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Line 214: bom_operation_sequences_v bosv,

210: CURSOR GetLineOpResourceId IS
211: SELECT bopr.resource_id id , bosv.department_id dept_id
212: FROM bom_operation_resources bopr,
213: bom_resources br,
214: bom_operation_sequences_v bosv,
215: bom_operational_routings bor
216: WHERE bopr.operation_sequence_id= bosv.operation_sequence_id
217: AND bopr.resource_id = br.resource_id
218: AND br.resource_type = p_resource_type

Line 231: bom_operation_sequences_v bosv,

227: CURSOR GetProcessResourceId IS
228: SELECT bopr.resource_id id , bosv.department_id dept_id
229: FROM bom_operation_resources bopr,
230: bom_resources br,
231: bom_operation_sequences_v bosv,
232: bom_operational_routings bor
233: WHERE bopr.operation_sequence_id= bosv.operation_sequence_id
234: AND bopr.resource_id = br.resource_id
235: AND br.resource_type = p_resource_type

Line 338: bom_operation_sequences bos,

335: CURSOR c1 IS
336: SELECT distinct bso.operation_code OC, bso.sequence_num SN
337: FROM bom_standard_operations bso,
338: bom_operation_sequences bos,
339: bom_operational_routings bor
340: WHERE bor.mixed_model_map_flag = 1
341: AND bor.line_id = p_line_id
342: AND bor.organization_id = p_org_id

Line 361: bom_operation_sequences bos,

358: CURSOR c2 IS
359: SELECT distinct bso.operation_code OC, bso.sequence_num SN
360: FROM bom_standard_operations bso,
361: bom_operation_sequences bos,
362: bom_operational_routings bor
363: WHERE bor.mixed_model_map_flag = 1
364: AND bor.line_id = p_line_id
365: AND bor.organization_id = p_org_id

Line 1495: bom_operation_sequences bos1,

1491: '0', 1, bos1.reverse_cumulative_yield)) resource_needed
1492: from bom_operation_resources bor,
1493: bom_resources br,
1494: bom_operational_routings brtg,
1495: bom_operation_sequences bos1,
1496: bom_operation_sequences bos2,
1497: mtl_uom_conversions con
1498: where brtg.line_id = p_line_id
1499: and brtg.mixed_model_map_flag = 1

Line 1496: bom_operation_sequences bos2,

1492: from bom_operation_resources bor,
1493: bom_resources br,
1494: bom_operational_routings brtg,
1495: bom_operation_sequences bos1,
1496: bom_operation_sequences bos2,
1497: mtl_uom_conversions con
1498: where brtg.line_id = p_line_id
1499: and brtg.mixed_model_map_flag = 1
1500: and bos1.routing_sequence_id = brtg.common_routing_sequence_id

Line 1606: from bom_operation_sequences bos,

1602: CURSOR seqs IS
1603: select bos.standard_operation_id op,
1604: bos.reverse_cumulative_yield yld,
1605: bos.net_planning_percent pct
1606: from bom_operation_sequences bos,
1607: bom_operational_routings bor
1608: where bor.assembly_item_id = l_assy_id
1609: and bor.mixed_model_map_flag = 1
1610: and bor.common_routing_sequence_id = bos.routing_sequence_id

Line 2109: bom_operation_sequences bos,

2105: nvl((1/(avg(decode(nvl(reverse_cumulative_yield, 1),0,1,nvl(reverse_cumulative_yield,1))))),1) *
2106: nvl(avg(nvl((net_planning_percent * .01), 1)),1) * l_demand)
2107: process_volume
2108: FROM bom_standard_operations bso,
2109: bom_operation_sequences bos,
2110: bom_operational_routings bor
2111: WHERE bor.assembly_item_id = c1rec.AII
2112: AND bor.mixed_model_map_flag = 1
2113: AND bor.organization_id = p_org_id