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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 69

        SELECT NVL ( SUM ( primary_transaction_quantity ), 0 )
        INTO   l_tot_qty
        WHERE  inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
        AND    organization_id = p_organization_id
        AND    subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
        AND    locator_id = p_loc_id;
Line: 91

        SELECT NVL ( SUM ( quantity ), 0 )
        INTO   l_loaded_sys_qty
        WHERE  inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
        AND    organization_id = p_organization_id
        AND    subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
        AND    locator_id = p_loc_id
        AND    qty_type = 'LOADED';
Line: 120

        SELECT NVL ( SUM ( DECODE ( current_status, 3, 1, 0 ) ), 0 )
        INTO   l_tot_qty
        FROM   mtl_serial_numbers
        WHERE  inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
        AND    current_organization_id = p_organization_id
        AND    current_subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
        AND    current_locator_id = p_loc_id;
Line: 142

        SELECT Count(DISTINCT msn.serial_number)
        INTO   l_loaded_sys_qty
        FROM   mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt, mtl_serial_numbers msn, wms_dispatched_tasks wdt
        WHERE  mmtt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.transaction_temp_id (+)
        AND   ((msnt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id and
                mtlt.lot_number is null) or
              (msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
                and mtlt.lot_number is not null))
        AND    mmtt.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
        AND    mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
        AND    mmtt.subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
        AND    mmtt.locator_id = p_loc_id
        AND    msn.serial_number BETWEEN msnt.FM_SERIAL_NUMBER AND msnt.TO_SERIAL_NUMBER
        AND    msn.inventory_item_id = mmtt.inventory_item_id
        AND    msn.CURRENT_ORGANIZATION_ID=mmtt.organization_id
        AND    wdt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
        AND    wdt.task_type <> 2
        AND    wdt.status = 4;
Line: 233

    SELECT NVL((Trunc(SYSDATE) - Trunc(Max(count_date_current))),l_opp_cyc_count_days)
    INTO   l_no_of_days
    FROM   mtl_cycle_count_entries
    WHERE  subinventory = p_subinventory_code
    AND    inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
    AND    organization_id = p_organization_id
    AND    locator_id = p_loc_id
Line: 353

					SELECT 'Y'
					INTO l_item_exists
					FROM mtl_cycle_count_items
					WHERE cycle_count_header_id = inv_cache.fromsub_rec.opp_cyc_count_header_id
					AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id;
Line: 442

  PROCEDURE delete_existing_cyc_count
  (p_organization_id          IN    NUMBER            ,
   p_subinventory             IN    VARCHAR2          ,
   p_locator_id               IN    NUMBER            ,
   p_inventory_item_id        IN    NUMBER
    l_api_name             CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'delete_existing_cyc_count';
Line: 463

    DELETE FROM wms_dispatched_tasks
    WHERE transaction_temp_id IN (SELECT CYCLE_COUNT_ENTRY_ID
                                    FROM mtl_cycle_count_entries
                                    WHERE ENTRY_STATUS_CODE IN (1,3)
                                    AND ORGANIZATION_ID=p_organization_id
                                    AND SUBINVENTORY=p_subinventory
                                    AND LOCATOR_ID=p_locator_id
                                    AND INVENTORY_ITEM_ID=p_inventory_item_id)
    AND ORGANIZATION_ID=p_organization_id;
Line: 474

      Mdebug ( l_api_name||' : *** Deleted '||sql%rowcount||' WDT records' , g_message);
Line: 479

    DELETE FROM mtl_cycle_count_entries
    AND   ORGANIZATION_ID=p_organization_id
    AND   SUBINVENTORY=p_subinventory
    AND   LOCATOR_ID=p_locator_id
    AND   INVENTORY_ITEM_ID=p_inventory_item_id;
Line: 487

      Mdebug ( l_api_name||' : *** Deleted '||sql%rowcount||' MCCE records' , g_message);
Line: 490

