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1 PACKAGE wsh_opsm_asn_item_genealogy AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: wshopsmasnigs.pls 120.4 2011/02/02 14:52:50 skaradib noship $ */
3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 --
5 -- Record Type:     rec_genealogy
6 -- Description:     This is used by the get_genealogy Function
7 --
8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 --bug 10357152 - opsmperf - added DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID, DELIVERY_ID, GENEALOGY_OBJECT_ID
10 TYPE rec_genealogy
11 IS
12 RECORD (item_nbr                    VARCHAR2(32000) ,
13         primary_uom_code            VARCHAR2(100)   ,
14         lot_number                  VARCHAR2(255)   ,
15         serial_number               VARCHAR2(255)   ,
16         organization_id             NUMBER          ,
17         job_name                    VARCHAR2(255)   ,
18         inventory_item_id           NUMBER          ,
19         origination_date            DATE            ,
20         best_by_date                DATE            ,
21         retest_date                 DATE            ,
22         expiration_date             DATE            ,
23         organization_code           VARCHAR2(4)     ,
24         rlevel                      NUMBER          ,
25         parent_rlevel               NUMBER          ,
26         lot_control_code            NUMBER          ,
27         serial_number_control_code  NUMBER          ,
28         cross_reference             VARCHAR2(3)     ,
29         serial_type                 VARCHAR2(150)   ,
30         parent_lot_number           VARCHAR2(255)   ,
31         parent_serial_number        VARCHAR2(255)   ,
32         parent_inventory_item_id    NUMBER          ,
33         DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID                      NUMBER,
34         DELIVERY_ID                             NUMBER,
35         GENEALOGY_OBJECT_ID                     NUMBER);
36 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 --
38 -- Record Type:     rec_genealogy
39 -- Description:     This is used by the get_genealogy Function
40 --
41 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 TYPE rec_sgenealogy
43 IS
44 RECORD (lot_number                  VARCHAR2(255)   ,
45         serial_number               VARCHAR2(255)   ,
46         item_nbr                    VARCHAR2(32000) ,
47         primary_uom_code            VARCHAR2(100)   ,
48         inventory_item_id           NUMBER          ,
49         job_name                    VARCHAR2(255)   ,
50         origination_date            DATE            ,
51         best_by_date                DATE            ,
52         retest_date                 DATE            ,
53         expiration_date             DATE            ,
54         organization_code          VARCHAR2(4)      ,
55         transaction_quantity       NUMBER           ,
56         lot_control_code           NUMBER           ,
57         serial_number_control_code NUMBER           ,
58         cross_reference            VARCHAR2(3)      ,
59         serial_type                VARCHAR2(150)    ,
60         parent_lot_number           VARCHAR2(255)   ,
61         parent_serial_number        VARCHAR2(255)   ,
62         parent_inventory_item_id    NUMBER );
63 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
64 --
65 -- Record Type:     rec_genealogy
66 -- Description:     This is used by the get_genealogy Function
67 --
68 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
69 TYPE rec_nodes
70 IS
71 RECORD( serial_number     VARCHAR2(255),
72         inventory_item_id NUMBER       ,
73         lot_number        VARCHAR2(255),
74         level             NUMBER );
75 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
76 --
77 -- Table Type:      tab_nodes
78 -- Description:     This is used by the get_genealogy Function
79 --
80 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
81 TYPE tab_nodes
83 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
84 --
85 -- Table Type:      tab_genealogy
86 -- Description:     This is used by the get_genealogy Function
87 --
88 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
89 TYPE tab_genealogy
90 IS TABLE OF rec_genealogy;
91 --opsmperf begin
92 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
93 --
94 -- Table Type:      tab_genealogy
95 -- Description:     This is used by the get_genealogy Function
96 --
97 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 TYPE tab_genealogy1
99 IS TABLE OF rec_genealogy INDEX BY VARCHAR2(32000);
100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
101 --
102 -- Table Type:      t_var_idx_num
103 -- Description:     This is used by the get_asn_data Function
