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Line 29: p_hist_rec in ghr_pa_history%rowtype,

25: --
27: -- Declaring local procedures and functions
28: Procedure delete_element_entry(
29: p_hist_rec in ghr_pa_history%rowtype,
30: p_del_mode in varchar2 default hr_api.g_delete_next_change,
31: p_cannot_cancel out nocopy Boolean) ;
33: Procedure delete_eleentval( p_hist_rec in ghr_pa_history%rowtype) ;

Line 33: Procedure delete_eleentval( p_hist_rec in ghr_pa_history%rowtype) ;

29: p_hist_rec in ghr_pa_history%rowtype,
30: p_del_mode in varchar2 default hr_api.g_delete_next_change,
31: p_cannot_cancel out nocopy Boolean) ;
33: Procedure delete_eleentval( p_hist_rec in ghr_pa_history%rowtype) ;
34: Procedure delete_peop_row(
35: p_person_id in varchar2,
36: p_dt_mode in varchar2,
37: p_date_effective in date) ;

Line 56: p_pa_history_id in ghr_pa_history.pa_history_id%type);

52: p_date_effective in date) ;
53: Procedure delete_hist_row (
54: p_row_id in rowid);
55: Procedure delete_hist_row (
56: p_pa_history_id in ghr_pa_history.pa_history_id%type);
57: Procedure apply_correction(
58: p_sf52rec_correct in ghr_pa_requests%rowtype,
59: p_corr_pa_request_id in ghr_pa_requests.pa_request_id%type,
60: p_sf52rec in out nocopy ghr_pa_requests%rowtype ) ;

Line 97: Procedure delete_other_pay_entries(p_hist_rec in ghr_pa_history%rowtype,

94: -- Bug#2521744
95: -- This procedure will delete the first datetrack row for the
96: -- other pay elements/other elements whereever necessary.
97: Procedure delete_other_pay_entries(p_hist_rec in ghr_pa_history%rowtype,
98: p_element_name in varchar2);
100: -- This procedure will get the other pay component values
101: -- at the time of intervening correction.

Line 148: -- this cursor gets the rowids from ghr_pa_history for the given pa_request_id.

144: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
146: Procedure cancel_term_SF52 ( p_sf52_data in out nocopy ghr_pa_requests%rowtype) is
148: -- this cursor gets the rowids from ghr_pa_history for the given pa_request_id.
149: cursor c_hist ( c_pa_request_id number,
150: c_noa_id number) is
151: select
152: rowid row_id, table_name,pa_history_id,information5

Line 154: from ghr_pa_history

150: c_noa_id number) is
151: select
152: rowid row_id, table_name,pa_history_id,information5
153: ,information9, information10
154: from ghr_pa_history
155: where pa_request_id = c_pa_request_id
156: and nature_of_action_id = c_noa_id
157: for update of person_id
158: order by pa_history_id desc; -- Bug# 1316321

Line 161: cursor c_follow_rec( c_table_name ghr_pa_history.table_name%type,

157: for update of person_id
158: order by pa_history_id desc; -- Bug# 1316321
161: cursor c_follow_rec( c_table_name ghr_pa_history.table_name%type,
162: c_pk_id ghr_pa_history.information1%type,
163: c_pa_history_id ghr_pa_history.pa_history_id%type) is
164: select pa_history_id
165: from ghr_pa_history

Line 162: c_pk_id ghr_pa_history.information1%type,

158: order by pa_history_id desc; -- Bug# 1316321
161: cursor c_follow_rec( c_table_name ghr_pa_history.table_name%type,
162: c_pk_id ghr_pa_history.information1%type,
163: c_pa_history_id ghr_pa_history.pa_history_id%type) is
164: select pa_history_id
165: from ghr_pa_history
166: where table_name = c_table_name

Line 163: c_pa_history_id ghr_pa_history.pa_history_id%type) is

161: cursor c_follow_rec( c_table_name ghr_pa_history.table_name%type,
162: c_pk_id ghr_pa_history.information1%type,
163: c_pa_history_id ghr_pa_history.pa_history_id%type) is
164: select pa_history_id
165: from ghr_pa_history
166: where table_name = c_table_name
167: and information1 = c_pk_id

Line 165: from ghr_pa_history

161: cursor c_follow_rec( c_table_name ghr_pa_history.table_name%type,
162: c_pk_id ghr_pa_history.information1%type,
163: c_pa_history_id ghr_pa_history.pa_history_id%type) is
164: select pa_history_id
165: from ghr_pa_history
166: where table_name = c_table_name
167: and information1 = c_pk_id
168: and pa_history_id > c_pa_history_id;

