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Line 18: X_currency_code PO_HEADERS_ALL.CURRENCY_CODE%TYPE; --Bug# 4685260

14: X_current_amount NUMBER := 0;
15: X_purchased_amount NUMBER := 0;
16: X_contract_id NUMBER := 0;
17: X_progress NUMBER := 10;
18: X_currency_code PO_HEADERS_ALL.CURRENCY_CODE%TYPE; --Bug# 4685260
19: X_rate PO_HEADERS_ALL.RATE%TYPE; --Bug# 4685260
21: l_amount_limit_func NUMBER; -- bug3673292
22: x_diff_curr VARCHAR2(1); --Bug# 4685260

Line 19: X_rate PO_HEADERS_ALL.RATE%TYPE; --Bug# 4685260

15: X_purchased_amount NUMBER := 0;
16: X_contract_id NUMBER := 0;
17: X_progress NUMBER := 10;
18: X_currency_code PO_HEADERS_ALL.CURRENCY_CODE%TYPE; --Bug# 4685260
19: X_rate PO_HEADERS_ALL.RATE%TYPE; --Bug# 4685260
21: l_amount_limit_func NUMBER; -- bug3673292
22: x_diff_curr VARCHAR2(1); --Bug# 4685260

Line 27: --Bug8422577 Changed the po_headers to po_headers_all, as it must include all the PO's

24: -- bug3673292
25: -- get_contracts will return only the contracts that have amount limits
27: --Bug8422577 Changed the po_headers to po_headers_all, as it must include all the PO's
28: --created in other operating units also. Commented the check on global agreement flag as
29: --all contracts are global in R12
31: CURSOR get_contracts IS

Line 37: po_headers_all contracts -- --

33: contracts.amount_limit ,
34: NVL(contracts.rate, 1), -- Bug# 4685260
35: contracts.currency_code --Bug# 4685260
36: FROM po_lines_gt pol, --
37: po_headers_all contracts -- --
38: WHERE contracts.po_header_id = pol.contract_id
39: --AND NVL(contracts.global_agreement_flag, 'N') = 'N' --
40: AND pol.po_header_id = X_po_header_id
41: AND contracts.amount_limit IS NOT NULL; -- bug3673292

Line 111: po_headers_all poh2

107: where exists (
108: SELECT 'Exists'
109: FROM po_lines_all pol,
110: po_line_locations_all pll,
111: po_headers_all poh2
112: WHERE pol.contract_id = X_contract_id --
113: AND pol.po_line_id = pll.po_line_id
114: AND poh2.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
115: AND (( poh2.authorization_status = 'APPROVED')

Line 163: po_headers_all poh2

159: )
160: INTO X_purchased_amount
161: FROM po_lines_all pol,
162: po_line_locations_all pll,
163: po_headers_all poh2
164: WHERE pol.contract_id = X_contract_id --
165: AND pol.po_line_id = pll.po_line_id
166: AND poh2.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
167: AND (( poh2.authorization_status = 'APPROVED')