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Line 74: l_khr_id okc_k_headers_b.id%type;

70: l_line_cust_address_id OKL_TRX_AR_INVOICES_V.ibt_id%TYPE;
71: l_line_receipt_method_id OKL_TRX_AR_INVOICES_V.irm_id%TYPE;
72: l_line_term_id OKL_TRX_AR_INVOICES_V.irt_id%TYPE;
74: l_khr_id okc_k_headers_b.id%type;
76: CURSOR get_chr_id (p_kle_id NUMBER) IS
77: select dnz_chr_id
78: from okc_k_lines_b

Line 85: FROM okc_k_headers_b khr

81: -- nikshah -- Bug # 5484903 Fixed,
82: -- Changed CURSOR line_bill_to_csr SQL definition
83: CURSOR line_bill_to_csr(p_khr_id NUMBER, p_kle_id NUMBER) IS
84: SELECT cs.cust_acct_site_id, cp.standard_terms payment_term_id
85: FROM okc_k_headers_b khr
86: , okx_cust_site_uses_v cs
87: , okc_k_lines_b cle
88: , hz_customer_profiles cp
89: WHERE khr.id = p_khr_id

Line 97: FROM okc_k_headers_b khr

93: AND cle.BILL_TO_SITE_USE_ID = cs.id1
94: AND khr.bill_to_site_use_id = cp.site_use_id(+)
96: SELECT cs.cust_acct_site_id, cp.standard_terms payment_term_id
97: FROM okc_k_headers_b khr
98: , okc_k_lines_b cle
99: , okc_k_items item
100: , okc_k_lines_b linked_asset
101: , okx_cust_site_uses_v cs

Line 723: FROM okc_k_headers_b

719: IS
720: --modified by pgomes on 21-aug-2003 for rules migration
721: CURSOR get_khr_id_csr ( p_contract_number VARCHAR2 ) IS
722: SELECT cust_acct_id
723: FROM okc_k_headers_b
724: where contract_number = p_contract_number;
726: --commented out by pgomes on 21-aug-2003 for rules migration
727: BEGIN

Line 1912: l_khr_id okc_k_headers_b.id%type;

1908: l_group_by_contract_yn okl_invoice_types_v.group_by_contract_yn%type;
1909: l_group_asset_yn okl_invoice_types_v.group_asset_yn%type;
1910: l_contract_level_yn okl_invoice_formats_v.contract_level_yn%type;
1911: l_invoice_group okl_invoice_formats_v.name%type;
1912: l_khr_id okc_k_headers_b.id%type;
1913: l_bank_line_id1 OKC_RULES_B.OBJECT1_ID1%TYPE;
1916: CURSOR acc_sys_option is

Line 2040: okc_k_headers_b khr,

2036: ,tai.okl_source_billing_trx
2037: ,tai.ixx_id customer_id
2038: ,iex_wf_ban_status_pub.get_turninvoff(hca.party_id,hca.cust_account_id,SYSDATE) bankruptcy_sts
2039: FROM okl_trx_ar_invoices_b tai,
2040: okc_k_headers_b khr,
2041: hz_cust_accounts hca
2042: WHERE tai.khr_id = khr.id
2043: AND tai.ixx_id = khr.cust_acct_id
2044: AND khr.cust_acct_id = hca.cust_account_id

Line 2056: okc_k_headers_b khr,

2052: ,nvl(hca.account_name,hp.party_name) name
2053: ,COUNT(tai.id) cust_rec_cnt
2054: FROM okl_trx_ar_invoices_b tai,
2055: hz_cust_accounts hca,
2056: okc_k_headers_b khr,
2057: hz_parties hp
2058: WHERE tai.ixx_id = khr.cust_acct_id
2059: AND khr.cust_acct_id = hca.cust_account_id
2060: AND hca.party_id = hp.party_id