Line 172: c_table_name ghr_pa_history.table_name%type) IS

168: and pa_history_id > c_pa_history_id;
171: cursor c_hist_sevpay ( c_pa_request_id number,
172: c_table_name ghr_pa_history.table_name%type) IS
173: select *
174: from ghr_pa_history
175: where pa_request_id = c_pa_request_id
176: and table_name = c_table_name;

Line 174: from ghr_pa_history

171: cursor c_hist_sevpay ( c_pa_request_id number,
172: c_table_name ghr_pa_history.table_name%type) IS
173: select *
174: from ghr_pa_history
175: where pa_request_id = c_pa_request_id
176: and table_name = c_table_name;

Line 181: l_hist_pre ghr_pa_history%rowtype;

179: l_buf number;
180: l_follow_rec boolean;
181: l_hist_pre ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
182: l_hist_rec ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
183: l_hist_sevpay ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
184: l_cannot_cancel_sevpay boolean;
185: l_interv_on_table boolean;

Line 182: l_hist_rec ghr_pa_history%rowtype;

179: l_buf number;
180: l_follow_rec boolean;
181: l_hist_pre ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
182: l_hist_rec ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
183: l_hist_sevpay ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
184: l_cannot_cancel_sevpay boolean;
185: l_interv_on_table boolean;
186: l_interv_on_eff_date boolean;

Line 183: l_hist_sevpay ghr_pa_history%rowtype;

179: l_buf number;
180: l_follow_rec boolean;
181: l_hist_pre ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
182: l_hist_rec ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
183: l_hist_sevpay ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
184: l_cannot_cancel_sevpay boolean;
185: l_interv_on_table boolean;
186: l_interv_on_eff_date boolean;
187: l_hist_data_as_of_date ghr_pa_history%rowtype;

Line 187: l_hist_data_as_of_date ghr_pa_history%rowtype;

183: l_hist_sevpay ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
184: l_cannot_cancel_sevpay boolean;
185: l_interv_on_table boolean;
186: l_interv_on_eff_date boolean;
187: l_hist_data_as_of_date ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
188: l_session_var ghr_history_api.g_session_var_type;
189: l_agency_ei_data ghr_pa_request_extra_info%rowtype;
190: l_imm_asg_sf52 ghr_api.asg_sf52_type;
191: l_imm_asg_non_sf52 ghr_api.asg_non_sf52_type;

Line 503: FROM ghr_pa_history

500: BEGIN
501: SELECT *
502: INTO l_hist_rec
503: FROM ghr_pa_history
504: WHERE pa_request_id = p_sf52_data.altered_pa_request_id
505: AND information5 = 'GHR_US_PER_SEPARATE_RETIRE'
506: AND table_name = ghr_history_api.g_peopei_table
507: AND nature_of_action_id = (select nature_of_action_id from ghr_nature_of_actions where

Line 612: FROM ghr_pa_history

608: l_hist.information5 = 'GHR_US_ASG_NTE_DATES') THEN
610: SELECT *
611: INTO l_hist_rec
612: FROM ghr_pa_history
613: WHERE pa_history_id = l_hist.pa_history_id;
615: hr_utility.set_location('Non 352 and Address '||l_hist.table_name,26);
616: -- Bug#3780671 Passed the parameter l_hist.table_name instead of Address table

Line 810: l_hist_post ghr_pa_history%rowtype;

807: Procedure Cancel_Appt_SF52( p_sf52_data in out nocopy ghr_pa_requests%rowtype) is
809: l_session_var ghr_history_api.g_session_var_type;
810: l_hist_post ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
811: l_business_group_id number;
812: l_u_prh_object_version_number number;
813: l_i_pa_routing_history_id number;
814: l_i_prh_object_version_number number;

Line 910: -- this cursor gets the ghr_pa_history rows (with the rowid included) for the person_id specified and locks

906: from per_people_f
907: where person_id = c_person_id and
908: c_as_on_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
910: -- this cursor gets the ghr_pa_history rows (with the rowid included) for the person_id specified and locks
911: -- the rows for update.
912: -- note that it selects all the records that were effective on or after the effective_date passed.
913: -- also note that it orders by dml_operation, in order to ensure that updated rows are handled
914: -- before inserted rows. This is necessary for the way we are handling the setting of extra info tables

