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1 PACKAGE BODY pay_se_trnr AS
2    /* $Header: pysetrnr.pkb 120.2 2007/07/30 12:24:31 psingla noship $ */
3    PROCEDURE get_data (
4       p_business_group_id   IN              NUMBER,
5       p_payroll_action_id   IN              VARCHAR2,
6       p_template_name       IN              VARCHAR2,
7       p_xml                 OUT NOCOPY      CLOB
8    ) IS
9       CURSOR csr_report_parameters IS
10          SELECT fnd_date.canonical_to_date (action_information5) joinig_start_date,
11                 fnd_date.canonical_to_date (action_information6)
12                       joinig_end_date, action_information9 division,
13                 action_information12 agreement_area, action_information13 empployee_category,
14                 action_information14
15                       assignment_category,
16                 fnd_date.canonical_to_date (action_information16) start_date_of_birth,
17                 fnd_date.canonical_to_date (action_information17)
18                       end_date_of_birth,
19                 fnd_date.canonical_to_date (action_information18) precedence_end_date,
20                 fnd_date.canonical_to_date (action_information19)
21                       report_date, action_information20 sort_order
22          FROM   pay_action_information
23          WHERE action_context_id = p_payroll_action_id AND action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT DETAILS';
25       rec_report_parameters   csr_report_parameters%ROWTYPE;
27       --Cursors needed for report
28       CURSOR csr_all_legal_employer (
29          csr_v_pa_id   pay_action_information.action_context_id%TYPE
30       ) IS
31          SELECT action_information3 legal_emp_id, action_information4 legal_employer_name, action_information5 org_number,
32                 effective_date
33          FROM   pay_action_information
34          WHERE action_context_type = 'PA'
35          AND   action_context_id = csr_v_pa_id
36          AND   action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
37          AND   action_information1 = 'PYSETRNA'
38          AND   action_information2 = 'LE';
40       /* All Division */
41       CURSOR csr_get_all_divisons (
42          csr_v_pa_id           pay_action_information.action_context_id%TYPE,
43          p_legal_employer_id   pay_action_information.action_information13%TYPE --,
44       -- p_sort_order          pay_action_information.action_information20%TYPE
45       ) IS
46          SELECT DISTINCT action_information14 division_code, action_information16 division
47          FROM            pay_payroll_actions paa, pay_assignment_actions assg, pay_action_information pai
48          WHERE  paa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
49          AND    assg.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
50          AND    pai.action_context_id = assg.assignment_action_id
51          AND    action_context_type = 'AAP'
52          --AND   action_context_id = csr_v_pa_id
53          AND    action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
54          AND    action_information1 = 'PYSETRNA'
55          AND    action_information13 = p_legal_employer_id;
57       /* All Agreement Areas */
58       CURSOR csr_get_all_areas (
59          csr_v_pa_id           pay_action_information.action_context_id%TYPE,
60          p_legal_employer_id   pay_action_information.action_information13%TYPE,
61          p_div                 pay_action_information.action_information14%TYPE
62       ) IS
63          SELECT DISTINCT action_information15 area_code, action_information17 agreement_area
64          FROM            pay_payroll_actions paa, pay_assignment_actions assg, pay_action_information pai
65          WHERE  paa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
66          AND    assg.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
67          AND    pai.action_context_id = assg.assignment_action_id
68          AND    action_context_type = 'AAP'
69          --AND   action_context_id = csr_v_pa_id
70          AND    action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
71          AND    action_information1 = 'PYSETRNA'
72          AND    action_information13 = p_legal_employer_id
73          AND    action_information14 = p_div;
75       l_payroll_action_id     pay_action_information.action_information1%TYPE;
76       l_counter               NUMBER                                             := 0;
77       l_count                 NUMBER                                             := 0;
78       p_sql                   VARCHAR2 (10000);
79       l_national_identifier   pay_action_information.action_information4%TYPE;
80       l_assignment_number     pay_action_information.action_information5%TYPE;
81       l_full_name             pay_action_information.action_information6%TYPE;
82       l_hire_date             DATE;
83       l_total_emp_time        NUMBER;
84       l_precedence_date       DATE;
85       l_termination_date      DATE;
86       l_emp_type              pay_action_information.action_information11%TYPE;
87       l_emp_sec               pay_action_information.action_information12%TYPE;
88       l_select_str            VARCHAR2 (3000);
90       TYPE emp_ref IS REF CURSOR;
92       csr_get_emp             emp_ref;
93       l_sort_order            VARCHAR2 (100);
94    BEGIN
95       IF p_payroll_action_id IS NULL THEN
96          BEGIN
97             SELECT payroll_action_id
98             INTO  l_payroll_action_id