104 --
105 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
106 TYPE t_var_idx_num
108 --opsmperf end
109 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
110 --
111 -- Table Type:      tab_sgenealogy
112 -- Description:     This is used by the get_genealogy Function
113 --
114 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
115 TYPE tab_sgenealogy
117 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
118 --
119 -- Table Type:      recur
120 -- Description:     This is used by the get_genealogy Function
121 --
122 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
123 TYPE recur
125 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
126 --
127 -- Table Type:      t_ser
128 -- Description:     This is used by the get_genealogy Function
129 --
130 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
131 TYPE t_ser
133 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
134 --
135 -- Function:        get_digits
136 -- Parameters:      p_char - Character i.e FROM Serial and TO Serial Numbers
138 -- Description:     It converts From serial numbers and To Serial Numbers to Alphabets
139 --
140 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
141 FUNCTION get_digits(p_char IN VARCHAR2)
143 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
144 --
145 -- Function:        get_string
146 -- Parameters:      p_char - Character i.e FROM Serial and TO Serial Numbers
148 -- Description:     It converts From serial numbers and To Serial Numbers to Alphabets
149 --
150 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
151 FUNCTION get_string(p_char IN VARCHAR2)
153 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
154 --
155 -- Function:        get_next_serial
156 -- Parameters:      p_char - Character i.e FROM Serial and TO Serial Numbers
158 -- Description:     It generates the next Serial Number. Eg: if Serial Number
159 --                  passed is SE001 it generates SE0002
160 --
161 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
162 FUNCTION get_next_serial(p_serial_number IN VARCHAR2)
164 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
165 --
166 -- Function:        get_genealogy
167 -- Parameters:      p_gen_object_id - It takes Genealogy object id has input
168 --                  p_delivery_detail_id- It takes delivery_detail Id has input
169 --                  p_delivery_id -It takes delivery_id has input
170 --                  p_organization_id -It takes organization_id has input
171 --                  p_frm_serial- It takes frm_serial has input
172 --                  p_to_serial-It takes to_serial has input
173 -- Description:     It gives all the  Sub Componets, there Lot Numbers, Serial Numbers
174 --                  and Hierarchy Levels Present Under the Main Assembly Item
175 --                  (For Work Order the components used for making that Item).
176 --                   In case if it is not the Assembly Item it takes From Serial
177 --                   and TO Serial Numbers and Generates in between numbers.
178 --
179 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
180 FUNCTION get_genealogy( p_gen_object_id      IN NUMBER,
181                         p_delivery_detail_id IN NUMBER,
182                         p_delivery_id        IN NUMBER,
183                         p_organization_id    IN NUMBER,
184                         p_frm_serial         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
185                         p_to_serial          IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)
186 RETURN tab_genealogy PIPELINED;
187 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
188 --
189 -- Procedure:        get_genealogy
190 -- Parameters:      p_gen_object_id - It takes Genealogy object id has input
191 --                  p_delivery_detail_id- It takes delivery_detail Id has input
192 --                  p_delivery_id -It takes delivery_id has input
193 --                  p_organization_id -It takes organization_id has input
194 --                  p_frm_serial- This is not currently used
195 --                  p_to_serial- This is not currently used
196 --                  x_rslt_tab, x_rslt_par_tab - both are identical and have the
197 --                  genealogy records generated as output
198 -- Description:     It gives all the  Sub Componets, their Lot Numbers, Serial Numbers
199 --                  and Hierarchy Levels Present Under the Main Assembly Item
200 --                  (For Work Order the components used for making that Item).
201 --                  This procedure is similar to the PIPELINED FUNCTION get_genealogy
202 --                  which is replaced by the current procedure for performance reasons.
