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Line 728: decode(sla.item_type_code,'STANDARD',

724: sla.link_to_line_id,
725: nvl(sld.component_sequence_id,sla.component_sequence_id) component_sequence_id,
726: nvl(sld.component_code,sla.component_code) component_code,
727: /* Following lines are changed to fix the item type problem(from ontupg53)
728: decode(sla.item_type_code,'STANDARD',
729: decode(sla.option_flag,'Y','OPTION',
730: sla.item_type_code),sla.item_type_code) item_type_code,
731: */
732: decode(sla.item_type_code,

Line 733: 'STANDARD', decode(sla.option_flag,

729: decode(sla.option_flag,'Y','OPTION',
730: sla.item_type_code),sla.item_type_code) item_type_code,
731: */
732: decode(sla.item_type_code,
733: 'STANDARD', decode(sla.option_flag,
734: 'Y','OPTION',
735: sla.item_type_code),
736: 'MODEL', decode(sla.parent_line_id,
737: NULL,'MODEL',

Line 768: 'STANDARD', decode(sla.ato_line_id,

764: NULL, decode(ato_flag,
765: 'Y', sla.line_id,
766: sla.ato_line_id),
767: sla.ato_line_id),
768: 'STANDARD', decode(sla.ato_line_id,
769: NULL, decode(ato_flag,
770: 'Y', sla.line_id,
771: sla.ato_line_id),
772: sla.ato_line_id),

Line 784: sla.standard_component_freeze_date,

780: sla.return_reference_id,
781: decode(sla.ordered_quantity,
782: sla.cancelled_quantity,'N',nvl(sla.open_flag,'N')) open_flag,
783: sla.ship_model_complete_flag,
784: sla.standard_component_freeze_date,
785: decode(sla.s1,1,'Y','N') booked_flag,
786: decode(nvl(sld.picking_line_id,0),0,'N','Y') shipping_interfaced_flag,
787: decode(sla.s4,6,'Y',NULL) fulfilled_flag,
788: decode(sla.s5,9,'YES',NULL) invoice_interface_status_code,

Line 950: elsif (mol.item_type_code = 'STANDARD' and mol.sla_parent_line_id is NULL and mol.shippable_flag = 'Y') then

947: if mol.invoice_interface_status_code = 'YES' then
948: g_line_rec.invoiced_quantity :=mol.ordered_quantity;
949: /*Bug2639916-Added elsif condition */
950: elsif (mol.item_type_code = 'STANDARD' and mol.sla_parent_line_id is NULL and mol.shippable_flag = 'Y') then
951: g_line_rec.invoiced_quantity := mol.sld_invoiced_quantity;
952: else
953: g_line_rec.invoiced_quantity :=mol.invoiced_quantity;
954: end if;

Line 1108: g_line_rec.standard_component_freeze_date :=mol.standard_component_freeze_date;

1104: g_line_rec.line_type_code :=mol.line_type_code;
1105: g_line_rec.return_reference_id :=mol.return_reference_id;
1106: g_line_rec.open_flag :=mol.open_flag;
1107: g_line_rec.ship_model_complete_flag :=mol.ship_model_complete_flag;
1108: g_line_rec.standard_component_freeze_date :=mol.standard_component_freeze_date;
1110: G_ERROR_LOCATION := 7023;
1112: g_line_rec.booked_flag :=mol.booked_flag;

Line 1947: g_line_rec.item_type_code = 'STANDARD' THEN

1943: end if;
1945: --bug 1869550 fix. for ato_item
1946: IF g_line_rec.ato_line_id is NOT NULL AND
1947: g_line_rec.item_type_code = 'STANDARD' THEN
1948: g_line_rec.ato_line_id := g_line_rec.line_id;
1949: END IF;
1951: /* Added by Manish/Swami on 6/7/00 to replace ontupg10.sql and merge it

Line 1980: g_line_rec.item_type_code := 'STANDARD';

1977: g_line_rec.ato_line_id := NULL;
1978: g_line_rec.link_to_line_id := NULL;
1979: g_line_rec.parent_line_id := NULL;
1980: g_line_rec.item_type_code := 'STANDARD';
1982: end if;
1984: if g_line_rec.line_type_code = 'REGULAR' AND

