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1 PACKAGE BODY inv_mo_purge AS
2   /* $Header: INVMOPGB.pls 120.9 2011/07/22 11:45:42 pdong ship $ */
5   PROCEDURE purge_lines(
6     x_errbuf          OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
7   , x_retcode         OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER
8   , p_organization_id IN     NUMBER := NULL
9   , p_mo_type_id      IN     NUMBER := NULL
10   , p_purge_name      IN     VARCHAR2 := NULL
11   , p_date_from       IN     VARCHAR2 := NULL
12   , p_date_to         IN     VARCHAR2 := NULL
13   , p_mol_pc          IN     NUMBER := NULL
14   ) IS
15     l_count          NUMBER                                   := 0;
16     mo_line          mol_rec;
17     can_delete       NUMBER                                   := 0;
18     l_ret_msg        BOOLEAN;
19     error            VARCHAR2(400);
20     inv_int_flag     VARCHAR2(1); -- Added for bug # 6469970
21     wdd_exists	     VARCHAR2(1); -- Added for bug # 6469970
22     oel_exists       VARCHAR2(1); -- Added for bug # 6469970
23     l_total_loop     NUMBER                                   := 0;
24     l_date_from      DATE                                     := fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_date_from);
25     l_date_to        DATE                                     := fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_date_to);
26     l_prev_header_id mtl_txn_request_headers.header_id%TYPE;
27     -- Bug 7421347 Added l_entity_type
28     l_entity_type    NUMBER;
30     -- Bug 4237808
31     -- Rewriting the cursor below to pick up an index (instead of
32     -- full table scan) to improve the SQL performance
33     CURSOR mo_lines IS
34      SELECT   mtrh.header_id
35             , mtrl.line_id
36             , mtrh.move_order_type
37             , mtrl.line_status
38             , mtrl.quantity quantity
39             , NVL(mtrl.quantity_detailed, 0) quantity_detailed
40             , NVL(mtrl.quantity_delivered, 0) quantity_delivered
41             , NVL(required_quantity, 0) required_quantity
42             , mtrl.txn_source_line_id
43             , mtrl.txn_source_id
44             , mtrl.organization_id
45      FROM     mtl_txn_request_headers mtrh
46             , mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl
47      WHERE mtrh.header_id = mtrl.header_id
48        AND mtrl.line_status IN (5, 6, 9)
49        AND ( p_organization_id IS NULL
50           OR mtrh.organization_id = p_organization_id )
51        AND ( p_organization_id IS NULL
52           OR mtrl.organization_id = p_organization_id )
53        AND ( p_mo_type_id IS NULL
54           OR mtrh.move_order_type = p_mo_type_id )
55        AND ( l_date_from IS NULL
56           OR TO_DATE ( TO_CHAR ( mtrl.creation_date , 'DD-MM-YYYY' ) , 'DD-MM-YYYY' )
57              >= TO_DATE ( TO_CHAR ( l_date_from , 'DD-MM-YYYY' ) , 'DD-MM-YYYY' ) )
58        AND TO_DATE ( TO_CHAR ( mtrl.creation_date , 'DD-MM-YYYY' ) , 'DD-MM-YYYY' )
59              <= TO_DATE ( TO_CHAR ( l_date_to , 'DD-MM-YYYY' ) , 'DD-MM-YYYY' )
60      ORDER BY mtrh.header_id;
62     l_debug NUMBER := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
63   BEGIN
64     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