203 --                  Instead of PIPE ROW returning the output, the output is captured in
204 --                  x_rslt_tab, x_rslt_par_tab
205 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
206 PROCEDURE get_genealogy( p_gen_object_id      IN NUMBER,
207                         p_delivery_detail_id IN NUMBER,
208                         p_delivery_id        IN NUMBER,
209                         p_organization_id    IN NUMBER,
210                         p_frm_serial         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
211                         p_to_serial          IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
212                         x_rslt_tab           OUT NOCOPY tab_genealogy);
213 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
214 --
215 -- Function:        check_for_itemgenealogy
216 -- Parameters:      p_delivery_detail_id- It takes delivery_detail Id has input
217 --                  p_organization_id -It takes organization_id has input
218 -- Description:     It checks if Ittem Genealogy exsits for the shiiped item
219 --                  If not it returns 'N' otherwise returns 'Y'
220 --
221 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
222 FUNCTION check_for_itemgenealogy(p_delivery_detail_id IN NUMBER ,
223                                  p_organization_id    IN NUMBER)
225 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
226 --
227 -- Global Variable:        g_alphabets
228 --
229 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
230 g_alphabets VARCHAR2(500)                := 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`~!@#$%^&*()_-=+[]{}\|;:",.<>/?';
232 CURSOR c_main_sql(r_delivery_detail_id IN NUMBER,
233                   r_organization_id IN NUMBER)
234 IS
235 SELECT  msi.concatenated_segments item_nbr       ,
236         msi.primary_uom_code                     ,
237         mtln.lot_number                          ,
238         wdd.serial_number                        ,
239         mtln.organization_id                     ,
240         we.wip_entity_name job_name              ,
241         msi.inventory_item_id                    ,
242         mtln.origination_date                    ,
243         mtln.best_by_date                        ,
244         mtln.retest_date                         ,
245         mln.expiration_date                      ,
246         ood.organization_code                    ,
247         1 rlevel                                 ,
248         0 v_parent_rlevel                        ,
249         msi.lot_control_code                     ,
250         msi.serial_number_control_code           ,
251         decode(( SELECT upper(mcr.cross_reference)
252                    FROM  mtl_cross_references_vl mcr
253                   WHERE  mcr.inventory_item_id                                        = msi.inventory_item_id+0
254                     AND  mcr.organization_id                                          = msi.organization_id+0
255                     AND  to_char(mcr.last_update_date, 'DD/MM/YYYY-HH24.MM.SS')       = (SELECT MAX(to_char(mcr1.last_update_date, 'DD/MM/YYYY-HH24.MM.SS'))
256                                                                                           FROM mtl_cross_references_vl mcr1
257                                                                                          WHERE mcr1.inventory_item_id      = msi.inventory_item_id+0
258                                                                                            AND mcr1.organization_id        = msi.organization_id+0
259                                                                                            AND mcr1.cross_reference_type   ='OPSM INTEGRATED')),'NO',0,1) cross_reference,
260         (SELECT mcr.attribute1
261           FROM  mtl_cross_references_vl mcr
262          WHERE  mcr.inventory_item_id      = msi.inventory_item_id+0
263            AND  mcr.organization_id        = (SELECT master_organization_id
264                                                 FROM mtl_parameters
265                                                WHERE organization_id=msi.organization_id+0)
266            AND  mcr.cross_reference_type   ='OPSM INTEGRATED'
267            AND  mcr.cross_reference        = 'YES') serial_type ,
268         NULL parent_lot_number                   ,
269         NULL parent_serial_number                ,
270         0 parent_inventory_item_id,
271 --bug 10357152 - opsmperf - added DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID, DELIVERY_ID, GENEALOGY_OBJECT_ID
272         to_number(null) DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID,