99             FROM   pay_payroll_actions ppa, fnd_conc_req_summary_v fcrs, fnd_conc_req_summary_v fcrs1
100             WHERE fcrs.request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id
101             AND   fcrs.priority_request_id = fcrs1.priority_request_id
102             AND   ppa.request_id BETWEEN fcrs1.request_id AND fcrs.request_id
103             AND   ppa.request_id = fcrs1.request_id;
104          EXCEPTION
105             WHEN OTHERS THEN
106                NULL;
107          END;
108       ELSE
109          l_payroll_action_id := p_payroll_action_id;
110       END IF;
112       OPEN csr_report_parameters;
113       FETCH csr_report_parameters INTO rec_report_parameters;
114       CLOSE csr_report_parameters;
116       SELECT 'order by '
117              || decode (
118                    nvl (rec_report_parameters.sort_order, 'EMP_TIME'),
119                    'EMP_TIME', ' total_emp_time desc ',
120                    'ASG_NUM', ' assignment_number asc ',
121                    'NAME', ' full_name asc ',
122                    'PIN', ' national_identifier asc '
123                 )
124       INTO  l_sort_order
125       FROM   dual;
127       FOR rec_leg_emp IN csr_all_legal_employer (l_payroll_action_id)
128       LOOP
129          FOR rec_all_division IN csr_get_all_divisons (l_payroll_action_id, rec_leg_emp.legal_emp_id)
130          LOOP
131             FOR rec_all_area IN csr_get_all_areas (
132                                    l_payroll_action_id,
133                                    rec_leg_emp.legal_emp_id,
134                                    rec_all_division.division_code
135                                 )
136             LOOP
137                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'ORG_NAME';
138                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := rec_leg_emp.legal_employer_name;
139                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
141 --
142                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'J_START_DATE';
143                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := to_char (rec_report_parameters.joinig_start_date, 'YYYYMMDD');
144                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
145                --
147                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'J_END_DATE';
148                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := to_char (rec_report_parameters.joinig_end_date, 'YYYYMMDD');
149                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
150                --
151                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'DIV';
152                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := rec_all_division.division;
153                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
154                --
155                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'AGREEMENT_AREA';
156                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := rec_report_parameters.agreement_area;
157                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
158                --
159                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'EMP_CATG';
160                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := rec_report_parameters.empployee_category;
161                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
162                --
163                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'ASG_CATG';
164                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := rec_report_parameters.assignment_category;
165                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
166                --
168                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'S_DOB';
169                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := to_char (rec_report_parameters.start_date_of_birth, 'YYYYMMDD');
170                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
171                --
172                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'E_DOB';
173                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := to_char (rec_report_parameters.end_date_of_birth, 'YYYYMMDD');
174                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
175                --
176                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'PREC_DATE';
177                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := to_char (rec_report_parameters.precedence_end_date, 'YYYYMMDD');
178                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
179                ----
181                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'REPORT_DATE';
182                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := to_char (rec_report_parameters.report_date, 'YYYYMMDD');
183                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
184                --
186                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'PRIORITY_AREA';
187                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := rec_all_area.agreement_area;
188                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
189                --
190                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'PRIORITY_BRANCH';
191                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := rec_all_area.agreement_area;
192                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