Line 923: from ghr_pa_history pah

919: c_eff_date date) is
920: select
921: pah.rowid row_id,
922: pah.*
923: from ghr_pa_history pah
924: where person_id = c_person_id and
925: (effective_date > c_eff_date or
926: (effective_date = c_eff_date and pa_request_id is not NULL))
927: and upper(pah.table_name) not in (upper(ghr_history_api.g_addres_table))

Line 937: from ghr_pa_history pah

933: c_eff_date date) is
934: select
935: pah.rowid row_id,
936: pah.*
937: from ghr_pa_history pah
938: where person_id = c_person_id and
939: (effective_date > c_eff_date or
940: (effective_date = c_eff_date and pa_request_id is not NULL))
941: and upper(pah.table_name) in (upper(ghr_history_api.g_addres_table))

Line 974: p_information1 in ghr_pa_history.information1%type)

970: m_perana varchar2(1);
972: --Begin BUG # 13334984
973: cursor c_upd_hist(p_table_name in varchar2,
974: p_information1 in ghr_pa_history.information1%type)
975: is
976: select pah.rowid row_id
977: from ghr_pa_history pah
978: where table_name = p_table_name

Line 977: from ghr_pa_history pah

973: cursor c_upd_hist(p_table_name in varchar2,
974: p_information1 in ghr_pa_history.information1%type)
975: is
976: select pah.rowid row_id
977: from ghr_pa_history pah
978: where table_name = p_table_name
979: and information1 = p_information1
980: and dml_operation = 'U';
981: --End BUG # 13334984

Line 1626: l_hist_dummy ghr_pa_history%rowtype;

1622: l_buf number;
1623: l_eff_date date;
1624: l_proc varchar2(72) := 'Cancel_Other_Family_Sf52' ;
1625: l_date_eff_rec pay_element_entry_values_f%rowtype;
1626: l_hist_dummy ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
1627: l_hist_rec ghr_pa_requests%rowtype;
1628: l_hist_address_rec ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
1629: l_hist_pre ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
1630: l_hist_data_as_of_date ghr_pa_history%rowtype;

Line 1628: l_hist_address_rec ghr_pa_history%rowtype;

1624: l_proc varchar2(72) := 'Cancel_Other_Family_Sf52' ;
1625: l_date_eff_rec pay_element_entry_values_f%rowtype;
1626: l_hist_dummy ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
1627: l_hist_rec ghr_pa_requests%rowtype;
1628: l_hist_address_rec ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
1629: l_hist_pre ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
1630: l_hist_data_as_of_date ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
1631: l_return_status varchar2(100);
1632: l_interv_on_table boolean;

Line 1629: l_hist_pre ghr_pa_history%rowtype;

1625: l_date_eff_rec pay_element_entry_values_f%rowtype;
1626: l_hist_dummy ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
1627: l_hist_rec ghr_pa_requests%rowtype;
1628: l_hist_address_rec ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
1629: l_hist_pre ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
1630: l_hist_data_as_of_date ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
1631: l_return_status varchar2(100);
1632: l_interv_on_table boolean;
1633: l_interv_on_eff_date boolean;

Line 1630: l_hist_data_as_of_date ghr_pa_history%rowtype;

1626: l_hist_dummy ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
1627: l_hist_rec ghr_pa_requests%rowtype;
1628: l_hist_address_rec ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
1629: l_hist_pre ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
1630: l_hist_data_as_of_date ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
1631: l_return_status varchar2(100);
1632: l_interv_on_table boolean;
1633: l_interv_on_eff_date boolean;
1634: l_pre_record boolean;

Line 1732: -- this cursor retrieves the ghr_pa_history row for the pa_request_id and noa_id given.

1728: --BUG # 13571004
1729: l_imm_roth_tsp ghr_api.tsp_roth_type;
1732: -- this cursor retrieves the ghr_pa_history row for the pa_request_id and noa_id given.
1733: -- note that this cursor orders by table name, this is due to the fact that we need to
1734: -- handle PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F history records before PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F history
1735: -- records due to the parent-child relationship of these two tables. Fetch_history routine
1736: -- for elements relies on the parent record in history being intact.