  END delete_existing_cyc_count;
Line: 547

        SELECT NVL ( SUM ( primary_transaction_quantity ), 0 )
        INTO   l_tot_qty
        WHERE  inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
        AND    organization_id = p_organization_id
        AND    subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
        AND    locator_id = p_loc_id
        AND    (    (p_parent_lpn_id IS NOT NULL
                      AND NVL ( containerized_flag, 2 ) = 1)
                      AND lpn_id = p_parent_lpn_id
                  OR (p_parent_lpn_id IS NULL
                      AND NVL ( containerized_flag, 2 ) = 2)
        AND    (    lot_number = p_lot_number
                  OR p_lot_number IS NULL
        AND    NVL ( revision, 'XXX' ) = NVL ( p_revision, 'XXX' );
Line: 579

        SELECT NVL ( SUM ( quantity ), 0 )
        INTO   l_loaded_sys_qty
        WHERE  inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
        AND    organization_id = p_organization_id
        AND    subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
        AND    locator_id = p_loc_id
        AND    qty_type = 'LOADED'
        AND    (    (p_parent_lpn_id IS NOT NULL
                      AND NVL ( containerized_flag, 2 ) = 1)
                      AND NVL ( lpn_id, NVL ( content_lpn_id, -1 ) ) = p_parent_lpn_id
                  OR (p_parent_lpn_id IS NULL
                      AND NVL ( containerized_flag, 2 ) = 2)
        AND    (    lot_number = p_lot_number
                  OR p_lot_number IS NULL
        AND    NVL ( revision, 'XXX' ) = NVL ( p_revision, 'XXX' );
Line: 618

        SELECT NVL ( SUM ( DECODE ( current_status, 3, 1, 0 ) ), 0 )
        INTO   l_tot_qty
        FROM   mtl_serial_numbers
        WHERE  inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
        AND    current_organization_id = p_organization_id
        AND    current_subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
        AND    current_locator_id = p_loc_id
        AND    (    (p_parent_lpn_id IS NOT NULL
                      AND lpn_id = p_parent_lpn_id)
                  OR (p_parent_lpn_id IS NULL
											AND lpn_id IS NULL)
        AND    (    lot_number = p_lot_number
                  OR p_lot_number IS NULL
        AND    NVL ( revision, 'XXX' ) = NVL ( p_revision, 'XXX' )
        AND    (p_from_Serial_number IS NULL OR p_to_Serial_number IS NULL OR serial_number BETWEEN p_from_Serial_number AND p_to_Serial_number);
Line: 650

        SELECT Count(DISTINCT msn.serial_number)
        INTO   l_loaded_sys_qty
        FROM   mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt, mtl_serial_numbers msn, wms_dispatched_tasks wdt
        WHERE  mmtt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.transaction_temp_id (+)
        AND   ((msnt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id and
                mtlt.lot_number is null) or
              (msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
                and mtlt.lot_number is not null))
        AND    mmtt.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
        AND    mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
        AND    mmtt.subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
        AND    mmtt.locator_id = p_loc_id
        AND    (    (p_parent_lpn_id IS NOT NULL
                      AND NVL ( mmtt.lpn_id, NVL ( content_lpn_id, -1 ) ) = p_parent_lpn_id)
                  OR (p_parent_lpn_id IS NULL
											AND NVL ( mmtt.lpn_id, NVL ( content_lpn_id, -1 ) ) = -1)
        AND    (    mtlt.lot_number = p_lot_number
                  OR p_lot_number IS NULL
        AND    NVL ( mmtt.revision, 'XXX' ) = NVL ( p_revision, 'XXX' )
        AND    (p_from_Serial_number IS NULL OR p_to_Serial_number IS NULL OR msn.serial_number BETWEEN p_from_Serial_number AND p_to_Serial_number)
        AND    msn.serial_number BETWEEN msnt.FM_SERIAL_NUMBER AND msnt.TO_SERIAL_NUMBER
        AND    msn.revision = mmtt.revision
        AND    msn.inventory_item_id = mmtt.inventory_item_id
        AND    msn.CURRENT_ORGANIZATION_ID=mmtt.organization_id
        AND    wdt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
        AND    wdt.task_type <> 2
        AND    wdt.status = 4;
Line: 694