193                --
194                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'ORG_NUM';
195                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := rec_leg_emp.org_number;
196                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
199                l_select_str :=
200                   'SELECT   action_information4 national_identifier,
201                   action_information5
202                         assignment_number, action_information6 full_name,
203                   fnd_date.canonical_to_date (action_information7)
204                         hire_date,
205                   fnd_number.canonical_to_number (action_information8) total_emp_time,
206                   fnd_date.canonical_to_date (action_information9)
207                         precedence_date,
208                   fnd_date.canonical_to_date (action_information10) termination_date, action_information11 emp_type,
209                   action_information12
210                         emp_sec
211          FROM     pay_payroll_actions paa, pay_assignment_actions assg, pay_action_information pai
212          WHERE paa.payroll_action_id = '
213                   || l_payroll_action_id
214                   || ' AND   assg.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
215          AND   pai.action_context_id = assg.assignment_action_id
216          AND   action_context_type = '
217                   || '''AAP''' || ' AND   action_information_category = ' || '''EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'''
218                   || ' AND   action_information1 = ' || '''PYSETRNA''' || ' AND   action_information13 = '
219                   || rec_leg_emp.legal_emp_id || ' AND   action_information14 = ' || '''' || rec_all_division.division_code || ''''
220                   || ' AND   action_information15 = ' || '''' || rec_all_area.area_code || '''' || ' ' || l_sort_order;
222 		  fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'l_select_str :-  '||length(l_select_str));
223                l_national_identifier := NULL;
224                l_assignment_number := NULL;
225                l_full_name := NULL;
226                l_hire_date := NULL;
227                l_total_emp_time := NULL;
228                l_precedence_date := NULL;
229                l_termination_date := NULL;
230                l_emp_type := NULL;
231                l_emp_sec := NULL;
232                OPEN csr_get_emp FOR l_select_str;
234                LOOP
235                   FETCH csr_get_emp INTO l_national_identifier,
236                                          l_assignment_number,
237                                          l_full_name,
238                                          l_hire_date,
239                                          l_total_emp_time,
240                                          l_precedence_date,
241                                          l_termination_date,
242                                          l_emp_type,
243                                          l_emp_sec;
244                   EXIT WHEN csr_get_emp%NOTFOUND;
246                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'NATIONAL_IDENTIFIER';
247                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_national_identifier;
248                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
249                   --
250                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'EMP_NAME';
251                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_full_name;
252                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
253                   --
254                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'ASG_NUMBER';
255                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_assignment_number;
256                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
258 --
260                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'TOTAL_EMP_TIME';
261                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := to_char (l_total_emp_time);
262                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
263                   --
264                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'EMP_TYPE';
265                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_emp_type;
266                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
267                   --
268                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'PRECEDENCE_DATE';
269                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := to_char (l_precedence_date, 'YYYYMMDD');
270                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
271                   --
272                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'TERMINATION_DATE';
273                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := to_char (l_termination_date, 'YYYYMMDD');
274                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
275                   --
276                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'HIRE_DATE';
277                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := to_char (l_hire_date, 'YYYYMMDD');
278                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
280 		  l_select_str := null;
281                END LOOP; -- End of Employee Loop
282             END LOOP; -- End of Agreement Area Loop
