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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 21

    select count(*)
    from per_ri_config_job_kf_seg_v
    where configuration_code    = p_configuration_code;
Line: 26

    select count(*)
      from per_ri_config_pos_kf_seg_v
     where configuration_code    = p_configuration_code;
Line: 31

    select count(*)
      from per_ri_config_grade_kf_seg_v
     where configuration_code    = p_configuration_code;
Line: 120

    select count(*)
      from per_ri_config_jp_rv_v
     where configuration_code    = p_configuration_code;
Line: 125

    select count(*)
      from per_ri_config_grd_rv_v
     where configuration_code    = p_configuration_code;
Line: 206

    select rv.regional_variance_name
      from per_ri_config_jp_rv_v rv,
           per_ri_config_job_rv_seg_v seg
     where rv.configuration_code = cp_configuration_code
       and rv.reg_variance_country_code = p_bg_country_code
       and rv.configuration_code = seg.configuration_code
       and rv.regional_variance_name = seg.regional_variance_name
       and seg.global_structure_indicator = 'N';
Line: 263

    select regional_variance_name
      from per_ri_config_jp_rv_v
     where configuration_code        = p_configuration_code
       and reg_variance_country_code = p_bg_country_code
       and exists (select configuration_code
                     from per_ri_config_pos_rv_seg_v
                    where configuration_code   = cp_configuration_code);
Line: 312

  FUNCTION check_selected_product(p_configuration_code    in varchar2
                                 ,p_product_name          in varchar2)
                        RETURN boolean IS

  cursor csr_get_product (cp_configuration_code in varchar2
                         ,cp_product_name       in varchar2) IS
    select product_name
      from per_ri_config_prod_selection_v
     where configuration_code = cp_configuration_code
       and product_name      = cp_product_name;
Line: 324

  l_proc                          varchar2(72) := g_package || 'check_selected_product';
Line: 328

  l_product_selected    boolean default FALSE;
Line: 338

      l_product_selected := TRUE;
Line: 340

      l_product_selected := FALSE;
Line: 345

    return l_product_selected;
Line: 354

  END check_selected_product;
Line: 371

    select per_ri_config_utilities.return_config_entity_name(regional_variance_name)
      from per_ri_config_grd_rv_v
     where configuration_code        = p_configuration_code
       and reg_variance_country_code = p_bg_country_code;
Line: 435

    select enterprise_short_name
      from per_ri_config_enterprise_v
    where  configuration_code    = p_configuration_code;
Line: 487

    select per_ri_config_utilities.return_config_entity_name(enterprise_name)
      from per_ri_config_enterprise_v
     where configuration_code    = p_configuration_code;
Line: 534

    select enterprise_primary_industry
      from per_ri_config_enterprise_v
     where configuration_code    = p_configuration_code;
Line: 588

  select configuration_code,
    from per_ri_config_country_v
   where country_code       = cp_country_code
     and configuration_code = cp_configuration_code;
Line: 701

    select legislation_code
      from hr_legislation_installations
    where  legislation_code       = cp_legislation_code
      and  application_short_name = cp_application_short_name;
Line: 768

  f_ludate                        date := sysdate;    -- entity update date in file
Line: 780

       select application_id into levval_id
       from   fnd_application
       where  application_short_name = p_level_value;
Line: 784

       select application_id into lapp_id
       from   fnd_application
       where  application_short_name = p_level_value_app;
Line: 788

       select responsibility_id into levval_id
       from   fnd_responsibility
       where  application_id = lapp_id
       and    responsibility_key = p_level_value;
Line: 793

       select server_id into levval_id
       from fnd_nodes
       where node_name = p_level_value;
Line: 797

       select organization_id into levval_id
       from hr_operating_units
       where name = p_level_value;
Line: 801

       select user_id into levval_id
       from   fnd_user
       where  user_name = p_level_value;
Line: 806

     select profile_option_id, application_id
     into   profo_id, app_id
     from   fnd_profile_options
     where  profile_option_name = p_profile_name;
Line: 820

       select 'Y' into found
       where  PROFILE_OPTION_ID = profo_id
       and    APPLICATION_ID = app_id
       and    LEVEL_ID = 10003
       and    LEVEL_VALUE_APPLICATION_ID = lapp_id
       and    LEVEL_VALUE = levval_id;
Line: 829

       select 'Y' into found
       where  PROFILE_OPTION_ID = profo_id
       and    APPLICATION_ID = app_id
       and    LEVEL_ID = to_number(p_level)
       and    LEVEL_VALUE = levval_id;
Line: 838

         update fnd_profile_option_values
         set   profile_option_value = p_profile_option_value,
               last_update_date = f_ludate,
               last_updated_by = f_luby,
               last_update_login = 0
         where application_id = app_id
           and profile_option_id = profo_id
           and level_id = to_number(p_level)
           and nvl(level_value_application_id, 1) =
                   decode(p_level, '10003', lapp_id, 1)
           and level_value = levval_id;
Line: 853

         insert into fnd_profile_option_values (
           level_value_application_id )
         values (
           decode(p_level, '10003', lapp_id, null));
Line: 913

