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1 package body gl_rx_trial_balance_pkg as
2 /* $Header: glurxtbb.pls 120.5 2005/05/05 01:43:04 kvora ship $ */
4 PROCEDURE create_rows (
5   errbuf                 out NOCOPY varchar2,
6   retcode                out NOCOPY varchar2,
7   p_ledger_name          in varchar2 ,
8   p_period_name          in varchar2 ,
9   p_account_from         in varchar2 default null,
10   p_account_to           in varchar2 default null,
11   p_balancing_value      in varchar2 default null,
12   p_currency_code        in varchar2 default null,
13   p_translated_flag      in varchar2 default 'N',
14   p_summary_flag         in varchar2 default 'N',
15   p_summary_digits       in number default 1,
16   p_statutory_rfj_flag   in varchar2 default 'N') IS
18   l_request_id                FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.request_id%type;
19   l_ledger_id                 GL_LEDGERS.ledger_id%type;
20   l_functional_currency       GL_LEDGERS.currency_code%type;
21   l_currency_code             GL_LEDGERS.currency_code%type;
22   l_chart_of_accounts_id      GL_LEDGERS.chart_of_accounts_id%type;
23   l_fiscal_year               GL_PERIOD_STATUSES.period_year%type;
24   l_first_period_name         GL_PERIOD_STATUSES.period_name%type;
25   l_adjustment_flag           GL_PERIOD_STATUSES.adjustment_period_flag%type;
26   l_balancing_where           varchar2(240);
27   l_account_from_where        varchar2(240);
28   l_account_to_where          varchar2(240);
29   l_translate_where           varchar2(240);
30   l_application_id            FND_APPLICATION.application_id%type := 101;
31   l_id_flex_code              FND_ID_FLEXS.id_flex_code%type := 'GL#';
32   l_segnum                    FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS.segment_num%type;
33   l_segname                   FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS.segment_name%type;
34   l_prompt                    FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS_TL.form_left_prompt%type;
35   l_balancing_value_set       FND_FLEX_VALUE_SETS.flex_value_set_name%type;
36   l_account_value_set         FND_FLEX_VALUE_SETS.flex_value_set_name%type;
37   l_balancing_segment_column  FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS.application_column_name%type;
38   l_account_segment_column    FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS.application_column_name%type;
39   l_balancing_description     FND_FLEX_VALUES_TL.description%type;
40   l_account_description       FND_FLEX_VALUES_TL.description%type;
41   l_balancing                 GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS.segment1%type;
42   l_account                   GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS.segment1%type;
43   l_rowid                     rowid;
44   l_dyn_stmt                  VARCHAR2(4000);
45   l_dyn_cursor                number;
46   l_dyn_rows                  number;
47   segment_not_found           exception;
48   debug_mode		      VARCHAR2(1);
50   CURSOR 	c1 IS
51   SELECT 	rowid,
52 		balancing_segment,
53 		account_segment
54   FROM		gl_rx_trial_balance_itf
55   WHERE		request_id = l_request_id;
58   --
59   -- Figure out the debug_mode
60   -- This program will be running in debug mode when the Utilities: Trace
61   -- Has been set to Yes.
62   -- We cannot use "additional parameter" approach since the RX does not support hidden parameters
63   --
64   FND_PROFILE.get('SQL_TRACE',debug_mode);
65   IF (debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
66     -- dbms_output.put_line('> RXGLTB.create_rows');
67     NULL;
68   END IF;
69   --
70   -- use api to get the request id
71   --
72   l_request_id := FND_GLOBAL.conc_request_id();
73   --
74   -- get ledgers and period year info
75   --
76   SELECT 	led.ledger_id,
77   		led.currency_code,
78   		led.chart_of_accounts_id,
79   		ps.period_year
80   INTO 		l_ledger_id,
81   		l_functional_currency,
82   		l_chart_of_accounts_id,
83   		l_fiscal_year
84   FROM 		gl_ledgers led,
85   		gl_period_statuses ps
86   WHERE 	led.name 		= p_ledger_name
87   AND 		led.ledger_id     	= ps.ledger_id
88   AND		ps.application_id 	= l_application_id
89   AND		ps.period_name 		= p_period_name;
91   IF (p_currency_code is NULL) THEN
92     l_currency_code := l_functional_currency;
93   ELSE
94     l_currency_code := p_currency_code;
95   END IF;
96   --
97   -- get year's first period info
98   --
99   SELECT	period_name,
100 		adjustment_period_flag
101   INTO 		l_first_period_name,
102 		l_adjustment_flag
103   FROM		gl_period_statuses
104   WHERE		application_id 	= l_application_id
105   AND		ledger_id       = l_ledger_id
106   AND		period_year 	= l_fiscal_year
107   AND		period_num 	= (	SELECT 	MIN(period_num)
108                     			FROM   	gl_period_statuses
109                     			WHERE	application_id = l_application_id
110                     			AND	ledger_id      = l_ledger_id
111                     			AND	period_year = l_fiscal_year);