Line 1985: ((g_line_rec.item_type_code = 'STANDARD') OR

1982: end if;
1984: if g_line_rec.line_type_code = 'REGULAR' AND
1985: ((g_line_rec.item_type_code = 'STANDARD') OR
1986: (g_line_rec.item_type_code IN ('MODEL','KIT') AND
1987: g_line_rec.parent_line_id = g_line_id)) THEN
1989: g_line_rec.line_number := mol.line_number;

Line 1993: ((g_line_rec.item_type_code = 'STANDARD') OR

1989: g_line_rec.line_number := mol.line_number;
1991: end if;
1992: if g_line_rec.line_type_code = 'DETAIL' AND
1993: ((g_line_rec.item_type_code = 'STANDARD') OR
1994: (g_line_rec.item_type_code IN ('MODEL','KIT') AND
1995: g_line_rec.parent_line_id = g_line_id)) THEN
1997: r_shipment_number := mol.line_number;

Line 2028: if g_line_rec.item_type_code not in ('STANDARD','MODEL') then

2024: if g_line_rec.line_category_code <> 'RETURN'
2025: and g_line_rec.item_type_code <> 'SERVICE'
2026: and g_line_rec.ship_to_site_use_id is null then
2028: if g_line_rec.item_type_code not in ('STANDARD','MODEL') then
2029: -- check for ship_to on ATO model first
2030: if g_line_rec.ato_line_id <> g_line_rec.line_id then
2031: select ship_to_site_use_id
2032: into g_line_rec.ship_to_site_use_id

Line 2604: g_line_rec.standard_component_freeze_date, /* explosion_date, */

2600: g_line_rec.ato_line_id, /* ATO_LINE_ID */
2601: null, /* auto_selected_quantity, */
2602: null, /* component_number, */
2603: null, /* earliest_acceptable_date, */
2604: g_line_rec.standard_component_freeze_date, /* explosion_date, */
2605: g_line_rec.latest_acceptable_date, /* latest_acceptable_date, */
2606: null, /* model_group_number, */
2607: null, /* schedule_arrival_date, */
2608: g_line_rec.ship_model_complete_flag, /* ship_model_complete_flag, */

Line 4243: g_line_rec.standard_component_freeze_date, /* explosion_date, */

4239: g_line_rec.ato_line_id, /* ATO_LINE_ID */
4240: null, /* auto_selected_quantity, */
4241: null, /* component_number, */
4242: null, /* earliest_acceptable_date, */
4243: g_line_rec.standard_component_freeze_date, /* explosion_date, */
4244: g_line_rec.latest_acceptable_date, /* latest_acceptable_date, */
4245: null, /* model_group_number, */
4246: null, /* schedule_arrival_date, */
4247: g_line_rec.ship_model_complete_flag, /* ship_model_complete_flag, */

Line 5875: and sla1.item_type_code in ('KIT','MODEL','STANDARD')

5871: so_lines_all sla1, so_lines_all sla2, oe_upgrade_log upg,
5872: oe_order_lines_all oeol
5873: where sla1.header_id = G_HEADER_ID
5874: and sla1.line_type_code = 'PARENT'
5875: and sla1.item_type_code in ('KIT','MODEL','STANDARD')
5876: and sla1.parent_line_id is null -- To filter out option lines
5877: and sla1.parent_line_id is null -- To filter out option lines
5878: and sla1.line_id = sla2.shipment_schedule_line_id
5879: and sla2.line_id = upg.old_line_id

Line 5910: AND item_type_code in ('KIT','MODEL','STANDARD')

5906: from
5907: so_lines_all sla
5908: where sla.header_id = G_HEADER_ID
5909: AND sla.line_type_code = 'REGULAR'
5910: AND item_type_code in ('KIT','MODEL','STANDARD')
5911: and parent_line_id is null -- To filter out options (included on Leena's instn.)
5912: and parent_line_id is null -- To filter out options (included on Leena's instn.)
5913: -- and sla.line_id in
5914: and exists

Line 6098: v_item_type_code = 'STANDARD' OR

6094: when no_data_found then
6095: null;
6096: end ;
6097: IF v_item_type_code = 'MODEL' OR
6098: v_item_type_code = 'STANDARD' OR
6099: v_item_type_code = 'KIT' THEN
6101: v_shipment_number := v_shipment_number + 1;