,l_person_start_date;
4504       close get_bg;
4505       if trunc(sysdate)=l_person_start_date then
4506         l_dt_mode:='CORRECTION';
4507       else
4508         l_dt_mode:='UPDATE';
4509       end if;
4510       -- update the person record with the email address
4511       hr_person_api.update_person
4512       (p_validate                  => false
4513       ,p_effective_date            => trunc(sysdate)
4514       ,p_datetrack_update_mode     => l_dt_mode
4515       ,p_person_id                 => l_person_id
4516       ,p_object_version_number     => l_person_ovn
4517       ,p_employee_number           => l_employee_number
4518       ,p_email_address             => l_email_address
4519       ,p_effective_start_date      => l_effective_start_date
4520       ,p_effective_end_date        => l_effective_end_date
4521       ,p_full_name                 => l_full_name
4522       ,p_comment_id                => l_comment_id
4523       ,p_name_combination_warning  => l_name_combination_warning
4524       ,p_assign_payroll_warning    => l_assign_payroll_warning
4525       ,p_orig_hire_warning         => l_orig_hire_warning
4526       );
4527       --
4528       l_ptu_person_type_id:=hr_person_type_usage_info.get_default_person_type_id
4529                             (l_pers_business_group_id, 'IRC_REG_USER');
4530       if l_ptu_person_type_id is not null then
4531         open ptu_exists(l_person_id,l_ptu_person_type_id);
4532         fetch ptu_exists into l_dummy;
4533         if ptu_exists%notfound then
4534           close ptu_exists;
4535           hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,140);
4536           hr_per_type_usage_internal.maintain_person_type_usage
4537           (p_effective_date       => trunc(sysdate)
4538           ,p_person_id            => l_person_id
4539           ,p_person_type_id       => l_ptu_person_type_id
4540           );
4541         else
4542           close ptu_exists;
4543         end if;
4544       end if;
4545       hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 55);
4546     end if;
4548     -- check if the Party has Notification preferences
4549         open get_notif_prefs(l_person_party_id);
4550     fetch get_notif_prefs into l_notif_preference_id;
4551     close get_notif_prefs;
4553     -- create Notification Preferences if the Party doesn't have one
4554     if l_notif_preference_id is NULL then
4555       -- create doesn't take a party_id ?
4556       irc_notification_prefs_api.create_notification_prefs
4557       (p_person_id =>l_person_id
4558       ,p_effective_date=>trunc(sysdate)
4559       ,p_notification_preference_id=>l_notif_preference_id
4560       ,p_object_version_number =>l_notif_ovn
4561       ,p_allow_access => l_allow_access);
4562     end if;
4563     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 90);
4564         -- check if the User has the required responsibility
4565         l_resp_exists := fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Assignment_Exists(l_user_id,
4566               p_responsibility_id, p_resp_appl_id, p_security_group_id);
4567         -- if the User doesn't have the responsibility, assign it.
4568     if NOT l_resp_exists then
4569       --
4570       -- add the appropriate responsibility
4571       --
4572       fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Insert_Assignment
4573       (user_id => l_user_id
4574       ,responsibility_id => p_responsibility_id
4575       ,responsibility_application_id => p_resp_appl_id
4576       ,security_group_id => p_security_group_id
4577       ,start_date => trunc(sysdate)
4578       ,end_date => null
4579       ,description => ' ' -- ### description was supposed to default
4580                           -- to null... but does not look like it has
4581       );
4582       hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 100);
4583       --
4584       -- look to see if we are using multiple security groups
4585       --
4586       if (fnd_profile.value('ENABLE_SECURITY_GROUPS')='Y') then
4587          l_sec_profile_id:=fnd_profile.value_specific
4588                           (name=>'PER_SECURITY_PROFILE_ID'
4589                           ,user_id=>l_user_id
4590                           ,responsibility_id=>p_responsibility_id
4591                           ,application_id=>p_resp_appl_id);
4592          l_business_group_id:=fnd_profile.value_specific
4593                           (name=>'PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID'
4594                           ,user_id=>l_user_id
4595                           ,responsibility_id=>p_responsibility_id
4596                           ,application_id=>p_resp_appl_id);
4597          --
4598          per_sec_profile_asg_api.create_security_profile_asg
4599          (p_sec_profile_assignment_id    => l_sec_profile_assignment_id
4600          ,p_user_id                      => l_user_id
4601          ,p_security_group_id            => p_security_group_id
4602          ,p_business_group_id            => l_business_group_id
4603          ,p_security_profile_id          => l_sec_profile_id
4604          ,p_responsibility_id            => p_responsibility_id
4605          ,p_responsibility_application_i => p_resp_appl_id
4606          ,p_start_date                   => trunc(sysdate)
4607          ,p_object_version_number        => l_ovn
4608          );
4609          hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 110);
4610       end if;
4611     else
4612       hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 95);
4613       --
4614       -- reopen the candidate responsibility
4615       --
4616       fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Update_Assignment
4617       (user_id => l_user_id
4618       ,responsibility_id => p_responsibility_id
4619       ,responsibility_application_id => p_resp_appl_id
4620       ,security_group_id => p_security_group_id
4621       ,start_date => trunc(sysdate)
4622       ,end_date => null
4623       ,description => ' ' -- ### description was supposed to default
4624                           -- to null... but does not look like it has
4625       );
4626       -- REVISIT, what about Security Profile Assignment
4627     end if;
4628     --
4629     -- check if User has access to Candidate Homepage function
4630     l_function_name:=fnd_profile.value_specific
4631                      (name=>'IRC_HOME_PAGE_FUNCTION'
4632                      ,user_id=>l_user_id
4633                      ,responsibility_id=>p_responsibility_id
4634                      ,application_id=>p_resp_appl_id);
4635     l_func_check := fnd_data_security.check_function(1.0,l_function_name,
4636                              'GLOBAL',null,null,null,null,null,upper(p_user_name));
4637     -- if user doesn't have the access, create the Grant
4638     if l_func_check <> 'T' then
4639       l_menu_name:=fnd_profile.value_specific
4640                      (name=>'IRC_CANDIDATE_PSET'
4641                      ,user_id=>l_user_id
4642                      ,responsibility_id=>p_responsibility_id
4643                      ,application_id=>p_resp_appl_id);
4644       open get_menu_id(l_menu_name);
4645       fetch get_menu_id into l_menu_id;
4646       close get_menu_id;
4648       if l_menu_id is not null then
4649         if length(p_user_name) > 65 then
4650           l_grant_name := 'IRC_'||substr(p_user_name,1,65)||'_CAND_GRANT';
4651         else
4652           l_grant_name := 'IRC_'||upper(p_user_name)||'_CAND_GRANT';
4653         end if;
4654         irc_party_api.grant_access(p_user_name=> p_user_name,
4655                                    p_user_id=> l_user_id,
4656                                    p_menu_id=> l_menu_id,
4657                                    p_resp_id=> p_responsibility_id,
4658                                    p_resp_appl_id=> p_resp_appl_id,
4659                                    p_sec_group_id=> p_security_group_id,
4660                                    p_grant_name=> l_grant_name,
4661                                    p_description=>' ');
4662       end if;
4663     end if;
4664     --
4665     hr_utility.set_location('Leaving'||l_proc, 120);
4666     --
4667 end create_partial_user;
4668 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
4669 -- |------------------------< irec_profile_exists >-------------------------|
4670 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
4671 FUNCTION irec_profile_exists
4672   (p_user_name                  IN      varchar2
4673   ,p_reg_bg_id                  IN      number
4674   ,p_responsibility_id          IN      number
4675   ,p_resp_appl_id               IN      number
4676   ,p_security_group_id          IN      number
4677   ) return VARCHAR2
4678 --
4679 is
4680   --
4681   l_user_id number;
4682   l_person_id number;
4683   l_person_party_id number;
4684   l_notif_preference_id number;
4685   l_tmp_resp_id number;
4686   l_ptu_person_type_id number;
4687   l_pers_business_group_id number;
4688   l_dummy number;
4689   l_function_name varchar2(30);
4690   l_func_check varchar2(1);
4691   --
4692   cursor get_person_party_info is
4693   select user_id, employee_id, person_party_id
4694   from fnd_user
4695   where user_name=upper(p_user_name);
4696   --
4697   cursor get_bg(p_person_id number) is
4698   select per1.business_group_id
4699   from per_all_people_f per1
4700   where per1.person_id=p_person_id
4701   and trunc(sysdate) between per1.effective_start_date and per1.effective_end_date;
4702   --
4703   cursor ptu_exists(p_person_id number,p_person_type_id number) is
4704   select 1 from per_person_type_usages_f ptuf
4705   where ptuf.person_id=p_person_id
4706   and   ptuf.person_type_id=p_person_type_id
4707   and trunc(sysdate) between ptuf.effective_start_date and ptuf.effective_end_date;
4708   --
4709   cursor get_user_responsibility(p_user_id number, p_responsibility_id number,
4710                                p_resp_appl_id number, p_security_group_id number) is
4711   select responsibility_id
4712   from fnd_user_resp_groups
4713   where user_id=p_user_id and responsibility_id=p_responsibility_id
4714         and responsibility_application_id = p_resp_appl_id
4715         and security_group_id = p_security_group_id;
4716   --
4717   cursor get_notif_prefs(p_party_id number) is
4718   select notification_preference_id
4719   from irc_notification_preferences
4720   where party_id=p_party_id;
4721   --
4722   l_proc          varchar2(72) := g_package||'irec_profile_exists';
4723   --
4724 begin
4725     --
4726     hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: '||l_proc, 10);
4727     --
4728     open get_person_party_info;
4729     fetch get_person_party_info into l_user_id, l_person_id, l_person_party_id;
4730     close get_person_party_info;
4732     if l_person_id is NULL then
4733       return 'NO_PROFILE';
4734     else
4735       if irc_utilities_pkg.is_internal_person(p_user_name,trunc(sysdate)) <> 'TRUE' then
4736         open get_bg(l_person_id);
4737         fetch get_bg into l_pers_business_group_id;
4738         close get_bg;
4739         l_ptu_person_type_id:=hr_person_type_usage_info.get_default_person_type_id
4740                             (l_pers_business_group_id, 'IRC_REG_USER');
4741         hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 15);
4742         -- if the person's BG doesn't have the iRecruitment Candidate defined
4743         -- ignore??
4744         if l_ptu_person_type_id is not null then
4745           open ptu_exists(l_person_id,l_ptu_person_type_id);
4746           fetch ptu_exists into l_dummy;
4747           if ptu_exists%notfound then
4748             close ptu_exists;
4749             return 'NO_PROFILE';
4750           else
4751             close ptu_exists;
4752           end if;
4753         end if;
4754         --
4755         hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
4756         --
4757         if l_person_party_id IS NOT NULL then
4758           -- check if the Party has Notification preferences
4759           open get_notif_prefs(l_person_party_id);
4760           fetch get_notif_prefs into l_notif_preference_id;
4761           close get_notif_prefs;
4762           -- check if ID is NULL
4763           if l_notif_preference_id is NULL then
4764             return 'NO_PROFILE';
4765           end if;
4766         else
4767           return 'NO_PROFILE';
4768         end if;
4769       end if;
4770     end if;
4771     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 30);
4773     -- check if user has the Candidate Responsibility
4774     open get_user_responsibility(l_user_id, p_responsibility_id, p_resp_appl_id, p_security_group_id);
4775     fetch get_user_responsibility into l_tmp_resp_id;
4776     -- if the User doesn't have the responsibility, assign it.
4777     if get_user_responsibility%notfound then
4778       return 'NO_PROFILE';
4779     end if;
4780     close get_user_responsibility;
4781     -- check if User has access to Candidate Homepage function
4782     l_function_name:=fnd_profile.value_specific
4783                      (name=>'IRC_HOME_PAGE_FUNCTION'
4784                      ,user_id=>l_user_id
4785                      ,responsibility_id=>p_responsibility_id
4786                      ,application_id=>p_resp_appl_id);
4787     l_func_check := fnd_data_security.check_function(1.0,l_function_name,
4788                              'GLOBAL',null,null,null,null,null,upper(p_user_name));
4789     -- if user doesn't have the access, create the Grant
4790     if l_func_check <> 'T' then
4791       return 'NO_PROFILE';
4792     end if;
4793     --
4794     hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc, 40);
4796     return 'PROFILE_EXISTS';
4797 end irec_profile_exists;
4798 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
4799 -- |------------------------< create_ha_processed_user >--------------------|
4800 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
4801 PROCEDURE create_ha_processed_user
4802   (p_user_name                  IN      varchar2
4803   ,p_password                   IN      varchar2
4804   ,p_email                      IN      varchar2
4805   ,p_start_date                 IN      date
4806   ,p_last_name                  IN      varchar2
4807   ,p_first_name                 IN      varchar2
4808   ,p_user_guid                  IN      RAW
4809   ,p_reg_bg_id                  IN      number
4810   ,p_responsibility_id          IN      number
4811   ,p_resp_appl_id               IN      number
4812   ,p_security_group_id          IN      number
4813   ,p_language                   IN      varchar2 default null
4814   ,p_allow_access               IN      varchar2 default null
4815   ,p_server_id                  IN      varchar2 default null
4816   ) is
4817 l_user_id number;
4818 l_decrypted_password varchar2(100) := null;
4819 l_password_change_check varchar2(1);
4820 l_num number;
4821 l_bool boolean;
4822 l_found boolean;
4823 l_resp_exists boolean;
4824 l_business_group_id number;
4825 l_sec_profile_id number;
4826 l_ovn number;
4827 l_sec_profile_assignment_id number;
4828 password_update_failed exception;
4829 --
4830 l_proc          varchar2(72) := g_package||'create_ha_processed_user';
4832 begin
4833   --
4834   hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: '||l_proc, 10);
4836   l_num := TestUserName(p_user_name=>p_user_name);
4837   -- creating a brand new user. This happens when SSO is not enabled and user
4838   -- registered on HA instance
4839   if l_num = 0 then
4840     hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: '||l_proc, 20);
4841     -- create the iRecruitment user with standard password
4842     irc_party_api.create_user(p_user_name => p_user_name,
4843                               p_password => 'j3ke678to',
4844                               p_start_date => p_start_date,
4845                               p_responsibility_id => p_responsibility_id,
4846                               p_resp_appl_id => p_resp_appl_id,
4847                               p_security_group_id => p_security_group_id,
4848                               p_last_name => p_last_name,
4849                               p_first_name => p_first_name,
4850                               p_email => p_email,
4851                               p_allow_access => p_allow_access);
4852     hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: '||l_proc, 30);
4853     -- update the user password
4854     l_bool := fnd_user_pkg.setreencryptedpassword(username => p_user_name,
4855                                                 reencpwd => p_password,
4856                                                 newkey => 'LOADER');
4857     if NOT l_bool then
4858       raise PASSWORD_UPDATE_FAILED;
4859     end if;
4860     --
4861     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 40);
4862     --
4863     fnd_sso_manager.synch_user_from_LDAP(p_user_name);
4864     --
4865     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 50);
4866   --
4867   -- this case happens when user is present in SSO and applied for a job through
4868   -- HA and for this we have to create a local user who points to SSO user
4869   -- note that we are passing in FND_WEB_SEC.EXTERNAL_PWD which is checked by
4870   -- ATG routine and treats this as an SSO user
4871   elsif l_num = 3 then
4872     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 15);
4873     l_user_id := fnd_user_pkg.CreateUserId(
4874            x_user_name                  => p_user_name
4875           ,x_owner                      => 'CUST'
4876           ,x_unencrypted_password       => FND_WEB_SEC.EXTERNAL_PWD
4877           ,x_email_address              => p_email
4878           ,x_user_guid                  => p_user_guid
4879           );
4880     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 25);
4881     -- fix for bug 4765406
4882     -- set the profile to SSO
4883     l_found := fnd_profile.save(x_name => 'APPS_SSO_LOCAL_LOGIN'
4884                      , x_value => 'SSO'
4885                      , x_level_name => 'USER'
4886                      , x_level_value => l_user_id);
4888     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 30);
4889     --
4890     fnd_sso_manager.synch_user_from_LDAP(p_user_name);
4891     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 35);
4892     --
4893     -- check if User has Resp
4894     irc_party_api.process_ha_resp_check(p_user_id => l_user_id,
4895                                         p_responsibility_id => p_responsibility_id,
4896                                         p_resp_appl_id => p_resp_appl_id,
4897                                         p_security_group_id => p_security_group_id,
4898                                         p_start_date => p_start_date,
4899                                         p_server_id => p_server_id);
4900     -- complete the partial registration
4901     create_partial_user(p_user_name  => p_user_name
4902                    ,p_last_name           => p_last_name
4903                    ,p_first_name          => p_first_name
4904                    ,p_email               => p_email
4905                    ,p_start_date          => p_start_date
4906                    ,p_reg_bg_id           => p_reg_bg_id
4907                    ,p_responsibility_id   => p_responsibility_id
4908                    ,p_resp_appl_id        => p_resp_appl_id
4909                    ,p_security_group_id   => p_security_group_id
4910                    ,p_language            => p_language
4911                    ,p_allow_access        => p_allow_access
4912                    );
4913   end if;
4914   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc, 60);
4915 end create_ha_processed_user;
4916 --
4917 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
4918 -- |------------------------< process_ha_resp_check >----------------------|
4919 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
4920 --
4921 procedure process_ha_resp_check
4922 (
4923 p_user_id            IN number,
4924 p_responsibility_id  IN number,
4925 p_resp_appl_id       IN number,
4926 p_security_group_id  IN number,
4927 p_start_date         IN date,
4928 p_server_id          IN number default null
4929 )is
4930   --
4931   cursor get_person_party_info is
4932   select employee_id, person_party_id
4933   from fnd_user
4934   where user_id=p_user_id;
4936   l_person_id number;
4937   l_person_party_id number;
4938   l_per_type varchar2(100);
4939   l_num number;
4940   l_bool boolean;
4941   l_found       boolean;
4942   l_resp_exists boolean;
4943   l_business_group_id number;
4944   l_sec_profile_id number;
4945   l_ovn number;
4946   l_sec_profile_assignment_id number;
4947   --
4948   l_proc          varchar2(72) := g_package||'process_ha_resp_check';
4949 begin
4950   --
4951   open get_person_party_info;
4952   fetch get_person_party_info into l_person_id, l_person_party_id;
4953   close get_person_party_info;
4954   -- Disable Partial Registration for Employees
4955   if l_person_id is not null then
4956     l_per_type := irc_utilities_pkg.get_emp_spt_for_person(l_person_id, trunc(p_start_date));
4957   end if;
4958   -- check if the User has the required responsibility
4959   l_resp_exists := fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Assignment_Exists(p_user_id,
4960               p_responsibility_id, p_resp_appl_id, p_security_group_id);
4961   -- if the User doesn't have the responsibility, assign it.
4962   if NOT l_resp_exists then
4963     if (l_per_type = 'EMP') then
4964       fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_412224_EMP_PARTIAL_REG');
4965       fnd_message.raise_error;
4966     end if;
4967     --
4968     -- add the appropriate responsibility
4969     --
4970     fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Insert_Assignment
4971     (user_id => p_user_id
4972     ,responsibility_id => p_responsibility_id
4973     ,responsibility_application_id => p_resp_appl_id
4974     ,security_group_id => p_security_group_id
4975     ,start_date => trunc(sysdate)
4976     ,end_date => null
4977     ,description => ' ' -- ### description was supposed to default
4978                         -- to null... but does not look like it has
4979     );
4980     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 100);
4981     --
4982     -- look to see if we are using multiple security groups
4983     --
4984     if (fnd_profile.value('ENABLE_SECURITY_GROUPS')='Y') then
4985        l_sec_profile_id:=fnd_profile.value_specific
4986                         (name=>'PER_SECURITY_PROFILE_ID'
4987                         ,user_id=>p_user_id
4988                         ,responsibility_id=>p_responsibility_id
4989                         ,application_id=>p_resp_appl_id);
4990        l_business_group_id:=fnd_profile.value_specific
4991                         (name=>'PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID'
4992                         ,user_id=>p_user_id
4993                         ,responsibility_id=>p_responsibility_id
4994                         ,application_id=>p_resp_appl_id);
4995        --
4996        per_sec_profile_asg_api.create_security_profile_asg
4997        (p_sec_profile_assignment_id    => l_sec_profile_assignment_id
4998        ,p_user_id                      => p_user_id
4999        ,p_security_group_id            => p_security_group_id
5000        ,p_business_group_id            => l_business_group_id
5001        ,p_security_profile_id          => l_sec_profile_id
5002        ,p_responsibility_id            => p_responsibility_id
5003        ,p_responsibility_application_i => p_resp_appl_id
5004        ,p_start_date                   => trunc(sysdate)
5005        ,p_object_version_number        => l_ovn
5006        );
5007        hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 110);
5008     end if;
5009   else
5010     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 95);
5011     if (l_per_type <> 'EMP') then
5012       --
5013       -- reopen the candidate responsibility
5014       --
5015       fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Update_Assignment
5016       (user_id => p_user_id
5017       ,responsibility_id => p_responsibility_id
5018       ,responsibility_application_id => p_resp_appl_id
5019       ,security_group_id => p_security_group_id
5020       ,start_date => trunc(sysdate)
5021       ,end_date => null
5022       ,description => ' ' -- ### description was supposed to default
5023                           -- to null... but does not look like it has
5024       );
5025       -- REVISIT, what about Security Profile Assignment
5026     end if;
5027   end if;
5028   --
5029   if p_server_id is null then
5030     fnd_global.apps_initialize
5031     (user_id          => p_user_id
5032     ,resp_id          => p_responsibility_id
5033     ,resp_appl_id     => p_resp_appl_id
5034     ,security_group_id=> p_security_group_id);
5035   else
5036     fnd_global.apps_initialize
5037     (user_id          => p_user_id
5038     ,resp_id          => p_responsibility_id
5039     ,resp_appl_id     => p_resp_appl_id
5040     ,security_group_id=> p_security_group_id
5041     ,server_id        => p_server_id);
5042   end if;
5043 end;
5044 --
5045 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
5046 -- |------------------------< TestUserName >-------------------------------|
5047 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
5048 function TestUserName
5049 (
5050   p_user_name IN varchar2
5051 ) return NUMBER
5052 is
5053 begin
5054   return fnd_user_pkg.testusername(x_user_name=>p_user_name);
5055 end TestUserName;
5056 --
5057 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
5058 -- |------------------------< assign_responsibility >----------------------|
5059 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
5060 procedure assign_responsibility
5061 (p_user_id      IN number
5062 ,p_resp_id      IN number
5063 ,p_resp_appl_id IN number
5064 ,p_sec_group_id IN number
5065 ) is
5066 --
5067 PRAGMA autonomous_transaction;
5069 l_resp_exists boolean;
5070 l_sec_profile_assignment_id number;
5071 l_business_group_id number;
5072 l_sec_profile_id number;
5073 l_ovn number;
5074 --
5075 l_proc          varchar2(72) := g_package||'assign_responsibility';
5077 begin
5078  -- check if the User has the required responsibility
5079  l_resp_exists := fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Assignment_Exists(p_user_id,
5080               p_resp_id, p_resp_appl_id, p_sec_group_id);
5081  -- if the User doesn't have the responsibility, assign it.