        SELECT Nvl(Sum(Decode(count_uom_current,
        INTO   l_cnt_qty
        FROM   (SELECT count_uom_current, (system_quantity_current - count_quantity_current) adj_cnt_qty
								FROM	 mtl_cycle_count_entries
								WHERE  inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
								AND    organization_id = p_organization_id
								AND    subinventory = p_subinventory_code
								AND    locator_id = p_loc_id
								AND    cycle_count_header_id = g_cycle_count_header_id
								AND		 entry_status_code = 2
								AND    (    (p_parent_lpn_id IS NOT NULL
															AND parent_lpn_id = p_parent_lpn_id)
													OR (p_parent_lpn_id IS NULL
															AND parent_lpn_id IS NULL)
								AND    (    lot_number = p_lot_number
													OR p_lot_number IS NULL
								AND    NVL ( revision, 'XXX' ) = NVL ( p_revision, 'XXX' )
								AND    (p_from_Serial_number IS NULL OR p_to_Serial_number IS NULL OR serial_number BETWEEN p_from_Serial_number AND p_to_Serial_number)
								AND		 system_quantity_current <> count_quantity_current
								UNION ALL
								SELECT mcce.count_uom_current, (mcce.count_quantity_current - mcce.system_quantity_current) adj_cnt_qty
								FROM	 mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce, mtl_serial_numbers msn
								WHERE  mcce.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
								AND    mcce.organization_id = p_organization_id
								AND    mcce.cycle_count_header_id = g_cycle_count_header_id
								AND		 mcce.entry_status_code = 2
								AND    (p_from_Serial_number IS NULL OR p_to_Serial_number IS NULL OR mcce.serial_number BETWEEN p_from_Serial_number AND p_to_Serial_number)
								AND		 mcce.serial_number = msn.serial_number
								AND    msn.inventory_item_id = mcce.inventory_item_id
								AND    msn.CURRENT_ORGANIZATION_ID=mcce.organization_id
								AND    msn.current_subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
								AND    msn.current_locator_id = p_loc_id
								AND    (  (   msn.lot_number = p_lot_number
													AND msn.lot_number = mcce.lot_number
													OR p_lot_number IS NULL
								AND    NVL ( msn.revision, 'XXX' ) = NVL ( p_revision, 'XXX' )
								AND    NVL ( mcce.revision, 'XXX' ) = NVL ( p_revision, 'XXX' )
								AND    (	mcce.subinventory <> msn.current_subinventory_code
											 OR mcce.locator_id <> msn.current_locator_id
								AND		 mcce.system_quantity_current <> mcce.count_quantity_current);
Line: 852

      SELECT NVL ( SUM ( primary_transaction_quantity ), 0 )
      INTO   x_system_quantity
      WHERE  inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
      AND    organization_id = p_organization_id
      AND    subinventory_code = p_subinventory
      AND    locator_id = p_locator_id
      AND    (    lot_number = p_lot_number
                OR p_lot_number IS NULL
      AND    NVL ( revision, 'XXX' ) = NVL ( p_revision, 'XXX' );
Line: 864

      SELECT NVL ( SUM ( quantity ), 0 )
      INTO   l_loaded_sys_qty
      WHERE  inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
      AND    organization_id = p_organization_id
      AND    subinventory_code = p_subinventory
      AND    locator_id = p_locator_id
      AND    (    lot_number = p_lot_number
                OR p_lot_number IS NULL
      AND    NVL ( revision, 'XXX' ) = NVL ( p_revision, 'XXX' )
      AND    qty_type = 'LOADED';
Line: 894

      SELECT NVL ( SUM ( DECODE ( current_status, 3, 1, 0 ) ), 0 )
      INTO   x_system_quantity
      FROM   mtl_serial_numbers
      WHERE  inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
      AND    current_organization_id = p_organization_id
      AND    current_subinventory_code = p_subinventory
      AND    current_locator_id = p_locator_id
      AND    (    lot_number = p_lot_number
                OR p_lot_number IS NULL
      AND    NVL ( revision, 'XXX' ) = NVL ( p_revision, 'XXX' );
Line: 906

