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Line 32: delete from jg_zz_vat_box_errors

28: ( select vat_transaction_id
29: from jg_zz_vat_trx_details a
30: where a.reporting_status_id = pn_reporting_status_id);
32: delete from jg_zz_vat_box_errors
33: where vat_transaction_id in
34: ( select vat_transaction_id
35: from jg_zz_vat_trx_details a
36: where a.reporting_status_id = pn_reporting_status_id);

Line 71: INSERT INTO jg_zz_vat_box_errors(

67: ||', pn_last_updated_by:'||pn_last_updated_by
68: ||', pn_last_update_login:'||pn_last_update_login);
69: end if;
70: */
71: INSERT INTO jg_zz_vat_box_errors(
72: vat_transaction_id ,
73: allocation_error_code ,
74: period_type ,
75: creation_date ,

Line 108: UPDATE jg_zz_vat_box_errors

104: xv_return_message out nocopy varchar2
105: ) IS
107: BEGIN
108: UPDATE jg_zz_vat_box_errors
109: SET allocation_error_code = pv_allocation_error_code,
110: last_updated_by = pn_last_updated_by,
111: last_update_date = sysdate,
112: last_update_login = pn_last_update_login

Line 131: DELETE FROM jg_zz_vat_box_errors

127: xv_return_message out nocopy varchar2
128: ) IS
130: BEGIN
131: DELETE FROM jg_zz_vat_box_errors
132: WHERE Vat_transaction_id = pn_vat_transaction_id
133: AND allocation_error_code = pv_allocation_error_code
134: AND period_type = pv_period_type;

Line 368: jg_zz_vat_box_errors err,

364: nvl(dtl.tax_amt_funcl_curr, dtl.tax_amt) tax_amount,
365: err.allocation_error_code allocation_error_code,
366: err.period_type period_type
367: FROM jg_zz_vat_trx_details dtl,
368: jg_zz_vat_box_errors err,
369: jg_zz_vat_rep_status status
370: WHERE status.reporting_status_id = dtl.reporting_status_id
371: AND dtl.vat_transaction_id = err.vat_transaction_id
372: AND status.vat_reporting_entity_id = pn_vat_reporting_entity_id

Line 516: /* Dynamic cursor that fetches data either from JG_ZZ_VAT_TRX_DETAILS or JG_ZZ_VAT_BOX_ERRORS depending

512: else /*meaning the processing for allocation errors */
513: lv_fresh_allocation_flag := g_no;
514: end if;
516: /* Dynamic cursor that fetches data either from JG_ZZ_VAT_TRX_DETAILS or JG_ZZ_VAT_BOX_ERRORS depending
517: on the REALLOCATE_FLAG value
518: While looping thru transaction -
519: If the record is being processed from JG_ZZ_VAT_TRX_DETAILS, then it is processed for both period_types
520: else if the record is being processed from JG_ZZ_VAT_BOX_ERRORS, then only error period_type is processed

Line 520: else if the record is being processed from JG_ZZ_VAT_BOX_ERRORS, then only error period_type is processed

516: /* Dynamic cursor that fetches data either from JG_ZZ_VAT_TRX_DETAILS or JG_ZZ_VAT_BOX_ERRORS depending
517: on the REALLOCATE_FLAG value
518: While looping thru transaction -
519: If the record is being processed from JG_ZZ_VAT_TRX_DETAILS, then it is processed for both period_types
520: else if the record is being processed from JG_ZZ_VAT_BOX_ERRORS, then only error period_type is processed
521: */
522: l_trxs_for_alloc_csr :=
523: get_transactions_cursor(
524: pv_extract_source_ledger => lv_extract_source_ledger,

Line 807: /* Transactions with Tax Amount = 0 and source = 'AP' should not go in jg_zz_vat_box_errors table */

803: end if;
805: /* allocation error found */
806: if l_trx_rec.tax_amount = 0 and l_trx_rec.extract_source_ledger = 'AP' then
807: /* Transactions with Tax Amount = 0 and source = 'AP' should not go in jg_zz_vat_box_errors table */
808: exit;
809: end if;
811: if lv_fresh_allocation_flag = g_yes then