5082  if NOT l_resp_exists then
5083    --
5084    -- add the appropriate responsibility
5085    --
5086    fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Insert_Assignment
5087    (user_id => p_user_id
5088    ,responsibility_id => p_resp_id
5089    ,responsibility_application_id => p_resp_appl_id
5090    ,security_group_id => p_sec_group_id
5091    ,start_date => trunc(sysdate)
5092    ,end_date => null
5093    ,description => ' ' -- ### description was supposed to default
5094                        -- to null... but does not look like it has
5095     );
5096     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 100);
5097     --
5098     -- look to see if we are using multiple security groups
5099     --
5100     if(fnd_profile.value('ENABLE_SECURITY_GROUPS')='Y') then
5101       l_sec_profile_id:=fnd_profile.value_specific
5102                         (name=>'PER_SECURITY_PROFILE_ID'
5103                         ,user_id=>p_user_id
5104                         ,responsibility_id=>p_resp_id
5105                         ,application_id=>p_resp_appl_id);
5106       l_business_group_id:=fnd_profile.value_specific
5107                         (name=>'PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID'
5108                         ,user_id=>p_user_id
5109                         ,responsibility_id=>p_resp_id
5110                         ,application_id=>p_resp_appl_id);
5111       --
5112       per_sec_profile_asg_api.create_security_profile_asg
5113       (p_sec_profile_assignment_id    => l_sec_profile_assignment_id
5114       ,p_user_id                      => p_user_id
5115       ,p_security_group_id            => p_sec_group_id
5116       ,p_business_group_id            => l_business_group_id
5117       ,p_security_profile_id          => l_sec_profile_id
5118       ,p_responsibility_id            => p_resp_id
5119       ,p_responsibility_application_i => p_resp_appl_id
5120       ,p_start_date                   => trunc(sysdate)
5121       ,p_object_version_number        => l_ovn
5122       );
5123       hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 110);
5124     end if;
5125   else
5126     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 95);
5127     --
5128     -- reopen the candidate responsibility
5129     --
5130     fnd_user_resp_groups_api.Update_Assignment
5131     (user_id => p_user_id
5132     ,responsibility_id => p_resp_id
5133     ,responsibility_application_id => p_resp_appl_id
5134     ,security_group_id => p_sec_group_id
5135     ,start_date => trunc(sysdate)
5136     ,end_date => null
5137     ,description => ' ' -- ### description was supposed to default
5138                         -- to null... but does not look like it has
5139     );
5140     -- REVISIT, what about Security Profile Assignment
5141   end if;
5142   commit;
5143   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'||l_proc, 110);
5144 end assign_responsibility;
5145 --
5146 --
5147 --
5148 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
5149 -- |------------------------< create_user_internal_byRef >------------------|
5150 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
5151 --
5152 procedure create_user_internal_byRef
5153    (p_user_name                 IN     varchar2
5154    ,p_password                  IN     varchar2
5155    ,p_start_date                IN     date
5156    ,p_responsibility_id         IN     number
5157    ,p_resp_appl_id              IN     number
5158    ,p_security_group_id         IN     number
5159    ,p_email                     IN     varchar2 default null
5160    ,p_language                  IN     varchar2 default null
5161    ,p_last_name                 IN     varchar2 default null
5162    ,p_first_name                IN     varchar2 default null
5163    ,p_allow_access              IN     varchar2 default null
5164    ,p_per_information_category  IN     varchar2 default null
5165    ,p_per_information1          IN     varchar2 default null
5166    ,p_per_information2          IN     varchar2 default null
5167    ,p_per_information3          IN     varchar2 default null
5168    ,p_per_information4          IN     varchar2 default null
5169    ,p_per_information5          IN     varchar2 default null
5170    ,p_per_information6          IN     varchar2 default null
5171    ,p_per_information7          IN     varchar2 default null
5172    ,p_per_information8          IN     varchar2 default null
5173    ,p_per_information9          IN     varchar2 default null
5174    ,p_per_information10         IN     varchar2 default null
5175    ,p_per_information11         IN     varchar2 default null
5176    ,p_per_information12         IN     varchar2 default null
5177    ,p_per_information13         IN     varchar2 default null
5178    ,p_per_information14         IN     varchar2 default null
5179    ,p_per_information15         IN     varchar2 default null
5180    ,p_per_information16         IN     varchar2 default null
5181    ,p_per_information17         IN     varchar2 default null
5182    ,p_per_information18         IN     varchar2 default null
5183    ,p_per_information19         IN     varchar2 default null
5184    ,p_per_information20         IN     varchar2 default null
5185    ,p_per_information21         IN     varchar2 default null
5186    ,p_per_information22         IN     varchar2 default null
5187    ,p_per_information23         IN     varchar2 default null
5188    ,p_per_information24         IN     varchar2 default null
5189    ,p_per_information25         IN     varchar2 default null
5190    ,p_per_information26         IN     varchar2 default null
5191    ,p_per_information27         IN     varchar2 default null
5192    ,p_per_information28         IN     varchar2 default null
5193    ,p_per_information29         IN     varchar2 default null
5194    ,p_per_information30         IN     varchar2 default null
5195    ,p_person_id                 IN     per_all_people_f.person_id%type default null
5196    ) IS
5197 --
5198 PRAGMA autonomous_transaction;
5199 l_proc          varchar2(72) := g_package||'create_user_internal_byReferral';
5200 l_person_id     per_all_people_f.person_id%type;
5201 l_user_id       number;
5202 l_profile_check boolean;
5203 l_user_name     fnd_user.user_name%type;
5204 l_default_last_name per_all_people_f.last_name%type;
5205 l_effective_start_date date;
5206 l_effective_end_date date;
5207 l_sec_profile_assignment_id number;
5208 l_business_group_id number;
5209 l_sec_profile_id number;
5210 l_ovn number;
5211 l_menu_name varchar2(30);
5212 l_menu_id number;
5213 l_grant_name varchar2(80);
5214 --
5215 cursor get_menu_id (p_menu_name varchar2) is
5216 select menu_id from fnd_menus where menu_name=upper(p_menu_name);
5217 --
5218 begin
5219   hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: '||l_proc, 10);
5220   --
5221   -- Create Person
5222   l_default_last_name := nvl(p_last_name,fnd_message.get_string('PER','IRC_412108_UNKNOWN_NAME'));
5224   l_person_id := p_person_id;
5225   --
5226   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,20);
5227   --
5228   -- Create User and set person_id to employee_id
5229   --
5230   l_user_id := fnd_user_pkg.CreateUserId (
5231   x_user_name                  => p_user_name,
5232   x_owner                      => 'CUST',
5233   x_unencrypted_password       => null,
5234   x_email_address              => p_email,
5235   x_employee_id                => l_person_id,
5236   x_password_date              => trunc(sysdate));
5237   --
5238   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,30);
5239   l_user_name := fnd_web_sec.set_reencrypted_password(username => p_user_name
5240                                      ,reencpwd => fnd_web_sec.encrypt(key => 'LOADER',value => p_password)
5241                                      , new_key =>'LOADER' );
5242   --
5243   -- set the language profile option
5244   --
5245   l_profile_check := fnd_profile.save (
5246   x_name                =>      'ICX_LANGUAGE',
5247   x_value               =>      p_language,
5248   x_level_name          =>      'USER',
5249   x_level_value         =>      l_user_id );
5250   --
5251   hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,40);
5252   --
5253   -- Set the password date Column to Null for the created user
5254   -- As the password is system generated, it should be changed
5255   -- by candidate when he first logs in
5256     UPDATE fnd_user
5257            SET password_date=NULL
5258          WHERE user_name=upper(p_user_name);
5259   --
5260   -- commit autonomous transaction
5261   --
5262   --
5263   commit;
5264   --
5265   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 50);
5266 end create_user_internal_byRef;
5267 --
5268 --
5269 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
5270 -- |------------------------< create_user_byReferral >--------------------------------|
5271 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
5272 --
5273 procedure create_user_byReferral
5274    (p_user_name                 IN     varchar2
5275    ,p_password                  IN     varchar2
5276    ,p_start_date                IN     date
5277    ,p_responsibility_id         IN     number
5278    ,p_resp_appl_id              IN     number
5279    ,p_security_group_id         IN     number
5280    ,p_email                     IN     varchar2 default null
5281    ,p_language                  IN     varchar2 default null
5282    ,p_last_name                 IN     varchar2 default null
5283    ,p_first_name                IN     varchar2 default null
5284    ,p_allow_access              IN     varchar2 default null
5285    ,p_per_information_category  IN     varchar2 default null
5286    ,p_per_information1          IN     varchar2 default null
5287    ,p_per_information2          IN     varchar2 default null
5288    ,p_per_information3          IN     varchar2 default null
5289    ,p_per_information4          IN     varchar2 default null
5290    ,p_per_information5          IN     varchar2 default null
5291    ,p_per_information6          IN     varchar2 default null
5292    ,p_per_information7          IN     varchar2 default null
5293    ,p_per_information8          IN     varchar2 default null
5294    ,p_per_information9          IN     varchar2 default null
5295    ,p_per_information10         IN     varchar2 default null
5296    ,p_per_information11         IN     varchar2 default null
5297    ,p_per_information12         IN     varchar2 default null
5298    ,p_per_information13         IN     varchar2 default null
5299    ,p_per_information14         IN     varchar2 default null
5300    ,p_per_information15         IN     varchar2 default null
5301    ,p_per_information16         IN     varchar2 default null
5302    ,p_per_information17         IN     varchar2 default null
5303    ,p_per_information18         IN     varchar2 default null
5304    ,p_per_information19         IN     varchar2 default null
5305    ,p_per_information20         IN     varchar2 default null
5306    ,p_per_information21         IN     varchar2 default null
5307    ,p_per_information22         IN     varchar2 default null
5308    ,p_per_information23         IN     varchar2 default null
5309    ,p_per_information24         IN     varchar2 default null
5310    ,p_per_information25         IN     varchar2 default null
5311    ,p_per_information26         IN     varchar2 default null
5312    ,p_per_information27         IN     varchar2 default null
5313    ,p_per_information28         IN     varchar2 default null
5314    ,p_per_information29         IN     varchar2 default null
5315    ,p_per_information30         IN     varchar2 default null
5316    ,p_person_id                 IN     number   default null
5317    ) IS
5318 --
5319 l_password_check varchar2(1);
5320 l_password_change_check varchar2(1);
5321 l_customer_pwd_check fnd_profile_option_values.profile_option_value%type;
5322 l_allow_access irc_notification_preferences.allow_access%type;
5323 l_start_date date;
5324 cursor get_nls_language is
5325 select nls_language
5326 from fnd_languages
5327 where language_code=p_language;
5328 --
5329 l_nls_language fnd_languages.nls_language%type;
5330 --
5331 begin
5332   --
5333   -- Truncate time portion from date
5334   --
5335   l_start_date := trunc(p_start_date);
5336   --
5337   -- default Allow Access if input value is NULL
5338   --
5339   l_allow_access := nvl(p_allow_access,nvl(fnd_profile.value('IRC_VISIBLE_PREF_DEFAULT'),'N'));
5340   --
5341   -- Call Before Process User Hook
5342   --
5343   begin
5344     irc_party_bk4.create_user_b
5345     (
5346        p_user_name             => p_user_name
5347       ,p_password              => p_password
5348       ,p_start_date            => l_start_date
5349       ,p_email                 => p_email
5350       ,p_language              => p_language
5351       ,p_last_name             => p_last_name
5352       ,p_first_name            => p_first_name
5353       ,p_allow_access          => l_allow_access
5354     ,p_per_information_category              => p_per_information_category
5355     ,p_per_information1                      => p_per_information1
5356     ,p_per_information2                      => p_per_information2
5357     ,p_per_information3                      => p_per_information3
5358     ,p_per_information4                      => p_per_information4
5359     ,p_per_information5                      => p_per_information5
5360     ,p_per_information6                      => p_per_information6
5361     ,p_per_information7                      => p_per_information7
5362     ,p_per_information8                      => p_per_information8
5363     ,p_per_information9                      => p_per_information9
5364     ,p_per_information10                     => p_per_information10
5365     ,p_per_information11                     => p_per_information11
5366     ,p_per_information12                     => p_per_information12
5367     ,p_per_information13                     => p_per_information13
5368     ,p_per_information14                     => p_per_information14
5369     ,p_per_information15                     => p_per_information15
5370     ,p_per_information16                     => p_per_information16
5371     ,p_per_information17                     => p_per_information17
