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1 package wip_mtlProc_priv AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2  /* $Header: wipmtlps.pls 120.1.12000000.1 2007/01/18 22:18:21 appldev ship $ */
3   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4   --This package is the wip material processor (component issues, neg issues, returns, neg returns).
5   --It will perform all wip logic and optionally do the inventory transaction.
6   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9   --processTemp(). This version processes a single MMTT record.
10   --
11   --parameters:
12   --  + p_initMsgList  initialize the message list?
13   --    --fnd_api.g_true   to initialize the message list
14   --    --fnd_api.g_false  to preserve the existing messages
15   --  + p_endDebug: Clean up the log file?
16   --    --fnd_api.g_true   unless you plan to call wip_logger.cleanUp() later.
17   --    --fnd_api.g_false  if you wish to close the log file.
18   --  + p_txnTmpID: The identifier for the MMTT row to process.
19   --  + x_returnStatus: return status of the procedure
20   --    --fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success      on successful processing.
21   --    --fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error  if an unexpected error occurred.
22   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23   procedure processTemp(p_initMsgList IN VARCHAR2,
24                         p_endDebug IN VARCHAR2,
25                         p_txnTmpID IN NUMBER,
26                         x_returnStatus OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
28  /***************************************************************************
29   *
30   * This procedure will be called from WIP OA Transaction page to do component
31   * issue, component return, negative component issue, and negative component
32   * return transactions for Discrete jobs. User needs to insert record into
33   * MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE before calling this routine.
34   *
36   *
37   * p_mtl_header_id        transaction_header_id in MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE
38   * x_return_status        There are 2 possible values
39   *                        *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success*
40   *                        means the every record was succesfully processed
41   *                        *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error*
42   *                        means some records error out
43   *
44   ***************************************************************************/
45   PROCEDURE processOATxn(p_mtl_header_id  IN        NUMBER,
46                          x_returnStatus  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
48 end wip_mtlProc_priv;