                      ,p_dynamic_insert_flag     in varchar2 default 'Y'
                      ,p_shorthand_enabled_flag  in varchar2 default 'N'
                      ,p_shorthand_prompt        in varchar2 default null
                      ,p_shorthand_length        in number   default null)
                                                     RETURN NUMBER IS

  l_flexfield                    fnd_flex_key_api.flexfield_type;
Line: 957

                            dynamic_insert_flag    => p_dynamic_insert_flag,
                            shorthand_enabled_flag => p_shorthand_enabled_flag,
                            shorthand_prompt       => p_shorthand_prompt,
                            shorthand_length       => p_shorthand_length);
Line: 962

          SELECT application_id
          INTO l_application_id
          WHERE application_short_name = p_appl_short_name;
Line: 967

          SELECT NVL(MAX(ifs.id_flex_num),0) + 1
	    INTO l_structure.structure_number
	    FROM fnd_id_flex_structures ifs
           WHERE ifs.application_id = l_application_id
	     AND ifs.id_flex_code = p_flex_code
	     AND ifs.id_flex_num < 101;
Line: 1066

          select per_ri_config_vsets_number_s.nextval into l_valueset_seq from sys.dual;
Line: 1220

    select legal_entity_country
      from per_ri_config_legal_entity_v
    where  configuration_code   = cp_configuration_code
     and   legal_entity_name    = cp_legal_entity_name;
Line: 1273

    select operating_company_hq_country
      from per_ri_config_oper_comp_v
    where  configuration_code        = cp_configuration_code
     and   operating_company_name    = cp_operating_company_name;
Line: 1325

    select enterprise_headquarter_country
      from per_ri_config_enterprise_v
    where  configuration_code = cp_configuration_code
      and  enterprise_name    = cp_enterprise_name;
Line: 1379

    select location_code
      from per_ri_config_locations
    where  configuration_code  = cp_configuration_code
      and  location_id         = cp_location_id;
Line: 1426

    select 'X'
      from hr_org_info_types_by_class class,
           hr_org_information_types  type
     where class.org_information_type = type.org_information_type
       and class.mandatory_flag = 'Y'
       and type.legislation_code = cp_legislation_code
       and class.org_classification = cp_org_classification;
Line: 1480

    select enabled_flag
      from fnd_currencies
     where issuing_territory_code = cp_legislation_code;
Line: 1526

    select currency_code
      from pay_leg_setup_defaults
     where legislation_code = cp_legislation_code;
Line: 1570

    select currency_code
      from pay_leg_setup_defaults
     where legislation_code = cp_legislation_code;
Line: 1586

        update fnd_currencies set enabled_flag = 'Y' where currency_code = l_currency_code;
Line: 1710

    select tag
      from fnd_lookup_values
    where  lookup_type      = 'ORG_CLASS'
      and  lookup_code      = cp_lookup_code
      and  language         = hr_api.userenv_lang;
Line: 1764

  PROCEDURE get_selected_country_list(p_configuration_code  varchar2
                                     ,p_config_info_category varchar2
                                     ,p_reg_var_name varchar2
                                     ,p_country_list out nocopy varchar2
                                     ,p_selected_list out nocopy varchar2) IS

  cursor get_country_list IS
    select distinct per_ri_config_utilities.business_group_decision(configuration_code, config_information1) BusinessGroup
      from per_ri_config_information pci
     where config_information_category = 'CONFIG COUNTRY'
       and configuration_code = p_configuration_code;
Line: 1777

    select territory_short_name
      from fnd_territories_vl
     where territory_code = p_territory_code;
Line: 1781

  cursor get_selected_list IS
    select distinct config_information2
      from per_ri_config_information pci
     where configuration_code = p_configuration_code
       and config_information_category = p_config_info_category
       and config_information1 <>  p_reg_var_name;
Line: 1792

  l_proc               varchar2(72) := g_package || 'get_selected_country_list';
Line: 1814

    FOR i in  get_selected_list LOOP
      p_selected_list := p_selected_list ||'^' || i.config_information2;
Line: 1818

    p_selected_list := ltrim(p_selected_list,',');
Line: 1819

  hr_utility.trace('p_selected_list = ' || p_selected_list);
Line: 1829

  END get_selected_country_list;
Line: 1844

  cursor get_selected_country IS
    select distinct config_information2 business_group
    from per_ri_config_information pci
   where configuration_code = p_configuration_code
     and config_information_category = p_config_info_category
     and config_information1 = p_reg_var_name;
Line: 1852

    select territory_short_name
     from fnd_territories_vl
    where territory_code = p_territory_code;
Line: 1863

    for i in get_selected_country loop
      open get_bg_display_name(i.business_group);
Line: 1899

  cursor get_selected_list IS
    select config_information2 country
      from per_ri_config_information pci
     where configuration_code = p_configuration_code
       and config_information_category = p_config_info_category
       and config_information1 = p_reg_var_name;
Line: 1912