		  SELECT Count(DISTINCT msn.serial_number)
		  INTO   l_loaded_sys_qty
		  FROM   mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt, mtl_serial_numbers msn, wms_dispatched_tasks wdt
		  WHERE  mmtt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.transaction_temp_id (+)
		  AND    ((msnt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id AND
                mtlt.lot_number is null) OR
						  (msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
                AND mtlt.lot_number = p_lot_number)
		  AND    mmtt.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
		  AND    mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
		  AND    mmtt.subinventory_code = p_subinventory
		  AND    mmtt.locator_id = p_locator_id
		  AND    (p_from_serial_number IS NULL OR p_to_serial_number IS NULL OR msn.serial_number between p_from_serial_number AND p_to_serial_number)
		  AND    msn.serial_number BETWEEN msnt.FM_SERIAL_NUMBER AND msnt.TO_SERIAL_NUMBER
		  AND    msn.inventory_item_id = mmtt.inventory_item_id
		  AND    msn.CURRENT_ORGANIZATION_ID=mmtt.organization_id
		  AND    mmtt.transaction_temp_id=wdt.transaction_temp_id
		  AND    NVL(wdt.status, 1) = 4;
Line: 928

        SELECT Nvl(Sum(Decode(count_uom_current,
        INTO   l_cnt_qty
        FROM   (SELECT count_uom_current, (system_quantity_current - count_quantity_current) adj_cnt_qty
								FROM	 mtl_cycle_count_entries
								WHERE  inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
								AND    organization_id = p_organization_id
								AND    subinventory = p_subinventory
								AND    locator_id = p_locator_id
								AND    cycle_count_header_id = g_cycle_count_header_id
								AND		 entry_status_code = 2
								AND    (    lot_number = p_lot_number
													OR p_lot_number IS NULL
								AND    NVL ( revision, 'XXX' ) = NVL ( p_revision, 'XXX' )
								AND    (p_from_Serial_number IS NULL OR p_to_Serial_number IS NULL OR serial_number BETWEEN p_from_Serial_number AND p_to_Serial_number)
								AND		 system_quantity_current <> count_quantity_current
								UNION ALL
								SELECT mcce.count_uom_current, (mcce.count_quantity_current - mcce.system_quantity_current) adj_cnt_qty
								FROM	 mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce, mtl_serial_numbers msn
								WHERE  mcce.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
								AND    mcce.organization_id = p_organization_id
								AND    mcce.cycle_count_header_id = g_cycle_count_header_id
								AND		 mcce.entry_status_code = 2
								AND    (p_from_Serial_number IS NULL OR p_to_Serial_number IS NULL OR mcce.serial_number BETWEEN p_from_Serial_number AND p_to_Serial_number)
								AND		 mcce.serial_number = msn.serial_number
								AND    msn.inventory_item_id = mcce.inventory_item_id
								AND    msn.CURRENT_ORGANIZATION_ID=mcce.organization_id
								AND    msn.current_subinventory_code = p_subinventory
								AND    msn.current_locator_id = p_locator_id
								AND    (  (   msn.lot_number = p_lot_number
													AND msn.lot_number = mcce.lot_number
													OR p_lot_number IS NULL
								AND    NVL ( msn.revision, 'XXX' ) = NVL ( p_revision, 'XXX' )
								AND    NVL ( mcce.revision, 'XXX' ) = NVL ( p_revision, 'XXX' )
								AND    (	mcce.subinventory <> msn.current_subinventory_code
											 OR mcce.locator_id <> msn.current_locator_id
								AND		 mcce.system_quantity_current <> mcce.count_quantity_current);
Line: 1019

  This procedure will get the total allocated pending qty for the selected item and SKU.

   x_alloc_cur - A cursor which will give the pending allocations for the selected item and SKU ordered by priority.
   x_allocated_qty - Total allocated pending qty for the selected item and SKU ordered by priority.

  PROCEDURE get_allocated_qty
  (p_organization_id          IN    NUMBER            ,
   p_subinventory             IN    VARCHAR2          ,
   p_locator_id               IN    NUMBER   := NULL  ,
   p_parent_lpn_id            IN    NUMBER   := NULL  ,
   p_inventory_item_id        IN    NUMBER            ,
   p_revision                 IN    VARCHAR2 := NULL  ,
   p_lot_number               IN    VARCHAR2 := NULL  ,
   p_from_serial_number       IN    VARCHAR2 := NULL  ,
   p_to_serial_number         IN    VARCHAR2 := NULL  ,
   x_alloc_cur                  OUT NOCOPY t_genref,
   x_allocated_qty            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
    l_api_name             CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'get_allocated_qty';
Line: 1111

