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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 26

      select nvl(Information1,Information3)
      into lv_startDate
      from hr_api_transaction_steps
      where transaction_id=p_transaction_id;
Line: 67

      select nvl(Information2,Information4)
      into lv_EndDate
      from hr_api_transaction_steps
      where transaction_id=p_transaction_id;
Line: 111

      select Information5
      into lv_AbsenceTypeId
      from hr_api_transaction_steps
      where transaction_id=p_transaction_id;
Line: 123

        select name
        into lv_AbsenceType
        where ABSENCE_ATTENDANCE_TYPE_ID=lv_AbsenceTypeId
            and language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 175

        select Information6
        into lv_AbsenceCategory
        from hr_api_transaction_steps
        where transaction_id=p_transaction_id;
Line: 206

Cursor c_lookup_code(AbsenceCat varchar2) is select LOOKUP_CODE from fnd_lookup_values flv
where flv.MEANING = AbsenceCat and  flv.lookup_type = 'ABSENCE_CATEGORY';
Line: 216

        select Information6
        into lv_AbsenceCategory
        from hr_api_transaction_steps
        where transaction_id=p_transaction_id;
Line: 255

        select Information7
        into lv_AbsenceHoursDuration
        from hr_api_transaction_steps
        where transaction_id=p_transaction_id;
Line: 292

        select Information8
        into lv_AbsenceDaysDuration
        from hr_api_transaction_steps
        where transaction_id=p_transaction_id;
Line: 334

        select    hr_general.decode_lookup('PQH_SS_TRANSACTION_STATUS',
        into lv_approvalStatus
        from hr_api_transactions
        where transaction_id=p_transaction_id;
Line: 379

        select  decode(status,'RI','C',
        into lv_approvalStatusCode
        from hr_api_transactions
        where transaction_id=p_transaction_id;
Line: 421

        select (SELECT meaning
                 from fnd_lookup_values
                 where lookup_type ='ABSENCE_STATUS'
                 and   fnd_lookup_values.lookup_code=Information9
                 and language = userenv('LANG')
        into lv_AbsenceStatus
        from hr_api_transaction_steps
        where transaction_id=p_transaction_id;
Line: 448

function isUpdateAllowed(p_transaction_id in number,
                         p_absence_attendance_id in number,
                         p_transaction_status in varchar2) return varchar2

c_proc  constant varchar2(30) := 'isUpdateAllowed';
Line: 454

lv_UpdateAllowed varchar2(30);
Line: 461

 decode (hat.status,'W', 'HrUpdateEnabled',
   -- need to revisit with the common code for handling update
   -- based on the current transaction owner

    -- for now this will only allow for transaction owner to update

     if(p_transaction_id is not null) then
       and p_transaction_status in ('W','S','RI','RIS')) then
      lv_UpdateAllowed := 'HrUpdateEnabled';
Line: 476

      lv_UpdateAllowed := 'HrUpdateDisabled';
Line: 480

  return lv_UpdateAllowed;
Line: 491

end isUpdateAllowed;
Line: 582

     SELECT 'Y'
     INTO l_exists
     from fnd_attached_documents
     where entity_name=lv_entity_name
     and pk1_value=lv_pkey1
     AND ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 628

     select status,item_type,item_key
     into lv_status,lv_item_type,lv_item_key
     from hr_api_transactions
     where transaction_id=p_transaction_id;
Line: 639

            select item_type, item_key
            into lv_item_type,lv_item_key
            from wf_items
            where user_key=p_transaction_id
            and rownum<2;
Line: 655

         select notification_id
         into ln_notification_id
         WHERE  ias.item_type          = lv_item_type
         and    ias.item_key           = lv_item_key
         and    ias.activity_status    = 'NOTIFIED'
         and    ias.notification_id is not null
         and rownum<=1;
Line: 800

        select (SELECT meaning
                 from fnd_lookup_values
                 where lookup_type ='ABSENCE_STATUS'
                 and   fnd_lookup_values.lookup_code=Information9
                 and language = userenv('LANG')
        into lv_AbsenceStatus
        from hr_api_transaction_steps
        where transaction_id=p_transaction_id;
Line: 827

procedure delete_transaction
(p_transaction_id in	   number)

lv_result varchar2(100);
Line: 841

       select * into lr_hr_api_transaction_rec
       from hr_api_transactions
       where transaction_id=p_transaction_id;
Line: 879

end delete_transaction;
Line: 886

select transaction_id from hr_api_transactions hat
where hat.transaction_ref_id = p_absence_attendance_id
and hat.transaction_ref_table = 'PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES'
and hat.status not in ('AC','Y');
Line: 899
