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Line 28: -- P_labor_std_bill_rate_schdl VARCHAR2 NO Standard bill rate schedule

24: -- P_item_date DATE YES Forecast Item date
25: -- P_project_bill_job_grp_id NUMBER NO Billing job group id for project
26: -- P_labor_schdl_discnt NUMBER NO Labour schedule discount
27: -- P_labor_bill_rate_org_id NUMBER NO Bill rate organization id
28: -- P_labor_std_bill_rate_schdl VARCHAR2 NO Standard bill rate schedule
29: -- P_labor_schdl_fixed_date DATE NO Labor schedule fixed date
30: -- P_forecast_job_id NUMBER YES Forecast job Id at assignment level
31: -- P_forecast_job_grp_id NUMBER YES Forecast job group id at assignment level
32: -- P_labor_schdl_type VARCHAR2 NO Labor schedule type i.e. 'I' (Indirect) 'B'( Bill)

Line 126: l_labor_std_bill_rate_schdl pa_projects_all.labor_std_bill_rate_schdl%TYPE; -- store labor standard

122: l_adjusted_rate NUMBER:=NULL; -- Local variable
123: l_labor_schdl_discnt NUMBER; -- Variable to store labor schedule discount
124: l_discount_pct NUMBER; -- Variable to store the discount pct override
125: l_labor_bill_rate_org_id NUMBER; -- Variable to store labor bill rate organization id
126: l_labor_std_bill_rate_schdl pa_projects_all.labor_std_bill_rate_schdl%TYPE; -- store labor standard
127: -- bill rate schedule
128: l_labor_schdl_fixed_date DATE; -- variable to store labor schedule fixed date
129: l_labor_sch_type pa_projects_all.labor_sch_type%TYPE; -- store labor schedule type

Line 264: -- Selecting labor schedule discount,labor bill rate orgnization id,labor standard bill rate

261: IF ( NVL(l_revenue_calculated_flag,'N') = 'N') THEN /* added for bug 2212852 { */
264: -- Selecting labor schedule discount,labor bill rate orgnization id,labor standard bill rate
265: -- schedule and labor schedule fixed date if any one of them is null then taking value from task
266: -- table only if passed task id is not null if it is null then taking value from project table
268: IF ( (p_labor_schdl_discnt IS NULL )OR (p_labor_bill_rate_org_id IS NULL)

Line 557: | revenue using standard job bill rate schedule. |

553: /*------------------------------------------------------------+
554: |5. Job based bill rate schedule for forecasting |
555: +------------------------------------------------------------+
556: | Set bill rate, raw revenue, adjusted rate, adjusted |
557: | revenue using standard job bill rate schedule. |
558: +------------------------------------------------------------*/
560: IF ( l_raw_revenue IS NULL AND l_bill_rate IS NULL ) THEN

Line 680: -- P_labor_std_bill_rate_schdl VARCHAR2 NO Standard bill rate schedule

676: -- P_raw_cost NUMBER YES Row cost
677: -- P_item_date DATE YES Forecast Item date
678: -- P_labor_schdl_discnt NUMBER NO Labour schedule discount
679: -- P_labor_bill_rate_org_id NUMBER NO Bill rate organization id
680: -- P_labor_std_bill_rate_schdl VARCHAR2 NO Standard bill rate schedule
681: -- P_labor_schdl_fixed_date DATE NO Schedule date
682: -- P_bill_job_grp_id NUMBER NO Project Group Id
683: -- P_item_id NUMBER NO Unique id
684: -- P_forecast_item_id NUMBER NO Unique identifier for forecast item used in

Line 770: l_labor_std_bill_rate_schdl VARCHAR2(20); -- store labor standard bill rate schedule