283          END LOOP; -- End of Division Loop
284       END LOOP; -- End of Legal Employer Loop
285       writetoclob (p_xml);
286    END get_data;
288 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
289    PROCEDURE writetoclob (
290       p_xfdf_clob   OUT NOCOPY   CLOB
291    ) IS
292       l_xfdf_string    CLOB;
293       l_iana_charset   VARCHAR2 (30);
294       current_index    PLS_INTEGER;
295       l_str1           VARCHAR2 (1000);
296       l_str2           VARCHAR2 (20);
297       l_str3           VARCHAR2 (20);
298       l_str4           VARCHAR2 (20);
299       l_str5           VARCHAR2 (20);
300       l_str6           VARCHAR2 (30);
301       l_str7           VARCHAR2 (1000);
302       l_str8           VARCHAR2 (240);
303       l_str9           VARCHAR2 (240);
304       l_str10          VARCHAR2 (20);
305       l_str11          VARCHAR2 (20);
306       l_str12          VARCHAR2 (30);
307       l_str13          VARCHAR2 (30);
308       l_str14          VARCHAR2 (30);
309       l_str15          VARCHAR2 (30);
310       l_str16          VARCHAR2 (30);
311       l_str17          VARCHAR2 (30);
312    BEGIN
313       l_iana_charset := hr_se_utility.get_iana_charset;
314       l_str1 := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' || l_iana_charset || '"?> <ROOT><PAACR>';
315       l_str2 := '<';
316       l_str3 := '>';
317       l_str4 := '</';
318       l_str5 := '>';
319       l_str6 := '</PAACR></ROOT>';
320       l_str7 := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' || l_iana_charset || '"?> <ROOT></ROOT>';
321       l_str10 := '<PAACR>';
322       l_str11 := '</PAACR>';
323       l_str12 := '<FILE_HEADER_START>';
324       l_str13 := '</FILE_HEADER_START>';
325       l_str14 := '<LE_RECORD>';
326       l_str15 := '</LE_RECORD>';
327       l_str14 := '<LE_RECORD>';
328       l_str15 := '</LE_RECORD>';
329       l_str16 := '<EMP_RECORD>';
330       l_str17 := '</EMP_RECORD>';
331       dbms_lob.createtemporary (l_xfdf_string, FALSE , dbms_lob.CALL);
332       dbms_lob.OPEN (l_xfdf_string, dbms_lob.lob_readwrite);
333       current_index := 0;
335       IF xml_tab.count > 0 THEN
336          dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str1), l_str1);
337          dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str12), l_str12);
339          FOR table_counter IN xml_tab.FIRST .. xml_tab.LAST
340          LOOP
341             l_str8 := xml_tab (table_counter).tagname;
342             l_str9 := xml_tab (table_counter).tagvalue;
344             IF l_str8 = 'ORG_NAME' THEN
345                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str14), l_str14);
346             ELSIF l_str8 = 'NATIONAL_IDENTIFIER' THEN
347                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str16), l_str16);
348             END IF;
350             IF l_str9 IS NOT NULL THEN
351                l_str9 := '<![CDATA[' || l_str9 || ']]>';
352                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str2), l_str2);
353                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str8), l_str8);
354                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str3), l_str3);
355                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str9), l_str9);
356                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str4), l_str4);
357                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str8), l_str8);
358                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str5), l_str5);
359             ELSE
360                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str2), l_str2);
361                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str8), l_str8);
362                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str3), l_str3);
363                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str4), l_str4);
364                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str8), l_str8);
365                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str5), l_str5);
366             END IF;
368             IF xml_tab.LAST = table_counter THEN
369                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str17), l_str17);
370                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str15), l_str15);
371             ELSIF l_str8 = 'HIRE_DATE' AND xml_tab (table_counter + 1).tagname = 'NATIONAL_IDENTIFIER' THEN
372                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str17), l_str17);
373             ELSIF l_str8 = 'HIRE_DATE' AND xml_tab (table_counter + 1).tagname = 'ORG_NAME' THEN
374                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str17), l_str17);
375                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str15), l_str15);
376             ELSIF xml_tab (table_counter + 1).tagname = 'ORG_NAME' THEN
377                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str15), l_str15);
378             END IF;
379          END LOOP;
381          dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str13), l_str13);
382          dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str6), l_str6);
383       ELSE
384          dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str7), l_str7);
385       END IF;
387       p_xfdf_clob := l_xfdf_string;
388       hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving WritetoCLOB ', 20);
389    END writetoclob;
390 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
392 END pay_se_trnr;