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Line 395: ,per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pghn2 -- establishment organizations

391: p_location_id number) IS
392: SELECT pghn2.entity_id
393: FROM per_gen_hierarchy pgh
394: ,per_gen_hierarchy_versions pghv
395: ,per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pghn2 -- establishment organizations
396: ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
397: where ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
398: and pgh.hierarchy_id = p_est_hierarchy_id
399: and pgh.business_group_id = ppa.business_group_id

Line 410: FROM per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pghn3

406: OR
407: ( pghn2.node_type = 'EST'
408: AND p_location_id in
409: ( SELECT pghn3.entity_id
410: FROM per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pghn3
411: WHERE pghn3.node_type = 'LOC'
412: AND pghn3.hierarchy_version_id = pghv.HIERARCHY_VERSION_id
413: AND pghn3.parent_hierarchy_node_id = pghn2.hierarchy_node_id
414: )

Line 428: FROM per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pghn2 -- establishment organizations

425: CURSOR c_derive_wksite_estab (p_hierarchy_ver_id number,
426: p_location_id number) IS
427: SELECT pghn2.entity_id
428: FROM per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pghn2 -- establishment organizations
430: where p_hierarchy_ver_id = pghn2.hierarchy_version_id
431: and ( ( pghn2.node_type = 'EST'
432: and pghn2.entity_id = p_location_id

Line 438: FROM per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pghn3

434: OR
435: ( pghn2.node_type = 'EST'
436: AND p_location_id in
437: ( SELECT /*+ pghn3 PER_GEN_HIER_NOD_VER_N4 */ pghn3.entity_id
438: FROM per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pghn3
439: WHERE pghn3.node_type = 'LOC'
440: AND pghn3.hierarchy_version_id =
441: pghn2.hierarchy_version_id --p_hierarchy_ver_id
442: AND pghn3.parent_hierarchy_node_id =