        SELECT NVL ( SUM ( Nvl(mtlt.primary_quantity, mmtt.primary_quantity) ), 0 )
        INTO l_allocated_pri_qty
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, wms_dispatched_tasks wdt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
        WHERE mmtt.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
        AND   mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
        AND   (p_parent_lpn_id IS NULL OR NVL ( mmtt.allocated_lpn_id, NVL ( mmtt.lpn_id, NVL ( mmtt.content_lpn_id, -1 ) ) ) = p_parent_lpn_id)
        AND   mmtt.subinventory_code = p_subinventory
        AND   mmtt.locator_id = p_locator_id
        AND   NVL ( mmtt.revision, 'XXX' ) = NVL ( p_revision, 'XXX' )
        AND   mmtt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.transaction_temp_id (+)
        AND   NVL ( mtlt.lot_number, 'XX' ) = NVL ( p_lot_number, 'XX' )
	AND   mmtt.transaction_temp_id=wdt.transaction_temp_id(+)
	AND   NVL(wdt.status, 1) <> 4;
Line: 1127

        SELECT mmtt.TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID, Nvl(Nvl(mtlt.primary_quantity, mmtt.primary_quantity), 0) primary_quantity, Nvl(mmtt.TASK_PRIORITY,0)
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, wms_dispatched_tasks wdt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
        WHERE mmtt.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
        AND   mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
        AND   (p_parent_lpn_id IS NULL OR NVL ( mmtt.allocated_lpn_id, NVL ( mmtt.lpn_id, NVL ( mmtt.content_lpn_id, -1 ) ) ) = p_parent_lpn_id)
        AND   mmtt.subinventory_code = p_subinventory
        AND   mmtt.locator_id = p_locator_id
        AND   NVL ( mmtt.revision, 'XXX' ) = NVL ( p_revision, 'XXX' )
        AND   mmtt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.transaction_temp_id (+)
        AND   NVL ( mtlt.lot_number, 'XX' ) = NVL ( p_lot_number, 'XX')
	AND   mmtt.transaction_temp_id=wdt.transaction_temp_id(+)
	AND   NVL(wdt.status, 1) NOT IN (3, 4, 9)
        ORDER BY Nvl(mmtt.TASK_PRIORITY,0);
Line: 1157

      SELECT Count(DISTINCT msn.serial_number)
      INTO   l_allocated_pri_qty
      FROM   mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt, mtl_serial_numbers msn, wms_dispatched_tasks wdt
      WHERE  mmtt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.transaction_temp_id (+)
      AND    ((msnt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id AND
                mtlt.lot_number IS NULL) OR
              (msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
                AND mtlt.lot_number IS NOT NULL)
      AND    (p_parent_lpn_id IS NULL OR NVL ( mmtt.allocated_lpn_id, NVL ( mmtt.lpn_id, NVL ( mmtt.content_lpn_id, -1 ) ) ) = p_parent_lpn_id)
      AND    mmtt.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
      AND    mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
      AND    mmtt.subinventory_code = p_subinventory
      AND    mmtt.locator_id = p_locator_id
      AND    nvl(mtlt.lot_number,'@@@') = nvl(p_lot_number,'@@@')
      AND    nvl(mmtt.revision,'##') = nvl(p_revision,'##')
      AND    (p_from_serial_number IS NULL OR p_to_serial_number IS NULL OR msn.serial_number between p_from_serial_number AND p_to_serial_number)
      AND    msn.serial_number BETWEEN msnt.FM_SERIAL_NUMBER AND msnt.TO_SERIAL_NUMBER
      AND    msn.inventory_item_id = mmtt.inventory_item_id
      AND    (p_parent_lpn_id IS NULL OR NVL(msn.lpn_id, -1) = p_parent_lpn_id)
      AND    msn.CURRENT_ORGANIZATION_ID=mmtt.organization_id
	    AND    mmtt.transaction_temp_id=wdt.transaction_temp_id(+)
	    AND    NVL(wdt.status, 1) <> 4;
Line: 1183

