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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 20

select effective_date
from fnd_sessions
where session_id = userenv('sessionid');
Line: 40

      select userenv('sessionid') into p_session_id from dual;
Line: 41

      select trunc(sysdate) into p_effective_date from dual;
Line: 60

   Select 'X'
   From pqh_ss_print_data
   Where name = p_tag_name -- no upper case change
   and session_id = p_session_id
   and transaction_id =g_transaction_id;
Line: 87

	    SELECT userenv('sessionid') into l_session_id from dual;
Line: 96

                     INSERT INTO PQH_SS_PRINT_DATA(session_id,transaction_id,name,value)
                     VALUES (l_session_id, l_transaction_id,p_tag_name,p_tag_value);
Line: 101

                     UPDATE PQH_SS_PRINT_DATA
                     SET   value = p_tag_value
                     WHERE session_id = l_session_id
                     AND name = p_tag_name
                     AND transaction_id = l_transaction_id;
Line: 132

SELECT decode(SemiProcessedName ,'N/A','N/A', nvl(substr(SemiProcessedName , 1, instr(SemiProcessedName,'&')-1),SemiProcessedName)) ShortName
SELECT decode(instr(parameters,p_parameter_name),null,'N/A',0 ,'N/A',
substr(parameters,instr(parameters,p_parameter_name)+length(p_parameter_name)+1)) SemiProcessedName
FROM fnd_form_functions FFF,
     hr_api_transactions HAT
WHERE HAT.transaction_id = p_transaction_id
   AND HAT.function_id = FFF.function_id
Line: 145

Select count(*)
from pqh_transaction_categories cats,
     pqh_txn_category_documents catDocs,
     pqh_documents_f docs
where form_name like 'PQH_GROUPS'
and   cats.short_name like p_short_name
and   cats.transaction_category_id = catDocs.transaction_category_id
and   docs.document_id = catDocs.document_id
and   nvl(p_eff_date,trunc(sysdate)) between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 157

Select count(*)
from pqh_txn_category_documents
where transaction_category_id = (
              Select transaction_category_id
              from pqh_transaction_categories
              where short_name =p_short_name)
and type_code in ( p_type_code, 'BOTH');
Line: 233

SELECT  atv.name column_name,atv.datatype column_type,atv.varchar2_value|| Atv.Number_value||FND_DATE.date_to_canonical(Atv.date_value)  column_value
FROM    hr_api_transaction_values atv
WHERE   atv.transaction_step_id in (Select max(transaction_step_id)
                                    From hr_api_transaction_steps
                                    where transaction_id = p_Transaction_Id
                                    group by api_name
Line: 259

          IF UPPER(where_clause_param_values.column_name)='P_SELECTED_PERSON_ID' THEN
             params_table(3).param_value := where_clause_param_values.column_value;
Line: 284

Select Meaning from hr_lookups
where lookup_type ='PQH_CURRENT_PROPOSED'
AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
AND lookup_code = p_lookup_code;
Line: 306

Select proposed_salary_n
From   per_pay_proposals ppp
Where  ppp.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
and    ppp.change_date = ( select max(change_date)
                            from  per_pay_proposals
                            where change_date <= g_effective_date
						    and   assignment_id =
						    and   approved = 'Y' );
Line: 335

   Select petf.input_currency_code
   From  per_pay_bases ppb,
        pay_input_values_f pivf,
        pay_element_types_f petf
   Where ppb.pay_basis_id=p_pay_basis_id
   And   ppb.input_value_id = pivf.input_value_id
   AND   pivf.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id;
Line: 368

  Select  1
  From   per_pay_proposals  ppp
  where  ppp.pay_proposal_id = p_pay_proposal_id
Line: 374

  From   per_pay_proposal_components  pppc
  where  pppc.pay_proposal_id = p_pay_proposal_id;
Line: 402

  Select  1
  From   per_pay_proposals  ppp
  where  ppp.pay_proposal_id = p_pay_proposal_id
Line: 408

  From   per_pay_proposal_components  pppc
  where  pppc.pay_proposal_id = p_pay_proposal_id;
Line: 437

     SELECT hr_general.decode_lookup('PQH_TENURE_STATUS',p_lookup_code) into l_meaning
Line: 451

   Select name into l_meaning
   from per_qualification_types
   where qualification_type_id = p_qualification_type_id;
Line: 465

select meaning
from hr_leg_lookups
where lookup_type = 'PER_SUBJECT_STATUSES' and
lookup_code = p_award_id and
g_effective_date between nvl(start_date_active, g_effective_date)
and nvl(end_date_active, g_effective_date) and enabled_flag = 'Y'
order by lookup_code,meaning;
Line: 490

lookup_type = 'PER_TUITION_METHODS'
AND lookup_code = p_tuition_id
AND g_effective_date BETWEEN NVL(start_date_active, g_effective_date)
AND NVL(end_date_active, g_effective_date)
AND enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 517

enabled_flag = 'Y'
AND currency_code = p_currency_code
AND currency_flag = 'Y'
AND sysdate >= NVL(start_date_active, sysdate)
AND sysdate <= NVL(end_date_active, sysdate);
Line: 544