766: l_adjusted_revenue NUMBER; -- Local variable
767: l_adjusted_rate NUMBER:=NULL; -- Local variable
768: l_labor_schdl_discnt NUMBER; -- store labor schedule discount
769: l_labor_bill_rate_org_id NUMBER; -- store labor bill rate organization id
770: l_labor_std_bill_rate_schdl VARCHAR2(20); -- store labor standard bill rate schedule
771: l_labor_schdl_fixed_date DATE; -- store labor schedule fixed date
772: l_labor_sch_type VARCHAR2(1); -- store labor schedule type
773: l_expenditure_currency_code gl_sets_of_books.currency_code%TYPE := null;
774: l_bill_job_grp_id pa_projects_all.bill_job_group_id%TYPE; -- store bill job group id

Line 979: -- Selecting labor schedule discount,labor bill rate orgnization id,labor standard bill rate

976: IF ( NVL(l_revenue_calculated_flag,'N') = 'N' ) THEN /* added for bug 2212852 { */
979: -- Selecting labor schedule discount,labor bill rate orgnization id,labor standard bill rate
980: -- schedule and labor schedule fixed date if any one of them is null then taking value from task
981: -- table only if passed task id is not null if it is null then taking value from project table
982: /* bug#4245956, added the p_called_Process='TASK or PROJECT' for RATE API */
983: IF ( ((p_labor_schdl_discnt IS NULL )OR (p_labor_bill_rate_org_id IS NULL)

Line 1899: |15. Standard Employee bill rate schedule . |

1895: END;
1896: END IF;
1898: /*------------------------------------------------------------+
1899: |15. Standard Employee bill rate schedule . |
1900: | Set bill rate, raw revenue, adjusted rate, adjusted |
1901: | revenue using standard employee bill rate schedule. |
1902: +------------------------------------------------------------*/
1903: /* Changes done for bug 2668753. Whenever MCB is 'Y' the denom_raw_cost and denom_curr_code

Line 1901: | revenue using standard employee bill rate schedule. |

1898: /*------------------------------------------------------------+
1899: |15. Standard Employee bill rate schedule . |
1900: | Set bill rate, raw revenue, adjusted rate, adjusted |
1901: | revenue using standard employee bill rate schedule. |
1902: +------------------------------------------------------------*/
1903: /* Changes done for bug 2668753. Whenever MCB is 'Y' the denom_raw_cost and denom_curr_code
1904: are changed to l_mcb_raw_cost and l_mcb_currency_code */

Line 2146: |16. Standard Job bill rate schedule |

2142: END IF; */
2145: /*------------------------------------------------------------+
2146: |16. Standard Job bill rate schedule |
2147: +------------------------------------------------------------+
2148: | Set bill rate, raw revenue, adjusted rate, adjusted |
2149: | revenue using standard job bill rate schedule. |
2150: +------------------------------------------------------------*/

Line 2149: | revenue using standard job bill rate schedule. |

2145: /*------------------------------------------------------------+
2146: |16. Standard Job bill rate schedule |
2147: +------------------------------------------------------------+
2148: | Set bill rate, raw revenue, adjusted rate, adjusted |
2149: | revenue using standard job bill rate schedule. |
2150: +------------------------------------------------------------*/
2152: IF ( l_raw_revenue IS NULL AND l_bill_rate IS NULL AND l_called_process =0 AND
2153: (nvl(l_amount_calculation_code,'O') IN ('J','O')) ) THEN

Line 2232: |16a. Standard Job bill rate schedule at Project |

2231: /*------------------------------------------------------------+
2232: |16a. Standard Job bill rate schedule at Project |
2233: +------------------------------------------------------------+
2234: | Set bill rate, raw revenue, adjusted rate, adjusted |
2235: | revenue using standard job bill rate schedule. |
2236: +------------------------------------------------------------

Line 2235: | revenue using standard job bill rate schedule. |

2231: /*------------------------------------------------------------+
2232: |16a. Standard Job bill rate schedule at Project |
2233: +------------------------------------------------------------+
2234: | Set bill rate, raw revenue, adjusted rate, adjusted |
2235: | revenue using standard job bill rate schedule. |
2236: +------------------------------------------------------------
2238: IF ( l_raw_revenue IS NULL AND l_bill_rate IS NULL AND p_called_process !='PA') THEN