1736: -- for elements relies on the parent record in history being intact.
1737: cursor c_history_info (cp_pa_request_id in ghr_pa_requests.pa_request_id%type,
1738: cp_noa_id in ghr_pa_requests.first_noa_id%type) is
1739: SELECT *
1741: WHERE pa_request_id = cp_pa_request_id
1742: AND nature_of_action_id = cp_noa_id

Line 1787: cursor c_follow_rec( c_table_name ghr_pa_history.table_name%type,

1783: and p_sf52_data.effective_date
1784: between nvl(fam.start_date_active,p_sf52_data.effective_date)
1785: and nvl(fam.end_date_active,p_sf52_data.effective_date);
1787: cursor c_follow_rec( c_table_name ghr_pa_history.table_name%type,
1788: c_pk_id ghr_pa_history.information1%type,
1789: c_pa_history_id ghr_pa_history.pa_history_id%type) is
1790: select pa_history_id
1791: from ghr_pa_history

Line 1788: c_pk_id ghr_pa_history.information1%type,

1784: between nvl(fam.start_date_active,p_sf52_data.effective_date)
1785: and nvl(fam.end_date_active,p_sf52_data.effective_date);
1787: cursor c_follow_rec( c_table_name ghr_pa_history.table_name%type,
1788: c_pk_id ghr_pa_history.information1%type,
1789: c_pa_history_id ghr_pa_history.pa_history_id%type) is
1790: select pa_history_id
1791: from ghr_pa_history
1792: where table_name = c_table_name

Line 1789: c_pa_history_id ghr_pa_history.pa_history_id%type) is

1785: and nvl(fam.end_date_active,p_sf52_data.effective_date);
1787: cursor c_follow_rec( c_table_name ghr_pa_history.table_name%type,
1788: c_pk_id ghr_pa_history.information1%type,
1789: c_pa_history_id ghr_pa_history.pa_history_id%type) is
1790: select pa_history_id
1791: from ghr_pa_history
1792: where table_name = c_table_name
1793: and information1 = c_pk_id

Line 1791: from ghr_pa_history

1787: cursor c_follow_rec( c_table_name ghr_pa_history.table_name%type,
1788: c_pk_id ghr_pa_history.information1%type,
1789: c_pa_history_id ghr_pa_history.pa_history_id%type) is
1790: select pa_history_id
1791: from ghr_pa_history
1792: where table_name = c_table_name
1793: and information1 = c_pk_id
1794: and pa_history_id > c_pa_history_id;

Line 1802: from ghr_pa_history

1798: c_noa_id number) is
1799: select
1800: rowid row_id, table_name,pa_history_id,information5
1801: ,information9, information10
1802: from ghr_pa_history
1803: where pa_request_id = c_pa_request_id
1804: and table_name = ghr_history_api.g_addres_table
1805: and nature_of_action_id = c_noa_id
1806: for update of person_id

Line 1855: FROM ghr_pa_history

1851: p_table_name VARCHAR2,
1852: p_information VARCHAR2)
1853: IS
1854: SELECT 1
1855: FROM ghr_pa_history
1856: WHERE pa_request_id IN (SELECT pa_request_id FROM ghr_pa_requests
1857: CONNECT BY pa_request_id = PRIOR altered_pa_request_id
1858: START WITH pa_request_id = p_pa_request_id)
1859: AND pa_history_id < p_pa_history_id

Line 2089: FROM ghr_pa_history

2085: FOR l_hist IN c_hist_address(p_sf52_data.altered_pa_request_id, p_sf52_data.second_noa_id)
2086: LOOP
2087: SELECT *
2088: INTO l_hist_address_rec
2089: FROM ghr_pa_history
2090: WHERE pa_history_id = l_hist.pa_history_id;
2092: ghr_history_api.fetch_history_info(
2093: p_table_name => ghr_history_api.g_addres_table,

Line 2677: from ghr_pa_history

2674: cursor c_get_hist_id (c_pa_request_id in number) is
2675: select
2676: min(pa_history_id)
2677: from ghr_pa_history
2678: where pa_request_id = c_pa_request_id;
2680: cursor get_shadow (c_pa_request_id in number) is
2681: select *

Line 2718: from ghr_pa_history

2714: l_capped_other_pay number := hr_api.g_number;
2716: cursor get_hist is
2717: select pa_history_id
2718: from ghr_pa_history
2719: where pa_request_id = p_sf52_rec.altered_pa_request_id and
2720: nature_of_action_id = p_sf52_rec.second_noa_id;
2722: l_sf52_rec ghr_pa_requests%rowtype;

Line 2971: -- This procedure deletes a row in ghr_pa_history for the rowid passed.