112   --
113   -- use apis to get the BALANCING segment info
114   -- fnd_flex_apis.get_qualifier_segnum gets the segment number
115   -- fnd_flex_apis.get_segment_info gets the column name
116   --
117   IF (FND_FLEX_APIS.get_qualifier_segnum(l_application_id,
118 					 l_id_flex_code,
119             				 l_chart_of_accounts_id,
120 					 'GL_BALANCING',
121             				 l_segnum)) THEN
122     IF (FND_FLEX_APIS.get_segment_info(	l_application_id,
123 					l_id_flex_code,
124                 			l_chart_of_accounts_id,
125 					l_segnum,
126                 			l_balancing_segment_column,
127 					l_segname,
128 					l_prompt,
129 				        l_balancing_value_set)) THEN
130       IF (debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
131         -- dbms_output.put_line('successfully identified the balancing segment');
132 	NULL;
133       END IF;
134     ELSE
135       --
136       -- Failure in get_segment_info
137       --
138       IF (debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
139         -- dbms_output.put_line('failure at FND_FLEX_APIS.get_segment_info for balancing segment');
140 	NULL;
141       END IF;
142       raise segment_not_found;
143     END IF;
144   ELSE
145     IF (debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
146       -- dbms_output.put_line('failure at FND_FLEX_APIS.get_qualifier segnum for balancing segment');
147 	NULL;
148     END IF;
149     raise segment_not_found;
150   END IF;
151   --
152   -- use apis to get the ACCOUNT segment info
153   -- fnd_flex_apis.get_qualifier_segnum gets the segment number
154   -- fnd_flex_apis.get_segment_info gets the column name
155   --
156   IF (FND_FLEX_APIS.get_qualifier_segnum(	l_application_id,
157 						l_id_flex_code,
158               					l_chart_of_accounts_id,
159 						'GL_ACCOUNT',
160               					l_segnum)) THEN
161     IF (FND_FLEX_APIS.get_segment_info (l_application_id,
162 					l_id_flex_code,
163                 			l_chart_of_accounts_id,
164 					l_segnum,
165                 			l_account_segment_column,
166 					l_segname,
167 					l_prompt,
168                 			l_account_value_set)) THEN
169       IF (debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
170         -- dbms_output.put_line('successfully identified the account segment');
171 	NULL;
172       END IF;
173     ELSE
174       IF (debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
175         -- dbms_output.put_line('failure at FND_FLEX_APIS.get_segment_info for account segment');
176 	NULL;
177       END IF;
178       raise segment_not_found;
179     END IF;
180   ELSE
181     IF (debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
182       -- dbms_output.put_line('failure at FND_FLEX_APIS.get_qualifier_segnum fore account segment');
183       NULL;
184     END IF;
185     raise segment_not_found;
186   END IF;
187   --
188   -- set the where clause conditions for the balancing segment and account
189   --
190   IF (p_balancing_value is not null) THEN
191     l_balancing_where := ' and gcc.'||l_balancing_segment_column||' = '||''''||p_balancing_value||'''';
192     IF (debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
193       -- dbms_output.put_line('l_balancing_where = '||l_balancing_where);
194       NULL;
195     END IF;
196   END IF;
198   IF (p_account_from is not null) THEN
199     l_account_from_where := ' and gcc.'||l_account_segment_column||' >= '||''''||p_account_from||'''';
200     IF (debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
201       -- dbms_output.put_line('l_account_from_where = '||l_account_from_where);
202       NULL;
203     END IF;
204   END IF;
206   IF (p_account_to is not null) THEN
207     l_account_to_where := ' and gcc.'||l_account_segment_column||' <= '||''''||p_account_to||'''';
208     IF (debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
209       -- dbms_output.put_line('l_account_to_where = '||l_account_to_where);
210       NULL;
211     END IF;
212   END IF;
213   --
214   -- set the where clause condition for the translated_flag
215   --
216   IF (l_currency_code in (l_functional_currency,'STAT')) THEN
217     l_translate_where := ' and bal.translated_flag is null';
218   ELSE
219     IF (p_translated_flag = 'N') THEN
220       l_translate_where := ' and bal.translated_flag = '||''''||'R'||'''';
221     ELSE
222       l_translate_where := ' and bal.translated_flag in ('||''''||'Y'||''''||','||''''||'N'||''''||')';
223     END IF;
224   END IF;
225   IF (debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
226     -- dbms_output.put_line('l_translate_where = '||l_translate_where);
227     NULL;
228   END IF;
229   --
230   -- set the sql statement for dynamic sql
231   --
232   l_dyn_stmt := 'insert into gl_rx_trial_balance_itf (
233 				request_id,
234    				period_name,
235    				ledger_id,
236    				ledger_name,
237    				chart_of_accounts_id,
238    				currency_code,
239    				balancing_segment,
240    				account_segment,
