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Line 1: PACKAGE BODY Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util AS

1: PACKAGE BODY Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util AS
2: /* $Header: BOMREAMB.pls 115.6 2004/03/19 12:39:30 earumuga ship $ */
3: /****************************************************************************
4: --
5: -- Copyright (c) 2001 Oracle Corporation, Redwood Shores, CA, USA

Line 14: -- Body of package Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util : eAM utility for routing package

10: -- BOMREAMB.pls
11: --
13: --
14: -- Body of package Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util : eAM utility for routing package
15: --
16: -- NOTES
17: --
18: -- HISTORY

Line 24: G_Pkg_Name VARCHAR2(30) := 'Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util';

20: -- 12-AUG-01 Masanori Kimizuka Initial Creation
21: --
22: ****************************************************************************/
24: G_Pkg_Name VARCHAR2(30) := 'Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util';
26: /*******************************************************************
27: * Procedure : CheckNwkExists
28: * Parameters IN : routing_sequence_id

Line 1260: ( p_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type

1256: * will return old record in the old entity parameters
1257: * with a success status.
1258: *********************************************************************/
1259: PROCEDURE Op_Node_Check_Existence
1260: ( p_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1261: , x_old_op_node_rec IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1262: , x_return_mesg IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1263: , x_return_status IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1264: )

Line 1261: , x_old_op_node_rec IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type

1257: * with a success status.
1258: *********************************************************************/
1259: PROCEDURE Op_Node_Check_Existence
1260: ( p_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1261: , x_old_op_node_rec IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1262: , x_return_mesg IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1263: , x_return_status IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1264: )
1265: IS

Line 1374: ( p_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type

1370: * record with values from the database record, for all
1371: * columns that the user has left NULL.
1372: ********************************************************************/
1373: PROCEDURE Op_Node_Populate_Null_Columns
1374: ( p_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1375: , p_old_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1376: , x_op_node_rec IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1377: )
1378: IS

Line 1375: , p_old_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type

1371: * columns that the user has left NULL.
1372: ********************************************************************/
1373: PROCEDURE Op_Node_Populate_Null_Columns
1374: ( p_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1375: , p_old_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1376: , x_op_node_rec IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1377: )
1378: IS

Line 1376: , x_op_node_rec IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type

1372: ********************************************************************/
1373: PROCEDURE Op_Node_Populate_Null_Columns
1374: ( p_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1375: , p_old_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1376: , x_op_node_rec IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1377: )
1378: IS

Line 1420: ( p_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type

1416: * Purpose : Entity defaulting proc. defualts columns to
1417: * appropriate values.
1418: *********************************************************************/
1419: PROCEDURE Op_Node_Entity_Defaulting
1420: ( p_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1421: , x_op_node_rec IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1422: , x_return_mesg IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1423: , x_return_status IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1424: )

Line 1421: , x_op_node_rec IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type

1417: * appropriate values.
1418: *********************************************************************/
1419: PROCEDURE Op_Node_Entity_Defaulting
1420: ( p_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1421: , x_op_node_rec IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1422: , x_return_mesg IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1423: , x_return_status IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1424: )
1425: IS

Line 1479: ( p_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type

1475: * It will also verify that changes in one column value
1476: * does not invalidate some other columns.
1477: **********************************************************************/
1478: PROCEDURE Op_Node_Check_Entity
1479: ( p_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1480: , p_old_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1481: , x_op_node_rec IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1482: , x_return_mesg IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1483: , x_return_status IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

Line 1480: , p_old_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type

1476: * does not invalidate some other columns.
1477: **********************************************************************/
1478: PROCEDURE Op_Node_Check_Entity
1479: ( p_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1480: , p_old_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1481: , x_op_node_rec IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1482: , x_return_mesg IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1483: , x_return_status IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1484: )

Line 1481: , x_op_node_rec IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type

1477: **********************************************************************/
1478: PROCEDURE Op_Node_Check_Entity
1479: ( p_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1480: , p_old_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1481: , x_op_node_rec IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1482: , x_return_mesg IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1483: , x_return_status IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1484: )
1485: IS

Line 1530: ( p_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type

1526: * Purpose : Perform any insert/update/deletes to the
1527: * Operation Sequences table.
1528: *********************************************************************/
1529: PROCEDURE Op_Node_Perform_Writes
1530: ( p_op_node_rec IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type
1531: , x_return_mesg IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1532: , x_return_status IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1533: )
1534: IS

Line 1612: ( p_op_node_tbl IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Tbl_Type

1608: * Purpose : This procedure will process all the Operation Nodes records.
1609: *
1610: *****************************************************************************/
1611: PROCEDURE Operation_Nodes
1612: ( p_op_node_tbl IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Tbl_Type
1613: , x_op_node_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Tbl_Type
1614: , x_return_mesg IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1615: , x_return_status IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1616: )