5372     ,p_per_information18                     => p_per_information18
5373     ,p_per_information19                     => p_per_information19
5374     ,p_per_information20                     => p_per_information20
5375     ,p_per_information21                     => p_per_information21
5376     ,p_per_information22                     => p_per_information22
5377     ,p_per_information23                     => p_per_information23
5378     ,p_per_information24                     => p_per_information24
5379     ,p_per_information25                     => p_per_information25
5380     ,p_per_information26                     => p_per_information26
5381     ,p_per_information27                     => p_per_information27
5382     ,p_per_information28                     => p_per_information28
5383     ,p_per_information29                     => p_per_information29
5384     ,p_per_information30                     => p_per_information30
5385     );
5386   exception
5387     when hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit then
5388       hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit_error
5389         (p_module_name => 'CREATE_USER'
5390         ,p_hook_type   => 'BP'
5391         );
5392   end;
5393   --
5394   -- get NLS_LANGUAGE
5395   --
5396   open get_nls_language;
5397   fetch get_nls_language into l_nls_language;
5398   if get_nls_language%notfound then
5399     close get_nls_language;
5400     l_nls_language:=p_language;
5401   else
5402     close get_nls_language;
5403   end if;
5404   --
5405   l_customer_pwd_check := nvl(fnd_profile.value('SIGNON_PASSWORD_CUSTOM'),'N');
5406   IF l_customer_pwd_check = 'N' THEN
5407   -- Validate the password
5408   --
5409   l_password_check := fnd_web_sec.validate_password(username => p_user_name
5410                                                    ,password => p_password);
5412   if (l_password_check = 'N') then
5413     fnd_message.raise_error;
5414   end if;
5415   end if;
5416   --
5417   -- create party and user
5418   --
5419   irc_party_api.create_user_internal_byRef(p_user_name => p_user_name
5420                                     ,p_password  => p_password
5421                                     ,p_start_date => l_start_date
5422                                     ,p_email => p_email
5423                                     ,p_responsibility_id => p_responsibility_id
5424                                     ,p_resp_appl_id => p_resp_appl_id
5425                                     ,p_security_group_id => p_security_group_id
5426                                     ,p_language => l_nls_language
5427                                     ,p_last_name => p_last_name
5428                                     ,p_first_name => p_first_name
5429                                     ,p_allow_access => l_allow_access
5430     ,p_per_information_category              => p_per_information_category
5431     ,p_per_information1                      => p_per_information1
5432     ,p_per_information2                      => p_per_information2
5433     ,p_per_information3                      => p_per_information3
5434     ,p_per_information4                      => p_per_information4
5435     ,p_per_information5                      => p_per_information5
5436     ,p_per_information6                      => p_per_information6
5437     ,p_per_information7                      => p_per_information7
5438     ,p_per_information8                      => p_per_information8
5439     ,p_per_information9                      => p_per_information9
5440     ,p_per_information10                     => p_per_information10
5441     ,p_per_information11                     => p_per_information11
5442     ,p_per_information12                     => p_per_information12
5443     ,p_per_information13                     => p_per_information13
5444     ,p_per_information14                     => p_per_information14
5445     ,p_per_information15                     => p_per_information15
5446     ,p_per_information16                     => p_per_information16
5447     ,p_per_information17                     => p_per_information17
5448     ,p_per_information18                     => p_per_information18
5449     ,p_per_information19                     => p_per_information19
5450     ,p_per_information20                     => p_per_information20
5451     ,p_per_information21                     => p_per_information21
5452     ,p_per_information22                     => p_per_information22
5453     ,p_per_information23                     => p_per_information23
5454     ,p_per_information24                     => p_per_information24
5455     ,p_per_information25                     => p_per_information25
5456     ,p_per_information26                     => p_per_information26
5457     ,p_per_information27                     => p_per_information27
5458     ,p_per_information28                     => p_per_information28
5459     ,p_per_information29                     => p_per_information29
5460     ,p_per_information30                     => p_per_information30
5461     ,p_person_id                             => p_person_id
5462     );
5463   --
5464   -- Call After Process User Hook
5465   --
5466   begin
5467     irc_party_bk4.create_user_a
5468     (
5469        p_user_name             => p_user_name
5470       ,p_password              => p_password
5471       ,p_start_date            => l_start_date
5472       ,p_email                 => p_email
5473       ,p_language              => p_language
5474       ,p_last_name             => p_last_name
5475       ,p_first_name            => p_first_name
5476       ,p_allow_access          => l_allow_access
5477     ,p_per_information_category              => p_per_information_category
5478     ,p_per_information1                      => p_per_information1
5479     ,p_per_information2                      => p_per_information2
5480     ,p_per_information3                      => p_per_information3
5481     ,p_per_information4                      => p_per_information4
5482     ,p_per_information5                      => p_per_information5
5483     ,p_per_information6                      => p_per_information6
5484     ,p_per_information7                      => p_per_information7
5485     ,p_per_information8                      => p_per_information8
5486     ,p_per_information9                      => p_per_information9
5487     ,p_per_information10                     => p_per_information10
5488     ,p_per_information11                     => p_per_information11
5489     ,p_per_information12                     => p_per_information12
5490     ,p_per_information13                     => p_per_information13
5491     ,p_per_information14                     => p_per_information14
5492     ,p_per_information15                     => p_per_information15
5493     ,p_per_information16                     => p_per_information16
5494     ,p_per_information17                     => p_per_information17
5495     ,p_per_information18                     => p_per_information18
5496     ,p_per_information19                     => p_per_information19
5497     ,p_per_information20                     => p_per_information20
5498     ,p_per_information21                     => p_per_information21
5499     ,p_per_information22                     => p_per_information22
5500     ,p_per_information23                     => p_per_information23
5501     ,p_per_information24                     => p_per_information24
5502     ,p_per_information25                     => p_per_information25
5503     ,p_per_information26                     => p_per_information26
5504     ,p_per_information27                     => p_per_information27
5505     ,p_per_information28                     => p_per_information28
5506     ,p_per_information29                     => p_per_information29
5507     ,p_per_information30                     => p_per_information30
5508     );
5509   exception
5510     when hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit then
5511       hr_api.cannot_find_prog_unit_error
5512         (p_module_name => 'CREATE_USER'
5513         ,p_hook_type   => 'AP'
5514         );
5515   end;
5516 --
5517 end create_user_byReferral;
5518 --
5519 procedure merge_profile
5520    (p_validate                  IN     boolean  default false
5521    ,p_target_party_id           IN     number
5522    ,p_source_party_id           IN     number
5523    ,p_term_or_purge_s           IN     varchar2 default null
5524    ,p_disable_user_acc          IN     varchar2 default null
5525    ,p_create_new_application    IN     varchar2 default null
5526    )
5527 is
5528 l_proc          varchar2(72) := g_package||'merge_profile';
5529 l_term_or_purge_s varchar2(10) := null;
5530 l_create_new_application varchar2(10) := null;
5531 l_disable_user_acc varchar2(10) := null;
5532 --
5533 -- Cursor declarations
5534 cursor get_user_name(p_party_id number) is
5535 select fu.user_name
5536 from fnd_user fu
5537 where fu.person_party_id=p_party_id
5538 and trunc(sysdate) between fu.start_date and nvl(fu.end_date,trunc(sysdate));
5539 --
5540 begin
5541   --
5542   hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: '||l_proc, 10);
5543   --
5544   -- Issue a savepoint
5545   --
5546   savepoint MERGE_PROFILE;
5547   --
5548   -- We are terminating the applications by default
5549   -- not leaving this option to the end user
5550     l_term_or_purge_s := 'TERM';
5551   --
5552   -- We are Copying the applications by default
5553   -- when the target person deos not exist as of application start date
5554   l_create_new_application := 'Y';
5555   --
5556   -- We are disabling all the user accounts of the source party
5557   -- not leaving this option to the end user
5558   l_disable_user_acc := 'Y';
5559   --
5560   --
5561   hr_person_api.merge_party
5562     (p_validate                      =>   p_validate
5563     ,p_target_party_id               =>   p_target_party_id
5564     ,p_source_party_id               =>   p_source_party_id
5565     ,p_term_or_purge_s               =>   l_term_or_purge_s
5566     ,p_create_new_application        =>   l_create_new_application
5567    );
5568   --
5569   --
5570   if l_disable_user_acc='Y' then
5571     --
5572     -- close off the user accounts for the source party
5573     --
5574     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,20);
5575     --
5576     for user_rec in get_user_name(p_source_party_id) loop
5577       fnd_user_pkg.disableUser(user_rec.user_name);
5578     end loop;
5579     --
5580     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,30);
5581     --
5582   end if;
5583   --
5584   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving: '||l_proc, 40);
5585   --
5586 exception
5587   when others then
5588     --
5589     -- A validation or unexpected error has occured
5590     --
5591     rollback to MERGE_PROFILE;
5592     --
5593     --
5594     hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 50);
5595     --
5596     raise;
5597 end merge_profile;
5598 --
5599 --
5600 FUNCTION check_copy_applications_exist
5601   (p_party_id             IN      number
5602   ) return VARCHAR2
5603 --
5604 is
5605 --
5606 -- Cursor declarations
5607   cursor csr_appl is
5608   select 1
5609     from per_all_people_f ppf,
5610          per_all_assignments_f paf
5611    where ppf.party_id = p_party_id
5612      and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
5613      and trunc(sysdate) between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date;
5614 --Variable declarations
5615   l_dummy number;
5616 begin
5617   --
5618   open csr_appl;
5619   fetch csr_appl into l_dummy;
5620   if csr_appl%found then
5621     close csr_appl;
5622     return 'TRUE';
5623   else
5624     close csr_appl;
5625     return 'FALSE';
5626   end if;
5627   --
5628 end check_copy_applications_exist;
5629 --
5630 --
5631 FUNCTION is_user_account_available
5632   (p_party_id             IN      number
5633   ) return VARCHAR2
5634 --
5635 is
5636 --
5637 -- Cursor declarations
5638   cursor get_user_name(p_party_id number) is
5639   select fu.user_name
5640     from fnd_user fu
5641    where fu.person_party_id=p_party_id
5642    and trunc(sysdate) between fu.start_date and nvl(fu.end_date,trunc(sysdate));
5643 --
5644 -- Variable declarations
5645   l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type;
5646 begin
5647   --
5648   open get_user_name(p_party_id);
5649   fetch get_user_name into l_user_name;
5650   if get_user_name%found then
5651     close get_user_name;
5652     RETURN 'TRUE';
5653   else
5654     close get_user_name;
5655     RETURN 'FALSE';
5656   end if;
5657   --
5658 end is_user_account_available;
5659 --
5660 --
5661 FUNCTION check_offer_exist
5662   (p_party_id             IN      number
5663   ) return VARCHAR2
5664 --
5665 is
5666 --
5667 -- Cursor Declarations
5668 cursor csr_offers is
5669   select paf.assignment_id
5670     from per_all_people_f ppf,
5671          per_all_assignments_f paf,
5672          irc_offers iof,
5673          irc_offer_status_history history
5674    where ppf.party_id = p_party_id
5675      and trunc(sysdate) between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date
5676      and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
5677      and paf.assignment_type = 'O'
5679      and iof.LATEST_OFFER = 'Y'
5680      AND history.offer_id = iof.offer_id
5681      and not exists
5682         (SELECT 1
5683            FROM irc_offer_status_history iosh1
5684           WHERE iosh1.offer_id        = HISTORY.offer_id
5685             AND iosh1.status_change_date > HISTORY.status_change_date
5686          )
5687      AND HISTORY.offer_status_history_id =
5688        (SELECT MAX(iosh2.offer_status_history_id)
5689        FROM    irc_offer_status_history iosh2
5690        WHERE   iosh2.offer_id             = HISTORY.offer_id
5691            AND iosh2.status_change_date = HISTORY.status_change_date
5692        )
5693      and (iof.OFFER_STATUS <> 'CLOSED' OR (iof.OFFER_STATUS = 'CLOSED' AND HISTORY.change_reason ='APL_ACCEPTED'));
5694 -- When the offer close reason is 'APL_HIRED' it should not coming upto this place
5695 -- as we are not allowing to copy when employee exists in the copy applications page.
