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Line 1102: --* site_id -> location_id hz_party_sites_v or hz_party_sites

1098: --dbms_output.put_line('>>>MATCH_CONDITION - SR_BILL_TO_COUNTRY');
1099: --** debug ends!!
1101: --* site_use_id -> site_id hz_party_site_uses
1102: --* site_id -> location_id hz_party_sites_v or hz_party_sites
1103: --* location has country code hz_locations, use CSDSERVC.pld as example
1104: l_short_string_input := GET_COUNTRY_CODE(p_site_use_id => l_rule_input_rec.SR_BILL_TO_SITE_USE_ID); --get sr bill to country from l_rule_input_rec.SR_BILL_TO_SITE_USE_ID
1105: l_return_val := CHECK_CONDITION_MATCH(p_input_param => l_short_string_input,
1106: p_operator => p_operator,

Line 1246: FROM hz_locations hl, hz_party_sites hps,

1242: if l_rule_input_rec.SR_SHIP_TO_SITE_USE_ID IS NOT NULL
1243: then
1244: SELECT hl.city
1246: FROM hz_locations hl, hz_party_sites hps,
1247: hz_party_site_uses hpsu
1248: WHERE hpsu.party_site_use_id = l_rule_input_rec.SR_SHIP_TO_SITE_USE_ID
1249: AND hpsu.site_use_type = 'SHIP_TO'
1250: AND hpsu.party_site_id = hps.party_site_id

Line 1912: FROM hz_party_sites a,

1909: ---- cursors ----
1910: CURSOR cur_get_country_code(p_site_use_id NUMBER) IS
1911: SELECT b.country
1912: FROM hz_party_sites a,
1913: hz_locations b,
1914: hz_party_site_uses c
1915: WHERE a.location_id = b.location_id
1916: AND a.party_site_id = c.party_site_id

Line 2541: || ' from hz_party_sites hps, hz_locations hl, hz_party_site_uses hpsu'

2537: when 'SR_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_ID' then
2538: l_join_stmt := 'csb.account_id ' || l_num_condition;
2539: when 'SR_BILL_TO_COUNTRY' then
2540: l_join_stmt := 'csb.bill_to_site_use_id in (select hpsu.party_site_use_id'
2541: || ' from hz_party_sites hps, hz_locations hl, hz_party_site_uses hpsu'
2542: || ' where hps.location_id = hl.location_id'
2543: || ' and hps.party_site_id = hpsu.party_site_id'
2544: || ' and hpsu.party_site_use_id = csb.bill_to_site_use_id'
2545: || ' and hl.country '

Line 2549: || ' from hz_party_sites hps, hz_locations hl, hz_party_site_uses hpsu'

2545: || ' and hl.country '
2546: || l_str_condition || ')';
2547: when 'SR_SHIP_TO_COUNTRY' then
2548: l_join_stmt := 'csb.ship_to_site_use_id in (select hpsu.party_site_use_id'
2549: || ' from hz_party_sites hps, hz_locations hl, hz_party_site_uses hpsu'
2550: || ' where hps.location_id = hl.location_id'
2551: || ' and hps.party_site_id = hpsu.party_site_id'
2552: || ' and hpsu.party_site_use_id = csb.ship_to_site_use_id'
2553: || ' and hl.country '