65       inv_trx_util_pub.TRACE('p_organization_id = '|| p_organization_id);
66       inv_trx_util_pub.TRACE('p_mo_type_id  = '|| p_mo_type_id);
67       inv_trx_util_pub.TRACE('p_purge_name ='|| p_purge_name);
68       inv_trx_util_pub.TRACE('p_date_from='|| p_date_from);
69       inv_trx_util_pub.TRACE('p_date_to='|| p_date_to);
70       inv_trx_util_pub.TRACE('p_mol_pc='|| p_mol_pc);
71     END IF;
73     OPEN mo_lines;
75     LOOP
76       FETCH mo_lines INTO mo_line;
77       can_delete        := 0;
78       l_total_loop      := l_total_loop + 1;
79       EXIT WHEN mo_lines%NOTFOUND;
81       IF (mo_line.mo_type IN (1, 2, 6) AND mo_line.line_status IN (5, 6)) THEN
82         can_delete  := 1;
83       END IF;
85       -- Pick Wave Move Order
86       IF mo_line.mo_type = 3 THEN
87         IF mo_line.line_status IN (5, 6) THEN
88           /* Delete MTRL if inventory interface has completed successfully and
89              order_line is not open (OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL.OPEN_FLAG <> 'Y')
90              or is cancelled (CANCELLED_FLAG = 'Y')*/
91      	     wdd_exists := 'Y';	  -- Added for bug # 6469970
92 	     oel_exists := 'Y';	  -- Added for bug # 6469970
93           BEGIN
94             SELECT 1
95               INTO can_delete
96               FROM wsh_delivery_details wsd
97              WHERE wsd.move_order_line_id = mo_line.line_id
98                AND wsd.inv_interfaced_flag = 'Y'
99                AND ROWNUM < 2;
101             IF (can_delete = 1) THEN
102               SELECT 1
103                 INTO can_delete
104                 FROM oe_order_lines_all oola
105                WHERE oola.line_id = mo_line.txn_source_line_id
106                  AND (oola.open_flag <> 'Y'
107                       OR oola.cancelled_flag = 'Y'
108                      )
109                  AND ROWNUM < 2;
110             END IF;
111           EXCEPTION
112             WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
113               can_delete  := 0;
114           END;
116           --Bug #4864356
117           --Delete the move order lines where the order line has been cancelled
118           IF (can_delete = 0) THEN
119             BEGIN
120               SELECT 1
121               INTO can_delete
122               FROM oe_order_lines_all oola
123               WHERE oola.line_id = mo_line.txn_source_line_id
124               AND   ( (NVL(open_flag, 'Y') = 'N') OR cancelled_flag = 'Y')
125               AND NOT EXISTS (
126                   SELECT 1
127                   FROM   wsh_delivery_details wdd
128                   WHERE  wdd.source_line_id = oola.line_id
129                   AND    wdd.inv_interfaced_flag IN ('N', 'P')
130                   AND    wdd.released_status <> 'D')
131               AND ROWNUM =1;
132             EXCEPTION
133               WHEN OTHERS THEN
134                 can_delete := 0;
135             END;
136           END IF;   --END IF delete canceled SO lines
138           --Bug #4864356
139           --Delete the move order lines where the corresponding delivery detail
140           --has been completely backordered
141 	  --Bug #7249224, Added the outer paranthesis in the below IF clause.