2967: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2968: -- {Start Of Comments}
2969: --
2970: -- Description:
2971: -- This procedure deletes a row in ghr_pa_history for the rowid passed.
2972: --
2973: -- Pre-Requisities:
2974: -- None.
2975: --

Line 2978: -- ghr_pa_history.

2974: -- None.
2975: --
2976: -- In Parameters:
2977: -- p_row_id -> rowid of the row to be deleted in
2978: -- ghr_pa_history.
2979: -- Post Success:
2980: -- The row will have been deleted.
2981: --
2982: -- Post Failure:

Line 2998: delete ghr_pa_history

2994: Procedure delete_hist_row ( p_row_id in rowid) is
2995: l_proc varchar2(30):='delete_hist_row';
2996: Begin
2997: hr_utility.set_location( 'Entering : ' || l_proc, 10);
2998: delete ghr_pa_history
2999: where rowid = p_row_id;
3000: hr_utility.set_location( 'Leaving : ' || l_proc, 20);
3001: End delete_hist_row;

Line 3009: -- This procedure deletes a row in ghr_pa_history for the pa_history_id passed.

3005: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
3006: -- {Start Of Comments}
3007: --
3008: -- Description:
3009: -- This procedure deletes a row in ghr_pa_history for the pa_history_id passed.
3010: --
3011: -- Pre-Requisities:
3012: -- None.
3013: --

Line 3016: -- of the row to be deleted in ghr_pa_history.

3012: -- None.
3013: --
3014: -- In Parameters:
3015: -- p_pa_history_id -> pa_history_id
3016: -- of the row to be deleted in ghr_pa_history.
3017: -- Post Success:
3018: -- The row will have been deleted.
3019: --
3020: -- Post Failure:

Line 3032: Procedure delete_hist_row ( p_pa_history_id in ghr_pa_history.pa_history_id%type) is

3028: --
3029: -- {End Of Comments}
3030: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
3032: Procedure delete_hist_row ( p_pa_history_id in ghr_pa_history.pa_history_id%type) is
3033: l_proc varchar2(30):='delete_hist_row';
3034: Begin
3035: hr_utility.set_location( 'Entering : ' || l_proc, 30);
3036: delete ghr_pa_history

Line 3036: delete ghr_pa_history

3032: Procedure delete_hist_row ( p_pa_history_id in ghr_pa_history.pa_history_id%type) is
3033: l_proc varchar2(30):='delete_hist_row';
3034: Begin
3035: hr_utility.set_location( 'Entering : ' || l_proc, 30);
3036: delete ghr_pa_history
3037: where pa_history_id = p_pa_history_id;
3038: hr_utility.set_location( 'Leaving : ' || l_proc, 40);
3039: End delete_hist_row;

Line 3510: from ghr_pa_history

3507: cursor c_get_hist_id (c_pa_request_id in number) is
3508: select
3509: min(pa_history_id)
3510: from ghr_pa_history
3511: where pa_request_id = c_pa_request_id;
3513: -- Bug#5435374
3514: l_pos_ei_grade_data per_position_extra_info%rowtype;

Line 3534: from ghr_pa_history hist_1

3530: cursor core_chg_check(p_to_position_id in number,
3531: p_effective_date in date)
3532: is
3533: select 1
3534: from ghr_pa_history hist_1
3535: where pa_request_id is null
3536: and hist_1.pa_history_id > (select min(pa_history_id)
3537: from ghr_pa_history
3538: where pa_request_id = l_prev_request_id)

Line 3537: from ghr_pa_history

3533: select 1
3534: from ghr_pa_history hist_1
3535: where pa_request_id is null
3536: and hist_1.pa_history_id > (select min(pa_history_id)
3537: from ghr_pa_history
3538: where pa_request_id = l_prev_request_id)
3539: and hist_1.pa_history_id < nvl(l_curr_pa_history_id,999999999)
3540: and information1 in (select to_char(position_extra_info_id)
3541: from per_position_extra_info

Line 3982: -- p_hist_rec -> element entry to be deleted (ghr_pa_history%rowtype).

3978: -- Pre-Requisities:
3979: -- None.
3980: --
3981: -- In Parameters:
3982: -- p_hist_rec -> element entry to be deleted (ghr_pa_history%rowtype).
3983: -- p_cannot_cancel -> boolean indicates if there is some problem with deleting this element (the action
3984: -- cannot be cancelled).
3985: --
3986: -- Post Success:

Line 4001: Procedure delete_element_entry( p_hist_rec in ghr_pa_history%rowtype,

3997: --
3998: -- {End Of Comments}
3999: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4001: Procedure delete_element_entry( p_hist_rec in ghr_pa_history%rowtype,
4002: p_del_mode in varchar2 default hr_api.g_delete_next_change,
4003: p_cannot_cancel out nocopy Boolean) is
4004: l_del_warning boolean;
4005: -- this cursor selects the element_entry_id and object_version_number from

Line 4074: -- p_hist_pre -> value to update element entry value to (ghr_pa_history%rowtype).