      SELECT DISTINCT mmtt.TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID, Count(DISTINCT msn.serial_number) primary_quantity, Nvl(mmtt.TASK_PRIORITY,0)
      FROM   mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt, mtl_serial_numbers msn, wms_dispatched_tasks wdt
      WHERE  mmtt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.transaction_temp_id (+)
      AND    ((msnt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id AND
                mtlt.lot_number is null) OR
              (msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
                AND mtlt.lot_number is not null)
      AND    (p_parent_lpn_id IS NULL OR NVL ( mmtt.allocated_lpn_id, NVL ( mmtt.lpn_id, NVL ( mmtt.content_lpn_id, -1 ) ) ) = p_parent_lpn_id)
      AND    mmtt.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
      AND    mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
      AND    mmtt.subinventory_code = p_subinventory
      AND    mmtt.locator_id = p_locator_id
      AND    nvl(mtlt.lot_number,'@@@') = nvl(p_lot_number,'@@@')
      AND    nvl(mmtt.revision,'##') = nvl(p_revision,'##')
      AND    (p_from_serial_number IS NULL OR p_to_serial_number IS NULL OR msn.serial_number between p_from_serial_number AND p_to_serial_number)
      AND    msn.serial_number BETWEEN msnt.FM_SERIAL_NUMBER AND msnt.TO_SERIAL_NUMBER
      AND    msn.inventory_item_id = mmtt.inventory_item_id
      AND    (p_parent_lpn_id IS NULL OR NVL(msn.lpn_id, -1) = p_parent_lpn_id)
      AND    msn.CURRENT_ORGANIZATION_ID=mmtt.organization_id
	    AND    mmtt.transaction_temp_id=wdt.transaction_temp_id(+)
	    AND    NVL(wdt.status, 1) NOT IN (3, 4, 9)
      ORDER BY Nvl(mmtt.TASK_PRIORITY,0);
Line: 1238

  This procedure will get the total allocated pending serial qty for the selected item and SKU.

   x_alloc_cur - A cursor which will give the pending allocations for the selected item and SKU ordered by priority.
   x_allocated_qty - Total allocated pending qty for the selected item and SKU ordered by priority.


  PROCEDURE get_serial_allocated_qty
  (p_organization_id          IN    NUMBER            ,
   p_inventory_item_id        IN    NUMBER            ,
   p_from_serial_number       IN    VARCHAR2 := NULL  ,
   p_to_serial_number         IN    VARCHAR2 := NULL  ,
   x_det_alloc_cur                  OUT NOCOPY t_genref,
   x_det_allocated_qty            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
    l_api_name             CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'get_serial_allocated_qty';
Line: 1276

    SELECT Count(DISTINCT msn.serial_number)
		INTO   l_allocated_pri_qty
		FROM   mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt, mtl_serial_numbers msn, wms_dispatched_tasks wdt
		WHERE  mmtt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.transaction_temp_id (+)
		AND    ((msnt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id AND
              mtlt.lot_number is null) OR
						(msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
              AND mtlt.lot_number is not null)
		AND    mmtt.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
		AND    mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
		AND    (p_from_serial_number IS NULL OR p_to_serial_number IS NULL OR msn.serial_number between p_from_serial_number AND p_to_serial_number)
		AND    msn.serial_number BETWEEN msnt.FM_SERIAL_NUMBER AND msnt.TO_SERIAL_NUMBER
		AND    msn.inventory_item_id = mmtt.inventory_item_id
		AND    msn.CURRENT_ORGANIZATION_ID=mmtt.organization_id
		AND    mmtt.transaction_temp_id=wdt.transaction_temp_id(+)
		AND    NVL(wdt.status, 1) <> 4;
Line: 1296

