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1 PACKAGE BODY gl_budget_transfer_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: glibdxfb.pls 120.4 2005/05/05 01:02:40 kvora ship $ */
4   --
6   --
7   PROCEDURE get_from_to_balance (balance_type		   VARCHAR2,
8 				 xledger_id                NUMBER,
9 				 xbc_enabled_flag          VARCHAR2,
10 				 xperiod_name              VARCHAR2,
11                                  xbudget_version_id	   NUMBER,
12                                  xcurrency_code		   VARCHAR2,
13 				 from_code_combination_id  NUMBER,
14 				 to_code_combination_id    NUMBER,
15                                  from_balance              IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
16 				 to_balance		   IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) IS
18   BEGIN
19     from_balance := get_balance(balance_type,
20 			        xledger_id,
21 				xbc_enabled_flag,
22 				xperiod_name,
23 				xbudget_version_id,
24 				xcurrency_code,
25 				from_code_combination_id);
27     to_balance := get_balance(balance_type,
28 			      xledger_id,
29 			      xbc_enabled_flag,
30 			      xperiod_name,
31 			      xbudget_version_id,
32 			      xcurrency_code,
33 			      to_code_combination_id);
34   END get_from_to_balance;
36   FUNCTION get_balance  (balance_type		   VARCHAR2,
37 		         xledger_id                NUMBER,
38 		         xbc_enabled_flag          VARCHAR2,
39 		         xperiod_name              VARCHAR2,
40                          xbudget_version_id	   NUMBER,
41                          xcurrency_code		   VARCHAR2,
42 		         code_combination_id       NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS
43     balance NUMBER := 0;
44   BEGIN
46     -- If budgetary control is enabled, get the balance
47     -- from gl_bc_packets.  Otherwise, get the balance from
48     -- gl_interface.
49     IF (xbc_enabled_flag = 'Y') THEN
50       balance   := get_bc_balance(balance_type,
51                                   xledger_id,
52                                   xperiod_name,
53 				  'B',
54                                   xbudget_version_id,
55                                   xcurrency_code,
56                                   code_combination_id);
57     END IF;
59     -- Get the rest of the balance from gl_interface
60     balance :=   balance
61                + get_posted_balance(balance_type,
62                                     xledger_id,
63                                     xperiod_name,
64 				    'B',
65                                     xbudget_version_id,
66                                     xcurrency_code,
67                                     code_combination_id);
69     return(balance);
70   END get_balance;
72   PROCEDURE get_from_to_bc_balance(balance_type		     VARCHAR2,
73 				   xledger_id                NUMBER,
74 				   xperiod_name              VARCHAR2,
75 				   xactual_flag		     VARCHAR2,
76                                    xbudget_version_id	     NUMBER,
77                                    xcurrency_code            VARCHAR2,
78 				   from_code_combination_id  NUMBER,
79 				   to_code_combination_id    NUMBER,
80                                    from_balance              IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
81 				   to_balance		   IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) IS
83   BEGIN
85     from_balance := get_bc_balance(balance_type,
86                                    xledger_id,
87                                    xperiod_name,
88 		 	           xactual_flag,
89                                    xbudget_version_id,
90                                    xcurrency_code,
91                                    from_code_combination_id);
92     to_balance   := get_bc_balance(balance_type,
93                                    xledger_id,
94                                    xperiod_name,
95  			           xactual_flag,
96                                    xbudget_version_id,
97                                    xcurrency_code,
98                                    to_code_combination_id);
99   END get_from_to_bc_balance;
101   FUNCTION get_bc_balance (balance_type         VARCHAR2,
102                            xledger_id           NUMBER,
103 			   xperiod_name         VARCHAR2,
104 			   xactual_flag		VARCHAR2,
105                            xbudget_version_id	NUMBER,