4070: -- Pre-Requisities:
4071: -- None.
4072: --
4073: -- In Parameters:
4074: -- p_hist_pre -> value to update element entry value to (ghr_pa_history%rowtype).
4075: --
4076: -- Post Success:
4077: -- element entry value will have been updated.
4078: --

Line 4093: PROCEDURE update_eleentval( p_hist_pre in ghr_pa_history%rowtype) IS

4089: --
4090: -- {End Of Comments}
4091: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4093: PROCEDURE update_eleentval( p_hist_pre in ghr_pa_history%rowtype) IS
4094: -- this cursor selects the input value name given the input_value_id and effective date.
4096: CURSOR c_input_value (cp_input_value_id in number
4097: ,cp_eff_date in date

Line 4128: -- table name. (ghr_pa_history views are structured such that ghr_pa_history.information1 is always the primary

4127: -- this cursor gets the assignment id given the primary key, efective_start_date, effective_end_date and
4128: -- table name. (ghr_pa_history views are structured such that ghr_pa_history.information1 is always the primary
4129: -- key, information2 is always the effective_start_date, and information3 is always the effective_end_date).
4130: cursor c_asgmt_id( cp_information1 in ghr_pa_history.information1%type,
4131: cp_information2 in ghr_pa_history.information2%type,
4132: cp_information3 in ghr_pa_history.information3%type,

Line 4130: cursor c_asgmt_id( cp_information1 in ghr_pa_history.information1%type,

4127: -- this cursor gets the assignment id given the primary key, efective_start_date, effective_end_date and
4128: -- table name. (ghr_pa_history views are structured such that ghr_pa_history.information1 is always the primary
4129: -- key, information2 is always the effective_start_date, and information3 is always the effective_end_date).
4130: cursor c_asgmt_id( cp_information1 in ghr_pa_history.information1%type,
4131: cp_information2 in ghr_pa_history.information2%type,
4132: cp_information3 in ghr_pa_history.information3%type,
4133: cp_table_name in ghr_pa_history.table_name%type) IS

Line 4131: cp_information2 in ghr_pa_history.information2%type,

4127: -- this cursor gets the assignment id given the primary key, efective_start_date, effective_end_date and
4128: -- table name. (ghr_pa_history views are structured such that ghr_pa_history.information1 is always the primary
4129: -- key, information2 is always the effective_start_date, and information3 is always the effective_end_date).
4130: cursor c_asgmt_id( cp_information1 in ghr_pa_history.information1%type,
4131: cp_information2 in ghr_pa_history.information2%type,
4132: cp_information3 in ghr_pa_history.information3%type,
4133: cp_table_name in ghr_pa_history.table_name%type) IS

Line 4132: cp_information3 in ghr_pa_history.information3%type,

4128: -- table name. (ghr_pa_history views are structured such that ghr_pa_history.information1 is always the primary
4129: -- key, information2 is always the effective_start_date, and information3 is always the effective_end_date).
4130: cursor c_asgmt_id( cp_information1 in ghr_pa_history.information1%type,
4131: cp_information2 in ghr_pa_history.information2%type,
4132: cp_information3 in ghr_pa_history.information3%type,
4133: cp_table_name in ghr_pa_history.table_name%type) IS
4136: WHERE INFORMATION1 = cp_information1

Line 4133: cp_table_name in ghr_pa_history.table_name%type) IS

4129: -- key, information2 is always the effective_start_date, and information3 is always the effective_end_date).
4130: cursor c_asgmt_id( cp_information1 in ghr_pa_history.information1%type,
4131: cp_information2 in ghr_pa_history.information2%type,
4132: cp_information3 in ghr_pa_history.information3%type,
4133: cp_table_name in ghr_pa_history.table_name%type) IS
4136: WHERE INFORMATION1 = cp_information1
4137: AND INFORMATION2 = cp_information2


4131: cp_information2 in ghr_pa_history.information2%type,
4132: cp_information3 in ghr_pa_history.information3%type,
4133: cp_table_name in ghr_pa_history.table_name%type) IS
4136: WHERE INFORMATION1 = cp_information1
4137: AND INFORMATION2 = cp_information2
4138: AND INFORMATION3 = cp_information3
4139: AND TABLE_NAME = cp_table_name

Line 4321: -- p_hist_rec -> element entry value to delete (ghr_pa_history%rowtype).