		SELECT DISTINCT mmtt.TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID, Count(DISTINCT msn.serial_number) primary_quantity, Nvl(mmtt.TASK_PRIORITY,0)
		FROM   mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt, mtl_serial_numbers msn, wms_dispatched_tasks wdt
		WHERE  mmtt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.transaction_temp_id (+)
		AND    ((msnt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id AND
              mtlt.lot_number is null) OR
						(msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
              AND mtlt.lot_number is not null)
		AND    mmtt.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
		AND    mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
		AND    (p_from_serial_number IS NULL OR p_to_serial_number IS NULL OR msn.serial_number between p_from_serial_number AND p_to_serial_number)
		AND    msn.serial_number BETWEEN msnt.FM_SERIAL_NUMBER AND msnt.TO_SERIAL_NUMBER
		AND    msn.inventory_item_id = mmtt.inventory_item_id
		AND    msn.CURRENT_ORGANIZATION_ID=mmtt.organization_id
		AND    mmtt.transaction_temp_id=wdt.transaction_temp_id(+)
		AND    NVL(wdt.status, 1) NOT IN (3, 4, 9)
Line: 1474

	   a. Delete all the lpn level allocations for this lpn.
		 b. Delete all the serial level allocations for the serial item inside this lpn, if serial allocation is set as Yes.
		 c. Check for the total remaining qty at the locator level for each item inside the lpn, and delete the required allocations.

	2. Counted serial is in a diff location.
	   a. Delete all the serial level allocations for the serials, if serial allocation is set as Yes.
		 b. Check for the total remaining qty at the locator level for the item, and delete the required allocations.

	3. Counted lpn in the same location.
	   a. Check for the total lpn level allocations for this lpn, and backorder the allocations till the allocated qty is <= the count qty.
		 b. If the counted item is serial controlled and if serial allocation is set as Yes, delete the required allocations if the system qty is less than count qty.
		 c. Check for the total remaining qty at the locator level for the item, and delete the required allocations.

	4. Counted serials in the same location.
	   a. If the counted item is serial controlled and if serial allocation is set as Yes, delete the required allocations if the system qty is less than count qty.
		 b. Check for the total remaining qty at the locator level for the item, and delete the required allocations.

	5. Counted for non serial loose qties in the same location.
		 a. Check for the total remaining qty at the locator level for the item, and delete the required allocations.

  PROCEDURE backorder_pending_tasks
  (p_organization_id          IN    NUMBER            ,
   p_subinventory             IN    VARCHAR2          ,
   p_locator_id               IN    NUMBER   := NULL  ,
   p_parent_lpn_id            IN    NUMBER   := NULL  ,
   p_inventory_item_id        IN    NUMBER            ,
   p_revision                 IN    VARCHAR2 := NULL  ,
   p_lot_number               IN    VARCHAR2 := NULL  ,
   p_from_serial_number       IN    VARCHAR2 := NULL  ,
   p_to_serial_number         IN    VARCHAR2 := NULL  ,
   p_count_quantity           IN    NUMBER            ,
   p_count_uom                IN    VARCHAR2          ,
   p_user_id                  IN    NUMBER,
   p_cost_group_id            IN    NUMBER   := NULL,
   p_secondary_uom           IN VARCHAR2    := NULL,
   p_secondary_qty           IN NUMBER      := NULL,
   x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
   x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
   x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2

    l_api_name             CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'backorder_pending_tasks';
Line: 1634

			FOR ser_cur IN (SELECT current_subinventory_code, current_locator_id, serial_number
											FROM   mtl_serial_numbers
											WHERE  inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
											AND    current_organization_id = p_organization_id
											AND    serial_number BETWEEN p_from_serial_number AND p_to_serial_number
											AND		 (current_subinventory_code<>p_subinventory
															OR current_locator_id<>p_locator_id)) LOOP

				l_progress  := '18';
Line: 1731

      SELECT NVL ( subinventory_code, '###' ),
            NVL ( locator_id, -99 ),
      INTO   l_lpn_subinv,
      WHERE  lpn_id = p_parent_lpn_id ;
Line: 1822

        FOR lpn_contents_cur IN (SELECT DISTINCT wlc.inventory_item_id, wlc.lot_number, wlc.revision, DECODE(NVL(msn.serial_number, 'XXXX'), 'XXXX', wlc.primary_quantity, 1) primary_quantity, msn.serial_number
																	 FROM wms_lpn_contents wlc, mtl_serial_numbers msn
																	WHERE wlc.parent_lpn_id=p_parent_lpn_id
																		AND wlc.inventory_item_id = msn.inventory_item_id (+)
																		AND ( msn.inventory_item_id IS NULL
																				OR (msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
																						AND msn.lpn_id=wlc.parent_lpn_id)))

