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Line 904: -- Validates if the agency id exists in the PO_VENDORS with

900: -- |---------------------------< chk_agency_id >-------------------------------|
901: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
902: --
903: -- Description:
904: -- Validates if the agency id exists in the PO_VENDORS with
905: -- vendor_type_lookup_code = 'IRC_JOB_AGENCY'
906: --
907: -- Prerequisites:
908: -- Must be called as the first step in insert_validate.

Line 914: -- If the agency_id is existing in PO_VENDORS with

910: -- In Arguments:
911: -- p_agency_id
912: --
913: -- Post Success:
914: -- If the agency_id is existing in PO_VENDORS with
915: -- vendor_type_lookup_code = 'IRC_JOB_AGENCY', then continue.
916: --
917: -- Post Failure:
918: -- If the agency_id does not existing in PO_VENDORS with vendor_type_lookup_code =

Line 918: -- If the agency_id does not existing in PO_VENDORS with vendor_type_lookup_code =

914: -- If the agency_id is existing in PO_VENDORS with
915: -- vendor_type_lookup_code = 'IRC_JOB_AGENCY', then continue.
916: --
917: -- Post Failure:
918: -- If the agency_id does not existing in PO_VENDORS with vendor_type_lookup_code =
919: -- 'IRC_JOB_AGENCY' then throw an error indicating the same.
920: --
921: -- Access Status:
922: -- Internal Row Handler Use Only.

Line 934: from po_vendors

930: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'chk_agency_id';
931: l_agency_id irc_notification_preferences.agency_id%type;
932: cursor csr_agency_id is
933: select 1
934: from po_vendors
935: where vendor_id = p_agency_id
936: and vendor_type_lookup_code = 'IRC_JOB_AGENCY';
937: --
938: Begin