Line 2086: okc_k_headers_b khr,

2082: ,khr.contract_number contract_number
2083: ,tai.ixx_id vendor_customer_id
2084: ,iex_wf_ban_status_pub.get_turninvoff(hca.party_id,hca.cust_account_id,SYSDATE) bankruptcy_sts
2085: FROM okl_trx_ar_invoices_b tai,
2086: okc_k_headers_b khr,
2087: hz_cust_accounts hca,
2088: okc_k_party_roles_b opr
2089: WHERE tai.khr_id = khr.id
2090: AND khr.cust_acct_id <> tai.ixx_id

Line 2105: okc_k_headers_b khr,

2101: ,ap.vendor_name name
2102: ,COUNT(tai.id) vndr_rec_cnt
2103: FROM okl_trx_ar_invoices_b tai,
2104: hz_cust_accounts hca,
2105: okc_k_headers_b khr,
2106: ap_suppliers ap,
2107: hz_parties hp
2108: WHERE tai.ixx_id = hca.cust_account_id
2109: AND khr.cust_acct_id <> tai.ixx_id

Line 2231: CURSOR get_sales_rep(p_contract_number okc_k_headers_b.contract_number%TYPE) IS

2227: --WHERE NAME = 'No Sales Credit';
2228: WHERE SALESREP_ID = p_salesrep_id;
2230: --added new cursor to fetch the sales rep for the contract.
2231: CURSOR get_sales_rep(p_contract_number okc_k_headers_b.contract_number%TYPE) IS
2232: SELECT contact.object1_id1
2233: FROM okc_k_headers_b hdr, okc_contacts contact
2234: WHERE contact.dnz_chr_id = hdr.id
2235: AND hdr.contract_number = p_contract_number

Line 2233: FROM okc_k_headers_b hdr, okc_contacts contact

2230: --added new cursor to fetch the sales rep for the contract.
2231: CURSOR get_sales_rep(p_contract_number okc_k_headers_b.contract_number%TYPE) IS
2232: SELECT contact.object1_id1
2233: FROM okc_k_headers_b hdr, okc_contacts contact
2234: WHERE contact.dnz_chr_id = hdr.id
2235: AND hdr.contract_number = p_contract_number
2236: AND contact.cro_code = 'SALESPERSON';

Line 2238: l_prev_contract_num okc_k_headers_b.contract_number%TYPE;

2234: WHERE contact.dnz_chr_id = hdr.id
2235: AND hdr.contract_number = p_contract_number
2236: AND contact.cro_code = 'SALESPERSON';
2238: l_prev_contract_num okc_k_headers_b.contract_number%TYPE;
2239: l_sales_person okc_contacts_v.object1_id1%TYPE;
2240: --vthiruva - Bug 4222231..end
2242: CURSOR sales_type_credit_csr IS

Line 2454: CURSOR c_inv_customer(p_chr_id OKC_K_HEADERS_B.ID%TYPE, p_cust_acct_id OKC_K_HEADERS_B.CUST_ACCT_ID%TYPE) IS

2450: -- gboomina added for bug 7513216 - end
2452: --nikshah added for bug 9223230 start
2453: --Cursor to check if invoice line belongs to customer?
2454: CURSOR c_inv_customer(p_chr_id OKC_K_HEADERS_B.ID%TYPE, p_cust_acct_id OKC_K_HEADERS_B.CUST_ACCT_ID%TYPE) IS
2455: SELECT 1
2456: FROM okc_k_headers_b
2457: WHERE id = p_chr_id
2458: AND cust_acct_id = p_cust_acct_id;

Line 2456: FROM okc_k_headers_b

2452: --nikshah added for bug 9223230 start
2453: --Cursor to check if invoice line belongs to customer?
2454: CURSOR c_inv_customer(p_chr_id OKC_K_HEADERS_B.ID%TYPE, p_cust_acct_id OKC_K_HEADERS_B.CUST_ACCT_ID%TYPE) IS
2455: SELECT 1
2456: FROM okc_k_headers_b
2457: WHERE id = p_chr_id
2458: AND cust_acct_id = p_cust_acct_id;
2460: l_inv_customer_rec c_inv_customer%ROWTYPE;