          IF (NOT inv_cache.Set_item_rec(p_organization_id => p_organization_id, p_item_id => lpn_contents_cur.inventory_item_id)) THEN

              IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
                mdebug(l_api_name||' : '||lpn_contents_cur.inventory_item_id||' is an invalid item',g_error);
Line: 1931

				FOR lpn_contents_cur IN (SELECT wlc.inventory_item_id, wlc.lot_number, wlc.revision, Sum(wlc.primary_quantity) primary_quantity
																	 FROM wms_lpn_contents wlc
																	WHERE wlc.parent_lpn_id=p_parent_lpn_id
                                  GROUP BY wlc.inventory_item_id, wlc.lot_number, wlc.revision)

          IF (NOT inv_cache.Set_item_rec(p_organization_id => p_organization_id, p_item_id => lpn_contents_cur.inventory_item_id)) THEN

              IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
                mdebug(l_api_name||' : '||lpn_contents_cur.inventory_item_id||' is an invalid item',g_error);
Line: 2043

			FOR ser_cur IN (SELECT current_subinventory_code, current_locator_id, Count(DISTINCT serial_number) ser_cnt
											FROM   mtl_serial_numbers
											WHERE  inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
											AND    current_organization_id = p_organization_id
											AND    serial_number BETWEEN p_from_serial_number AND p_to_serial_number
											AND		 (current_subinventory_code<>p_subinventory
															OR current_locator_id<>p_locator_id)
											GROUP BY current_subinventory_code, current_locator_id) LOOP

				l_progress  := '193';
Line: 2362

          l_progress := 'delete_existing_cyc_count';
Line: 2367

              (p_organization_id          => p_organization_id
              , p_subinventory             => p_subinventory
              , p_locator_id               => p_locator_id
              , p_inventory_item_id        => p_inventory_item_id);
Line: 2373

          l_progress := 'After delete_existing_cyc_count';
Line: 2470

      SELECT NVL ( subinventory_code, '###' ),
            NVL ( locator_id, -99 ),
      INTO   l_lpn_subinv,
      WHERE  lpn_id = p_parent_lpn_id ;
Line: 2501

				FOR lpn_contents_cur IN (SELECT DISTINCT wlc.inventory_item_id, wlc.lot_number, wlc.revision, DECODE(NVL(msn.serial_number, 'XXXX'), 'XXXX', wlc.primary_quantity, 1) primary_quantity, msn.serial_number
																	 FROM wms_lpn_contents wlc, mtl_serial_numbers msn
																	WHERE wlc.parent_lpn_id=p_parent_lpn_id
																		AND wlc.inventory_item_id = msn.inventory_item_id (+)
																		AND ( msn.inventory_item_id IS NULL
																				OR (msn.current_organization_id = p_organization_id
																						AND msn.lpn_id=wlc.parent_lpn_id)))

          IF (NOT inv_cache.Set_item_rec(p_organization_id => p_organization_id, p_item_id => lpn_contents_cur.inventory_item_id)) THEN

              IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
                mdebug(l_api_name||' : '||lpn_contents_cur.inventory_item_id||' is an invalid item',g_error);
Line: 2610

				FOR lpn_contents_cur IN (SELECT wlc.inventory_item_id, wlc.lot_number, wlc.revision, Sum(wlc.primary_quantity) primary_quantity
																	 FROM wms_lpn_contents wlc
																	WHERE wlc.parent_lpn_id=p_parent_lpn_id
                                  GROUP BY wlc.inventory_item_id, wlc.lot_number, wlc.revision)

          IF (NOT inv_cache.Set_item_rec(p_organization_id => p_organization_id, p_item_id => lpn_contents_cur.inventory_item_id)) THEN

              IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
                mdebug(l_api_name||' : '||lpn_contents_cur.inventory_item_id||' is an invalid item',g_error);
Line: 2720

    l_progress := 'delete_existing_cyc_count';
Line: 2725

        (p_organization_id          => p_organization_id
        , p_subinventory             => p_subinventory
        , p_locator_id               => p_locator_id
        , p_inventory_item_id        => p_inventory_item_id);
Line: 2731

    l_progress := 'After delete_existing_cyc_count';