Line 1613: , x_op_node_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Tbl_Type

1609: *
1610: *****************************************************************************/
1611: PROCEDURE Operation_Nodes
1612: ( p_op_node_tbl IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Tbl_Type
1613: , x_op_node_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Tbl_Type
1614: , x_return_mesg IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1615: , x_return_status IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1616: )
1617: IS

Line 1619: l_op_node_tbl Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Tbl_Type ;

1615: , x_return_status IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1616: )
1617: IS
1619: l_op_node_tbl Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Tbl_Type ;
1620: l_op_node_rec Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type ;
1621: l_old_op_node_rec Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type ;
1623: l_return_status VARCHAR2(1) ;

Line 1620: l_op_node_rec Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type ;

1616: )
1617: IS
1619: l_op_node_tbl Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Tbl_Type ;
1620: l_op_node_rec Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type ;
1621: l_old_op_node_rec Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type ;
1623: l_return_status VARCHAR2(1) ;
1624: l_return_mesg VARCHAR2(2000) ;

Line 1621: l_old_op_node_rec Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type ;

1617: IS
1619: l_op_node_tbl Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Tbl_Type ;
1620: l_op_node_rec Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type ;
1621: l_old_op_node_rec Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Rec_Type ;
1623: l_return_status VARCHAR2(1) ;
1624: l_return_mesg VARCHAR2(2000) ;

Line 1712: Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Check_Existence

1708: END IF;
1710: -- Process Flow step : Verify Operation 's existence
1711: --
1712: Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Check_Existence
1713: ( p_op_node_rec => l_op_node_rec
1714: , x_old_op_node_rec => l_old_op_node_rec
1715: , x_return_mesg => l_return_mesg
1716: , x_return_status => l_return_status

Line 1751: Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Populate_Null_Columns

1747: IF BOM_Rtg_Globals.Get_Debug = 'Y' THEN
1748: Error_Handler.Write_Debug('Populate NULL columns') ;
1749: END IF ;
1751: Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Populate_Null_Columns
1752: ( p_op_node_rec => l_op_node_rec
1753: , p_old_op_node_rec => l_old_op_node_rec
1754: , x_op_node_rec => l_op_node_rec
1755: );

Line 1776: Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Entity_Defaulting

1772: IF l_op_node_rec.transaction_type IN ( BOM_Rtg_Globals.G_OPR_CREATE
1773: , BOM_Rtg_Globals.G_OPR_UPDATE )
1774: THEN
1776: Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Entity_Defaulting
1777: ( p_op_node_rec => l_op_node_rec
1778: , x_op_node_rec => l_op_node_rec
1779: , x_return_mesg => l_return_mesg
1780: , x_return_status => l_return_status

Line 1808: Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Check_Entity

1804: --
1805: -- Process Flow step : Entity Level Validation
1806: -- Call Bom_Validate_Op_Res.Check_Entity
1807: --
1808: Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Check_Entity
1809: ( p_op_node_rec => l_op_node_rec
1810: , p_old_op_node_rec => l_old_op_node_rec
1811: , x_op_node_rec => l_op_node_rec
1812: , x_return_mesg => l_return_mesg

Line 1841: Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Perform_Writes

1838: --
1839: -- Process Flow step 16 : Database Writes
1840: --
1841: Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Node_Perform_Writes
1842: ( p_op_node_rec => l_op_node_rec
1843: , x_return_mesg => l_return_mesg
1844: , x_return_status => l_return_status
1845: ) ;

Line 1906: ( p_op_link_tbl IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Link_Tbl_Type

1902: END Operation_Nodes ;
1905: PROCEDURE Create_OpNwkTbl_From_OpLinkTbl
1906: ( p_op_link_tbl IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Link_Tbl_Type
1907: , x_op_network_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Pub.Op_Network_Tbl_Type
1908: )
1909: IS

Line 1993: ( p_op_link_tbl IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Link_Tbl_Type

1989: * Purpose : This procedure will process all the Operation Link records
1990: * using Routing Business Objects.
1991: *****************************************************************************/
1992: PROCEDURE Operation_Links
1993: ( p_op_link_tbl IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Link_Tbl_Type
1994: , x_op_link_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Link_Tbl_Type
1995: , x_message_list IN OUT NOCOPY Error_Handler.Error_Tbl_Type
1996: , x_return_status IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1997: )

Line 1994: , x_op_link_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Link_Tbl_Type

1990: * using Routing Business Objects.
1991: *****************************************************************************/
1992: PROCEDURE Operation_Links
1993: ( p_op_link_tbl IN Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Link_Tbl_Type
1994: , x_op_link_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util.Op_Link_Tbl_Type
1995: , x_message_list IN OUT NOCOPY Error_Handler.Error_Tbl_Type
1996: , x_return_status IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1997: )
1998: IS

Line 2087: END Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util ;

2083: END Operation_Links ;
2087: END Bom_Rtg_Eam_Util ;