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Line 693: ff_contexts fc

689: fai1.value
690: FROM ff_archive_items fai1,
691: ff_database_items fdi1,
692: ff_archive_item_contexts faic,
693: ff_contexts fc
694: WHERE fai1.user_entity_id = fdi1.user_entity_id
695: AND fai1.archive_item_id = faic.archive_item_id
696: AND fc.context_id = faic.context_id
697: AND fc.context_name = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'

Line 1139: and exists ( select 'X' from pay_action_contexts pac, ff_contexts fc

1135: where hoi.org_information_context = 'Canada Employer Identification'
1136: and hoi.org_information2 = l_pre_organization_id))
1137: )
1138: AND PPY.payroll_id = ASG.payroll_id
1139: and exists ( select 'X' from pay_action_contexts pac, ff_contexts fc
1140: where pac.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
1141: and pac.context_id = fc.context_id
1142: and fc.context_name = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
1143: and pac.context_value = 'QC' )

Line 1175: ff_contexts fc

1171: AND ppa.effective_date between asg.effective_start_date
1172: and asg.effective_end_date
1173: AND EXISTS (select 1
1174: from pay_action_contexts pac,
1175: ff_contexts fc
1176: where pac.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
1177: and pac.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
1178: and pac.context_id = fc.context_id
1179: and fc.context_name ||'' = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'

Line 1215: ff_contexts fc

1211: AND ppa.effective_date between asg.effective_start_date
1212: and asg.effective_end_date
1213: AND EXISTS (select 1
1214: from pay_action_contexts pac,
1215: ff_contexts fc
1216: where pac.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
1217: and pac.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
1218: and pac.context_id = fc.context_id
1219: and fc.context_name ||'' = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'

Line 2205: ff_contexts fc

2201: SELECT fai1.value, fai1.archive_item_id, fai1.object_version_number
2203: ff_database_items fdi1,
2204: ff_archive_item_contexts faic,
2205: ff_contexts fc
2206: WHERE FAI1.USER_ENTITY_ID = fdi1.user_entity_id
2207: and fdi1.user_name = 'CAEOY_RL1_PDF_SEQ_NUMBER'
2208: and fai1.archive_item_id = faic.archive_item_id
2209: and fc.context_id = faic.context_id

Line 2474: ff_contexts fc

2470: pay_assignment_actions paa,
2471: pay_payroll_actions ppa,
2472: pay_action_classifications pac,
2473: pay_action_contexts pac1,
2474: ff_contexts fc
2475: where ppf.person_id = cp_person_id
2476: and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
2477: and paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
2478: and paa.tax_unit_id = cp_tax_unit_id

Line 2705: /* Get the context_id for 'Jurisdiction' from ff_contexts */

2701: l_jurisdiction := 'QC';
2702: p_temp_nz_fi := 0; /* Bug 13564765 sbachu*/
2703: for i in 1 .. l_count
2704: loop
2705: /* Get the context_id for 'Jurisdiction' from ff_contexts */
2706: result := 0;
2707: open c_all_gres_for_further_info(p_assactid);
2708: loop
2709: hr_utility.trace('Fetching all GREs');

Line 2821: l_jursd_context_id ff_contexts.context_id%type;

2817: l_cty_sd_name pay_us_city_school_dsts.school_dst_name%type;
2818: l_step number := 0;
2819: l_county_code varchar2(3);
2820: l_city_code varchar2(4);
2821: l_jursd_context_id ff_contexts.context_id%type;
2822: l_taxunit_context_id ff_contexts.context_id%type;
2823: l_seq_tab pay_ca_eoy_rl1_archive.number_data_type_table;
2824: l_context_id_tab pay_ca_eoy_rl1_archive.number_data_type_table;
2825: l_context_val_tab pay_ca_eoy_rl1_archive.char240_data_type_table;

Line 2822: l_taxunit_context_id ff_contexts.context_id%type;

2818: l_step number := 0;
2819: l_county_code varchar2(3);
2820: l_city_code varchar2(4);
2821: l_jursd_context_id ff_contexts.context_id%type;
2822: l_taxunit_context_id ff_contexts.context_id%type;
2823: l_seq_tab pay_ca_eoy_rl1_archive.number_data_type_table;
2824: l_context_id_tab pay_ca_eoy_rl1_archive.number_data_type_table;
2825: l_context_val_tab pay_ca_eoy_rl1_archive.char240_data_type_table;
2826: l_chunk number;

Line 3119: from pay_action_contexts pac,ff_contexts ffc

3115: between all_paf.effective_start_date
3116: and all_paf.effective_end_date
3117: and run_paa.assignment_id = all_paf.assignment_id
3118: and exists (select 1
3119: from pay_action_contexts pac,ff_contexts ffc
3120: where ffc.context_name = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
3121: and pac.context_id + 0 = ffc.context_id
3122: and pac.assignment_id = run_paa.assignment_id
3123: and pac.context_value = 'QC')

Line 3190: ff_contexts fc

3186: pay_assignment_actions paa,
3187: pay_payroll_actions ppa,
3188: pay_action_classifications pac,
3189: pay_action_contexts pac1,
3190: ff_contexts fc
3191: where ppf.person_id = cp_person_id
3192: and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
3193: and paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
3194: and paa.tax_unit_id = cp_tax_unit_id

Line 3314: /* Get the context_id for 'Jurisdiction' from ff_contexts */

3310: hr_utility.trace('Initialising Pl/SQL table');
3312: l_step := 3;
3314: /* Get the context_id for 'Jurisdiction' from ff_contexts */
3316: l_step := 5;
3318: select context_id

Line 3320: from ff_contexts

3316: l_step := 5;
3318: select context_id
3319: into l_jursd_context_id
3320: from ff_contexts
3321: where context_name = 'JURISDICTION_CODE';
3323: select context_id
3324: into l_taxunit_context_id

Line 3325: from ff_contexts

3321: where context_name = 'JURISDICTION_CODE';
3323: select context_id
3324: into l_taxunit_context_id
3325: from ff_contexts
3326: where context_name = 'TAX_UNIT_ID';
3328: l_step := 6;

Line 5151: ff_contexts fc

5147: and ppa.payroll_id = ppy.payroll_id
5148: and ppy.business_group_id = '||to_char(l_business_group)||'
5149: and exists (select 1
5150: from pay_action_contexts pac,
5151: ff_contexts fc
5152: where pac.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
5153: and pac.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
5154: and pac.context_id = fc.context_id
5155: and fc.context_name = ''JURISDICTION_CODE''