142           IF (can_delete = 0 AND mo_line.line_status = 5 AND
143                 ((mo_line.quantity = mo_line.quantity_delivered
144                               AND
145                  mo_line.quantity_detailed = mo_line.quantity_delivered)
146                        OR
147                  (mo_line.quantity > 0 AND mo_line.quantity_delivered = 0))) THEN
148             BEGIN
149               SELECT 1
150               INTO can_delete
151               FROM oe_order_lines_all oola
152               WHERE oola.line_id = mo_line.txn_source_line_id
153               AND   (NVL(open_flag,'Y') ='Y' and cancelled_flag='N')
154               AND   NOT EXISTS (
155                     SELECT 1
156                     FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
157                     WHERE  mmtt.move_order_line_id = mo_line.line_id)
158               AND NOT EXISTS (
159                   SELECT 1
160                   FROM   wsh_delivery_details wdd
161                   WHERE  wdd.source_line_id = oola.line_id
162                   AND    wdd.source_code = 'OE'
163                   AND    wdd.move_order_line_id = mo_line.line_id)
164               AND ROWNUM = 1;
165             EXCEPTION
166               WHEN OTHERS THEN
167                 can_delete := 0;
168             END;
169           END IF;   --END IF delete completely backordered lines
171           -- Start of Bug #6469970
172           IF (can_delete = 0) THEN
173              BEGIN
174                   SELECT distinct wdd.inv_interfaced_flag into inv_int_flag
175                   FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd
176                   WHERE wdd.move_order_line_id = mo_line.line_id;
178                   IF inv_int_flag = 'Y' THEN
179 	              can_delete := 1;
180                   ELSE
181 	              can_delete := 0;
182                    END IF;
183              EXCEPTION
184                   WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
185 	              can_delete := 1; -- No corresponding wdd record
186   	              wdd_exists := 'N';
187                   WHEN TOO_MANY_ROWS THEN
188                       can_delete := 0; -- At least one inv_int_flag is set to 'N' or 'P' in wdd
189              END;
191              IF (can_delete = 1 and wdd_exists = 'N')  THEN
192                  BEGIN
193                      SELECT 0
194                      INTO can_delete
195                      FROM oe_order_lines_all oola
196                      WHERE oola.line_id = mo_line.txn_source_line_id
197                      AND (oola.open_flag = 'Y' AND  NVL(oola.CANCELLED_FLAG,'N')='N');
198                      -- If row found; can't delete
199                      can_delete := 0;
201                      can_delete  := 1;
202                  END;
203              END IF;
204 	  END IF;
206 	  -- The below If to check there is no corresponding order lines record.
207 	  -- Order information is purged before the move order purge program.
208 	  IF (can_delete = 0) THEN
209               BEGIN
210                   SELECT 'Y'
211                   INTO oel_exists
212                   FROM oe_order_lines_all oola
213                   WHERE oola.line_id = mo_line.txn_source_line_id
214                   and rownum < 2;
216                   IF oel_exists = 'Y' THEN
217 		        can_delete := 0;
218                   ELSE
219 		        can_delete := 1;
220                   END IF;
221               EXCEPTION
222               WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
223 	           can_delete := 1; -- there is no oel record
224               END;
225 	  END IF;
226          --End of changes for Bug #6469970
228         ELSE -- line status is 9
229           /*   Delete MTRL if allocations doesn't exist
230           (MMTT should not exist for this line id, MMTT.move_order_line_id = MTRL.line_id)
231           and order_line is not open (OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL.OPEN_FLAG <> 'Y')  */
232           BEGIN
233             SELECT 1
234               INTO can_delete
235               FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
236              WHERE mmtt.move_order_line_id = mo_line.line_id
237                AND ROWNUM < 2;
239             can_delete  := 0;
240           EXCEPTION
241             WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
242               BEGIN
243                 SELECT 1
244                   INTO can_delete
245                   FROM oe_order_lines_all oola
246                  WHERE oola.line_id = mo_line.txn_source_line_id
247                    AND (oola.open_flag <> 'Y'
248                         OR oola.cancelled_flag = 'Y'
249                        )
250                    AND ROWNUM < 2;
251               EXCEPTION
252                 WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
253                   can_delete  := 0;
254               END;
255           END;
256         END IF;
257       END IF;
259       -- WIP Move Order
260       -- Bug 2666620: BackFlush MO Type Removed.
261       -- Since logic for both WIP Issue, WIP SubXfer is same, combining both
262       IF mo_line.mo_type = 5 THEN
263         IF mo_line.line_status IN (5, 6) THEN
264           -- Delete MTRL for this line_id
265           -- can_delete  := 1;
266           -- Bug 7421347
267           -- We have to purge move orders for which the job status is closed.