273         to_number(null) DELIVERY_ID,
274         to_number(null) GENEALOGY_OBJECT_ID
275   FROM  mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtln       ,
276         mtl_serial_numbers msn                 ,
277         mtl_system_items_vl msi                ,
278         wip_entities we                        ,
279         org_organization_definitions ood       ,
280         wsh_delivery_details wdd               ,
281         mtl_object_genealogy mog1              ,
282         mtl_object_genealogy mog2              ,
283         mtl_lot_numbers mln                    ,
284         mtl_material_transactions mmt
285 WHERE   wdd.delivery_detail_id     = r_delivery_detail_id
286   AND   wdd.organization_id        = r_organization_id
287   AND   msn.serial_number          = NVL(wdd.serial_number,NULL)
288   AND   msn.inventory_item_id      = wdd.inventory_item_id+0
289   AND   mtln.inventory_item_id     = wdd.inventory_item_id+0
290   AND   mtln.lot_number            = NVL(wdd.lot_number,NULL)
291   AND   mtln.organization_id       = wdd.organization_id+0
292   AND   msi.inventory_item_id      = mtln.inventory_item_id
293   AND   msi.organization_id        = mtln.organization_id
294   AND   ood.organization_id        = mtln.organization_id      +0
295   AND   mog1.object_id             = msn.gen_object_id         +0
296   AND   mog2.object_id             = mog1.parent_object_id     +0
297   AND   mtln.transaction_id        = mog2.origin_txn_id        +0
298   AND   we.wip_entity_id           = mtln.transaction_source_id+0
299   AND   mln.inventory_item_id      = mtln.inventory_item_id    +0
300   AND   mln.organization_id        = mtln.organization_id      +0
301   AND   mln.lot_number             = mtln.lot_number ||''
302   AND  mtln.transaction_id+0       = mmt.transaction_id
303   AND  mmt.transaction_quantity    = 1
307 SELECT  msi.concatenated_segments item_nbr       ,
308         msi.primary_uom_code                     ,
309         mtln.lot_number                          ,
310         mut.serial_number                        ,
311         mut.organization_id                      ,
312         we.wip_entity_name job_name              ,
313         msi.inventory_item_id                    ,
314         mtln.origination_date                    ,
315         mtln.best_by_date                        ,
316         mtln.retest_date                         ,
317         mln.expiration_date                      ,
318         ood.organization_code                    ,
319         1 rlevel                                 ,
320         0 v_parent_rlevel                        ,
321         msi.lot_control_code                     ,
322         msi.serial_number_control_code           ,
323         decode(( SELECT upper(mcr.cross_reference)
324                    FROM  mtl_cross_references_vl mcr
325                   WHERE  mcr.inventory_item_id                                        = msi.inventory_item_id+0
326                     AND  mcr.organization_id                                          = msi.organization_id+0
327                     AND  to_char(mcr.last_update_date, 'DD/MM/YYYY-HH24.MM.SS')       = (SELECT MAX(to_char(mcr1.last_update_date, 'DD/MM/YYYY-HH24.MM.SS'))
328                                                                                           FROM mtl_cross_references_vl mcr1
329                                                                                          WHERE mcr1.inventory_item_id      = msi.inventory_item_id+0
330                                                                                            AND mcr1.organization_id        = msi.organization_id+0
331                                                                                            AND mcr1.cross_reference_type   ='OPSM INTEGRATED')),'NO',0,1) cross_reference,
332         (SELECT mcr.attribute1
333           FROM  mtl_cross_references_vl mcr
334          WHERE  mcr.inventory_item_id      = msi.inventory_item_id+0
335            AND  mcr.organization_id        = (SELECT master_organization_id
336                                                 FROM mtl_parameters
337                                                WHERE organization_id=msi.organization_id+0)
338            AND  mcr.cross_reference_type   ='OPSM INTEGRATED'
339            AND  mcr.cross_reference        = 'YES') serial_type,
340         NULL parent_lot_number                   ,
341         NULL parent_serial_number                ,
342         0 parent_inventory_item_id,
343 --bug 10357152 - opsmperf - added DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID, DELIVERY_ID, GENEALOGY_OBJECT_ID