    FOR i in get_selected_list LOOP
      l_ret_string := l_ret_string || ',' || i.country;
Line: 1941

   select fifs.id_flex_num
     from fnd_application fa, fnd_id_flex_structures_vl fifs
    where fa.application_short_name = p_appl_short_name
      and fa.application_id = fifs.application_id
      and fifs.id_flex_code = p_flex_code
      and fifs.id_flex_structure_code = p_structure_code;
Line: 2047

    select territory_short_name
      from fnd_territories_vl
     where territory_code = p_territory_code;
Line: 2110

    select legislation_code,
      from pay_leg_setup_defaults
    where  legislation_code = cp_legislation_code;
Line: 2184

    select user_id
      from fnd_user
     where user_name  = upper(per_ri_config_utilities.return_config_entity_name_pre
Line: 2190

    select application_id, responsibility_id
      from fnd_responsibility
     where responsibility_key    = cp_responsibility_kay;
Line: 2195

    select business_group_id,security_group_id
      from per_business_groups
     where name   = cp_business_group_name;
Line: 2200

    select security_profile_id
      from per_security_profiles
     where security_profile_name = cp_security_profile_name;
Line: 2295

  PROCEDURE update_configuration_status(p_configuration_code    in varchar2) IS

  l_proc                         varchar2(72) := g_package || 'update_configuration_status';
Line: 2309

    select configuration_code,
    from per_ri_configurations_vl
    where configuration_code    = p_configuration_code;
Line: 2333

                      (p_configuration_code            => l_configuration_code
                      ,p_configuration_type            => l_configuration_type
                      ,p_configuration_status          => 'LOADED'
                      ,p_configuration_name            => l_configuration_name
                      ,p_configuration_description     => l_configuration_description
                      ,p_language_code                 =>  hr_api.userenv_lang
                      ,p_effective_date                =>  null
                      ,p_object_version_number         => l_object_version_number);
Line: 2351

  END update_configuration_status;
Line: 2425

    select responsibility_application
      from per_ri_config_responsibility
     where territory_code  = cp_country_code
       and responsibility_application = cp_assign_responsibility;
Line: 2535

    select name
    from per_business_groups
    where name     <> 'Setup Business Group';
Line: 2588

    select exception_text
    from hr_pump_batch_exceptions
    where source_id   in ( select batch_line_id
                             from  hr_pump_batch_lines
                           where batch_id = cp_patch_header_id);
Line: 2634

    select exception_text
    from hr_pump_batch_exceptions
    where source_id   in ( select batch_line_id
                             from  hr_pump_batch_lines
                           where batch_id = cp_patch_header_id);
Line: 2847

    select form_left_prompt
    from fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_vl
    where descriptive_flexfield_name= 'Address Location'
    and   descriptive_flex_context_code = cp_style
    and   application_column_name       = cp_app_col_name;
Line: 3355

    select user_name
      from fnd_user
     where user_name  = upper(per_ri_config_utilities.return_config_entity_name_pre
Line: 3361

    select application_id, responsibility_id
      from fnd_responsibility
     where responsibility_key    = cp_responsibility_kay;
Line: 3366

    select responsibility_name
      from fnd_responsibility_vl
     where responsibility_key    = cp_responsibility_kay;
Line: 3371

    select application_short_name
      from fnd_application
     where application_id    = cp_application_id;
Line: 3376

    select security_group_id
      from per_business_groups
     where name   = cp_business_group_name;
Line: 3381

    select security_profile_id
      from per_security_profiles
     where security_profile_name = cp_security_profile_name;
Line: 3386

    select security_group_name,security_group_key
      from fnd_security_groups_vl
     where security_group_id    = cp_security_group_id;
Line: 3437

     select  apps.application_short_name application_short_name,
             resp.responsibility_key responsibility_key,
             responsibility_id responsibility_id,
             responsibility_name responsibility_name,
             menus.menu_name menu_name,
             resp.description description,
             resp.version version,
             resp.web_host_name web_host_name,
             resp.web_agent_name web_agent_name
       from fnd_responsibility_vl  resp,
            fnd_application_vl apps,
            fnd_menus menus
      where resp.application_id = apps.application_id
      and   resp.menu_id = menus.menu_id
      and   resp.responsibility_key = cp_new_responsibility_key;
Line: 3458

    select request_group_name, apps.application_short_name
      from fnd_request_groups req,
           fnd_application apps
     where request_group_id    = cp_new_request_group_id
       and req.application_id  = apps.application_id;
Line: 3466

    select dg.data_group_name, a.application_short_name
     from  fnd_data_group_units dgu,
           fnd_data_groups dg,
           fnd_application a
     where dgu.data_group_id = dg.data_group_id
       and dg.data_group_id = cp_new_data_group_id
       and dgu.application_id = a.application_id
       and a.application_short_name = cp_new_app_short_name;
Line: 3706

    select responsibility_name
      from fnd_responsibility_vl
    where  responsibility_key    = cp_responsibility_key;
Line: 3750

    select name from per_business_groups
     where business_group_id = fnd_profile.value('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID');