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Line 666: wwtt.loaded_lpn_id = NVL((select transfer_lpn_id from wms_dispatched_tasks_history wdth where wdth.task_id = wwtt.task_id),

662: */
663: UPDATE wms_waveplan_tasks_temp wwtt
664: -- transfer_lpn_id would be null if it is loaded into the same lpn as that of picked.
665: SET wwtt.picked_lpn_id = NVL(wwtt.content_lpn_id,wwtt.from_lpn_id), /*12984304 Changed the order in NVL */
666: wwtt.loaded_lpn_id = NVL((select transfer_lpn_id from wms_dispatched_tasks_history wdth where wdth.task_id = wwtt.task_id),
667: NVL(wwtt.to_lpn_id, NVL(wwtt.content_lpn_id, wwtt.from_lpn_id)))
668: WHERE wwtt.task_type_id IN (1, 4, 5, 6)
669: AND wwtt.status_id = 6;

Line 2260: l_from_generic || 'wms_dispatched_tasks_history wdth';

2256: l_from_generic || 'mtl_material_transactions mmt, ';
2257: END IF;
2259: l_from_generic :=
2260: l_from_generic || 'wms_dispatched_tasks_history wdth';
2261: /*IF g_operation_sequence_visible = 'T' AND wms_plan_tasks_pvt.g_query_planned_tasks = TRUE THEN
2262: l_from_generic :=
2263: l_from_generic || 'wms_op_opertn_instances_hist wooih';
2264: END IF; */

Line 2267: l_from_generic := l_from_generic || 'wms_dispatched_tasks_history wdth';

2263: l_from_generic || 'wms_op_opertn_instances_hist wooih';
2264: END IF; */
2265: --ER13869750 Starts
2266: ELSIF ( p_is_picknone )THEN
2267: l_from_generic := l_from_generic || 'wms_dispatched_tasks_history wdth';
2268: --ER13869750 Ends
2269: END IF;
2271: IF p_populate_merged_tasks

Line 8332: l_from_cc || ', wms_dispatched_tasks_history wdt ';

8328: l_from_cc := l_from_cc || ', wms_dispatched_tasks wdt ';
8329: ELSIF i = 2
8330: THEN
8331: l_from_cc :=
8332: l_from_cc || ', wms_dispatched_tasks_history wdt ';
8333: END IF;
8334: END IF;
8336: IF p_item_category_id IS NOT NULL OR p_category_set_id IS NOT NULL

Line 13031: l_from_generic := l_from_generic || 'wms_dispatched_tasks_history wdth';

13027: l_select_generic := l_select_generic || 'to_number(null) ';
13028: debug('select for bulk picknone'||l_select_generic);
13029: l_from_generic := null;
13030: l_from_generic := ' FROM ';
13031: l_from_generic := l_from_generic || 'wms_dispatched_tasks_history wdth';
13032: l_from_generic := l_from_generic || ', mtl_system_items_vl msiv '; --Bug 11798973 Modified to fetch translated value
13033: l_from_generic := l_from_generic || ', mtl_item_locations_kfv milv ';
13034: IF p_item_category_id IS NOT NULL OR p_category_set_id IS NOT NULL THEN
13035: l_from_generic := l_from_generic || ', mtl_item_categories mic ';