5696 -- Variable declarations
5697   l_dummy number;
5698 begin
5699   --
5700   open csr_offers;
5701   fetch csr_offers into l_dummy;
5702   if csr_offers%found then
5703     close csr_offers;
5704     return 'TRUE';
5705   else
5706     close csr_offers;
5707     return 'FALSE';
5708   end if;
5709   --
5710 end check_offer_exist;
5711 --
5712 --
5713 FUNCTION check_security
5714   (p_party_id             IN      number
5715   ) return VARCHAR2
5716 is
5717 --
5718 -- Cursor declarations
5719 Cursor csr_view_all_apl_count is
5720  select count(pav.vacancy_id)
5721     from per_all_people_f ppf,
5722          per_all_assignments_f paf,
5723          per_all_vacancies pav
5724    where ppf.party_id = p_party_id
5725      and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
5726      and trunc(sysdate) between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
5727      and trunc(sysdate) between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date
5728      and paf.vacancy_id = pav.vacancy_id;
5729 --
5730 Cursor csr_secured_apl_count is
5731  select count(pav.vacancy_id)
5732     from per_people_f ppf,
5733          per_assignments_f2 paf,
5734          per_vacancies pav
5735    where ppf.party_id = p_party_id
5736      and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
5737      and trunc(sysdate) between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
5738      and trunc(sysdate) between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date
5739      and paf.vacancy_id = pav.vacancy_id;
5740 -- Variable declarations
5741 --
5742   l_view_all_count number := -1;
5743   l_secure_apl_count number := -1;
5744 --
5745 begin
5746   --
5747   open csr_view_all_apl_count;
5748   fetch csr_view_all_apl_count into l_view_all_count;
5749   close csr_view_all_apl_count;
5750   --
5751   open csr_secured_apl_count;
5752   fetch csr_secured_apl_count into l_secure_apl_count;
5753   close csr_secured_apl_count;
5754   --
5755   if l_view_all_count<>l_secure_apl_count then
5756     RETURN 'TRUE';
5757   else
5758    RETURN 'FALSE';
5759   end if;
5760   --
5761 end check_security;
5762 --
5763 --
5764 FUNCTION is_master_new
5765   (p_target_party_id            IN      number
5766   ,p_souce_party_id             IN      number
5767   ) return VARCHAR2
5768 --
5769 is
5770 --
5771 -- Cursor declarations
5772 --
5773  cursor csr_master_new is
5774  select 1
5775    from per_all_people_f ppf_source
5776       , per_all_people_f ppf_target
5777   where ppf_source.party_id = p_souce_party_id
5778     and ppf_target.party_id = p_target_party_id
5779     and ppf_target.effective_start_date > ppf_source.effective_start_date
5780     and ppf_target.effective_start_date = (select min(effective_start_date) from per_all_people_f where party_id = ppf_target.party_id)
5781     and ppf_source.effective_start_date = (select min(effective_start_date) from per_all_people_f where party_id = ppf_source.party_id);
5782 -- Variable declarations
5783   l_dummy number;
5784 begin
5785 --
5786   open csr_master_new;
5787   fetch csr_master_new into l_dummy;
5788   if csr_master_new%found then
5789     close csr_master_new;
5790     return 'TRUE';
5791   else
5792     close csr_master_new;
5793     return 'FALSE';
5794   end if;
5795 --
5796 end is_master_new;
5797 --
5798 --
5799 FUNCTION is_dup_appl_exists
5800   (p_target_party_id            IN      number
5801   ,p_souce_party_id             IN      number
5802   ) return VARCHAR2
5803 --
5804 is
5805 --
5806 -- Cursor declarations
5807   cursor csr_applications is
5808   select paf.assignment_id
5809     from per_all_people_f ppf,
5810          per_all_assignments_f paf
5811    where ppf.party_id = p_target_party_id
5812      and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
5813      and trunc(sysdate) between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
5814      and exists (select null
5815                        from per_all_people_f ppf1,
5816                             per_all_assignments_f paf1
5817                       where ppf1.party_id = p_souce_party_id
5818                         and paf1.person_id = ppf1.person_id
5819                        and trunc(sysdate) between paf1.effective_start_date and paf1.effective_end_date
5820                        and paf.vacancy_id = nvl(paf1.vacancy_id, -99));
5821 -- Variable declarations
5822   l_dummy number;
5823 --
5824 begin
5825   --
5826   open csr_applications;
5827   fetch csr_applications into l_dummy;
5828   if csr_applications%found then
5829     close csr_applications;
5830     return 'TRUE';
5831   else
5832     close csr_applications;
5833     return 'FALSE';
5834   end if;
5835   --
5836 end is_dup_appl_exists;
5837 --
5838 --
5839 FUNCTION future_person_type_exists
5840   (p_party_id             IN      number
5841   ) return VARCHAR2
5842 --
5843 is
5844 --
5845 -- Cursor declarations
5846       cursor csr_get_persons_for_party (c_party_id number) is
5847       select person_id
5848         from per_all_people_f
5849        where party_id = c_party_id
5850          and trunc(sysdate) between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
5851 --
5852     cursor csr_sys_person_type(c_person_id number) is
5853       select pet.system_person_type
5854         from   per_all_people_f per,
5855              per_person_types pet
5856        where  per.person_type_id = pet.person_type_id
5857          and per.person_id = c_person_id
5858          and trunc(sysdate) between per.effective_start_date and per.effective_end_date;
5859 --
5860     cursor csr_ptu_details(c_person_id number) is
5861       select person_type_usage_id
5862         from   per_person_type_usages_f
5863        where  person_id = c_person_id
5864          and trunc(sysdate) between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
5865 --
5866 -- Variable declarations
5867 --
5868   l_s_person_type per_person_types.system_person_type%type;
5869   l_ptu_id per_person_type_usages_f.person_type_usage_id%type;
5870 --
5871 --
5872 begin
5873   --
5874   for csr_persons in csr_get_persons_for_party (p_party_id) loop
5875     --
5876     open csr_sys_person_type(csr_persons.person_id);
5877     fetch csr_sys_person_type into l_s_person_type;
5878     close csr_sys_person_type;
5879     --
5880     open csr_ptu_details(csr_persons.person_id);
5881     fetch csr_ptu_details into l_ptu_id;
5882     close csr_ptu_details;
5883     --
5884     if (l_s_person_type = 'APL') then
5885       --
5886       if(hr_person_type_usage_info.Futsyspertypechgexists(l_ptu_id
5887                                                          ,trunc(sysdate)
5888                                                          ,csr_persons.person_id)
5889         ) then
5890           --
5891           RETURN 'TRUE';
5892           --
5893       end if;
5894       --
5895     end if;
5896   end loop;
5897   --
5898   RETURN 'FALSE';
5899   --
5900 end future_person_type_exists;
5901 --
5902 --
5903 FUNCTION is_person_created_today
5904   (p_party_id             IN      number
5905   ) return VARCHAR2
5906 --
5907 is
5908 --
5909 -- Cursor declarations
5910 --
5911   Cursor csr_created is
5912    Select 1
5913      From PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F ppf
5914     Where trunc(sysdate) = (select min(effective_start_date) from per_all_people_f where party_id=ppf.party_id)
5915       AND ppf.party_id=p_party_id;
5916 --Variable declarations
5917   l_dummy number;
5918 begin
5919   --
5920   open csr_created;
5921   fetch csr_created into l_dummy;
5922   if csr_created%found then
5923     close csr_created;
5924     return 'TRUE';
5925   else
5926     close csr_created;
5927     return 'FALSE';
5928   end if;
5929   --
5930 end is_person_created_today;
5931 --
5932 --
5933 --
5934 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5935 -- |-----------------------< validate_copy_applications >----------------------|
5936 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5937 --
5938 -- {Start Of Comments}
5939 --
5940 -- {End Of Comments}
5941 --
5942 procedure validate_copy_applications
5943    (p_validate                  IN     boolean  default false
5944    ,p_target_party_id           IN     number
5945    ,p_source_party_list         IN     varchar2
5946    ,p_return_status             OUT NOCOPY varchar2
5947    )
5948 is
5949   --
5950   errorExists        boolean;
5951   warningExists      boolean;
5952   sourcePartyList    irc_party_api.idList;
5953   workStr VARCHAR2(4000);
5954   singleVal VARCHAR2(400);
5955   charPos BINARY_INTEGER;
5956   sep VARCHAR2(1) := ',';
5957   l_index number;
5958   --
5959   l_target_user_exists varchar2(10);
5960   l_source_user_exists varchar2(10);
5961   l_active_offer_exists varchar2(10);
5962   l_future_person_exists varchar2(10);
5963   l_target_fut_person_exists varchar2(10);
5964   l_check_vacancy_security varchar2(10);
5965   l_source_created_today varchar2(10);
5966   l_no_applications_to_copy  varchar2(10);
5967   l_master_profile_new  varchar2(10);
5968   l_duplicate_appl_exists  varchar2(10);
5969   --
5970 begin
5971   --
5972   -- Enable multi message
5973   hr_multi_message.enable_message_list;
5974   --
5975   --
5976   workStr := p_source_party_list;
5977   l_index := 1;
5978   WHILE (INSTR(workStr,sep) > 0 ) LOOP
5979     charPos := INSTR(workStr,sep);
5980     singleVal := SUBSTR(workStr,0,charPos - 1);
5981     workStr := SUBSTR(workStr,charPos + 1);
5982     sourcePartyList(l_index) := to_number(singleVal);
5983     l_index := l_index+1;
5984   END LOOP;
5985   --
5986   --Last value, or THE value if there is only one.