select hl.meaning
from   hr_lookups hl
where  hl.lookup_type = 'TITLE'
and    hl.lookup_code = p_title_code
and    hl.enabled_flag = 'Y'
and    trunc(g_effective_date) between trunc(nvl(hl.start_date_active,g_effective_date))
and trunc(nvl(hl.end_date_active,g_effective_date));
Line: 568

select hrl.meaning
from hr_lookups hrl where
hrl.lookup_type = 'SEX' and
hrl.Lookup_Code = p_gender_code and
hrl.enabled_flag = 'Y' and
trunc(SYSDATE) between trunc(nvl(hrl.start_date_active,SYSDATE))
               and trunc(nvl(hrl.end_date_active,SYSDATE));
Line: 593

select hl.meaning
from   hr_lookups hl
where  hl.lookup_type = 'MAR_STATUS'
and    hl.lookup_code = p_marital_code
and    hl.enabled_flag = 'Y'
and    g_effective_date between nvl(start_date_active, g_effective_date - 1)
               and     nvl(end_date_active, g_effective_date);
Line: 617

SELECT meaning
FROM hr_leg_lookups
WHERE lookup_type = 'LEAV_REAS'
AND lookup_code = p_termination_code
AND enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 644

select  hl.meaning
from    hr_leg_lookups hl
where   hl.lookup_type = 'FREQUENCY'
and     hl.lookup_code = p_freq_code
and     hl.enabled_flag = 'Y'
and     trunc(g_effective_date) BETWEEN nvl(hl.start_date_active, trunc(g_effective_date))
                       AND     nvl(hl.end_date_active, trunc(g_effective_date));
Line: 670

select  hl.meaning
from    hr_leg_lookups hl
where   hl.lookup_type = 'EMPLOYEE_CATG'
and     hl.lookup_code = p_category_code
and     hl.enabled_flag = 'Y'
and     trunc(g_effective_date) between nvl(start_date_active, trunc(g_effective_date))
                       and     nvl(end_date_active, trunc(g_effective_date));
Line: 693

select  hl.meaning
from    hr_leg_lookups hl
where   hl.lookup_type = 'EMP_CAT'
and     hl.lookup_code = p_category_code
and     hl.enabled_flag = 'Y'
and     trunc(g_effective_date) between nvl(start_date_active, trunc(g_effective_date))
                       and     nvl(end_date_active, trunc(g_effective_date));
Line: 715

Select Meaning from hr_lookups
where lookup_type ='YES_NO'
AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
AND lookup_code = p_lookup_code;
Line: 738

Where ESTABLISHMENT_ID = p_establishment_id;
Line: 780

select first_name||' '||last_name||' '||suffix brief_name
from per_all_people_f ppf
where ppf.person_id = p_person_id
order by effective_end_date desc;
Line: 805

select    payroll_name
from      pay_all_payrolls_f pay
where     payroll_id      = p_payroll_id
and       g_effective_date between
          pay.effective_start_date and pay.effective_end_date
order by effective_start_date desc;
Line: 835

   SELECT name
     FROM per_collective_agreements
    WHERE collective_agreement_id = p_collective_agreement_id;
Line: 860

   SELECT reference
     FROM per_contracts_f
    WHERE contract_id = p_contract_id
      AND g_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 886

from pqh_table_route
where table_alias like 'PQH_SS%';
Line: 909

 select tl.user_status
  from per_assignment_status_types asg,
       per_assignment_status_types_tl tl
  where asg.assignment_status_type_id = p_assignment_status_type_id
  and asg.assignment_status_type_id = tl.assignment_status_type_id
  and tl.language=USERENV('LANG');
Line: 932

select meaning
from hr_leg_lookups
where lookup_type = 'EMP_ASSIGN_REASON'
and enabled_flag = 'Y'
AND trunc(g_effective_date) BETWEEN NVL(start_date_active, trunc(g_effective_date))
AND NVL(end_date_active, trunc(g_effective_date))
and lookup_code =p_reason_code
select meaning
from hr_leg_lookups
where lookup_type = 'CWK_ASSIGN_REASON'
and enabled_flag = 'Y'
AND trunc(g_effective_date) BETWEEN NVL(start_date_active,
AND NVL(end_date_active, trunc(g_effective_date))
and lookup_code =p_reason_code;
Line: 978

    from pqh_ss_print_label_temp
    where trunc(creation_date) < p_effective_date;
Line: 1120

Select formula_id
from   pqh_documents_f
where  p_effective_date  between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
and    short_name = p_short_name;
Line: 1126

Select 'X', userenv('sessionid')
from ff_formulas_f
where formula_id = p_formula_id
and   p_eff_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 1203

 /* Removed the RECORD TYPE current_values_record in version 120.5 as selecting into this record type was limiting the attributes to 42. */