268           -- We now look at the different entity types like Discrete, lot based, Flow and Repetitive Schedules,
269           If (l_debug = 1) then
270             inv_trx_util_pub.TRACE('txn_source_id : '||  mo_line.txn_source_id);
271             inv_trx_util_pub.TRACE('organization_id : '||  mo_line.organization_id);
272           end if;
274           Begin
275             select entity_type
276             into   l_entity_type
277             from   wip_entities
278             where  wip_entity_id   = mo_line.txn_source_id
279             and    organization_id = mo_line.organization_id;
280           Exception
281             when others then
282               if (l_debug = 1) then
283                 inv_trx_util_pub.TRACE('other exc.when getting entity_type setting can_delete as 0 '|| sqlerrm);
284               end if;
285               l_entity_type := 0;
286               can_delete    := 1;
287           End;
289           if (l_debug = 1) then
290             inv_trx_util_pub.TRACE('WIP Entity Type = '|| l_entity_type);
291           end if;
293           IF (l_entity_type in (3,7,8)) THEN
294             Begin
295               select 0
296               into   can_delete
297               from   wip_discrete_jobs
298               where  wip_entity_id   = mo_line.txn_source_id
299               and    organization_id = mo_line.organization_id
300               and    status_type     <> 12;
301             Exception
302               when others then
303                 if (l_debug = 1) then
304                   inv_trx_util_pub.TRACE('other exc. when l_entity_type in (3,7,8) setting can_delete as 0 '|| sqlerrm);
305                 end if;
306                 can_delete := 1;
307             End;
309           ELSIF (l_entity_type = 2) THEN
310             -- Bug# 8209102
311             -- Changed the status_type to 5, as for Repetetive Schedules, MOs can be purged when the
312             -- schedule status is Complete - No Charges
313             Begin
314               select 0
315               into   can_delete
316               from   wip_repetitive_schedules
317               where  wip_entity_id   = mo_line.txn_source_id
318               and    organization_id = mo_line.organization_id
319               and    status_type     <> 5;
320             Exception
321               when others then
322                 if (l_debug = 1) then
323                   inv_trx_util_pub.TRACE('other exc. when l_entity_type = 2 setting can_delete as 0 '|| sqlerrm);
324                 end if;
325                 can_delete := 1;
326             End;
328           ELSIF (l_entity_type = 4) THEN
329              Begin
330                select 0
331                into   can_delete
332                from   wip_flow_schedules
333                where  wip_entity_id   = mo_line.txn_source_id
334                and    organization_id = mo_line.organization_id
335                and    status          <> 2;
336              Exception
337                when others then
338                  if (l_debug = 1) then
339                    inv_trx_util_pub.TRACE('other exc. when l_entity_type = 4 setting can_delete as 0 '|| sqlerrm);
340                  end if;
341                  can_delete := 1;
342              End;
343           ELSIF (l_entity_type = 6) THEN --bug12767095 purge EAM work order
344             BEGIN
345               SELECT 0
346               INTO can_delete
347               FROM wip_discrete_jobs
348               WHERE wip_entity_id = mo_line.txn_source_id
349               AND organization_id = mo_line.organization_id
350               AND status_type not in (12,7);--closed or cancelled
351             Exception
352               when others then
353                 if (l_debug = 1) then
354                   inv_trx_util_pub.TRACE('other exc. when l_entity_type = 6 setting can_delete as 0 '|| sqlerrm);
355                 end if;
356                 can_delete := 1;
357             End;--end bug12767095
359           END IF; -- l_entity_type
364             SELECT 1
361         ELSE -- line status is 9
362           --Delete MTRL if allocations doesn't exist for this MO line
363           BEGIN
365             INTO can_delete
366             FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
367             WHERE mmtt.move_order_line_id = mo_line.line_id
368             AND ROWNUM < 2;
370             can_delete  := 0;
371           EXCEPTION
372             WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
373               can_delete  := 1;
374           END;
375         END IF;
376       END IF;
378       IF (can_delete = 1) THEN