4317: -- Pre-Requisities:
4318: -- None.
4319: --
4320: -- In Parameters:
4321: -- p_hist_rec -> element entry value to delete (ghr_pa_history%rowtype).
4322: --
4323: -- Post Success:
4324: -- element entry value will have been deleted rom history.
4325: --

Line 4338: Procedure delete_eleentval( p_hist_rec in ghr_pa_history%rowtype) is

4334: --
4335: -- {End Of Comments}
4336: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4338: Procedure delete_eleentval( p_hist_rec in ghr_pa_history%rowtype) is
4339: -- this cursor gets the rowid of the history_rec for the ghr_pa_history row passed
4340: -- to us.
4341: cursor c_hist is
4342: select rowid row_id

Line 4339: -- this cursor gets the rowid of the history_rec for the ghr_pa_history row passed

4335: -- {End Of Comments}
4336: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4338: Procedure delete_eleentval( p_hist_rec in ghr_pa_history%rowtype) is
4339: -- this cursor gets the rowid of the history_rec for the ghr_pa_history row passed
4340: -- to us.
4341: cursor c_hist is
4342: select rowid row_id
4343: from ghr_pa_history

Line 4343: from ghr_pa_history

4339: -- this cursor gets the rowid of the history_rec for the ghr_pa_history row passed
4340: -- to us.
4341: cursor c_hist is
4342: select rowid row_id
4343: from ghr_pa_history
4344: where table_name = ghr_history_api.g_eleevl_table and
4345: pa_request_id = p_hist_rec.pa_request_id and
4346: nature_of_action_id = p_hist_rec.nature_of_action_id
4347: for update of table_name;

Line 5946: from ghr_pa_history

5942: cp_effective_start_date between pel.effective_start_date and pel.effective_end_date ;
5944: /* cursor get_root_min_hist_id (cp_pa_history_id in number) is
5945: select min(pa_history_id)
5946: from ghr_pa_history
5947: where pa_request_id = (select min(pa_request_id)
5948: from ghr_pa_requests
5949: start with pa_request_id = (select pa_request_id -- Bug# 1253981
5950: from ghr_pa_history

Line 5950: from ghr_pa_history

5946: from ghr_pa_history
5947: where pa_request_id = (select min(pa_request_id)
5948: from ghr_pa_requests
5949: start with pa_request_id = (select pa_request_id -- Bug# 1253981
5950: from ghr_pa_history
5951: where pa_history_id = cp_pa_history_id)
5952: connect by prior altered_pa_request_id = pa_request_id)
5953: -- connect by pa_request_id = altered_pa_request_id)
5954: and nature_of_action_id = (select nature_of_action_id

Line 5955: from ghr_pa_history

5951: where pa_history_id = cp_pa_history_id)
5952: connect by prior altered_pa_request_id = pa_request_id)
5953: -- connect by pa_request_id = altered_pa_request_id)
5954: and nature_of_action_id = (select nature_of_action_id
5955: from ghr_pa_history
5956: where pa_history_id = cp_pa_history_id); */
5958: -- Bug 3694358
5959: -- In the cursor get_root_min_hist_id, start with - connect by is removed as it always returns the original

Line 5964: from ghr_pa_history

5960: -- action as the min. and no need to loop through all the correction actions and find the min pa_request_id
5961: /*Bug 6868486 below cursor changed*/
5962: cursor get_root_min_hist_id (cp_pa_history_id in number) is
5963: select min(pa_history_id)
5964: from ghr_pa_history
5965: where pa_request_id = (select pa_request_id -- Bug# 1253981
5966: from ghr_pa_history
5967: where pa_history_id = cp_pa_history_id);

Line 5966: from ghr_pa_history

5962: cursor get_root_min_hist_id (cp_pa_history_id in number) is
5963: select min(pa_history_id)
5964: from ghr_pa_history
5965: where pa_request_id = (select pa_request_id -- Bug# 1253981
5966: from ghr_pa_history
5967: where pa_history_id = cp_pa_history_id);
5969: -- Bug 3694358
5970: -- Changed connect by pa_request_id = altered_pa_request_id