5987   singleVal := workStr;
5988   sourcePartyList(l_index) := to_number(singleVal);
5989   --
5990   --
5991   -- All the validations goes here
5992   --
5993   --  User Account Check
5994   l_target_user_exists := is_user_account_available(p_target_party_id);
5995   --
5996   for i in 1 .. sourcePartyList.count loop
5997     --
5998     l_source_user_exists := is_user_account_available(sourcePartyList(i));
5999     if l_source_user_exists='TRUE' then
6000       exit;
6001     end if;
6002     --
6003   end loop;
6004   --
6005   -- Raise error when target user does not exist and source user exists
6006   if l_source_user_exists='TRUE' and l_target_user_exists='FALSE' then
6007     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_412645_FD_MASTER_NO_USER');
6008     hr_multi_message.add (p_message_type => hr_multi_message.g_error_msg);
6009     errorExists := true;
6010   end if;
6011   --
6012   --  Active Offer Check
6013   for i in 1 .. sourcePartyList.count loop
6014     --
6015     l_active_offer_exists := check_offer_exist(sourcePartyList(i));
6016     if l_active_offer_exists='TRUE' then
6017       exit;
6018     end if;
6019     --
6020   end loop;
6021   --
6022   -- Raise error when active offer exists for the source
6023   if l_active_offer_exists='TRUE' then
6024     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_412641_FD_ACTIVE_OFFER');
6025     hr_multi_message.add (p_message_type => hr_multi_message.g_error_msg);
6026     errorExists := true;
6027   end if;
6028   --
6029   --  Future Person Type Check
6030   --
6031   l_target_fut_person_exists := future_person_type_exists(p_target_party_id);
6032   for i in 1 .. sourcePartyList.count loop
6033     --
6034     l_future_person_exists := future_person_type_exists(sourcePartyList(i));
6035     if l_future_person_exists='TRUE' then
6036       exit;
6037     end if;
6038     --
6039   end loop;
6040   --
6041   -- Raise error if future person types exist for source or target
6042   if l_future_person_exists='TRUE' or  l_target_fut_person_exists='TRUE' then
6043     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_412647_FD_FUTURE_PER_TYPE');
6044     hr_multi_message.add (p_message_type => hr_multi_message.g_error_msg);
6045     errorExists := true;
6046   end if;
6047   --
6048   --  Vacancy Security Check
6049   for i in 1 .. sourcePartyList.count loop
6050     --
6051     l_check_vacancy_security := check_security(sourcePartyList(i));
6052     if l_check_vacancy_security='TRUE' then
6053       exit;
6054     end if;
6055     --
6056   end loop;
6057   --
6058   -- Raise error if security restrictions exists for applications,vacancy
6059   if l_check_vacancy_security='TRUE' then
6060     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_412642_FD_SECURITY');
6061     hr_multi_message.add (p_message_type => hr_multi_message.g_error_msg);
6062     errorExists := true;
6063   end if;
6064   --
6065   --  Source created today check
6066   for i in 1 .. sourcePartyList.count loop
6067     --
6068     l_source_created_today := is_person_created_today(sourcePartyList(i));
6069     if l_source_created_today='TRUE' then
6070       exit;
6071     end if;
6072     --
6073   end loop;
6074   -- Raise error if source person is created today
6075   if l_source_created_today='TRUE' then
6076     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_412648_FD_SOURCE_CR_TODAY');
6077     hr_multi_message.add (p_message_type => hr_multi_message.g_error_msg);
6078     errorExists := true;
6079   end if;
6080   --
6081   --
6082   --  No applications to copy check
6083   for i in 1 .. sourcePartyList.count loop
6084     --
6085     l_no_applications_to_copy := check_copy_applications_exist(sourcePartyList(i));
6086     if l_source_created_today='TRUE' then
6087       exit;
6088     end if;
6089     --
6090   end loop;
6091   -- Raise warning if source person is created today
6092   if l_source_created_today='TRUE' then
6093     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_412646_FD_NO_APPL_TO_COPY');
6094     hr_multi_message.add (p_message_type => hr_multi_message.g_warning_msg);
6095     warningExists := true;
6096   end if;
6097   --
6098   --
6099   --  Master profile new check
6100   for i in 1 .. sourcePartyList.count loop
6101     --
6102     l_master_profile_new := is_master_new(p_target_party_id,sourcePartyList(i));
6103     if l_master_profile_new='TRUE' then
6104       exit;
6105     end if;
6106     --
6107   end loop;
6108   --
6109   -- Raise warning if source person is created today
6110   if l_master_profile_new='TRUE' then
6111     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_412643_FD_MASTER_NEW');
6112     hr_multi_message.add (p_message_type => hr_multi_message.g_warning_msg);
6113     warningExists := true;
6114   end if;
6115   --
6116   --  Application exists for same vacancy check
6117   for i in 1 .. sourcePartyList.count loop
6118     --
6119     l_duplicate_appl_exists := is_dup_appl_exists(p_target_party_id,sourcePartyList(i));
6120     if l_duplicate_appl_exists='TRUE' then
6121       exit;
6122     end if;
6123     --
6124   end loop;
6125   --
6126   -- Raise warning if source person is created today
6127   if l_duplicate_appl_exists='TRUE' then
6128     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_412644_FD_DUPLICATE_APPL');
6129     hr_multi_message.add (p_message_type => hr_multi_message.g_warning_msg);
6130     warningExists := true;
6131   end if;
6132   --
6133   if errorExists then
6134     p_return_status := 'E';
6135   elsif warningExists then
6136     p_return_status := 'W';
6137   else
6138     p_return_status := 'S';
6139   end if;
6140   --
6141   if errorExists or warningExists then
6142     fnd_message.raise_error;
6143   end if;
6144   --
6145   --
6146 exception
6147   --
6148   when others then
6149   null;
6150   --
6151 end validate_copy_applications;
6152 --
6153 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
6154 -- |---------------------< ofr_reg_user_application >-----------------------|
6155 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
6156 --
6157 procedure ofr_reg_user_application
6158    (p_effective_date            IN     date
6159    ,p_recruitment_person_id     IN     number
6160    ,p_business_group_id         IN     number
6161    ,p_organization_id           IN     number default null
6162    ,p_manager_id                IN     number default null
6163    ,p_asg_id                       OUT NOCOPY number ) is
6164    PRAGMA autonomous_transaction;
6165   --
6166   l_proc                      varchar2(72) := g_package||'ofr_reg_user_application';
6167   l_per_object_version_number per_all_people_f.object_version_number%TYPE;
6168   l_asg_object_version_number per_all_assignments_f.object_version_number%TYPE;
6169   l_person_id                 per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE;
6170   l_party_id                  per_all_people_f.party_id%TYPE;
6171   l_assignment_id             per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%TYPE;
6172   l_application_received_date date;
6173   l_party_last_update_date    date;
6174   l_applicant_number          per_all_people_f.applicant_number%type;
6175   l_person_type_id            per_person_types.person_type_id%type;
6176   l_current_employee_flag     per_all_people_f.current_employee_flag%type;
6177   l_current_applicant_flag    per_all_people_f.current_applicant_flag%type;
6178   l_current_npw_flag          per_all_people_f.current_npw_flag%type;
6179   --
6180   l_last_name per_all_people_f.last_name%type;
6181   l_first_name per_all_people_f.first_name%type;
6182   l_per_information1 per_all_people_f.per_information1%type;
6183   l_per_information2 per_all_people_f.per_information2%type;
6184   l_per_information18 per_all_people_f.per_information18%type;
6185   l_per_information19 per_all_people_f.per_information19%type;
6186   l_date_of_birth per_all_people_f.date_of_birth%type;
6187   l_title per_all_people_f.title%type;
6188   l_gender per_all_people_f.sex%type;
6189   l_marital_status per_all_people_f.marital_status%type;
6190   l_previous_last_name per_all_people_f.last_name%type;
6191   l_middle_name per_all_people_f.middle_names%type;
6192   l_name_suffix per_all_people_f.suffix%type;
6193   l_known_as per_all_people_f.known_as%type;
6194   l_job_id per_all_vacancies.job_id%type;
6195   l_position_id per_all_vacancies.position_id%type;
6196   l_grade_id per_all_vacancies.grade_id%type;
6197   l_location_id per_all_vacancies.location_id%type;
6198   l_recruiter_id per_all_vacancies.recruiter_id%type;
6199   l_people_group_id per_all_vacancies.people_group_id%type;
6200   l_legislation_code per_business_groups.legislation_code%type;
6201   l_effective_date        date;
6202   --
6203   -- variables for hr_person_api.update_person
6204   --
6205   l_object_version_number    per_all_people_f.object_version_number%TYPE;
6206   --
6207   -- dummy variables
6208   --
6209   l_var                       varchar2(1);
6210   l_effective_start_date      date;
6211   l_effective_end_date        date;
6212   l_comment_id                number;
6213   l_name_combination_warning  boolean;
6214   l_orig_hire_warning         boolean;
6215   l_object_version_number_d   per_all_people_f.object_version_number%TYPE;
6216   -- those required for hr_assignment_api.create_secondary_apl_asg
6217   l_concatenated_segments    varchar2(2000);
6218   l_cagr_grade_def_id         number;
6219   l_cagr_concatenated_segments varchar2(2000);
6220   l_group_name                pay_people_groups.group_name%type;
6221   l_soft_coding_keyflex_id    number;
6222   l_assignment_sequence       per_all_assignments_f.assignment_sequence%type;
6223   -- those required for hr_applicant_api.create_applicant
6224   l_application_id            number;
6225   l_full_name                 per_all_people_f.full_name%type;
6226   l_person_type               per_person_types.system_person_type%type;
6227   l_ptu_person_type_id        number;
6228 -- for disabling the descriptive flex field
6229   l_add_struct_d hr_dflex_utility.l_ignore_dfcode_varray :=
6230                            hr_dflex_utility.l_ignore_dfcode_varray();
6231 -- for disabling the key flex field
6232   l_add_struct_k hr_kflex_utility.l_ignore_kfcode_varray :=
6233                            hr_kflex_utility.l_ignore_kfcode_varray();
6234   --
6235   l_time_normal_finish     per_business_groups.default_end_time%TYPE;
6236   l_time_normal_start      per_business_groups.default_start_time%TYPE;
6237   l_normal_hours           number;
6238   l_frequency              per_business_groups.frequency%TYPE;
6239   l_per_information4       per_all_people_f.per_information4%type;
6241   --
6242   -- cursor to select entries IN per_all_people_f
6243   -- relating to registered user
6244   --
6245   cursor csr_person_id(p_party_id number
6246                       ,p_effective_date date
6247                       ,p_business_group_id number) is
6248   select per.person_id
6249         ,per.object_version_number
6250         ,per.current_employee_flag
6251         ,per.current_applicant_flag
6252         ,per.current_npw_flag
6253         ,per.applicant_number
6254     from per_all_people_f per
6255    where per.party_id = p_party_id
6256      and p_effective_date between per.effective_start_date and per.effective_end_date
6257      and business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
6258   --
6259   -- cursor to select entries IN per_all_people_f
6260   -- for a given person over all dates
6261   --
6262   cursor csr_person_all_dates(p_party_id number
6263                       ,p_business_group_id number) is
6264   select null
6265   from per_all_people_f per
6266   where per.party_id = p_party_id
6267   and business_group_id=p_business_group_id;
6268   --
6269   --
6270   -- cursor to select person details for the registered user
6271   --
6272   cursor csr_party_details(p_person_id number,p_effective_date date) is
6273   select last_update_date
6274   ,party_id
6275   ,last_name
6276   ,first_name
6277   ,date_of_birth
6278   ,title
6279   ,sex
6280   ,marital_status
6281   ,previous_last_name
6282   ,middle_names
6283   ,suffix
6284   ,known_as
6285   ,per_information1
6286   ,per_information2
6287   ,per_information18
6288   ,per_information19
6289   from per_all_people_f
6290   where person_id = p_person_id
6291   and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
6292 --
6293 cursor get_new_asg(p_person_id number, p_effective_date date) is
6294 select assignment_id,object_version_number
6295 from per_all_assignments_f
6296 where person_id = p_person_id
6297 and effective_start_date = p_effective_date
6298 and assignment_type='A';
6299 --
6300 -- Cursors to get work schedule
6301 --
6302 CURSOR csr_org_default_details(p_organization_id Number) IS
6303   SELECT org.org_information1
6304        , org.org_information2
6305        , fnd_number.canonical_to_number(org.org_information3) normal_hours
6306        , org.org_information4
6308   WHERE  org.organization_id  = p_organization_id
6309     AND  org.org_information_context(+) = 'Work Day Information';
6310 --
6311 CURSOR csr_get_bg_default_details(p_business_group_id number) IS
6312   SELECT bus.default_start_time
6313        , bus.default_end_time
6314        , fnd_number.canonical_to_number(bus.working_hours)
6315        , bus.frequency
6316    FROM  per_business_groups bus
6317   WHERE  bus.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
6318 --
6319   begin
6320   --
6321   hr_utility.set_location('Entering: ' || l_proc, 10);
6322   hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_date '||p_effective_date, 20);
6323   hr_utility.set_location('p_recruitment_person_id '||p_recruitment_person_id, 30);
6324   hr_utility.set_location('p_business_group_id '||p_business_group_id, 40);
6325   hr_utility.set_location('p_organization_id '||p_organization_id, 50);
6326   hr_utility.set_location('p_manager_id '||p_manager_id, 60);
6327   --
6328   -- Issue a savepoint
6329   --
6330   savepoint OFR_REG_USER_APPLICATION;
6331   --
6332   l_effective_date        := p_effective_date;
6333   l_application_received_date := l_effective_date;
6334   --
6335   -- Added for turn off key flex field validation
6336   --
6337   l_add_struct_k.extend(1);
6338   l_add_struct_k(l_add_struct_k.count) := 'GRP';
6339   l_add_struct_k.extend(1);
6340   l_add_struct_k(l_add_struct_k.count) := 'CAGR';
6341   l_add_struct_k.extend(1);
6342   l_add_struct_k(l_add_struct_k.count) := 'SCL';
6343   --
6344   hr_kflex_utility.create_ignore_kf_validation(p_rec => l_add_struct_k);
6345   hr_utility.set_location(' After Calling hr_kflex_utility.create_ignore_kf_validation ', 70);
6346   --
6347   -- code for disabling the descriptive flex field
6348   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
6349   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'PER_ASSIGNMENTS';
6350   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
6351   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'Person Developer DF';
6352   l_add_struct_d.extend(1);
6353   l_add_struct_d(l_add_struct_d.count) := 'PER_PEOPLE';
6354   --
6355   hr_dflex_utility.create_ignore_df_validation(p_rec => l_add_struct_d);
6356   hr_utility.set_location(' After Calling hr_dflex_utility.create_ignore_df_validation ', 80);
6357   --
6358   --
6359   -- Process Logic
6360   --
6361   -- get person info for recruitment person
6362   --
6363   open csr_party_details(p_recruitment_person_id,l_effective_date);
6364   fetch csr_party_details into l_party_last_update_date
6365   ,l_party_id
6366   ,l_last_name
6367   ,l_first_name
6368   ,l_date_of_birth
6369   ,l_title
6370   ,l_gender
6371   ,l_marital_status
6372   ,l_previous_last_name
6373   ,l_middle_name
6374   ,l_name_suffix
6375   ,l_known_as
6376   ,l_per_information1
6377   ,l_per_information2
6378   ,l_per_information18
6379   ,l_per_information19;
6380   close csr_party_details;
6381   --
6382   --
6383   open csr_person_id(l_party_id, l_effective_date,p_business_group_id);
6384   fetch csr_person_id into l_person_id
6385                           ,l_per_object_version_number
6386                           ,l_current_employee_flag
6387                           ,l_current_applicant_flag
6388                           ,l_current_npw_flag
6389                           ,l_applicant_number;
6390   --
6391   -- check if there is an out of date person
6392   --
6393   open csr_person_all_dates(l_party_id, p_business_group_id);
6394   fetch csr_person_all_dates into l_var;
6395   --
6396   if ( csr_person_id%notfound and csr_person_all_dates%found ) then
6397   --
6398     close csr_person_id;
6399     close csr_person_all_dates;
6400     fnd_message.set_name('PER','IRC_412099_CANNOT_APPLY');
6401     hr_multi_message.add();
6402   end if;
6403   close csr_person_all_dates;
6404   --
6405   --
6406   -- Get the work schedule.
