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Line 49: Instead of fnd_common_lookups table, ja_lookups table is being referred

46: 8. 29-Jun-2005 ssumaith - bug#4448789 - removal of hr_operating_units.legal_entity_id from this trigger.
48: 9. 17-Aug-2005 Ramananda for bug#4555466 during R12 Sanity Testing. File Version 120.2
49: Instead of fnd_common_lookups table, ja_lookups table is being referred
51: 10 07/12/2005 Hjujjuru for the bug 4866533 File version 120.3
52: added the who columns in the insert into tables JAI_AP_ETDS_REQUESTS and JAI_AP_ETDS_T.
53: Dependencies Due to this bug:-

Line 1919: FROM ja_lookups jl

1915: CURSOR c_get_tds_regime_info IS
1916: SELECT jl.meaning MEANING
1917: ,jl.lookup_code LOOKUP_CODE
1918: ,jrd.regime_id REGIME_ID
1919: FROM ja_lookups jl
1920: ,jai_rgm_definitions jrd
1921: WHERE jl.lookup_code = jrd.regime_code
1922: AND jl.lookup_type = G_JAI_INDIA_TAX_REGIMES
1923: AND jl.lookup_code = G_TDS

Line 3659: ,ja_lookups jl

3655: --------------------------------------------------------------------
3656: BEGIN
3657: SELECT jatsm.section_code_revised INTO lv_output_string
3658: FROM jai_ap_tds_sec_map jatsm
3659: ,ja_lookups jl
3660: ,jai_rgm_definitions jrd
3661: WHERE jl.lookup_code = jrd.regime_code
3662: AND jl.lookup_type = G_JAI_INDIA_TAX_REGIMES
3663: AND jl.lookup_code = G_TDS

Line 5095: FROM ja_lookups --fnd_common_lookups /* Ramananda for bug#4555466 */

5092: v_deductee_state_code NUMBER;
5093: CURSOR c_state_code(p_state_name IN VARCHAR2,p_state_type IN VARCHAR2) IS
5094: SELECT meaning
5095: FROM ja_lookups --fnd_common_lookups /* Ramananda for bug#4555466 */
5096: WHERE lookup_type = p_state_type
5097: AND lookup_code = p_state_name;
5099: CURSOR c_deductee_pan(p_vendor_id IN NUMBER, p_vendor_site_id IN NUMBER) IS

Line 6711: from ja_lookups lkup

6709: IF v_ministry_name = '99' THEN
6710: select meaning into v_ministry_name_other
6711: from ja_lookups lkup
6712: where lkup.lookup_type = 'JAI_MIN_NAME_VALUES'
6713: and lkup.lookup_code = '99';
6714: else
6715: v_ministry_name_other := NULL;