379         -- inv_trx_util_pub.TRACE('DELETED lines---mo_line.line_id= '  ||mo_line.line_id ,'INVMOPG',9);
380         DELETE FROM mtl_txn_request_lines
381               WHERE line_id = mo_line.line_id;
383         can_delete  := 0;
384         l_count     := l_count + 1;
385       END IF;
387       -- For deleting headers
388       IF (l_prev_header_id <> mo_line.header_id) THEN
389         DELETE FROM mtl_txn_request_headers
390               WHERE header_id = l_prev_header_id
391                 AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT 1
392                                   FROM mtl_txn_request_lines
393                                  WHERE header_id = l_prev_header_id);
395         IF (SQL%FOUND) THEN
396           l_count     := l_count + 1;
397           can_delete  := 0;
398         --inv_trx_util_pub.TRACE('DELETED Headers mo_line.header_id= '  ||l_prev_header_id ,'INVMOPG',9);
399         END IF;
400       END IF;
402       IF (l_count >= p_mol_pc) THEN
403         IF (MOD(l_count, p_mol_pc) = 0) THEN
404           COMMIT;
405         END IF;
406       END IF;
408       l_prev_header_id  := mo_line.header_id;
409     END LOOP;
411     DELETE FROM mtl_txn_request_headers
412           WHERE header_id = mo_line.header_id
413             AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT 1
414                               FROM mtl_txn_request_lines
415                              WHERE header_id = mo_line.header_id);
418       -- Bug 7421347 l_count to be used to count the number of lines deleted, not for header
419       --l_count     := l_count + 1;
420       can_delete  := 0;
421     --inv_trx_util_pub.TRACE('DELETED Headers mo_line.header_id= '  || mo_line.header_id ,'INVMOPG',9);
422     END IF;
424     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
425       inv_trx_util_pub.TRACE(l_count || 'Rows Purged ', 'INVMOPG', 9);
426     END IF;
428     INSERT INTO mtl_purge_header
429                 (
430                 purge_id
431               , last_update_date
432               , last_updated_by
433               , last_update_login
434               , creation_date
435               , created_by
436               , purge_date
437               , move_order_type
438               , archive_flag
439               , purge_name
440               , organization_id
441               , creation_date_from
442               , creation_date_to
443               , lines_purged
444                 )
445          VALUES (
446                 mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
447               , SYSDATE
448               , fnd_global.user_id
449               , fnd_global.user_id
450               , SYSDATE
451               , fnd_global.user_id
452               , SYSDATE
453               , p_mo_type_id
454               , NULL
455               , p_purge_name
456               , p_organization_id
457               , l_date_from
458               , l_date_to
459               , l_count
460                 );
462     COMMIT;
463     --return sucess
464     l_ret_msg  := fnd_concurrent.set_completion_status('NORMAL', 'NORMAL');
465     x_retcode  := retcode_success;
466     x_errbuf   := NULL;
468     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
469       error      := SQLERRM;
471       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
472         inv_trx_util_pub.TRACE('The Error   Is '|| error, 'INVMOPG', 9);
473       END IF;
475       l_ret_msg  := fnd_concurrent.set_completion_status('ERROR', 'ERROR');
476       x_retcode  := retcode_error;
477       x_errbuf   := fnd_msg_pub.get(p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false);
478     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
479       error      := SQLERRM;
481       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
482         inv_trx_util_pub.TRACE('The Error   Is '|| error, 'INVMOPG', 9);
483       END IF;
485       l_ret_msg  := fnd_concurrent.set_completion_status('ERROR', 'ERROR');
486       x_retcode  := retcode_error;
487       x_errbuf   := fnd_msg_pub.get(p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false);
489       error      := SQLERRM;
491       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
492         inv_trx_util_pub.TRACE('The Error   Is '|| error, 'INVMOPG', 9);
493       END IF;
495       l_ret_msg  := fnd_concurrent.set_completion_status('ERROR', 'ERROR');
496       x_retcode  := retcode_error;
497       x_errbuf   := fnd_msg_pub.get(p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false);
499       IF mo_lines%ISOPEN THEN
500         CLOSE mo_lines;
501       --return failure
502       END IF;
503   END purge_lines;
504 END inv_mo_purge;