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APPS.BEN_DCE_BUS dependencies on BEN_DCE_SHD

Line 48: l_api_updating := ben_dce_shd.api_updating

44: Begin
45: --
46: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
47: --
48: l_api_updating := ben_dce_shd.api_updating
49: (p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
50: p_dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_id => p_dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_id,
51: p_object_version_number => p_object_version_number);
52: --

Line 55: <> ben_dce_shd.g_old_rec.dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_id) then

51: p_object_version_number => p_object_version_number);
52: --
53: if (l_api_updating
54: and nvl(p_dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_id,hr_api.g_number)
55: <> ben_dce_shd.g_old_rec.dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_id) then
56: --
57: -- raise error as PK has changed
58: --
59: ben_dce_shd.constraint_error('BEN_DPNT_CVG_ELG_PK');

Line 59: ben_dce_shd.constraint_error('BEN_DPNT_CVG_ELG_PK');

55: <> ben_dce_shd.g_old_rec.dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_id) then
56: --
57: -- raise error as PK has changed
58: --
59: ben_dce_shd.constraint_error('BEN_DPNT_CVG_ELG_PK');
60: --
61: elsif not l_api_updating then
62: --
63: -- check if PK is null

Line 69: ben_dce_shd.constraint_error('BEN_DPNT_CVG_ELG_PK');

65: if p_dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_id is not null then
66: --
67: -- raise error as PK is not null
68: --
69: ben_dce_shd.constraint_error('BEN_DPNT_CVG_ELG_PK');
70: --
71: end if;
72: --
73: end if;

Line 134: l_api_updating := ben_dce_shd.api_updating

130: Begin
131: --
132: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
133: --
134: l_api_updating := ben_dce_shd.api_updating
135: (p_dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_id => p_dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_id,
136: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
137: p_object_version_number => p_object_version_number);
138: --

Line 141: <> ben_dce_shd.g_old_rec.dpnt_cvg_elig_det_rl

137: p_object_version_number => p_object_version_number);
138: --
139: if (l_api_updating
140: and nvl(p_dpnt_cvg_elig_det_rl,hr_api.g_number)
141: <> ben_dce_shd.g_old_rec.dpnt_cvg_elig_det_rl
142: or not l_api_updating)
143: and p_dpnt_cvg_elig_det_rl is not null then
144: --
145: -- check if value of formula rule is valid.

Line 212: l_api_updating := ben_dce_shd.api_updating

208: Begin
209: --
210: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
211: --
212: l_api_updating := ben_dce_shd.api_updating
213: (p_dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_id => p_dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_id,
214: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
215: p_object_version_number => p_object_version_number);
216: --

Line 219: <> nvl(ben_dce_shd.g_old_rec.dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_stat_cd,hr_api.g_varchar2)

215: p_object_version_number => p_object_version_number);
216: --
217: if (l_api_updating
218: and p_dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_stat_cd
219: <> nvl(ben_dce_shd.g_old_rec.dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_stat_cd,hr_api.g_varchar2)
220: or not l_api_updating)
221: and p_dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_stat_cd is not null then
222: --
223: -- check if value of lookup falls within lookup type.

Line 298: l_api_updating := ben_dce_shd.api_updating

294: Begin
295: --
296: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
297: --
298: l_api_updating := ben_dce_shd.api_updating
299: (p_dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_id => p_dpnt_cvg_eligy_prfl_id,
300: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
301: p_object_version_number => p_object_version_number);
302: --

Line 304: and p_name <> ben_dce_shd.g_old_rec.name)

300: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
301: p_object_version_number => p_object_version_number);
302: --
303: if (l_api_updating
304: and p_name <> ben_dce_shd.g_old_rec.name)
305: or not l_api_updating then
306: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:' || l_proc,10);
307: --
308: -- Check if this name already exists.

Line 317: ben_dce_shd.constraint_error('BEN_DPNT_CVG_ELG_UK1');

313: close csr_name;
314: --
315: -- raise error as UK1 is violated.
316: --
317: ben_dce_shd.constraint_error('BEN_DPNT_CVG_ELG_UK1');
318: end if;
319: close csr_name;
320: --
321: end if;

Line 792: (p_rec in ben_dce_shd.g_rec_type,

788: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
789: -- |---------------------------< insert_validate >----------------------------|
790: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
791: Procedure insert_validate
792: (p_rec in ben_dce_shd.g_rec_type,
793: p_effective_date in date,
794: p_datetrack_mode in varchar2,
795: p_validation_start_date in date,
796: p_validation_end_date in date) is

Line 855: (p_rec in ben_dce_shd.g_rec_type,

851: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
852: -- |---------------------------< update_validate >----------------------------|
853: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
854: Procedure update_validate
855: (p_rec in ben_dce_shd.g_rec_type,
856: p_effective_date in date,
857: p_datetrack_mode in varchar2,
858: p_validation_start_date in date,
859: p_validation_end_date in date) is

Line 926: (p_rec in ben_dce_shd.g_rec_type,

922: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
923: -- |---------------------------< delete_validate >----------------------------|
924: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
925: Procedure delete_validate
926: (p_rec in ben_dce_shd.g_rec_type,
927: p_effective_date in date,
928: p_datetrack_mode in varchar2,
929: p_validation_start_date in date,
930: p_validation_end_date in date) is