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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 33

      select task_assignment_id
      ,      scheduled_end_date
      from jtf_agenda_ta_v
      where resource_id        = p_res_id
      and   resource_type_code = p_res_type
      and   shift_start        = p_shift_start
      and   shift_end          = p_shift_end
      and   ( task_type_id = 20 -- departure task
           or ( task_type_id not in (20,21) -- real tasks
            and ( scheduled_start_date < p_sched_start
               or ( scheduled_start_date = p_sched_start
                and task_assignment_id < p_ta_id ) ) ) )
      order by decode(task_type_id,20,1,0) -- departure task last
      ,        scheduled_start_date desc
      ,        task_assignment_id   desc;
Line: 57

      select task_assignment_id
      ,      scheduled_end_date
      from jtf_agenda_ta_v
      where resource_id        = p_res_id
      and   resource_type_code = p_res_type
      and   shift_start        = p_shift_start
      and   shift_end          = p_shift_end
      and   task_type_id      <> 21 -- not arrival task
      order by decode(task_type_id,20,1,0) -- departure task last
      ,        scheduled_start_date desc
      ,        task_assignment_id   desc;
Line: 144

      select scheduled_start_date
      ,      scheduled_end_date
      ,      actual_start_date
      ,      actual_end_date
      ,      sched_travel_duration
      ,      resource_id
      ,      resource_type_code
      ,      shift_start
      ,      shift_end
      ,      bound_mode_code
      ,      planned_start_date
      ,      planned_end_date
      ,      task_type_id
      from jtf_agenda_ta_v
      where task_assignment_id = p_ta_id;
Line: 277

      select scheduled_start_date
      ,      resource_id
      ,      resource_type_code
      ,      shift_start
      ,      shift_end
      from jtf_agenda_ta_v
      where task_assignment_id = p_ta_id
      and   actual_start_date is null
      and   actual_end_date   is null;
Line: 296

      select 'Y'
      from jtf_agenda_ta_v
      where resource_id        = p_res_id
      and   resource_type_code = p_res_type
      and   shift_start        = p_shift_start
      and   shift_end          = p_shift_end
      and   ( scheduled_start_date > p_sched_start
           or ( scheduled_start_date = p_sched_start
            and task_assignment_id > p_ta_id ) )
      and   nvl(actual_start_date,actual_end_date) is not null;
Line: 350

      select ''
      from jtf_agenda_v
      where resource_id        = p_res_id
      and   resource_type_code = p_res_type
      and   p_date between shift_start and shift_end
      and   escalation_flag = 'Y';
Line: 364

      select max(predicted_end_date)
      ,      max(shift_end)
      from jtf_agenda_v
      where resource_id        = p_res_id
      and   resource_type_code = p_res_type
      and   p_date between shift_start and shift_end
      and   task_type_id not in (20,21);
Line: 442

      select assignment_status_id
      from jtf_agenda_ta_v
      where resource_id        = p_resource_id
      and   resource_type_code = p_resource_type_code
      and   task_type_id not in (20,21)
      and   ( actual_start_date =
              ( select max( actual_start_date )
                from jtf_agenda_ta_v
                where resource_id        = p_resource_id
                and   resource_type_code = p_resource_type_code
                and   task_type_id not in (20,21) )
           or actual_start_date is null )
      order by scheduled_start_date
      ,        task_assignment_id;
Line: 478

      select name
      from jtf_task_statuses_vl
      where task_status_id = p_status_id;
Line: 503

      select task_id
      from jtf_agenda_ta_v
      where resource_id        = p_resource_id
      and   resource_type_code = p_resource_type_code
      and   task_type_id not in (20,21)
      and   ( actual_start_date =
              ( select max( actual_start_date )
                from jtf_agenda_ta_v
                where resource_id        = p_resource_id
                and   resource_type_code = p_resource_type_code
                and   task_type_id not in (20,21) )
           or actual_start_date is null )
      order by scheduled_start_date
      ,        task_assignment_id;
Line: 547

      SELECT begin_time
        FROM jtf_cal_shift_constructs
       WHERE shift_construct_id = p_shift_construct_id;
Line: 610

      SELECT end_time
        FROM jtf_cal_shift_constructs
       WHERE shift_construct_id = p_shift_construct_id;
Line: 667

          SELECT NULL
            FROM jtf_tasks_b            t,
                 jtf_task_references_vl r,
                 jtf_ec_statuses_vl   s
           WHERE t.task_id = r.task_id
                 AND t.task_type_id   = 22
                 AND t.task_status_id = s.task_status_id
                 AND (s.closed_flag = 'N'
                 OR   s.closed_flag is null)
                 AND (s.completed_flag = 'N'
                 OR   s.completed_flag is null)
                 AND (s.cancelled_flag = 'N'
                 OR   s.cancelled_flag is null)
                 AND r.reference_code   = 'ESC'
                 AND r.object_type_code = l_object_type_code
                 AND r.object_id        = l_object_id;
Line: 685

          SELECT t.source_object_type_code,
            FROM jtf_tasks_b          t,
                 jtf_task_statuses_vl s
           WHERE t.task_id = p_task_id
                 AND t.task_status_id = s.task_status_id
                 AND (s.closed_flag = 'N'
                 OR   s.closed_flag is null)
                 AND (s.completed_flag = 'N'
                 OR   s.completed_flag is null)
                 AND (s.cancelled_flag = 'N'
                 OR   s.cancelled_flag is null);