241    				summary_flag,
242    				begin_year_balance_dr,
243    				begin_year_balance_cr,
244    				begin_adj_period_net_dr,
245    				begin_adj_period_net_cr,
246    				begin_period_balance_dr,
247    				begin_period_balance_cr,
248    				period_net_dr,
249    				period_net_cr)
250    		SELECT
251    				'||to_char(l_request_id)||',
252    				'||''''||p_period_name||''''||',
253    				'||to_char(l_ledger_id)||',
254    				'||''''||p_ledger_name||''''||',
255    				'||to_char(l_chart_of_accounts_id)||',
256    				'||''''||l_currency_code||''''||',
257    				gcc.'||l_balancing_segment_column||',
258    				'||'decode('||''''||p_summary_flag||''''||','||
259    				''''||'N'||''''||','||'gcc.'||l_account_segment_column||','||
260    				''''||'Y'||''''||',substr(gcc.'||l_account_segment_column||
261    				',1,'||to_char(nvl(p_summary_digits,1))||')),
262    				'||''''||p_summary_flag||''''||',
263    				sum(decode(period_name,'||''''||l_first_period_name||''''||',
264      				nvl(begin_balance_dr,0), 0)),
265    				sum(decode(period_name,'||''''||l_first_period_name||''''||',
266      				nvl(begin_balance_cr,0), 0)),
267    				sum(decode('||''''||l_adjustment_flag||''''||',
268      				'||''''||'Y'||''''||
269      				', decode(period_name,'||''''||l_first_period_name||''''||',
270      				nvl(period_net_dr,0), 0), 0)),
271    				sum(decode('||''''||l_adjustment_flag||''''||',
272      				'||''''||'Y'||''''||
273      				', decode(period_name,'||''''||l_first_period_name||''''||',
274      				nvl(period_net_cr,0), 0), 0)),
275    				sum(decode(period_name,'||''''||p_period_name||''''||',
276      				nvl(begin_balance_dr,0), 0)),
277    				sum(decode(period_name,'||''''||p_period_name||''''||',
278      				nvl(begin_balance_cr,0), 0)),
279    				sum(decode(period_name,'||''''||p_period_name||''''||',
280      				nvl(period_net_dr,0), 0)),
281    				sum(decode(period_name,'||''''||p_period_name||''''||',
282      				nvl(period_net_cr,0), 0))
283    		FROM 		gl_balances bal,
284    				gl_code_combinations gcc
285    		WHERE		bal.code_combination_id = gcc.code_combination_id
286    		AND		bal.ledger_id = '||to_char(l_ledger_id)||'
287    		AND		bal.currency_code = '||''''||l_currency_code||''''||'
288    		AND		bal.period_name in ('||''''||p_period_name||''''||','||
289    				''''||l_first_period_name||''''||')
290    		AND		bal.actual_flag = '||''''||'A'||''''||'
291    		AND		gcc.chart_of_accounts_id = '||to_char(l_chart_of_accounts_id)||'
292    		AND		gcc.template_id is null'||
293    				l_balancing_where||
294    				l_account_from_where||
295    				l_account_to_where||
296    				l_translate_where||'
297    		GROUP BY
298    				gcc.'||l_balancing_segment_column||',
299    				decode('||''''||p_summary_flag||''''||','||
300    				''''||'N'||''''||',gcc.'||l_account_segment_column||','||
301    				''''||'Y'||''''||',substr(gcc.'||l_account_segment_column||',1,'||
302    				to_char(nvl(p_summary_digits,1))||'))
303   		HAVING
304    				sum(decode(period_name,'||''''||l_first_period_name||''''||',
305      				nvl(begin_balance_dr,0), 0)) <> 0 OR
306    				sum(decode(period_name,'||''''||l_first_period_name||''''||',
307      				nvl(begin_balance_cr,0), 0)) <> 0 OR
308    				sum(decode('||''''||l_adjustment_flag||''''||',
309      				'||''''||'Y'||''''||',decode(period_name,'||''''||l_first_period_name||''''||',
310      				nvl(period_net_dr,0), 0), 0)) <> 0 OR
311    				sum(decode('||''''||l_adjustment_flag||''''||',
312     				'||''''||'Y'||''''||',decode(period_name,'||''''||l_first_period_name||''''||',
313      				nvl(period_net_cr,0), 0), 0)) <> 0 OR
314    				sum(decode(period_name,'||''''||p_period_name||''''||',
315      				nvl(begin_balance_dr,0), 0)) <> 0 OR
316   				sum(decode(period_name,'||''''||p_period_name||''''||',
317      				nvl(begin_balance_cr,0), 0)) <> 0 OR
318   				sum(decode(period_name,'||''''||p_period_name||''''||',
319      				nvl(period_net_dr,0), 0)) <> 0 OR
320   				sum(decode(period_name,'||''''||p_period_name||''''||',
321     				nvl(period_net_cr,0), 0)) <> 0';
323   IF (debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
324     -- dbms_output.put_line('l_dyn_stm = '||l_dyn_stmt);
325     NULL;
326   END IF;
327   --
328   -- execute the dynamic sql
329   --
330   l_dyn_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
331   dbms_sql.parse(l_dyn_cursor, l_dyn_stmt, dbms_sql.native);
332   l_dyn_rows := dbms_sql.execute(l_dyn_cursor);
333   dbms_sql.close_cursor(l_dyn_cursor);
334   IF (debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
335     -- dbms_output.put_line('Done with the main cursor');
336     NULL;
337   END IF;
338   --
339   -- if the statutory_rfj_flag = 'Y'
340   -- and the beginning adjustment period is open
341   -- subtract the previous year's balances
342   -- This is because companies cannot run the Closing Journals functionality before
343   -- they have recorded all the activity to the closing period.