6407   --
6408   open csr_org_default_details(p_organization_id);
6409   fetch csr_org_default_details into l_time_normal_start
6410                                    , l_time_normal_finish
6411                                    , l_normal_hours
6412                                    , l_frequency;
6413   close csr_org_default_details;
6414   --
6415   --
6416   IF (l_time_normal_start IS NULL AND l_time_normal_finish IS NULL AND
6417       l_normal_hours      IS NULL AND l_frequency iS NULL) THEN
6418     open  csr_get_bg_default_details(p_business_group_id);
6419     fetch csr_get_bg_default_details into l_time_normal_start
6420                                         , l_time_normal_finish
6421                                         , l_normal_hours
6422                                         , l_frequency;
6423     if csr_get_bg_default_details%NOTFOUND then
6424     --
6425       close csr_get_bg_default_details;
6426     --
6427       hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_7208_API_BUS_GRP_INVALID');
6428       hr_utility.raise_error;
6429     end if;
6430     close csr_get_bg_default_details;
6431   END IF;
6432   --
6433   if csr_person_id%found then
6434   --
6435     if (l_current_applicant_flag = 'Y') then
6436       hr_utility.set_location('Calling  hr_assignment_api.create_secondary_apl_asg ', 90);
6437       hr_assignment_api.create_secondary_apl_asg
6438         (p_validate                  => false
6439         ,p_effective_date            => l_effective_date
6440         ,p_person_id                 => l_person_id
6441         ,p_organization_id           => nvl(p_organization_id,p_business_group_id)
6442         ,p_job_id                    => l_job_id
6443         ,p_position_id               => l_position_id
6444         ,p_grade_id                  => l_grade_id
6445         ,p_people_group_id           => l_people_group_id
6446         ,p_frequency                 => l_frequency
6447         ,p_normal_hours              => l_normal_hours
6448         ,p_time_normal_finish        => l_time_normal_finish
6449         ,p_time_normal_start         => l_time_normal_start
6450         ,p_location_id               => l_location_id
6451         ,p_recruiter_id              => l_recruiter_id
6452         ,p_supervisor_id             => p_manager_id
6453         ,p_concatenated_segments     => l_concatenated_segments
6454         ,p_cagr_grade_def_id         => l_cagr_grade_def_id
6455         ,p_cagr_concatenated_segments=> l_cagr_concatenated_segments
6456         ,p_group_name                => l_group_name
6457         ,p_assignment_id             => l_assignment_id
6458         ,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id    => l_soft_coding_keyflex_id
6459         ,p_comment_id                => l_comment_id
6460         ,p_object_version_number     => l_asg_object_version_number
6461         ,p_effective_start_date      => l_effective_start_date
6462         ,p_effective_end_date        => l_effective_end_date
6463         ,p_assignment_sequence       => l_assignment_sequence
6464         );
6465     elsif (l_current_employee_flag = 'Y') then
6466       hr_utility.set_location('hr_employee_api.apply_for_internal_vacancy ', 100);
6467       hr_employee_api.apply_for_internal_vacancy
6468         (p_validate                  => false
6469         ,p_effective_date            => l_effective_date
6470         ,p_person_id                 => l_person_id
6471         ,p_applicant_number          => l_applicant_number
6472         ,p_per_object_version_number => l_per_object_version_number
6473         ,p_application_id            => l_application_id
6474         ,p_assignment_id             => l_assignment_id
6475         ,p_apl_object_version_number => l_object_version_number_d
6476         ,p_asg_object_version_number => l_asg_object_version_number
6477         ,p_assignment_sequence       => l_assignment_sequence
6478         ,p_per_effective_start_date  => l_effective_start_date
6479         ,p_per_effective_end_date    => l_effective_end_date);
6480        --
6481       hr_utility.set_location('Calling   hr_assignment_api.update_apl_asg ', 110);
6482        hr_assignment_api.update_apl_asg
6483       (p_effective_date            => l_effective_date
6484       ,p_datetrack_update_mode     => 'CORRECTION'
6485       ,p_assignment_id             => l_assignment_id
6486       ,p_object_version_number     => l_asg_object_version_number
6487       ,p_supervisor_id             => p_manager_id
6488       ,p_concatenated_segments     => l_concatenated_segments
6489       ,p_cagr_grade_def_id         => l_cagr_grade_def_id
6490       ,p_cagr_concatenated_segments=> l_cagr_concatenated_segments
6491       ,p_group_name                => l_group_name
6492       ,p_comment_id                => l_comment_id
6493       ,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id    => l_soft_coding_keyflex_id
6494       ,p_people_group_id           => l_people_group_id
6495       ,p_frequency                 => l_frequency
6496       ,p_normal_hours              => l_normal_hours
6497       ,p_time_normal_finish        => l_time_normal_finish
6498       ,p_time_normal_start         => l_time_normal_start
6499       ,p_effective_start_date      => l_effective_start_date
6500       ,p_effective_end_date        => l_effective_end_date
6501       );
6502     elsif (l_current_npw_flag = 'Y') then
6503       hr_utility.set_location('Calling  hr_contingent_worker_api.apply_for_job ', 120);
6504       hr_contingent_worker_api.apply_for_job
6505       (p_validate                  => false
6506       ,p_effective_date            => l_effective_date
6507       ,p_person_id                 => l_person_id
6508       ,p_object_version_number     => l_per_object_version_number
6509       ,p_applicant_number          => l_applicant_number
6510       ,p_per_effective_start_date  => l_effective_start_date
6511       ,p_per_effective_end_date    => l_effective_end_date
6512       ,p_application_id            => l_application_id
6513       ,p_apl_object_version_number => l_object_version_number_d
6514       ,p_assignment_id             => l_assignment_id
6515       ,p_asg_object_version_number => l_asg_object_version_number
6516       ,p_assignment_sequence       => l_assignment_sequence
6517       );
6518       --
6519       hr_utility.set_location('Calling  hr_assignment_api.update_apl_asg ', 130);
6520       hr_assignment_api.update_apl_asg
6521       (p_effective_date            => l_effective_date
6522       ,p_datetrack_update_mode     => 'CORRECTION'
6523       ,p_assignment_id             => l_assignment_id
6524       ,p_object_version_number     => l_asg_object_version_number
6525       ,p_supervisor_id             => p_manager_id
6526       ,p_concatenated_segments     => l_concatenated_segments
6527       ,p_cagr_grade_def_id         => l_cagr_grade_def_id
6528       ,p_cagr_concatenated_segments=> l_cagr_concatenated_segments
6529       ,p_group_name                => l_group_name
6530       ,p_comment_id                => l_comment_id
6531       ,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id    => l_soft_coding_keyflex_id
6532       ,p_people_group_id           => l_people_group_id
6533       ,p_frequency                 => l_frequency
6534       ,p_normal_hours              => l_normal_hours
6535       ,p_time_normal_finish        => l_time_normal_finish
6536       ,p_time_normal_start         => l_time_normal_start
6537       ,p_effective_start_date      => l_effective_start_date
6538       ,p_effective_end_date        => l_effective_end_date
6539       );
6540    else
6541       hr_utility.set_location('Calling  hr_applicant_api.convert_to_applicant ', 140);
6542       hr_applicant_api.convert_to_applicant
6543         (p_validate                  => false
6544         ,p_effective_date            => l_effective_date
6545         ,p_person_id                 => l_person_id
6546         ,p_object_version_number     => l_per_object_version_number
6547         ,p_applicant_number          => l_applicant_number
6548         ,p_person_type_id            => l_person_type_id
6549         ,p_effective_start_date      => l_effective_start_date
6550         ,p_effective_end_date        => l_effective_end_date);
6551        --
6552        open get_new_asg(l_person_id,l_effective_date);
6553        fetch get_new_asg into l_assignment_id,l_asg_object_version_number;
6554        close get_new_asg;
6555       --
6556       hr_utility.set_location('Calling  hr_assignment_api.update_apl_asg ', 150);
6557       hr_assignment_api.update_apl_asg
6558       (p_effective_date            => l_effective_date
6559       ,p_datetrack_update_mode     => 'CORRECTION'
6560       ,p_assignment_id             => l_assignment_id
6561       ,p_object_version_number     => l_asg_object_version_number
6562       ,p_organization_id           => nvl(p_organization_id,p_business_group_id)
6563       ,p_job_id                    => l_job_id
6564       ,p_position_id               => l_position_id
6565       ,p_grade_id                  => l_grade_id
6566       ,p_people_group_id           => l_people_group_id
6567       ,p_location_id               => l_location_id
6568       ,p_recruiter_id              => l_recruiter_id
6569       ,p_supervisor_id             => p_manager_id
6570       ,p_concatenated_segments     => l_concatenated_segments
6571       ,p_cagr_grade_def_id         => l_cagr_grade_def_id
6572       ,p_cagr_concatenated_segments=> l_cagr_concatenated_segments
6573       ,p_group_name                => l_group_name
6574       ,p_comment_id                => l_comment_id
6575       ,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id    => l_soft_coding_keyflex_id
6576       ,p_frequency                 => l_frequency
6577       ,p_normal_hours              => l_normal_hours
6578       ,p_time_normal_finish        => l_time_normal_finish
6579       ,p_time_normal_start         => l_time_normal_start
6580       ,p_effective_start_date      => l_effective_start_date
6581       ,p_effective_end_date        => l_effective_end_date
6582       );
6583     end if;
6584   else
6585     select pbg.legislation_code into l_legislation_code
6586       from per_business_groups pbg
6587      where pbg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
6588     --
6589     l_applicant_number:=null;
6590     if (l_legislation_code = 'JP') then
6591       hr_utility.set_location('Calling  hr_applicant_api.create_applicant ', 160);
6592       hr_applicant_api.create_applicant
6593         (p_validate                  => false
6594         ,p_date_received             => l_application_received_date
6595         ,p_business_group_id         => p_business_group_id
6596         ,p_last_name                 => l_last_name
6597         ,p_first_name                => l_first_name
6598         ,p_per_information18         => l_per_information18
6599         ,p_per_information19         => l_per_information19
6600         ,p_date_of_birth             => l_date_of_birth
6601         ,p_applicant_number          => l_applicant_number
6602         ,p_previous_last_name        => l_previous_last_name
6603         ,p_known_as                  => l_known_as
