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Line 39: x_table_map_id cn_table_maps.table_map_id%TYPE,

35: -- This procedure generates the Notification code
36: -- History
37: -- 03-17-00 Dave Maskell Created for Release 11i2.
38: PROCEDURE insert_cn_not_trx(
39: x_table_map_id cn_table_maps.table_map_id%TYPE,
40: x_event_id cn_events.event_id%TYPE,
41: code IN OUT NOCOPY cn_utils.code_type,
42: x_org_id IN NUMBER)
43: IS

Line 51: l_table_map_rec cn_table_maps_v%ROWTYPE;

47: l_notify_from VARCHAR2(4000);
48: l_notify_where VARCHAR2(4000);
49: l_collect_from VARCHAR2(4000);
50: l_collect_where VARCHAR2(4000);
51: l_table_map_rec cn_table_maps_v%ROWTYPE;
52: l_header_key VARCHAR2(100);
53: l_line_key VARCHAR2(100);
54: l_org_id NUMBER;
55: l_parallel_hint VARCHAR2(4000) := '/'||'*'||'+';

Line 76: FROM cn_table_maps_v

72: -- Get the Table Map details for this data source
73: --+
74: SELECT *
75: INTO l_table_map_rec
76: FROM cn_table_maps_v
77: WHERE table_map_id = x_table_map_id
78: AND org_id = l_org_id; -- Added For R12 MOAC Change
79: --+
80: -- Get the name of the Line Table primary key

Line 146: cn_table_maps_pvt.get_sql_clauses( p_api_version => 1.0,

142: x_org_id => l_org_id);
143: --+
144: -- Generate the FROM and WHERE clauses. Changed position fo fix Bug 6203234
145: --+
146: cn_table_maps_pvt.get_sql_clauses( p_api_version => 1.0,
147: x_return_status => l_return_status,
148: x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
149: x_msg_data => l_msg_data,
150: p_table_map_id => x_table_map_id,

Line 277: x_table_map_id IN cn_table_maps_v.table_map_id%TYPE,

273: -- 03-17-00 Dave Maskell Created for Release 11i2.
274: --
275: --
276: PROCEDURE insert_comm_lines_api_select(
277: x_table_map_id IN cn_table_maps_v.table_map_id%TYPE,
278: code IN OUT NOCOPY cn_utils.code_type,
279: x_org_id IN NUMBER,
280: x_parallel_hint IN VARCHAR2)
281: IS -- Added For R12 MOAC Changes

Line 366: x_table_map_id cn_table_maps.table_map_id%TYPE,

362: -- 03-17-00 Dave Maskell Created for Release 11i2.
363: --
364: --
365: PROCEDURE insert_comm_lines_api(
366: x_table_map_id cn_table_maps.table_map_id%TYPE,
367: x_event_id cn_events.event_id%TYPE,
368: code IN OUT NOCOPY cn_utils.code_type,
369: x_org_id IN NUMBER)
370: IS

Line 378: l_table_map_rec cn_table_maps_v%ROWTYPE;

374: l_notify_from VARCHAR2(4000);
375: l_notify_where VARCHAR2(4000);
376: l_collect_from VARCHAR2(4000);
377: l_collect_where VARCHAR2(4000);
378: l_table_map_rec cn_table_maps_v%ROWTYPE;
379: l_parallel_hint VARCHAR2(4000) := '/'||'*'||'+';
380: l_org_id NUMBER;
381: BEGIN
382: l_org_id := x_org_id;

Line 388: FROM cn_table_maps_v

384: -- Get the Table Map details for this data source
385: --+
386: SELECT *
387: INTO l_table_map_rec
388: FROM cn_table_maps_v
389: WHERE table_map_id = x_table_map_id
390: AND org_id = l_org_id;
391: --+
392: -- Generate the FROM and WHERE clause code. Moved here to fix Bug 6203234

Line 394: cn_table_maps_pvt.get_sql_clauses( p_api_version => 1.0,

390: AND org_id = l_org_id;
391: --+
392: -- Generate the FROM and WHERE clause code. Moved here to fix Bug 6203234
393: --+
394: cn_table_maps_pvt.get_sql_clauses( p_api_version => 1.0,
395: x_return_status => l_return_status,
396: x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
397: x_msg_data => l_msg_data,
398: p_table_map_id => x_table_map_id,

Line 505: x_table_map_id cn_table_maps.table_map_id%TYPE,

501: -- History
502: -- 16-Mar-00 Dave Maskell Created
503: --
504: PROCEDURE update_comm_lines_api(
505: x_table_map_id cn_table_maps.table_map_id%TYPE,
506: code IN OUT NOCOPY cn_utils.code_type,
507: x_org_id IN NUMBER,
508: x_event_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,

Line 557: -- FROM cn_table_maps_v ctmv

553: -- LOWER(NVL(ctmv.destination_table_alias,ctmv.destination_table_name))
554: -- INTO
555: -- x_dest_table_name,
556: -- x_dest_alias
557: -- FROM cn_table_maps_v ctmv
558: -- WHERE ctmv.table_map_id = x_table_map_id
559: -- AND org_id =x_org_id;
560: -- Code Change added by pradeep
561: SELECT LOWER(cB.name),

Line 565: FROM cn_table_maps ctm,

561: SELECT LOWER(cB.name),
562: LOWER(NVL(cB.alias , cB.name))
563: INTO x_dest_table_name,
564: x_dest_alias
565: FROM cn_table_maps ctm,
567: WHERE ctm.table_map_id = x_table_map_id
568: AND CB.object_id = CTM.destination_table_id
569: AND cb.org_id = ctm.org_id

Line 680: x_table_map_id cn_table_maps.table_map_id%TYPE,

676: -- 03-29-00 Dave Maskell Created for Release 11i2.
677: --
678: --
679: PROCEDURE filter_comm_lines_api(
680: x_table_map_id cn_table_maps.table_map_id%TYPE,
681: code IN OUT NOCOPY cn_utils.code_type,
682: x_org_id IN NUMBER)
683: IS
684: l_delete_flag VARCHAR2(1);

Line 702: FROM cn_table_maps

698: -- Decide whether to DELETE lines or just set them to 'FILTERED'
699: --+
700: SELECT delete_flag
701: INTO l_delete_flag
702: FROM cn_table_maps
703: WHERE table_map_id = x_table_map_id
704: AND org_id = x_org_id;
705: IF l_delete_flag = 'Y' THEN
706: l_statement := 'DELETE FROM cn_comm_lines_api api';