106                            xcurrency_code	VARCHAR2,
107 			   xcode_combination_id NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS
109     CURSOR get_balance IS
110         SELECT  sum(  nvl(pkt.entered_dr,0)
111                     - nvl(pkt.entered_cr,0))
112 	FROM    gl_period_statuses per, gl_bc_packet_arrival_order ao,
113                 gl_bc_packets pkt
114 	WHERE   per.application_id = 101
115         AND     per.ledger_id = xledger_id
116         AND     per.period_name = xperiod_name
117         AND     ao.ledger_id = per.ledger_id
118         AND     ao.affect_funds_flag = 'Y'
119         AND     pkt.packet_id = ao.packet_id
120         AND     pkt.ledger_id = ao.ledger_id
121         AND     pkt.period_year * 1000 + pkt.period_num
122                   <= per.period_year * 1000 + per.period_num
123         AND     pkt.period_year*1000000 + pkt.quarter_num*1000 + pkt.period_num
124                   >= decode (balance_type,
125                              'PTD',    per.period_year*1000000
126                                      + per.quarter_num*1000
127                                      + per.period_num,
128                              'QTD',    per.period_year*1000000
129                                      + per.quarter_num*1000,
130                              'YTD',    per.period_year*1000000,
131                              'PJTD', 0)
132 	AND	pkt.code_combination_id = xcode_combination_id
133 	AND	pkt.actual_flag = xactual_flag
134 	AND     (   pkt.budget_version_id = xbudget_version_id
135                  OR xactual_flag IN ('A','E'))
136 	AND     (   pkt.encumbrance_type_id = xbudget_version_id
137                  OR xactual_flag IN ('A','B'))
138 	AND	pkt.currency_code = xcurrency_code
139         AND     pkt.status_code = 'A';
141     temp_bal   NUMBER;
142   BEGIN
144     -- Get the from and to balances from gl_balances
145     OPEN get_balance;
146     FETCH get_balance INTO temp_bal;
147     IF (get_balance%NOTFOUND) THEN
148       CLOSE get_balance;
149       RETURN(0);
150     ELSE
151       CLOSE get_balance;
152       RETURN(nvl(temp_bal,0));
153     END IF;
155   END get_bc_balance;
157   FUNCTION get_posted_balance (balance_type         VARCHAR2,
158                                xledger_id           NUMBER,
159 			       xperiod_name         VARCHAR2,
160 			       xactual_flag	    VARCHAR2,
161                                xbudget_version_id   NUMBER,
162                                xcurrency_code	    VARCHAR2,
163 			       xcode_combination_id NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS
165     CURSOR get_balance IS
166         SELECT nvl(period_net_dr,0) - nvl(period_net_cr,0) PERIOD_NET,
167                nvl(begin_balance_dr,0) - nvl(begin_balance_cr,0) BEGIN_BAL,
168                nvl(quarter_to_date_dr,0)-nvl(quarter_to_date_cr,0) QUARTER_BAL,
169                nvl(project_to_date_dr,0)-nvl(project_to_date_cr,0) PROJECT_BAL
170 	FROM   gl_balances bal
171         WHERE  bal.ledger_id = xledger_id
172         AND    bal.period_name = xperiod_name
173 	AND    bal.code_combination_id = xcode_combination_id
174 	AND    bal.actual_flag = xactual_flag
175 	AND     (   bal.budget_version_id = xbudget_version_id
176                  OR xactual_flag IN ('A','E'))
177 	AND     (   bal.encumbrance_type_id = xbudget_version_id
178                  OR xactual_flag IN ('A','B'))
179 	AND    bal.currency_code = xcurrency_code;
181     period_net   NUMBER;
182     begin_bal    NUMBER;
183     quarter_bal  NUMBER;
184     project_bal  NUMBER;
185   BEGIN
187     -- Get the from and to balances from gl_balances
188     OPEN get_balance;
189     FETCH get_balance INTO period_net, begin_bal, quarter_bal, project_bal;
190     IF (get_balance%NOTFOUND) THEN
191       CLOSE get_balance;
192       RETURN(0);
193     ELSE
194       CLOSE get_balance;
196       -- Calculate out the desired balance
197       IF (balance_type = 'PTD') THEN
198         RETURN(nvl(period_net,0));
199       ELSIF (balance_type = 'QTD') THEN
200         RETURN(nvl(quarter_bal,0) + nvl(period_net,0));
201       ELSIF (balance_type = 'YTD') THEN
202         RETURN(nvl(begin_bal,0) + nvl(period_net,0));
203       ELSIF (balance_type = 'PJTD') THEN
204         RETURN(nvl(project_bal,0) + nvl(period_net,0));
205       END IF;
206     END IF;
208   END get_posted_balance;
210 END gl_budget_transfer_pkg;