344   -- In some countries you can keep the closing period open for months.
345   -- Until you run the Closing Journals, the balances are incorrectly rolled forward.
346   -- This update updates the opening balances to 0, pretending that there are no opening balances
347   -- (as if the Closing Journals program was already ran)
348   --
349   IF (p_statutory_rfj_flag = 'Y') THEN
350     IF (debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
351       -- dbms_output.put_line('Subtracting the opening year balances');
352       NULL;
353     END IF;
354     UPDATE 	gl_rx_trial_balance_itf set
355     		begin_year_balance_dr = 0,
356     		begin_year_balance_cr = 0,
357     		begin_period_balance_dr = (begin_period_balance_dr - begin_year_balance_dr),
358     		begin_period_balance_cr = (begin_period_balance_cr - begin_year_balance_cr)
359     WHERE	request_id = l_request_id;
360   END IF;
361   --
362   -- update the descriptions and calculated columns in the interface table
363   -- a cursor is needed due to pragma restrictions
364   -- on fa_rx_shared_pkg.get_flex_val_meaning
365   --
366   IF (debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
367     -- dbms_output.put_line('Opening the update cursor');
368     NULL;
369   END IF;
370   OPEN c1;
371   LOOP
372     FETCH c1 INTO l_rowid, l_balancing, l_account;
373     exit when c1%notfound;
374     l_balancing_description 	:= fa_rx_shared_pkg.get_flex_val_meaning(NULL, l_balancing_value_set, 	l_balancing);
375     l_account_description 	:= fa_rx_shared_pkg.get_flex_val_meaning(NULL, l_account_value_set, 	l_account);
376     UPDATE gl_rx_trial_balance_itf SET
377       balancing_description 		= l_balancing_description,
378       account_description 		= l_account_description,
379       prior_periods_net_dr 		= (begin_period_balance_dr - (begin_year_balance_dr + begin_adj_period_net_dr)),
380       prior_periods_net_cr 		= (begin_period_balance_cr - (begin_year_balance_cr + begin_adj_period_net_cr)),
381       year_to_date_balance_dr 		= (begin_period_balance_dr + period_net_dr),
382       year_to_date_balance_cr 		= (begin_period_balance_cr + period_net_cr),
383       year_to_date_net_difference_dr 	= DECODE(SIGN((begin_period_balance_dr + period_net_dr) -
384                 				      (begin_period_balance_cr + period_net_cr)), 1,
385                                                      ((begin_period_balance_dr + period_net_dr) -
386                 			             (begin_period_balance_cr + period_net_cr)), 0),
387       year_to_date_net_difference_cr 	= DECODE(SIGN((begin_period_balance_dr + period_net_dr) -
388                 				 (begin_period_balance_cr + period_net_cr)), -1,
389 						  abs((begin_period_balance_dr + period_net_dr) -
390                    				 (begin_period_balance_cr + period_net_cr)), 0)
391     WHERE
392       rowid = l_rowid;
393   END LOOP;
394   CLOSE C1;
396   COMMIT;
397   retcode := 0;
398   IF (debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
399     -- dbms_output.put_line('< RXGLTB.create_rows');
400     NULL;
401   END IF;
403   WHEN segment_not_found THEN
404     retcode := 2;
405   WHEN others THEN
406     errbuf := SQLERRM;
407     retcode := 2;
408 end create_rows;
409 end gl_rx_trial_balance_pkg;