6604         ,p_marital_status            => l_marital_status
6605         ,p_middle_names              => l_middle_name
6606         ,p_suffix                    => l_name_suffix
6607         ,p_person_id                 => l_person_id
6608         ,p_assignment_id             => l_assignment_id
6609         ,p_application_id            => l_application_id
6610         ,p_per_object_version_number => l_per_object_version_number
6611         ,p_asg_object_version_number => l_asg_object_version_number
6612         ,p_apl_object_version_number => l_object_version_number_d
6613         ,p_per_effective_start_date  => l_effective_start_date
6614         ,p_per_effective_end_date    => l_effective_end_date
6615         ,p_full_name                 => l_full_name
6616         ,p_per_comment_id            => l_comment_id
6617         ,p_assignment_sequence       => l_assignment_sequence
6618         ,p_name_combination_warning  => l_name_combination_warning
6619         ,p_orig_hire_warning         => l_orig_hire_warning
6620         ,p_party_id                  => l_party_id
6621         );
6622     elsif (l_legislation_code = 'KR') then
6623       hr_utility.set_location('Calling  hr_applicant_api.create_applicant ', 170);
6624       hr_applicant_api.create_applicant
6625         (p_validate                  => false
6626         ,p_date_received             => l_application_received_date
6627         ,p_business_group_id         => p_business_group_id
6628         ,p_last_name                 => l_last_name
6629         ,p_first_name                => l_first_name
6630         ,p_per_information1          => l_per_information1
6631         ,p_per_information2          => l_per_information2
6632         ,p_date_of_birth             => l_date_of_birth
6633         ,p_applicant_number          => l_applicant_number
6634         ,p_previous_last_name        => l_previous_last_name
6635         ,p_known_as                  => l_known_as
6636         ,p_marital_status            => l_marital_status
6637         ,p_middle_names              => l_middle_name
6638         ,p_suffix                    => l_name_suffix
6639         ,p_person_id                 => l_person_id
6640         ,p_assignment_id             => l_assignment_id
6641         ,p_application_id            => l_application_id
6642         ,p_per_object_version_number => l_per_object_version_number
6643         ,p_asg_object_version_number => l_asg_object_version_number
6644         ,p_apl_object_version_number => l_object_version_number_d
6645         ,p_per_effective_start_date  => l_effective_start_date
6646         ,p_per_effective_end_date    => l_effective_end_date
6647         ,p_full_name                 => l_full_name
6648         ,p_per_comment_id            => l_comment_id
6649         ,p_assignment_sequence       => l_assignment_sequence
6650         ,p_name_combination_warning  => l_name_combination_warning
6651         ,p_orig_hire_warning         => l_orig_hire_warning
6652         ,p_party_id                  => l_party_id
6653         );
6654     elsif (l_legislation_code = 'ZA') then
6655       hr_utility.set_location('Calling  hr_applicant_api.create_applicant ', 180);
6656       hr_applicant_api.create_applicant
6657         (p_validate                  => false
6658         ,p_date_received             => l_application_received_date
6659         ,p_business_group_id         => p_business_group_id
6660         ,p_last_name                 => l_last_name
6661         ,p_first_name                => l_first_name
6662         ,p_per_information4          => l_per_information4
6663         ,p_date_of_birth             => l_date_of_birth
6664         ,p_applicant_number          => l_applicant_number
6665         ,p_previous_last_name        => l_previous_last_name
6666         ,p_known_as                  => l_known_as
6667         ,p_marital_status            => l_marital_status
6668         ,p_middle_names              => l_middle_name
6669         ,p_suffix                    => l_name_suffix
6670         ,p_person_id                 => l_person_id
6671         ,p_assignment_id             => l_assignment_id
6672         ,p_application_id            => l_application_id
6673         ,p_per_object_version_number => l_per_object_version_number
6674         ,p_asg_object_version_number => l_asg_object_version_number
6675         ,p_apl_object_version_number => l_object_version_number_d
6676         ,p_per_effective_start_date  => l_effective_start_date
6677         ,p_per_effective_end_date    => l_effective_end_date
6678         ,p_full_name                 => l_full_name
6679         ,p_per_comment_id            => l_comment_id
6680         ,p_assignment_sequence       => l_assignment_sequence
6681         ,p_name_combination_warning  => l_name_combination_warning
6682         ,p_orig_hire_warning         => l_orig_hire_warning
6683         ,p_party_id                  => l_party_id
6684         );
6685     else
6686       hr_utility.set_location('Calling  hr_applicant_api.create_applicant ', 190);
6687       hr_applicant_api.create_applicant
6688         (p_validate                  => false
6689         ,p_date_received             => l_application_received_date
6690         ,p_business_group_id         => p_business_group_id
6691         ,p_last_name                 => l_last_name
6692         ,p_first_name                => l_first_name
6693         ,p_date_of_birth             => l_date_of_birth
6694         ,p_applicant_number          => l_applicant_number
6695         ,p_previous_last_name        => l_previous_last_name
6696         ,p_known_as                  => l_known_as
6697         ,p_marital_status            => l_marital_status
6698         ,p_middle_names              => l_middle_name
6699         ,p_suffix                    => l_name_suffix
6700         ,p_person_id                 => l_person_id
6701         ,p_assignment_id             => l_assignment_id
6702         ,p_application_id            => l_application_id
6703         ,p_per_object_version_number => l_per_object_version_number
6704         ,p_asg_object_version_number => l_asg_object_version_number
6705         ,p_apl_object_version_number => l_object_version_number_d
6706         ,p_per_effective_start_date  => l_effective_start_date
6707         ,p_per_effective_end_date    => l_effective_end_date
6708         ,p_full_name                 => l_full_name
6709         ,p_per_comment_id            => l_comment_id
6710         ,p_assignment_sequence       => l_assignment_sequence
6711         ,p_name_combination_warning  => l_name_combination_warning
6712         ,p_orig_hire_warning         => l_orig_hire_warning
6713         ,p_party_id                  => l_party_id
6714         );
6715      end if;
6716     --
6717     -- get the PTU person type for iRecruitment Candidate
6718     --
6719     l_ptu_person_type_id:=hr_person_type_usage_info.get_default_person_type_id
6720                                            (p_business_group_id,
6721                                             'IRC_REG_USER');
6722     hr_utility.set_location('Value of IRC_REG_USER person_type_id: '|| l_ptu_person_type_id,200);
6723     --
6724     -- create the extra PTU entry for iRecruitment Candidate
6725     --
6726     hr_utility.set_location('Calling hr_per_type_usage_internal.maintain_person_type_usage ',210);
6727     hr_per_type_usage_internal.maintain_person_type_usage
6728     (p_effective_date       => l_effective_start_date
6729     ,p_person_id            => l_person_id
6730     ,p_person_type_id       => l_ptu_person_type_id
6731     );
6732     --
6733     hr_utility.set_location('Calling hr_assignment_api.update_apl_asg ',220);
6734     hr_assignment_api.update_apl_asg
6735       (p_effective_date            => l_application_received_date
6736       ,p_datetrack_update_mode     => 'CORRECTION'
6737       ,p_assignment_id             => l_assignment_id
6738       ,p_object_version_number     => l_asg_object_version_number
6739       ,p_organization_id           => nvl(p_organization_id,p_business_group_id)
6740       ,p_job_id                    => l_job_id
6741       ,p_position_id               => l_position_id
6742       ,p_grade_id                  => l_grade_id
6743       ,p_people_group_id           => l_people_group_id
6744       ,p_location_id               => l_location_id
6745       ,p_recruiter_id              => l_recruiter_id
6746       ,p_supervisor_id             => p_manager_id
6747       ,p_concatenated_segments     => l_concatenated_segments
6748       ,p_cagr_grade_def_id         => l_cagr_grade_def_id
6749       ,p_cagr_concatenated_segments=> l_cagr_concatenated_segments
6750       ,p_group_name                => l_group_name
6751       ,p_comment_id                => l_comment_id
6752       ,p_soft_coding_keyflex_id    => l_soft_coding_keyflex_id
6753       ,p_frequency                 => l_frequency
6754       ,p_normal_hours              => l_normal_hours
6755       ,p_time_normal_finish        => l_time_normal_finish
6756       ,p_time_normal_start         => l_time_normal_start
6757       ,p_effective_start_date      => l_effective_start_date
6758       ,p_effective_end_date        => l_effective_end_date
6759       );
6760   end if;
6761   close csr_person_id;
6762   --
6763   -- Set all output arguments
6764   --
6765   p_asg_id := l_assignment_id;
6766   --
6767   -- commit autonmous transaction
6768   --
6769   commit;
6770   --
6771   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 230);
6772   --
6773   exception
6774   when others then
6775     --
6776     -- A validation or unexpected error has occured
6777     --
6778     -- Check whether csr_person_id is open or not. If open, close it.
6779     if csr_person_id%isopen then
6780         close csr_person_id;
6781     end if;
6783     rollback to OFR_REG_USER_APPLICATION;
6784     --
6785     p_asg_id := null;
6786     --
6787     hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 240);
6788     raise;
6789 end ofr_reg_user_application;
6790 --
6791 --
6792 procedure create_linking
6793    (p_src_apl_asg_id     IN     number
6794    ,p_tgt_apl_asg_id     IN     number
6795    ,p_vacancy_id         IN     number
6796    ,p_link_id            OUT NOCOPY number ) is
6797  pragma autonomous_transaction;
6798  --
6799  l_link_id number default -1;
6800  --
6801  begin
6802   l_link_id := PER_VAC_LINKED_ASSIGNMENTS_S.nextval;
6803   insert into per_vac_linked_assignments(
6804                         VAC_ASG_LINK_ID ,
6805                         VACANCY_ID ,
6806                         SRC_APL_ASG_ID ,
6807                         TGT_APL_ASG_ID ,
6808                         START_DATE ,
6809                         END_DATE,
6810                         OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER
6811                      ) values( l_link_id
6812                               ,p_vacancy_id
6813                               ,p_src_apl_asg_id
6814                               ,p_tgt_apl_asg_id
6815                               ,sysdate
6816                               ,sysdate
6817                               ,1);
6818   commit;
6819   p_link_id := l_link_id;
6820   exception
6821    when others then
6822    raise;
6823  end;
6825 end irc_party_api;