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Line 542: from pay_payroll_actions

538: -- where the file_creation_number is composed of digits only
539: --
540: CURSOR digits_only_max_sequence(cp_org_pmt_method_id number,cp_bg_id number) is
541: select max(payroll_action_id)
542: from pay_payroll_actions
543: where business_group_id = cp_bg_id
544: and action_type = 'M'
545: and org_payment_method_id = cp_org_pmt_method_id
546: and attribute1 is not null;

Line 556: from pay_payroll_actions

552: CURSOR get_new_fcn(l_var number, cp_org_pmt_method_id number,
553: cp_max_pact_id number, cp_bg_id number) is
554: select translate(attribute1,
555: 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz?><~!@#$%^*()_-+=/\|}{][":;.,`''',' ') + l_var
556: from pay_payroll_actions
557: where business_group_id = cp_bg_id
558: and action_type = 'M'
559: and org_payment_method_id = cp_org_pmt_method_id
560: and payroll_action_id = cp_max_pact_id;

Line 569: from pay_payroll_actions

565: --
566: CURSOR current_fcns(cp_org_pmt_method_id number, l_fcn varchar2,
567: cp_bg_id number, cp_no_fcn_rows number) is
568: select 1
569: from pay_payroll_actions
570: where business_group_id = cp_bg_id
571: and action_type = 'M'
572: and org_payment_method_id = cp_org_pmt_method_id
573: and attribute1 = l_fcn

Line 585: from pay_payroll_actions

581: ,p_override_fcn varchar2
582: ,cp_bg_id number
583: ,cp_no_fcn_rows number) is
584: select 1
585: from pay_payroll_actions
586: where business_group_id = cp_bg_id
587: and action_type = 'M'
588: and org_payment_method_id = cp_org_pmt_method_id
589: and attribute1 = p_override_fcn

Line 601: -- Procedure to stamp the FCN number in pay_payroll_actions table

597: from pay_ca_legislation_info
598: where information_type = 'CA_DD_TEST'
599: and lookup_code = p_fin_institution;
601: -- Procedure to stamp the FCN number in pay_payroll_actions table
602: --
603: PROCEDURE insert_new_fcn(p_org_pmt_method_id number
604: ,p_new_fcn varchar2
605: ,p_pact_id number) is

Line 609: update pay_payroll_actions

605: ,p_pact_id number) is
606: BEGIN
607: --
609: update pay_payroll_actions
610: set attribute1 = lpad(p_new_fcn,4,'0')
611: where payroll_action_id = p_pact_id
612: and org_payment_method_id = p_org_pmt_method_id;
613: --

Line 704: -- Stamp New FCN record in pay_payroll_actions table

700: close digits_only_max_sequence;
702: -- dbms_output.put_line('l_new_fcn is '||l_new_fcn);
703: --
704: -- Stamp New FCN record in pay_payroll_actions table
706: l_new_fcn := lpad(l_new_fcn,4,'0');
707: hr_utility.trace('Final FCN Generated, before Update the l_new_fcn:'||l_new_fcn);
708: insert_new_fcn(p_org_pmt_method_id,l_new_fcn,p_pact_id);

Line 719: -- pay_payroll_actions table?

715: /* hr_utility.trace_on('Y','TESTFCN'); */
716: hr_utility.trace('Start of Get_dd_file_Creation_Number function');
717: --
718: -- Does any DD exist for the given Payment Method in
719: -- pay_payroll_actions table?
720: -- l_max_pact_id is not null then Exists
721: -- l_max_pact_id is null then Not exists
723: hr_utility.trace('p_business_group_id :'||to_char(p_business_group_id));

Line 778: /* Update Pay_Payroll_actions table with FCN value */

774: IF p_override_fcn = l_test_fcn THEN
776: l_new_fcn := p_override_fcn;
778: /* Update Pay_Payroll_actions table with FCN value */
780: hr_utility.trace('l_new_fcn final:'||l_new_fcn);
781: insert_new_fcn(p_org_payment_method_id,l_new_fcn,p_pact_id);
782: RETURN l_new_fcn;

Line 853: /* Update Pay_Payroll_actions table with

849: IF p_override_fcn = l_test_fcn THEN
851: l_new_fcn := p_override_fcn;
853: /* Update Pay_Payroll_actions table with
854: FCN value */
855: insert_new_fcn(p_org_payment_method_id,l_new_fcn,
856: p_pact_id);