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Line 946: | from wip_discrete_jobs wdj, wip_entities we

942: /* --replaced with select statement for bug #2414513.
943: | -- Cursor to hold all child jobs information
944: | cursor child_jobs_cursor(c_wip_entity_id NUMBER) is
945: | select we.wip_entity_name, wdj.status_type
946: | from wip_discrete_jobs wdj, wip_entities we
947: | where wdj.wip_entity_id = we.wip_entity_id
948: | and wdj.parent_wip_entity_id = c_wip_entity_id
949: | and wdj.manual_rebuild_flag = 'Y';
950: |

Line 1055: from wip_discrete_jobs wdj,eam_work_order_details ewod,wip_entities we

1051: l_old_system_status,
1052: l_old_eam_status,
1053: l_workflow_type,
1054: l_wip_entity_name
1055: from wip_discrete_jobs wdj,eam_work_order_details ewod,wip_entities we
1056: where wdj.wip_entity_id = x_wip_entity_id
1057: AND wdj.wip_entity_id = ewod.wip_entity_id(+)
1058: AND wdj.wip_entity_id = we.wip_entity_id;

Line 1126: FROM wip_entities

1122: if (network_child_job_var = '1') then --In the network Work Order has Uncompleted Child Work Orders
1123: -- fix for 9572411 begin
1124: SELECT wip_entity_name
1125: INTO network_child_name
1126: FROM wip_entities
1127: where wip_entity_id= (SELECT wip_entity_id
1128: FROM wip_discrete_jobs
1129: WHERE wip_entity_id IN
1130: ( SELECT DISTINCT child_object_id

Line 1179: FROM wip_entities

1175: if (sibling_parent_job_var = '1') then
1176: -- fix for 9572411 begin
1177: SELECT wip_entity_name
1178: INTO network_child_name
1179: FROM wip_entities
1180: where wip_entity_id= (SELECT wip_entity_id
1181: FROM wip_discrete_jobs
1182: WHERE wip_entity_id IN
1183: ( SELECT DISTINCT parent_object_id

Line 1385: FROM wip_discrete_jobs wdj, wip_entities we

1381: SELECT '1'
1382: INTO child_job_var
1383: FROM dual
1385: FROM wip_discrete_jobs wdj, wip_entities we
1386: WHERE wdj.wip_entity_id = we.wip_entity_id
1387: AND wdj.parent_wip_entity_id = x_wip_entity_id
1388: AND wdj.manual_rebuild_flag = 'Y'
1389: AND wdj.status_type NOT IN (WIP_CONSTANTS.COMP_CHRG,