344         to_number(null) DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID,
345         to_number(null) DELIVERY_ID,
346         to_number(null) GENEALOGY_OBJECT_ID
347   FROM  mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtln       ,
348         mtl_unit_transactions mut              ,
349         mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt           ,
350         wip_entities we                        ,
351         org_organization_definitions ood       ,
352         mtl_system_items_vl msi                ,
353         wsh_delivery_details wdd               ,
354         mtl_lot_numbers mln                    ,
355         mtl_material_transactions mmt
356  WHERE  wdd.delivery_detail_id                                        = r_delivery_detail_id
357    AND  mtln.inventory_item_id                                        = mut.inventory_item_id
358    AND  mtln.organization_id                                          = r_organization_id
359    AND  mtln.organization_id                                          = mut.organization_id
360    AND  mut.transaction_id                                            = mtln.serial_transaction_id
361    AND  mut.serial_number                                             BETWEEN msnt.fm_serial_number
362                                                                       AND msnt.to_serial_number
363    AND  wsh_opsm_asn_item_genealogy.get_digits(mut.serial_number)     BETWEEN wsh_opsm_asn_item_genealogy.get_digits(msnt.fm_serial_number)
364                                                                       AND wsh_opsm_asn_item_genealogy.get_digits(msnt.to_serial_number)
365    AND  wsh_opsm_asn_item_genealogy.get_string(mut.serial_number)     = wsh_opsm_asn_item_genealogy.get_string(msnt.to_serial_number)
366    AND  wsh_opsm_asn_item_genealogy.get_string(msnt.fm_serial_number) = wsh_opsm_asn_item_genealogy.get_string(msnt.to_serial_number)
367    AND  msnt.transaction_temp_id                                      = wdd.transaction_temp_id
368    AND  we.wip_entity_id                                              = mtln.transaction_source_id
369    AND  ood.organization_id                                           = mtln.organization_id
370    AND  msi.inventory_item_id                                         = mut.inventory_item_id
371    AND  msi.organization_id                                           = mut.organization_id
372    AND  mln.inventory_item_id                                         = mtln.inventory_item_id+0
373    AND  mln.organization_id                                           = mtln.organization_id  +0
374    AND  mln.lot_number                                                = mtln.lot_number ||''
375    AND  mtln.transaction_id+0                                         = mmt.transaction_id
376    AND  mmt.transaction_quantity                                       = 1
380 SELECT  msi.concatenated_segments item_nbr       ,
381         msi.primary_uom_code                     ,
382         mtln.lot_number                          ,
383         mut.serial_number                        ,
384         mut.organization_id                      ,
385         we.wip_entity_name job_name              ,
386         msi.inventory_item_id                    ,
387         mtln.origination_date                    ,
388         mtln.best_by_date                        ,
389         mtln.retest_date                         ,
390         mln.expiration_date                      ,
391         ood.organization_code                    ,
392         1 rlevel                                 ,
393         0 v_parent_rlevel                        ,
394         msi.lot_control_code                     ,
395         msi.serial_number_control_code           ,
396         decode(( SELECT upper(mcr.cross_reference)
397                    FROM  mtl_cross_references_vl mcr
398                   WHERE  mcr.inventory_item_id                                        = msi.inventory_item_id+0
399                     AND  mcr.organization_id                                          = msi.organization_id+0
400                     AND  to_char(mcr.last_update_date, 'DD/MM/YYYY-HH24.MM.SS')       = (SELECT MAX(to_char(mcr1.last_update_date, 'DD/MM/YYYY-HH24.MM.SS'))
401                                                                                           FROM mtl_cross_references_vl mcr1
402                                                                                          WHERE mcr1.inventory_item_id      = msi.inventory_item_id+0