Line 5979: from ghr_pa_history pah

5975: c_information1 varchar2,
5976: c_effective_date date,
5977: c_root_hist_id number) is
5978: Select pa_history_id
5979: from ghr_pa_history pah
5980: where table_name = ghr_history_api.g_eleevl_table
5981: and information5 = c_information1
5982: and (effective_date > c_effective_date or
5983: (effective_date = c_effective_date and

Line 5986: from ghr_pa_history

5982: and (effective_date > c_effective_date or
5983: (effective_date = c_effective_date and
5984: c_root_hist_id <
5985: (select min(pa_history_id)
5986: from ghr_pa_history
5987: where pa_request_id =
5988: (select min(pa_request_id)
5989: from ghr_pa_requests
5990: connect by prior altered_pa_request_id = pa_request_id

Line 6718: Procedure delete_other_pay_entries(p_hist_rec in ghr_pa_history%rowtype,

6714: -- ELSE
6715: -- Delete the rows from pay_element_entry_values_f, pay_element_entries_f tables with id and effective start date;
6716: -- END If;
6718: Procedure delete_other_pay_entries(p_hist_rec in ghr_pa_history%rowtype,
6719: p_element_name IN VARCHAR2 ) IS
6721: l_history_exists BOOLEAN := FALSE;
6722: l_hist_rec ghr_pa_history%rowtype;

Line 6722: l_hist_rec ghr_pa_history%rowtype;

6718: Procedure delete_other_pay_entries(p_hist_rec in ghr_pa_history%rowtype,
6719: p_element_name IN VARCHAR2 ) IS
6721: l_history_exists BOOLEAN := FALSE;
6722: l_hist_rec ghr_pa_history%rowtype;
6723: l_future_othpay_effective_date DATE;
6724: l_bus_group_id NUMBER;
6725: l_element_name VARCHAR2(80);

Line 6729: FROM ghr_pa_history

6725: l_element_name VARCHAR2(80);
6727: CURSOR c_history_record IS
6728: SELECT *
6729: FROM ghr_pa_history
6730: WHERE table_name = 'PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F'
6731: AND information1 = p_hist_rec.information1
6732: AND information2 = p_hist_rec.information2
6733: AND nvl(pa_request_id,0) <> nvl(p_hist_rec.pa_request_id,0);

Line 6797: DELETE ghr_pa_history

6793: AND (l_future_othpay_effective_date - 1) ;
6795: -- DELETE THE HISTORY RECORDS with the same element entry ID created after the current
6796: -- action and prior to the next other pay action.
6797: DELETE ghr_pa_history
6798: WHERE (information5 = p_hist_rec.information1
6799: OR information1 = p_hist_rec.information1)
6800: AND effective_date BETWEEN (fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_hist_rec.information2) + 1)
6801: AND (l_future_othpay_effective_date - 1);

Line 6816: DELETE ghr_pa_history

6812: where element_entry_id = p_hist_rec.information1;
6814: -- DELETE THE HISTORY RECORDS with the same element entry ID created after the
6815: -- current other pay action.
6816: DELETE ghr_pa_history
6817: WHERE (information5 = p_hist_rec.information1 OR information1 = p_hist_rec.information1)
6818: AND effective_date > (fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_hist_rec.information2) + 1);
6820: END IF;

Line 7280: from ghr_pa_history

7277: cursor c_get_hist_id (c_pa_request_id in number)
7278: is
7279: select min(pa_history_id)
7280: from ghr_pa_history
7281: where pa_request_id = c_pa_request_id;
7283: -- Bug#5435374
7284: l_pos_ei_grade_data per_position_extra_info%rowtype;

Line 7306: from ghr_pa_history hist_1

7302: cursor core_chg_check(p_to_position_id in number,
7303: p_effective_date in date)
7304: is
7305: select 1
7306: from ghr_pa_history hist_1
7307: where pa_request_id is null
7308: and hist_1.pa_history_id > (select min(pa_history_id)
7309: from ghr_pa_history
7310: where pa_request_id = l_prev_request_id)

Line 7309: from ghr_pa_history

7305: select 1
7306: from ghr_pa_history hist_1
7307: where pa_request_id is null
7308: and hist_1.pa_history_id > (select min(pa_history_id)
7309: from ghr_pa_history
7310: where pa_request_id = l_prev_request_id)
7311: and hist_1.pa_history_id < nvl(l_curr_pa_history_id,999999999)
7312: and information1 in (select to_char(position_extra_info_id)
7313: from per_position_extra_info