 /*Bug fix 4722431*/

--this cursor decides what are the table_route_id for which query need to be done depending on the
--It also selects the from_clause and the where clause for the table_route_id
cursor table_routes  is
select distinct att.master_table_route_id table_rt_id,
                ptr.from_clause  from_clause,
                ptr.where_clause  where_clause,
from    pqh_documents_f doc,
        pqh_document_attributes_f doa,
        pqh_attributes att,
        pqh_table_route ptr
where   doc.short_name    = p_doc_short_name
  AND   doa.document_id = doc.document_id
  AND   p_effective_date between doc.effective_start_date and doc.effective_end_date
  AND   p_effective_date between doa.effective_start_date and doa.effective_end_date
  AND   att.attribute_id = doa.attribute_id
  AND   att.master_table_route_id=ptr.table_route_id
  AND   ptr.where_clause is not null;
Line: 1227

select att.column_name  att_column,doa.tag_name doc_tag,att.enable_flag flag
from   pqh_documents_f doc,
       pqh_document_attributes_f doa,
       pqh_attributes att
where  doc.short_name    = p_doc_short_name
  AND   doa.document_id = doc.document_id
  AND   p_effective_date between doc.effective_start_date and doc.effective_end_date
  AND   p_effective_date between doa.effective_start_date and doa.effective_end_date
  AND   att.attribute_id = doa.attribute_id
  AND   att.master_table_route_id=p_table_route_id
order by att.attribute_id;
Line: 1258

         sql_query := 'Select '|| columntag||','||columnval ||' From ' || table_route_rslt.from_clause ||' Where ' || l_where_clause_out ;
Line: 1279

                INSERT INTO pqh_ss_print_data(session_id,transaction_id,name,value) values(userenv(''sessionid''),'||p_transaction_id||',l_rec.tag'||i||',l_rec.val'||i||');
Line: 1356

select userenv('sessionid') into p_session_id from dual;
Line: 1364

     hr_utility.set_location('Pre approval type data insertion',15);
Line: 1369

  	SELECT  userenv('sessionid'),p_transaction_id,
  	        doa.tag_name  NAME,
  		decode(att.decode_function_name,null,atv.varchar2_value|| Atv.Number_value||Atv.date_value,
  		pqh_ss_utility.get_desc (
  	 	decode(atv.varchar2_value|| Atv.Number_value||FND_DATE.date_to_canonical(Atv.date_value),
          	att.decode_function_name||'('''||atv.varchar2_value|| Atv.Number_value
                     ||FND_DATE.date_to_canonical(Atv.date_value)||''')' ) )) value,
  	FROM hr_api_transaction_steps steps
  		, hr_api_transaction_values atv,
  		pqh_documents_f doc,
  		pqh_document_attributes_f doa,
  		pqh_attributes att,
                pqh_table_route ptr
  	-- Bug Fix 2945716,Added Select Stmt to retrieve max step_id
  	WHERE atv.transaction_step_id in (Select max(transaction_step_id)
                                         From hr_api_transaction_steps
                                         where transaction_id = p_Transaction_Id
                                         group by api_name
        AND  atv.transaction_step_id = steps.transaction_step_id
      	AND  doc.short_name    = l_pdf_short_name --'TP'
     	AND   doa.document_id = doc.document_id
        AND   p_effective_date between doc.effective_start_date and doc.effective_end_date
     	AND   p_effective_date between doa.effective_start_date and doa.effective_end_date
     	AND   att.attribute_id = doa.attribute_id
        AND   att.enable_flag='Y'
        AND   att.master_table_route_id=ptr.table_route_id
     	AND   att.COLUMN_NAME = atv.name
        AND   ptr.from_clause=steps.api_name;
Line: 1402

hr_utility.set_location('Data Inserted',18);
Line: 1414

    hr_utility.set_location('Post approval type data insertion',15);
Line: 1416

      	SELECT  userenv('sessionid'),p_transaction_id,
      	        doa.tag_name  NAME,
                      		pqh_ss_utility.get_desc (
                              	att.decode_function_name||'('''||atv.value||''')' ) )) value,
      	FROM pqh_ss_step_history steps
      		, pqh_ss_value_history atv,
      		pqh_documents_f doc,
      		pqh_document_attributes_f doa,
      		pqh_attributes att,
                pqh_table_route ptr
      	WHERE steps.step_history_id = atv.step_history_id
        AND   steps.approval_history_id = atv.approval_history_id
        AND   (atv.step_history_id,atv.approval_history_id) in
                Select step_history_id, approval_history_id
                from pqh_ss_step_history
                where transaction_history_id=p_transaction_id
                and approval_history_id = (
                        Select max(approval_history_id) from pqh_ss_step_history
                        where transaction_history_id=p_transaction_id)
      	AND steps.transaction_history_id  =p_transaction_id
         	AND  doc.short_name    = l_pdf_short_name
         	AND   doa.document_id = doc.document_id
         	AND   p_effective_date  between doc.effective_start_date and doc.effective_end_date
         	AND   p_effective_date  between doa.effective_start_date and doa.effective_end_date
         	AND   att.attribute_id = doa.attribute_id
                AND   att.enable_flag='Y'
                AND   att.master_table_route_id =ptr.table_route_id
         	AND   att.COLUMN_NAME = atv.name
                AND   ptr.from_clause=steps.api_name ;
Line: 1452

  hr_utility.set_location('Data Inserted',18);