403                                                                                            AND mcr1.organization_id        = msi.organization_id+0
404                                                                                            AND mcr1.cross_reference_type   ='OPSM INTEGRATED')),'NO',0,1) cross_reference,
405         (SELECT mcr.attribute1
406           FROM  mtl_cross_references_vl mcr
407          WHERE  mcr.inventory_item_id      = msi.inventory_item_id+0
408            AND  mcr.organization_id        = (SELECT master_organization_id
409                                                 FROM mtl_parameters
410                                                WHERE organization_id=msi.organization_id+0)
411            AND  mcr.cross_reference_type   ='OPSM INTEGRATED'
412            AND  mcr.cross_reference        = 'YES') serial_type,
413         NULL parent_lot_number                   ,
414         NULL parent_serial_number                ,
415         0 parent_inventory_item_id,
416 --bug 10357152 - opsmperf - added DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID, DELIVERY_ID, GENEALOGY_OBJECT_ID
417         to_number(null) DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID,
418         to_number(null) DELIVERY_ID,
419         to_number(null) GENEALOGY_OBJECT_ID
420   FROM  wsh_serial_numbers wsn           ,
421         mtl_unit_transactions mut        ,
422         mtl_transaction_lot_numbers mtln ,
423         org_organization_definitions ood ,
424         wip_entities we                  ,
425         mtl_system_items_vl msi          ,
426         mtl_lot_numbers mln              ,
427         wsh_delivery_details wdd         ,
428         mtl_material_transactions mmt
429  WHERE  wsn.delivery_detail_id                                      = r_delivery_detail_id
430    AND  wdd.delivery_detail_id                                      = wsn.delivery_detail_id+0
431    AND  mut.serial_number                                            BETWEEN wsn.fm_serial_number
432                                                                     AND wsn.to_serial_number
433    AND  wsh_opsm_asn_item_genealogy.get_digits(mut.serial_number)    BETWEEN wsh_opsm_asn_item_genealogy.get_digits(wsn.fm_serial_number)
434                                                                     AND wsh_opsm_asn_item_genealogy.get_digits(wsn.to_serial_number)
435    AND  wsh_opsm_asn_item_genealogy.get_string(mut.serial_number)    = wsh_opsm_asn_item_genealogy.get_string(wsn.to_serial_number)
436    AND  wsh_opsm_asn_item_genealogy.get_string(wsn.fm_serial_number) = wsh_opsm_asn_item_genealogy.get_string(wsn.to_serial_number)
437    AND  mut.organization_id                                          = r_organization_id
438    AND  mtln.serial_transaction_id                                   = mut.transaction_id   +0
439    AND  mtln.transaction_source_id+0                                 = we.wip_entity_id
440    AND  msi.inventory_item_id                                        = mut.inventory_item_id+0
441    AND  wdd.inventory_item_id                                        = mut.inventory_item_id+0
442    AND  msi.organization_id                                          = mut.organization_id  +0
443    AND  ood.organization_id                                          = mtln.organization_id
444    AND  NOT EXISTS                                                   (SELECT 0
445                                                                         FROM wsh_delivery_details
446                                                                        WHERE delivery_detail_id      <> r_delivery_detail_id
447                                                                          AND inventory_item_id       = msi.inventory_item_id+0
448                                                                          AND organization_id         = msi.organization_id+0
449                                                                          AND serial_number           = mut.serial_number)
450    AND  mln.inventory_item_id                                         = mtln.inventory_item_id+0
451    AND  mln.organization_id                                           = mtln.organization_id  +0
452    AND  mln.lot_number                                                = mtln.lot_number ||''
453    AND  mtln.transaction_id+0                                         = mmt.transaction_id
454    AND  mmt.transaction_quantity                                       = 1
457 g_serial_number VARCHAR2(32000) := NULL;
458 g_object_id     NUMBER;
460 --bug 10357152 - opsmperf
461 genealogy_tab tab_genealogy;
462 END wsh_opsm_asn_item_genealogy;