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Line 83: from gl_je_headers gh,

79: nvl(gh.ussgl_transaction_code, '*'),
80: gh.currency_code,
81: (select sob.currency_code from gl_sets_of_books sob where sob.set_of_books_id = gh.ledger_id),
82: decode(gl.entered_dr, NULL, 0, 1) + decode(gl.entered_cr, NULL, 0, -1)
83: from gl_je_headers gh,
84: gl_je_lines gl
85: where gh.je_batch_id = p_je_batch_id
86: and gl.je_header_id = gh.je_header_id
87: and gh.je_category = 'MTL'

Line 99: TYPE ussgl_transaction_code_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_headers.ussgl_transaction_code%TYPE;

96: TYPE je_header_id_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_lines.je_header_id%TYPE;
97: TYPE je_line_num_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_lines.je_line_num%TYPE;
98: TYPE code_combination_id_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_lines.code_combination_id%TYPE;
99: TYPE ussgl_transaction_code_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_headers.ussgl_transaction_code%TYPE;
100: TYPE gl_currency_code_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_headers.currency_code%TYPE;
101: TYPE ledger_currency_code_type IS TABLE OF gl_sets_of_books.currency_code%TYPE;
103: je_header_id_tab je_header_id_type;

Line 100: TYPE gl_currency_code_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_headers.currency_code%TYPE;

96: TYPE je_header_id_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_lines.je_header_id%TYPE;
97: TYPE je_line_num_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_lines.je_line_num%TYPE;
98: TYPE code_combination_id_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_lines.code_combination_id%TYPE;
99: TYPE ussgl_transaction_code_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_headers.ussgl_transaction_code%TYPE;
100: TYPE gl_currency_code_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_headers.currency_code%TYPE;
101: TYPE ledger_currency_code_type IS TABLE OF gl_sets_of_books.currency_code%TYPE;
103: je_header_id_tab je_header_id_type;
104: je_line_num_tab je_line_num_type;

Line 424: from gl_je_headers gh,

420: nvl(gh.ussgl_transaction_code, '*'),
421: gh.currency_code,
422: (select sob.currency_code from gl_sets_of_books sob where sob.set_of_books_id = gh.ledger_id),
423: decode(gl.entered_dr, NULL, 0, 1) + decode(gl.entered_cr, NULL, 0, -1)
424: from gl_je_headers gh,
425: gl_je_lines gl
426: where gh.je_batch_id = p_je_batch_id
427: and gl.je_header_id = gh.je_header_id
428: and gh.je_category = 'WIP'

Line 440: TYPE ussgl_transaction_code_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_headers.ussgl_transaction_code%TYPE;

437: TYPE je_header_id_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_lines.je_header_id%TYPE;
438: TYPE je_line_num_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_lines.je_line_num%TYPE;
439: TYPE code_combination_id_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_lines.code_combination_id%TYPE;
440: TYPE ussgl_transaction_code_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_headers.ussgl_transaction_code%TYPE;
441: TYPE gl_currency_code_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_headers.currency_code%TYPE;
442: TYPE ledger_currency_code_type IS TABLE OF gl_sets_of_books.currency_code%TYPE;
444: je_header_id_tab je_header_id_type;

Line 441: TYPE gl_currency_code_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_headers.currency_code%TYPE;

437: TYPE je_header_id_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_lines.je_header_id%TYPE;
438: TYPE je_line_num_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_lines.je_line_num%TYPE;
439: TYPE code_combination_id_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_lines.code_combination_id%TYPE;
440: TYPE ussgl_transaction_code_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_headers.ussgl_transaction_code%TYPE;
441: TYPE gl_currency_code_type IS TABLE OF gl_je_headers.currency_code%TYPE;
442: TYPE ledger_currency_code_type IS TABLE OF gl_sets_of_books.currency_code%TYPE;
444: je_header_id_tab je_header_id_type;
445: je_line_num_tab je_line_num_type;

Line 766: gl_je_headers gh

762: CURSOR c_glb ( l_from_date IN DATE,
763: l_to_date IN DATE ) IS
764: SELECT DISTINCT gh.je_batch_id
765: FROM gl_period_statuses gps,
766: gl_je_headers gh
767: WHERE gps.set_of_books_id = p_ledger_id
768: AND gps.migration_status_code = 'U'
769: AND gps.application_id = 401
770: AND gps.start_date >= l_from_date