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Line 1: package body jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg AS

1: package body jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg AS
2: /*$Header: jai_cmn_dbg_ctx.plb 120.3.12000000.3 2007/10/25 02:12:53 rallamse noship $*/
4: /** Stack Declaration */
5: jai_debug_stack_overflow exception;

Line 214: , pn_statement_level in number default jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.off

210: /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
212: procedure write_log ( pn_reg_id in number default null
213: , pv_log_msg in varchar2
214: , pn_statement_level in number default jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.off
215: , pv_new_line_flag in varchar2 default jai_constants.yes
216: )
217: is
218: f_handle utl_file.file_type;

Line 349: debug('Stack overflow error in jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg');--kunkumar replaced write_log with debug for bug#5915101

346: when jai_debug_stack_overflow then
348: print_stack;
349: debug('Stack overflow error in jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg');--kunkumar replaced write_log with debug for bug#5915101
351: if lv_exception_propagation = jai_constants.yes then
352: raise_application_error (-20275, 'Stack overflow error in jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg');
353: end if;

Line 352: raise_application_error (-20275, 'Stack overflow error in jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg');

348: print_stack;
349: debug('Stack overflow error in jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg');--kunkumar replaced write_log with debug for bug#5915101
351: if lv_exception_propagation = jai_constants.yes then
352: raise_application_error (-20275, 'Stack overflow error in jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg');
353: end if;
354: when others then
355: debug('register->'||sqlerrm);
356: if lv_exception_propagation = jai_constants.yes then

Line 364: , pn_statement_level in number default jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.detail

360: end register;
361: /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
362: procedure print ( pn_reg_id in number
363: , pv_log_msg in varchar2
364: , pn_statement_level in number default jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.detail
365: )
366: is
367: begin
368: debug ('Begin -> PRINT');

Line 479: set private variable jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.lv_debug=''N'''

475: ||fnd_global.local_chr(10)||'--------------------------------------------------------------------------'
476: );
477: if lv_debug = jai_constants.yes then
478: write_log(pv_log_msg=>'NOTE: Internal logging is enabled. Lines marked with "(#)" are internal log messages. To disable internal logging
479: set private variable jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.lv_debug=''N'''
480: );
481: end if;
482: debug ('End -> INIT');
483: exception

Line 491: end jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg;

487: raise;
488: end if;
489: end init;
491: end jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg;