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2   -------------------------
4   --
5   -- This package provides routines to administer and update the replication
6   -- catalog and environment. An alternative would be to invent SQL DDL syntax.
8   --------
9   -- TYPES
10   --
12   --
13   -- NOTE: The type varchar2s is equivalent to the type varchar2s
14   --       in the package dbms_repcat_sna.  If you make changes to this
15   --       version, please make the same changes to the other version.
16   --
19   TYPE validate_err_record IS RECORD (err_msg VARCHAR2(2000), err_num number);
20   TYPE validate_err_table IS TABLE OF validate_err_record
23   ------------
25   --
27   -- The are constants for the rep_type parameter used in snapshot group
28   -- registration
29   -- These constants have to be kept in sync with those defined in
30   -- prvthdcl.sql
31   reg_unknown	        CONSTANT NUMBER := 0;
32   reg_v7_group          CONSTANT NUMBER := 1;
33   reg_v8_group          CONSTANT NUMBER := 2;
34   reg_repapi_group      CONSTANT NUMBER := 3;
36   -- constants for conflict resolution result enumeration type
37   --
38   -- These constants must be kept in sync with the macros in
39   -- knip.h
40   --
41   resolved_false        CONSTANT NUMBER := 1; -- fail to resolve
42   resolved_error        CONSTANT NUMBER := 2; -- similar to raise exception
43   resolved_ignore       CONSTANT NUMBER := 3; -- ignore the remote rpc
44   resolved_proceed      CONSTANT NUMBER := 4; -- possibly using changed values
46   -------------
48   --
49   -- These exceptions must be kept in sync with those defined in
50   -- prvthdcl.sql
52   missingschema EXCEPTION;
53     PRAGMA exception_init(missingschema, -23306);
54     missschema_num NUMBER := -23306;
56   duplicateschema EXCEPTION;
57     PRAGMA exception_init(duplicateschema, -23307);
58     duplschema_num NUMBER := -23307;
60   missingobject EXCEPTION;
61     PRAGMA exception_init(missingobject, -23308);
62     missobj_num NUMBER := -23308;
64   duplicateobject EXCEPTION;
65     PRAGMA exception_init(duplicateobject, -23309);
66     duplobj_num NUMBER := -23309;
68   notquiesced EXCEPTION;
69     PRAGMA exception_init(notquiesced, -23310);
70     notquiesced_num NUMBER := -23310;
72   notnormal EXCEPTION;
73     PRAGMA exception_init(notnormal, -23326);
74     notnormal_num NUMBER := -23326;
76   nonmasterdef EXCEPTION;
77     PRAGMA exception_init(nonmasterdef, -23312);
78     nonmasterdef_num NUMBER := -23312;
80   nonmaster EXCEPTION;
81     PRAGMA exception_init(nonmaster, -23313);
82     nonmaster_num NUMBER := -23313;
84   nonsnapshot EXCEPTION;
85     PRAGMA exception_init(nonsnapshot, -23314);
86     nonsnapshot_num NUMBER := -23314;
88   nonmview EXCEPTION;
89     PRAGMA exception_init(nonmview, -23314);
90     nonmview_num NUMBER := -23314;
92   version EXCEPTION;
93     PRAGMA exception_init(version, -23315);
94     version_num NUMBER := -23315;
96   reconfigerror EXCEPTION;
97     PRAGMA exception_init(reconfigerror, -23316);
98     reconfig_num NUMBER := -23316;
100   commfailure EXCEPTION;
101     PRAGMA exception_init(commfailure, -23317);
102     commfail_num NUMBER := -23317;
104   ddlfailure EXCEPTION;
105     PRAGMA exception_init(ddlfailure, -23318);
106     ddlfail_num NUMBER := -23318;
108   typefailure EXCEPTION;
109     PRAGMA exception_init(typefailure, -23319);
110     typefail_num NUMBER := -23319;
112   corrupt EXCEPTION;
113     PRAGMA exception_init(corrupt, -23320);
114     corrupt_num NUMBER := -23320;
116   badsnapname EXCEPTION;
117     PRAGMA exception_init(badsnapname, -23328);
118     badsnapname_num NUMBER := -23328;
120   badmviewname EXCEPTION;
121     PRAGMA exception_init(badmviewname, -23328);
122     badmviewname_num NUMBER := -23328;
124   badsnapddl EXCEPTION;
125     PRAGMA exception_init(badsnapddl, -23329);
126     badsnapddl_num NUMBER := -23329;
128   badmviewddl EXCEPTION;
129     PRAGMA exception_init(badmviewddl, -23329);
130     badmviewddl_num NUMBER := -23329;
132   fullqueue EXCEPTION;
133     PRAGMA exception_init(fullqueue, -23353);
134     fullqueue_num NUMBER := -23353;
136   misssnapobject EXCEPTION;
137     PRAGMA exception_init(misssnapobject, -23355);
138     misssnapobj_num NUMBER := -23355;
140   missmviewobject EXCEPTION;
141     PRAGMA exception_init(missmviewobject, -23355);
142     missmviewobj_num NUMBER := -23355;
144   masternotremoved EXCEPTION;
145     PRAGMA exception_init(masternotremoved,-23356);
146     mstrntrmvd_num NUMBER := -23356;
148   invalidqualifier EXCEPTION;
149     PRAGMA exception_init(invalidqualifier,-23378);
150     invldqual_num NUMBER := -23378;
152   qualifiertoolong EXCEPTION;
153     PRAGMA exception_init(qualifiertoolong,-23379);
154     qualtoolong_num NUMBER := -23379;
156   invalidpropmode EXCEPTION;
157     PRAGMA exception_init(invalidpropmode,-23380);
158     invldpmode_num NUMBER := -23380;
160   missingremoteobject EXCEPTION;
161     PRAGMA exception_init(missingremoteobject, -23381);
162     missrmtobj_num NUMBER := -23381;
164   invalidremoteuser EXCEPTION;
165     PRAGMA exception_init(invalidremoteuser, -23358);
166     invalidremoteuser_num NUMBER := -23358;
168   addrepddlerror EXCEPTION;
169     PRAGMA exception_init(addrepddlerror, -23359);
170     addrepddlerror_num NUMBER := -23359;
172   failaltersnaprop EXCEPTION;
173     PRAGMA exception_init(failaltersnaprop, -23477);
174     failaltersnaprop_num NUMBER := -23477;
176   failaltermviewrop EXCEPTION;
177     PRAGMA exception_init(failaltermviewrop, -23477);
178     failaltermviewrop_num NUMBER := -23477;
180   alreadymastered EXCEPTION;
181     PRAGMA exception_init(alreadymastered, -23478);
182     alreadymastered_num NUMBER := -23478;
184   -----
185   -- Conflict Resolution exceptions
186   -----
188   paramtype EXCEPTION;
189     PRAGMA exception_init(paramtype, -23325);
190     paramtype_num NUMBER := -23325;
192   duplicategroup EXCEPTION;
193     PRAGMA exception_init(duplicategroup, -23330);
194     dupgrp_num NUMBER := -23330;
196   missinggroup EXCEPTION;
197     PRAGMA exception_init(missinggroup, -23331);
198     missgrp_num NUMBER := -23331;
200   referenced EXCEPTION;
201     PRAGMA exception_init(referenced, -23332);
202     ref_num NUMBER := -23332;
204   duplicatecolumn EXCEPTION;
205     PRAGMA exception_init(duplicatecolumn, -23333);
206     dupcol_num NUMBER := -23333;
208   missingcolumn EXCEPTION;
209     PRAGMA exception_init(missingcolumn, -23334);
210     misscol_num NUMBER := -23334;
212   duplicateprioritygroup EXCEPTION;
213     PRAGMA exception_init(duplicateprioritygroup, -23335);
214     duppriorgrp_num NUMBER := -23335;
216   missingprioritygroup EXCEPTION;
217     PRAGMA exception_init(missingprioritygroup, -23336);
218     misspriorgrp_num NUMBER := -23336;
220   missingvalue EXCEPTION;
221     PRAGMA exception_init(missingvalue, -23337);
222     missval_num NUMBER := -23337;
224   duplicatevalue EXCEPTION;
225     PRAGMA exception_init(duplicatevalue, -23338);
226     dupval_num NUMBER := -23338;
228   duplicateresolution EXCEPTION;
229     PRAGMA exception_init(duplicateresolution, -23339);
230     dupres_num NUMBER := -23339;
232   invalidmethod EXCEPTION;
233     PRAGMA exception_init(invalidmethod, -23340);
234     badmeth_num NUMBER := -23340;
236   missingfunction EXCEPTION;
237     PRAGMA exception_init(missingfunction, -23341);
238     missfunc_num NUMBER := -23341;
240   invalidparameter EXCEPTION;
241     PRAGMA exception_init(invalidparameter, -23342);
242     badparam_num NUMBER := -23342;
244   missingresolution EXCEPTION;
245     PRAGMA exception_init(missingresolution, -23343);
246     missres_num NUMBER := -23343;
248   missingconstraint EXCEPTION;
249     PRAGMA exception_init(missingconstraint, -23344);
250     missconst_num NUMBER := -23344;
252   statnotreg  EXCEPTION;
253     PRAGMA exception_init(statnotreg, -23345);
254     statnotreg_num NUMBER := -23345;
256   onlyonesnap EXCEPTION;
257     PRAGMA exception_init(onlyonesnap, -23360);
258     onlyonesnap_num NUMBER := -23360;
260   onlyonemview EXCEPTION;
261     PRAGMA exception_init(onlyonemview, -23360);
262     onlyonemview_num NUMBER := -23360;
264   keysendcomp EXCEPTION;
265     PRAGMA exception_init(keysendcomp, -23475);
266     keysendcomp_num NUMBER := -23475;
268   onlyonecol EXCEPTION;
269     PRAGMA exception_init(onlyonecol, -23485);
270     onlyonecol_num NUMBER := -23485;
272   -----
273   -- Product factoring exceptions
274   -----
276   norepoption EXCEPTION;
277     PRAGMA exception_init(norepoption, -23364);
278     norepoption_num NUMBER := -23364;
280   ------
281   --- Object Group exceptions
282   ------
284   missingrepgroup EXCEPTION;
285     PRAGMA exception_init(missingrepgroup, -23373);
286     missrepgrp_num NUMBER := -23373;
288   duplicaterepgroup EXCEPTION;
289     PRAGMA exception_init(duplicaterepgroup, -23374);
290     duplrepgrp_num NUMBER := -23374;
292   dbnotcompatible EXCEPTION;
293     PRAGMA exception_init(dbnotcompatible, -23375);
294     notcompat_num NUMBER := -23375;
296   repnotcompatible EXCEPTION;
297     PRAGMA exception_init(repnotcompatible, -23376);
298     repcompat_num NUMBER := -23376;
300   ------
301   --- Materialized View Repgroup Registration
302   ------
304   unregsnaprepgroup EXCEPTION;
305     PRAGMA exception_init(unregsnaprepgroup, -23382);
306     unreggrp_num NUMBER := -23382;
308   unregmviewrepgroup EXCEPTION;
309     PRAGMA exception_init(unregmviewrepgroup, -23382);
310     unreggrpmv_num NUMBER := -23382;
312   failregsnaprepgroup EXCEPTION;
313     PRAGMA exception_init(failregsnaprepgroup, -23383);
314     failreggrp_num NUMBER := -23383;
316   failregmviewrepgroup EXCEPTION;
317     PRAGMA exception_init(failregmviewrepgroup, -23383);
318     failreggrpmv_num NUMBER := -23383;
320   ------
321   --- V8 exceptions
322   ------
324   qrytoolong EXCEPTION;
325     PRAGMA exception_init(qrytoolong, -23389);
326     qrytoolong_num NUMBER := -23389;
328   misssna EXCEPTION;
329     PRAGMA exception_init(misssna, -23392);
330     misssna_num NUMBER := -23392;
332   missmview EXCEPTION;
333     PRAGMA exception_init(missmview, -23392);
334     missmview_num NUMBER := -23392;
336   incorrectobjtype EXCEPTION;
337     PRAGMA exception_init(incorrectobjtype, -23395);
338     incorrectobjtype_num NUMBER := -23395;
340   missingdblink EXCEPTION;
341     PRAGMA exception_init(missingdblink, -23396);
342     missingdblink_num NUMBER := -23396;
344   dblinkmismatch EXCEPTION;
345     PRAGMA exception_init(dblinkmismatch, -23397);
346     dblinkmismatch_num NUMBER := -23397;
348   dblinkuidmismatch EXCEPTION;
349     PRAGMA exception_init(dblinkuidmismatch, -23398);
350     dblinkuidmismatch_num NUMBER := -23398;
352   objectnotgenerated EXCEPTION;
353     PRAGMA exception_init(objectnotgenerated, -23399);
354     objectnotgenerated_num NUMBER := -23399;
356   opnotsupported EXCEPTION;
357     PRAGMA exception_init(opnotsupported, -23408);
358     opnotsupported_num NUMBER := -23408;
360   notallgenerated EXCEPTION;
361     PRAGMA exception_init(notallgenerated, -23419);
362     notallgenerated_num NUMBER := -23419;
364   updlobnotsupported EXCEPTION;
365     PRAGMA exception_init(updlobnotsupported, -23435);
366     updlobnotsupported_num NUMBER := -23435;
368   flavorduplicateobj EXCEPTION;
369     PRAGMA exception_init(flavorduplicateobj, -23450);
370     flavorduplicateobj_num NUMBER := -23450;
372   duplicateflavor EXCEPTION;
373     PRAGMA exception_init(duplicateflavor, -23451);
374     duplicateflavor_num NUMBER := -23451;
376   flavorpublished EXCEPTION;
377     PRAGMA exception_init(flavorpublished, -23452);
378     flavorpublished_num NUMBER := -23452;
380   topflavor EXCEPTION;
381     PRAGMA exception_init(topflavor, -23453);
382     topflavor_num NUMBER := -23453;
384   missingflavor EXCEPTION;
385     PRAGMA exception_init(missingflavor, -23454);
386     missingflavor_num NUMBER := -23454;
388   flavorobject EXCEPTION;
389     PRAGMA exception_init(flavorobject, -23455);
390     flavorobject_num NUMBER := -23455;
392   flavornoobject EXCEPTION;
393     PRAGMA exception_init(flavornoobject, -23456);
394     flavornoobject_num NUMBER := -23456;
396   flavorbad EXCEPTION;
397     PRAGMA exception_init(flavorbad, -23458);
398     flavorbad_num NUMBER := -23458;
400   flavorcontains EXCEPTION;
401     PRAGMA exception_init(flavorcontains, -23459);
402     flavorcontains_num NUMBER := -23459;
404   flavorinuse EXCEPTION;
405     PRAGMA exception_init(flavorinuse, -23462);
406     flavorinuse_num NUMBER := -23462;
408   flavorbadshape EXCEPTION;
409     PRAGMA exception_init(flavorbadshape, -23463);
410     flavorbadshape_num NUMBER := -23463;
412   flavormissingcol EXCEPTION;
413     PRAGMA exception_init(flavormissingcol, -23464);
414     flavormissingcol_num NUMBER := -23464;
416   flavorduplicatecol EXCEPTION;
417     PRAGMA exception_init(flavorduplicatecol, -23465);
418     flavorduplicatecol_num NUMBER := -23465;
420   flavorobjrequired EXCEPTION;
421     PRAGMA exception_init(flavorobjrequired, -23466);
422     flavorobjrequired_num NUMBER := -23466;
424   flavormissingobj EXCEPTION;
425     PRAGMA exception_init(flavormissingobj, -23467);
426     flavormissingobj_num NUMBER := -23467;
428   ------
429   --- Objects Replication exceptions
430   ------
431   nottopcolumn EXCEPTION;
432     PRAGMA exception_init(nottopcolumn, -23480);
433     nottopcolumn_num NUMBER := -23480;
435   invalidnamestr EXCEPTION;
436     PRAGMA exception_init(invalidnamestr, -23481);
437     invalidnamestr_num NUMBER := -23481;
439   adtcolumn EXCEPTION;
440     PRAGMA exception_init(adtcolumn, -23482);
441     adtcolumn_num NUMBER := -23482;
443   objectnotallowed EXCEPTION;
444     PRAGMA exception_init(objectnotallowed, -23483);
445     objectnotallowed_num NUMBER := -23483;
447   ------
448   --- Multi-tier mview exceptions
449   ------
450   nonmasterrepgrp EXCEPTION;
451     PRAGMA exception_init(nonmasterrepgrp, -23500);
452     nonmasterrepgrp_num NUMBER := -23500;
454   reftmplinvalidcompat EXCEPTION;
455     PRAGMA exception_init(reftmplinvalidcompat, -23501);
459   -- Reduce Quiesce exceptions
456     reftmplinvalidcompat_num NUMBER := -23501;
458   -------
460   -------
461   rqduplcolumn EXCEPTION;
462     pragma exception_init(rqduplcolumn, -23504);
463     rqduplcolumn_num NUMBER := -23504;
465   ------
466   --- add_master_db w/o quiesce exceptions
467   ------
468   notsamecq EXCEPTION; -- not having same connection qualifier
469     PRAGMA exception_init(notsamecq, -23487);
470     notsamecq_num NUMBER := -23487;
472   propmodenotallowed EXCEPTION; -- propagation mode is not allowed for this op
473     PRAGMA exception_init(propmodenotallowed, -23488);
474     propmodenotallowed_num NUMBER := -23488;
476   dupentry EXCEPTION; -- duplicated entry
477     PRAGMA exception_init(dupentry, -23489);
478     dupentry_num NUMBER := -23489;
480   extstinapp EXCEPTION; -- extension status is inappropriate
481     PRAGMA exception_init(extstinapp, -23490);
482     extstinapp_num NUMBER := -23490;
484   novalidextreq EXCEPTION; -- no valid extension request
485     PRAGMA exception_init(novalidextreq, -23491);
486     novalidextreq_num NUMBER := -23491;
488   nonewsites EXCEPTION; -- no new sites for extension request
489     PRAGMA exception_init(nonewsites, -23492);
490     nonewsites_num NUMBER := -23492;
492   notanewsite EXCEPTION; -- not a new site for extension request
493     PRAGMA exception_init(notanewsite, -23493);
494     notanewsite_num NUMBER := -23493;
496   toomanydes EXCEPTION; -- too many rows for destination.
497     PRAGMA exception_init(toomanydes, -23494);
498     toomanydes_num NUMBER := -23494;
500   insufficientprivs EXCEPTION; -- Insufficient Privileges
501     PRAGMA exception_init(insufficientprivs, -1031);
502     insufficientprivs_num NUMBER := -1031;
504   -------------
505   -- VARIABLES
506   --
508   err_table dbms_repcat.validate_err_table;
510   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
511   --
513   --
514   -- The following procedure are used to create and manage master replication
515   -- sites.
516   --
517   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
518   PROCEDURE register_mview_repgroup(gname    IN VARCHAR2,
519                                     mviewsite IN VARCHAR2,
520                                     comment  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
521                                     rep_type IN NUMBER   := reg_unknown,
522                                     fname    IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
523                                     gowner   IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC');
525   -- This procedure is used at master sites to manually register
526   -- a materialized view repgroup.
527   --
528   -- Arguments:
529   --   gname: Name of the repgroup
530   --   snapsite: Site of the materialized view repgroup
531   --   comment: comment describing the materialized view repgroup
532   --   rep_type: Version and type of the materialized view group (valid
533   --     constants are defined in dbms_repcat package header)
534   --   fname: This parameter is reserved for internal use.
535   --          Do not specify this parameter unless directed
536   --          by Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.
537   --   gowner: owner of the materialized view repgroup
538   --
539   -- Exceptions:
540   --   failregmviewrepgroup: registration failed
541   --   missingrepgroup: given repgroup does not exist
542   --   nonmaster: given repgroup is not mastered at the master site
543   --   duplicaterepgroup: repgroup is already registered
544   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
545   PROCEDURE unregister_mview_repgroup(gname    IN VARCHAR2,
546                                       mviewsite IN VARCHAR2,
547                                       gowner   IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC');
548   -- This procedure is used at master sites to manually unregister
549   -- a materialized view repgroup.
550   --
551   -- Arguments:
552   --   gname: Name of the repgroup
553   --   snapsite: Site of the materialized view repgroup
554   --   gowner: owner of the repgroup
555   --
556   -- Exceptions:
557   --   unregmviewrepgroup: materialized view repgroup is not registered
558   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
559   PROCEDURE add_master_database(gname                IN VARCHAR2,
560                                 master               IN VARCHAR2,
561                                 use_existing_objects IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
562                                 copy_rows            IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
563                                 comment              IN VARCHAR2 := '',
564                                 propagation_mode     IN VARCHAR2
565                                                            := 'ASYNCHRONOUS',
566                                 fname                IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
567   -- Adds the given master site to the given repgroup. This must be called
568   -- at the master definition site. All master repgroup replicas must have
569   -- been quiesced with an earlier call to suspend_master_activity.
570   --
571   -- The new master database is initialized with a consistent copy of all of
572   -- the contents of the repgroup at the master definition site. If a
573   -- replicated object does not exist at the new master, it is created at the
574   -- new master.  If copy_rows is TRUE, then it copies any contents from the
575   -- masterdef site.
576   --
577   -- If a replicated object already exists at the new master, the situation
581   -- and if use_existing_objects is TRUE, the object is reused.
578   -- is more complicated.  If use_existing_objects is FALSE, or if the
579   -- object has the wrong type or "shape," the name conflict is recorded.
580   -- On the contrary, if the object has the right name, type, and "shape,"
582   -- If copy_rows is TRUE, the contents of the two objects are compared
583   -- piece by piece, and any discrepancies are rectified by using the
584   -- contents of the masterdef's object.  A probabilistic comparison
585   -- algorithm (such as one based on a checksum) may be used.  Such an
586   -- algorithm never states that two objects with identical contents are
587   -- different.
588   --
589   -- If prop_mode is "ASYNCHRONOUS", then the new site's repgroup propagation
590   -- mode will be asynchronous to all other masters, and all other masters
591   -- will be asynchronous to it. If prop_mode is "SYNCHRONOUS", then the new
592   -- site's repgroup propagation mode will be synchronous to all other masters,
593   -- and all other masters will be synchronous to it.
594   --
595   -- The fname parameter is reserved for internal use.
596   -- Do not specify this parameter unless directed
597   -- by Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.
598   --
599   -- Because this procedure may use asynchronous activities, interim status
600   -- and all asynchronous errors are recorded in the RepCatlog. If the
601   -- request completes successfully, the new master is added to all
602   -- RepSites views, and no mention of the request appears in the RepCatlog.
603   --
604   -- Arguments:
605   --   gname: name of the object group being replicated
606   --   master: name of the new master being added to the replicated environment
607   --   use_existing_objects: (see comment above)
608   --   copy_rows: (see comment above)
609   --   comment: comment added to the master_comment field of RepSites view
610   --   propagation_mode: method of forwarding and receiving changes from
611   --          the new master
612   --
613   -- Exceptions:
614   --   nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site for
615   --     the given replicated object group
616   --   notquiesced: if the replicated object group has not been suspended.
617   --   commfailure: if the new master is not accessible.
618   --   typefailure: incorrect propagation mode specified
619   --   notcompat: new master must have compatibility 7.3 or greater
620   --   duplicaterepgroup: object group already exists, master is already
621   --     part of this replicatd environment
622   --   missingobject: a member of the replicated object group does not
623   --     exist at the masterdef site with a status of VALID
624   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
625   PROCEDURE alter_master_propagation(gname        IN VARCHAR2,
626                                      master       IN VARCHAR2,
627                                      dblink_table IN dbms_utility.dblink_array,
628                                      propagation_mode IN VARCHAR2 :=
629                                                   'ASYNCHRONOUS',
630                                      comment      IN VARCHAR2 := '');
632   PROCEDURE alter_master_propagation(gname        IN VARCHAR2,
633                                      master       IN VARCHAR2,
634                                      dblink_list  IN VARCHAR2,
635                                      propagation_mode IN VARCHAR2 :=
636                                                   'ASYNCHRONOUS',
637                                      comment      IN VARCHAR2 := '');
639   --  This call modifies the propagation method for the given object group
640   --  at the given master site for the destinations specified by the list
641   --  of dblinks. This must be called at the masterdef and requires the object
642   --  group to be quiesced.
643   --
644   -- Arguments:
645   --   gname: object group that is having its propagation mode altered
646   --   master: master at which to alter the propagation mode
647   --   dblink_table/dblink_list: PL/SQL table or list of dblinks for which
648   --     to alter propagation
649   --   propagation_mode: can be SYNCHRONOUS or ASYNCHRONOUS
650   --   comment: comment added to the repprop view
651   --
652   -- Exceptions:
653   --   nonmasterdef: if local site is not the masterdef site
654   --   notquiesced: if given object group is not quiesced
655   --   typefailure: an unknown propagation type was specified
656   --   nonmaster: given site is not a master site for the given object group
657   --      or the list of dblinks contains a site which is not a master site
658   --      for the given object group.
659   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
660   PROCEDURE alter_master_repobject(sname    IN VARCHAR2,
661                                    oname    IN VARCHAR2,
662                                    type     IN VARCHAR2,
663                                    ddl_text IN VARCHAR2,
664                                    comment  IN VARCHAR2 := '',
665                                    retry    IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE,
666                                    safe_table_change in BOOLEAN := FALSE);
668   -- This applies DDL changes to a replicated object at the masterdef site
669   -- and the changes are synchronously multicast to all the master sites.
670   -- Each master asynchronously checks that the object exists locally and
671   -- then applies the DDL to its replica. If comment is not NULL, then each
672   -- altered object's comment is updated. If retry is TRUE,
673   -- alter_master_repobject alters the object only at masters whose object
674   -- status is not 'valid'. The RepCatlog contains interim status and any
675   -- asynchronous error messages generated by the request. This requires the
679   -- scope of RepCat.  Replication administrators should ensure that local
676   -- object group be quiesced with suspend_master_activity.
677   --
678   -- Local customization of individual replicas is outside the
680   -- customizations do not interfere with the global customizations done
681   -- with alter_master_repobject.
682   --
683   -- Arguments:
684   --   sname: schema containing the replicated object
685   --   oname: the replicated object
686   --   type: type of object (TABLE, INDEX, SYNONYM, TRIGGER, VIEW, PROCEDURE,
688   --   ddl_text: ddl text used to alter the object
689   --   comment: comment to be added to the RepObject view
690   --   retry: (see comment above)
691   --   safe_table_change: when true and used with type TABLE objects,
692   --     indicates that change is safe to do without quiesce.
693   --
694   -- Exceptions:
695   --   nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
696   --   notquiesced: if the replicated object group has not been suspended.
697   --   missingobject: if the given object does not exist.
698   --   typefailure: if the given type parameter is not supported.
699   --   ddlfailure: if any DDL at the masterdef does not succeed.
700   --   commfailure: if a master is not accessible.
701   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
702   PROCEDURE comment_on_repgroup(gname   IN VARCHAR2,
703                                 comment IN VARCHAR2);
704   -- Update the comment field for the given repgroup in RepCat view.
705   --
706   -- in 8.1, this procedure is always executed at master sites, no need
707   -- to include gowner
708   --
709   -- Arguments:
710   --   gname: name of object group to comment on
711   --   comment: updated comment
712   --
713   -- Exceptions:
714   --   nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
715   --   commfailure: if any master is not accessible.
716   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
717   PROCEDURE comment_on_repobject(sname   IN VARCHAR2,
718                                  oname   IN VARCHAR2,
719                                  type    IN VARCHAR2,
720                                  comment IN VARCHAR2);
721   -- Update the comment field for the given repobject in RepObject view.
722   --
723   -- Arguments:
724   --   sname: name od schema containing the object
725   --   oname: name of replicated object to comment on
726   --   type: type of object (TABLE, INDEX, SYNONYM, TRIGGER, VIEW, PROCEDURE,
728   --   comment: updated comment
729   --
730   -- Exceptions:
731   --   nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
732   --   missingobject: if the given object does not exist.
733   --   typefailure: if the given type parameter is not supported.
734   --   commfailure: if any master is not accessible.
735   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
736   PROCEDURE comment_on_repsites(gname   IN VARCHAR2,
737                                 master  IN VARCHAR,
738                                 comment IN VARCHAR2);
739   -- Update the comment field for the given master in RepGroup view
740   -- The group name must be registered locally as a replicated
741   -- master object group. Must be issued from a masterdef site.
742   --
743   -- Arguments:
744   --   gname: name of the object group
745   --   master: master site that you want to comment on
746   --   comment: updated comment
747   --
748   -- Exceptions:
749   --   missingrepgroup: object group does not exist
750   --   nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
751   --   nonmaster: if the given master is not a master.
752   --   commfailure: if any master is not accessible.
753   --   corrupt: inconsistency in repcat views.
754   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
755   PROCEDURE comment_on_repsites(gname   IN VARCHAR2,
756                                 comment IN VARCHAR2);
757   -- Update the comment field for the given materialized view object group.
758   -- The group name must be registered locally as a replicated
759   -- materialized view object group. Must be issued from a materialized view
760   -- site.
761   --
762   -- Arguments:
763   --   gname: name of object group
764   --   comment: updated comment
765   --
766   -- Exceptions:
767   --   missingrepgroup: if the object group does not exist
768   --   nonmview: if the invocation site is not a materialized view site.
769   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
770   PROCEDURE comment_on_mview_repsites(gowner  IN VARCHAR2,
771                                       gname   IN VARCHAR2,
772                                       comment IN VARCHAR2);
773   -- Update the comment field for the given materialized view object group.
774   -- The group name must be registered locally as a replicated
775   -- materialized view object group. Must be issued from a materialized view
776   -- site.
777   --
778   -- Arguments:
779   --   gowner: owner of the object group
780   --   gname: name of object group
781   --   comment: updated comment
782   --
783   -- Exceptions:
784   --   missingrepgroup: if the object group does not exist
785   --   nonmview: if the invocation site is not a materialized view site.
786   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
787   PROCEDURE create_master_repgroup(gname          IN VARCHAR2,
788                                    group_comment  IN VARCHAR2 := '',
792   -- the first replica and the masterdef.
789                                    master_comment IN VARCHAR2 := '',
790                                    qualifier      IN VARCHAR2 := '');
791   -- Create a new, empty, quiesced master repgroup, making the local database
793   --
794   -- Arguments:
795   --   gname: name of the object group to be created
796   --   group_comment: comment added in the RepCat view
797   --   master_comment: comment added in the RepSites view
798   --   qualifier: connection qualifier for object group
799   --
800   -- Exceptions:
801   --   duplicaterepgroup: if the object group already exists as a repgroup.
802   --   norepopt: advanced replication option not installed
803   --   missingrepgrp: object group name not specified
804   --   qualifiertoolong: connection qualifier too long (the maximum length
805   --     of a database link including connection qualifier is 128 bytes)
806   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
807   PROCEDURE create_master_repobject(sname               IN VARCHAR2,
808                                     oname               IN VARCHAR2,
809                                     type                IN VARCHAR2,
810                                     use_existing_object IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
811                                     ddl_text            IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
812                                     comment             IN VARCHAR2 := '',
813                                     retry               IN BOOLEAN := FALSE,
814                                     copy_rows           IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
815                                     gname               IN VARCHAR2 := '');
816   -- This adds an object of the given name and type to the replicated
817   -- object group. This operates in an asynchronous fashion, and requires
818   -- that the replicated object group be quiesced with suspend_master_activity.
819   --
820   -- It optionally uses the given DDL text to create the object at the
821   -- masterdef site. If no DDL text is provided, the object must already
822   -- exist at the masterdef site. If retry is TRUE, it creates the object
823   -- only at masters whose object status is not 'valid'.
824   --
825   -- If the object does not exist at a non-masterdef site, the object is
826   -- is created at that site. If copy_rows is TRUE, it then copies any
827   -- contents from the masterdef site.
828   --
829   -- If the object already exists at a non-masterdef site, the situation is
830   -- more complicated.  If use_existing_object is FALSE, or if the object has
831   -- the wrong type or "shape," a duplicateobject exception is stored in the
832   -- RepCatlog. On the contrary, if the object has the right name, type,
833   -- and "shape," and if use_existing_object is TRUE, the object is reused.
834   -- If copy_rows is TRUE, the contents of the two objects are
835   -- (probabilistically) compared piece by piece and any discrepancies are
836   -- rectified by using the contents of the masterdef's object.
837   --
838   -- The RepCatlog contains interim status and any asynchronous error
839   -- messages generated by the request.
840   --
841   -- Arguments:
842   --   sname: name of schema containing object to be replicated
843   --   oname: name of the object to be replicated
844   --   type: type of object (TABLE, INDEX, SYNONYM, TRIGGER, VIEW, PROCEDURE,
846   --   use_existing_object: (see comment above)
847   --   ddl_text: (see comment above)
848   --   comment: comment added to the object_comment field of RepObject view
849   --   retry:
850   --   copy_rows: (see comment above)
851   --   gname: name of the object group in which to create the replicated object
852   --
853   -- Exceptions:
854   --   nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
855   --   notquiesced: if the replicated object group has not been suspended.
856   --   duplicateobject: if the given object already exists in the repgroup
857   --     and retry is FALSE, or if a name conflict occurs.
858   --   missingobject: if the given object does not exist and no DDL text is
859   --     given, or if oname directly or indirectly refers to a remote object.
860   --   typefailure: if objects of the given type can not be replicated.
861   --   ddlfailure: if any DDL at the masterdef does not succeed.
862   --   commfailure: if any master is not accessible.
863   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
864   PROCEDURE do_deferred_repcat_admin(gname     IN VARCHAR2,
865                                      all_sites IN BOOLEAN := FALSE);
866   -- Execute local outstanding deferred administrative procedures for the
867   -- given replicated object group requested by the current user.  If all_sites
868   -- is TRUE, do this at each master.
869   --
870   -- Arguments:
871   --   gname: name of replicated object group
872   --   all_sites: (see comment above)
873   --
874   -- Exceptions:
875   --   nonmaster: if the invocation site is not a master site.
876   --   commfailure: if all_sites is TRUE and a master is not accessible
877   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
878   PROCEDURE drop_master_repgroup(gname         IN VARCHAR2,
879                                  drop_contents IN BOOLEAN := FALSE,
880                                  all_sites     IN BOOLEAN := FALSE);
881   -- Drop the master repgroup and optionally all of its contents (drop_contents
882   -- is TRUE). If all_sites is TRUE and the invocation site is the masterdef,
883   -- synchronously multicast the request to all masters.  In this case
884   -- execution is immediate at the masterdef and possibly deferred at all
885   -- other master sites. Note that this procedure may leave some dangling
889   --   gname: name of the replicated object group to be dropped
886   -- materialized views.
887   --
888   -- Arguments:
890   --   drop_contents: (see comment above)
891   --   all_sites: (see comment above)
892   --
893   -- Exceptions:
894   --   nonmaster: if the invocation site is not a master site.
895   --   nonmasterdef: if all_sites is TRUE and the invocation site is not
896   --     the masterdef site
897   --   fullqueue: if the deferred RPC queue has entries for the repgroup.
898   --   commfailure: if a master is not accessible and all_sites is TRUE.
899   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
900   PROCEDURE drop_master_repobject(sname        IN VARCHAR2,
901                                   oname        IN VARCHAR2,
902                                   type         IN VARCHAR2,
903                                   drop_objects IN BOOLEAN := FALSE);
904   -- This procedure drops a replicated object from a replicated object group.
905   -- This removes the given object name from the RepObject view at all sites,
906   -- and optionally drops the object and dependent objects at all sites
907   -- (drop_objects is TRUE). This procedure typically operates in an
908   -- asynchronous fashion. The RepCatlog contains interim status and any
909   -- asynchronous error messages generated by the request.
910   --
911   -- Arguments:
912   --   sname: name of schema containing the repobject
913   --   oname: name of the replicated object to be dropped
914   --   type: type of object
915   --   drop_objects: (see comment above)
916   --
917   -- Exceptions:
918   --   nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
919   --   missingobject: if the given object does not exist.
920   --   typefailure: if the given type parameter is not supported.
921   --   commfailure: if a master is not accessible.
922   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
923   PROCEDURE execute_DDL(gname       IN VARCHAR2,
924                         master_list IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
925                         ddl_text    IN VARCHAR2);
927   PROCEDURE execute_DDL(gname        IN VARCHAR2,
928                         master_table IN dbms_utility.dblink_array,
929                         ddl_text     IN VARCHAR2);
930   -- Executes the DDL provided in ddl_text. The DDL is applied at the given
931   -- set of masters. master_list is a comma-separated list of masters.
932   -- master_table is a PL/SL table of masters. If NULL, it means all masters
933   -- including the masterdef. The DDL is typically applied asynchronously.
934   -- The RepCatlog contains interim status and any asynchronous error messages
935   -- generated by the request. Although the repgroup need not be quiesced
936   -- when execute_DDL is invoked, an administrator may quiesce the group first.
937   --
938   -- Arguments:
939   --   gname: name of replicated object group
940   --   master_list/master_table: (see comment above)
941   --   ddl_text: DDL to be executed at the given master sites
942   --
943   -- Exceptions:
944   --   nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
945   --   nonmaster: if any site is not a master.
946   --   ddlfailure: if any DDL at the masterdef does not succeed.
947   --   commfailure: if a master is not accessible.
948   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
949   PROCEDURE generate_replication_package(sname IN VARCHAR2,
950                                          oname IN VARCHAR2);
951   --- Internal packages:
952   ---   This is obsolete in 8.1?
953   ---
954   -- This generates the $RP, $RL and conflict resolution packages
955   -- for a particular object at ALL masters. The object group that contains
956   -- the specified replication object must be quiesced for this operation.
957   -- The RepCatLog contains interim status and any asynchronous error messages
958   -- generated by the request.
959   --
960   -- Arguments:
961   --   sname: schema containing replicated object
962   --   oname: name of replicated object for which to generate replication
963   --     package
964   --
965   -- Exceptions:
966   --   nonmasterdef: invocation site is not the masterdef site
967   --   missingobject: given object does not exist
968   --   notquiesced: object group not quiesced
969   --   notcompat: all the the masters in the replicated object group must have
970   --     compatibility 73 or greater
971   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
972   PROCEDURE generate_replication_support(sname             IN VARCHAR2,
973                                          oname             IN VARCHAR2,
974                                          type              IN VARCHAR2,
975                                          package_prefix    IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
976                                          procedure_prefix  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
977                                          distributed       IN BOOLEAN  := TRUE,
978                                          gen_objs_owner    IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
979                                          min_communication IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
980                                          generate_80_compatible
981                                                            IN BOOLEAN := TRUE);
982   -- This generates packages and procedures needed to support replication.
983   -- If the object exists in the replicated object group as a table using
984   -- row/column-level replication, this procedure generates the stored package.
985   -- When row-level or column-level replication is used for an object,
986   -- generate_replication_support should be called immediately after all
987   -- calls to set_columns.
988   --
992   -- this procedure generates the procedure wrappers using the given package
989   -- If the object exists in the replicated object group as a procedure,
990   -- the procedure generates the procedure wrapper using the given procedure
991   -- prefix. If the object exists in the object group as a package (body),
993   -- and procedure prefixes. In either case generate_replication_support should
994   -- be called immediately after create_master_repobject or
995   -- alter_master_repobject.
996   --
997   -- The parameter gen_objs_owner specifies the schema in which the generated
998   -- procedural wrapper should be installed. If this value if NULL, then
999   -- the generated procedural wrapper will be installed in the schema
1000   -- specified by the sname parameter.
1001   --
1002   -- If min_communication is TRUE and type is 'TABLE', then the update trigger
1003   -- sends the new value of a column only if the update statement modifies the
1004   -- column.  The update trigger sends the old value of the column only if it
1005   -- is a key column or a column in a modified column group. If the specified
1006   -- object is a replicated table and contains BLOB, CLOB, and/or NCLOB columns
1007   -- the input value for this parameter will be ignored and the value is always
1008   -- set to TRUE.
1009   --
1010   -- If generate_80_compatible is true, deferred RPC's from sites with the TOP
1011   -- flavor are generated using the 8.0 protocol.
1012   --
1013   -- The RepCatLog contains interim status and any asynchronous error
1014   -- messages generated by the request.
1015   --
1016   -- Arguments:
1017   --   sname: name of schema containing the object
1018   --   oname: name of object
1019   --   type: type of object (TABLE, PACKAGE, PACKAGE BODY, PROCEDURE)
1020   --   package_prefix: for PACKAGE and PACKAGE BODY, prepend this to the
1021   --     generated wrapper package name (default is DEFER_).
1022   --   procedure_prefix: for PROCEDURE, prepend this to the generate
1023   --     wrapper procedure name (default is DEFER_).
1024   --   distributed: is always TRUE
1025   --   gen_objs_owner: (see comment above)
1026   --   min_communication: (see comment above)
1027   --
1028   -- Exceptions:
1029   --   nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
1030   --   missingobject: if the given object does not exist as a table in the
1031   --     replicated object group awaiting row/column-level replication
1032   --     information or as a procedure or package (body) awaiting wrapper
1033   --     generation.
1034   --   missingschema: if specified schema does not exist
1035   --   typefailure: if the given type parameter is not supported.
1036   --   notquiesced: if the replicated object group has not been suspended.
1037   --   commfailure: if any master is not accessible.
1038   --   notcompat: all the the masters in the replicated object group must have
1039   --     compatibility 73 or greater
1040   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1041   PROCEDURE purge_master_log(id     IN NATURAL,
1042                              source IN VARCHAR2,
1043                              gname  IN VARCHAR2);
1044   -- Removes all local log records corresponding to the request on a given
1045   -- replicated object group that originated at the given master with the
1046   -- given identification. If any parameter is NULL, treats it as a wildcard.
1047   --
1048   -- Arguments:
1049   --   id: id of the request
1050   --   source: master site from which request originated
1051   --   gname: name of the replicated object group
1052   --
1053   -- Exceptions:
1054   --   nonmaster: if sname is not NULL and the invocation site is not a
1055   --     master site.
1056   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1057   PROCEDURE relocate_masterdef(gname                 IN VARCHAR2,
1058                                old_masterdef         IN VARCHAR2,
1059                                new_masterdef         IN VARCHAR2,
1060                                notify_masters        IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
1061                                include_old_masterdef IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
1062                                require_flavor_change IN BOOLEAN := FALSE);
1063   -- Move the masterdef designation from old_masterdef to new_masterdef.
1064   -- Old_masterdef must be the current masterdef, and new_masterdef must be
1065   -- a master. If notify_masters is TRUE, sychronously multicast the change
1066   -- to all masters (including old_masterdef only if include_old_masterdef
1067   -- is TRUE). If any master does not make the change, rollback the changes
1068   -- at all masters.
1069   --
1070   -- In a planned reconfiguration, relocate_masterdef should be invoked
1071   -- with notify_masters TRUE and include_old_masterdef TRUE. If just the
1072   -- masterdef fails, relocate_masterdef should be invoked with
1073   -- notify_masters TRUE and include_old_masterdef FALSE. If several
1074   -- masters and the masterdef fail, the administrator should invoke
1075   -- relocate_masterdef at each operational master with notify_masters FALSE.
1076   --
1077   -- The require_flavor_change is reserved for internal use.
1078   -- Do not specify this parameter unless directed
1079   -- by Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.
1080   --
1081   -- Arguments:
1082   --   gname: name of replicated object group
1083   --   old_masterdef: current masterdef site
1084   --   new_masterdef: name of an existing master site that is now going
1085   --     to be the new masterdef site
1086   --   notify_masters: (see comment above)
1087   --   include_old_masterdef: (see comment above)
1088   --
1089   -- Exceptions:
1090   --   nonmaster: if new_masterdef is not a master site or if the invocation
1091   --     site is not a master site.
1095   PROCEDURE resume_master_activity(gname    IN VARCHAR2,
1092   --   nonmasterdef: if old_masterdef is not the masterdef site.
1093   --   commfailure: if a master is not accessible and notify_masters is TRUE.
1094   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1096                                    override IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE);
1097   -- This resumes normal replication activity after a repgroup has been
1098   -- quiesced. So the replicated object group must be quiescing or quiesced
1099   -- when this procedure is called. If override is TRUE, it ignores any
1100   -- pending RepCat administration requests and restores normal replication
1101   -- activity at each master as quickly as possible. If override is FALSE,
1102   -- it restores normal replication activity at each master only when there
1103   -- is no pending RepCat administration request for the object group at
1104   -- that master. The RepCatlog contains interim status and any asynchronous
1105   -- error messages generated by the request.
1106   --
1107   -- Arguments:
1108   --   gname: name of replicated object group
1109   --   override: (see comment above)
1110   --
1111   -- Exceptions:
1112   --   nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
1113   --   notquiesced: if the status of the replicated object group is not
1114   --                quiescing or quiesced.
1115   --   commfailure: if any master is not accessible.
1116   --   notallgenerated: need to generate replication support before
1117   --     resuming replication activity
1118   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1120   -- ***********************************************************************
1121   -- WARNING: send_and_compare_old_values must be used with extreme caution.
1122   -- Indiscriminate use may hide conflicts from symmetric replication.
1123   -- This in turn can lead to replicated data divergence.
1124   -- ***********************************************************************
1126   PROCEDURE send_and_compare_old_values(sname       IN VARCHAR2,
1127                                         oname       IN VARCHAR2,
1128                                         column_list IN VARCHAR2,
1129                                         operation   IN VARCHAR2 := 'UPDATE',
1130                                         send        IN BOOLEAN := TRUE);
1132   PROCEDURE send_and_compare_old_values(sname        IN VARCHAR2,
1133                                         oname        IN VARCHAR2,
1134                                         column_table IN dbms_repcat.varchar2s,
1135                                         operation    IN VARCHAR2 := 'UPDATE',
1136                                         send         IN BOOLEAN := TRUE);
1138   -- Determine whether or not to send and compare old column values for
1139   -- deletes or updates.  sname.oname must be a replicated table.
1140   -- column_list is a comma-separated list of columns in the table
1141   -- (column_table is a PL/SQL table of columns in the table)
1142   -- or '*' for all non-key columns.  Operation must be 'UPDATE,' 'DELETE,'
1143   -- or '*,' with '*' meaning both 'UPDATE' and 'DELETE'.  If send is TRUE,
1144   -- the old values of the specified columns are sent.  If send is FALSE,
1145   -- the old values of the specified columns are not sent.  Unspecified
1146   -- columns and unspecified operations are not affected.  The specified
1147   -- change takes effect at the master definition site as soon as
1148   -- min_communication is TRUE for the table.  The change takes effect at a
1149   -- master site or at a materialized view site the next time replication
1150   -- support is generated at that site with min_communication TRUE.
1151   --
1152   -- Arguments:
1153   --   sname: schema in which table is located
1154   --   oname: name of the table
1155   --   column_list/column_table: (see comment above)
1156   --   operation: (see comment above)
1157   --   send: (see comment above)
1158   --
1159   -- Exceptions:
1160   --   nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
1161   --   notquiesced: if the replicated object group has not been suspended.
1162   --   missingobject: if the given object does not exist as a replicated table.
1163   --   missingcolumn: if any column doesn't exist as a replicated column.
1164   --   typefailure: if an illegal operation is given.
1165   --   keysendcomp: if any column is not a non-key column in the table.
1166   --   dbnotcompatible: if node is not compatible with replication version.
1167   --   flavornoobject: if any column does not exist.
1168   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1170   -- ***********************************************************************
1171   -- WARNING: send_old_values must be used with extreme caution.
1172   -- Indiscriminate use may hide conflicts from symmetric replication.
1173   -- This in turn can lead to replicated data divergence.
1174   -- ***********************************************************************
1176   PROCEDURE send_old_values(sname       IN VARCHAR2,
1177                             oname       IN VARCHAR2,
1178                             column_list IN VARCHAR2,
1179                             operation   IN VARCHAR2 := 'UPDATE',
1180                             send        IN BOOLEAN := TRUE);
1182   PROCEDURE send_old_values(sname        IN VARCHAR2,
1183                             oname        IN VARCHAR2,
1184                             column_table IN dbms_repcat.varchar2s,
1185                             operation    IN VARCHAR2 := 'UPDATE',
1186                             send         IN BOOLEAN := TRUE);
1188   PROCEDURE send_old_values(sname        IN VARCHAR2,
1189                             oname        IN VARCHAR2,
1190                             column_table IN dbms_utility.lname_array,
1191                             operation    IN VARCHAR2 := 'UPDATE',
1192                             send         IN BOOLEAN := TRUE);
1194   -- Determine whether or not to send old column values for
1195   -- deletes or updates.  sname.oname must be a replicated table.
1196   -- column_list is a comma-separated list of columns in the table
1197   -- (column_table is a PL/SQL table of columns in the table)
1198   -- or '*' for all non-key columns.  Columns cannot be an object type,
1199   -- including top-level and embedded object types.  Operation must be
1200   -- 'UPDATE,' 'DELETE,' or '*,' with '*' meaning both 'UPDATE' and
1201   -- 'DELETE'.  If send is TRUE, the old values of the specified columns
1202   -- are sent.  If send is FALSE, the old values of the specified
1203   -- columns are not sent.  Unspecified columns and unspecified
1204   -- operations are not affected.  The specified change takes effect at
1205   -- the master definition site as soon as min_communication is TRUE for
1206   -- the table.  The change takes effect at a master site or at a
1207   -- materialized view site the next time replication support is generated at
1208   -- that site with min_communication TRUE.
1209   --
1210   -- Arguments:
1211   --   sname: schema in which table is located
1212   --   oname: name of the table
1213   --   column_list/column_table: (see comment above)
1214   --   operation: (see comment above)
1215   --   send: (see comment above)
1216   --
1217   -- Exceptions:
1218   --   nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
1219   --   notquiesced: if the replicated object group has not been suspended.
1220   --   missingobject: if the given object does not exist as a replicated table.
1221   --   missingcolumn: if any column doesn't exist as a replicated column.
1222   --   typefailure: if an illegal operation is given.
1223   --   keysendcomp: if any column is not a non-key column in the table.
1224   --   dbnotcompatible: if node is not compatible with replication version.
1225   --   flavornoobject: if any column does not exist.
1226  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1228   -- ***********************************************************************
1229   -- WARNING: compare_old_values must be used with extreme caution.
1230   -- Indiscriminate use may hide conflicts from symmetric replication.
1231   -- This in turn can lead to replicated data divergence.
1232   -- ***********************************************************************
1234   PROCEDURE compare_old_values(sname       IN VARCHAR2,
1235                                oname       IN VARCHAR2,
1236                                column_list IN VARCHAR2,
1237                                operation   IN VARCHAR2 := 'UPDATE',
1238                                compare     IN BOOLEAN := TRUE);
1240   PROCEDURE compare_old_values(sname        IN VARCHAR2,
1241                                oname        IN VARCHAR2,
1242                                column_table IN dbms_repcat.varchar2s,
1243                                operation    IN VARCHAR2 := 'UPDATE',
1244                                compare      IN BOOLEAN := TRUE);
1246   PROCEDURE compare_old_values(sname        IN VARCHAR2,
1247                                oname        IN VARCHAR2,
1248                                column_table IN dbms_utility.lname_array,
1249                                operation    IN VARCHAR2 := 'UPDATE',
1250                                compare      IN BOOLEAN := TRUE);
1252   -- Determine whether or not to compare old column values for deletes or
1253   -- updates when they are sent.  sname.oname must be a replicated table.
1254   -- column_list is a comma-separated list of columns in the table
1255   -- (column_table is a PL/SQL table of columns in the table) or '*' for
1256   -- all non-key columns. Columns cannot be an object type, including
1257   --  top-level and embedded object types.  Operation must be 'UPDATE,'
1258   -- 'DELETE,' or '*,' with '*' meaning both 'UPDATE' and 'DELETE'.  If
1259   -- compare is TRUE, the old values of the specified columns are
1260   -- compared when sent.  If compare is FALSE, the old values of the
1261   -- specified columns are not compared when sent.  Unspecified columns
1262   -- and unspecified operations are not affected.  The specified change
1263   -- takes effect at the master definition site as soon as
1264   -- min_communication is TRUE for the table.  The change takes effect
1265   -- at a master site or at a materialized view site the next time replication
1266   -- support is generated at that site with min_communication TRUE.
1267   --
1268   -- Arguments:
1269   --   sname: schema in which table is located
1270   --   oname: name of the table
1271   --   column_list/column_table: (see comment above)
1272   --   operation: (see comment above)
1273   --   send: (see comment above)
1274   --
1275   -- Exceptions:
1276   --   nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
1277   --   notquiesced: if the replicated object group has not been suspended.
1278   --   missingobject: if the given object does not exist as a replicated table.
1279   --   missingcolumn: if any column doesn't exist as a replicated column.
1280   --   typefailure: if an illegal operation is given.
1281   --   keysendcomp: if any column is not a non-key column in the table.
1282   --   dbnotcompatible: if node is not compatible with replication version.
1283   --   flavornoobject: if any column does not exist.
1284   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1285   PROCEDURE set_columns(sname       IN VARCHAR2,
1286                         oname       IN VARCHAR2,
1287                         column_list IN VARCHAR2);
1289   PROCEDURE set_columns(sname        IN VARCHAR2,
1290                         oname        IN VARCHAR2,
1291                         column_table IN dbms_utility.name_array);
1293   PROCEDURE set_columns(sname        IN VARCHAR2,
1294                         oname        IN VARCHAR2,
1295                         column_table IN dbms_utility.lname_array);
1297   -- If oname exists in the replicated object group as a table using
1298   -- column-level replication, record the set of columns to be used as the
1299   -- "primary key" for replication purposes. Unlike true primary keys, these
1300   -- columns may contain NULLS. Set_columns does not affect the generated
1301   -- PL/SQL until the next call to generate_replication_support on the
1302   -- given object.
1303   --
1304   -- Arguments:
1305   --   sname: schema containing the table
1306   --   oname: name of the table
1307   --   column_list: a comma-separated list of column names
1308   --   column_table: a PL/SQL table of column names
1309   --
1310   -- Exceptions:
1311   --  nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
1312   --  missingobject: if the given object does not exist as a table in the
1313   --    replicated object group awaiting column-level replication information.
1314   --  missingcolumn: if any column is not in the table.
1315   --  notquiesced: replication object group not quiesced
1316   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1317   PROCEDURE suspend_master_activity(gname           IN VARCHAR2);
1318   -- This suspends replication activity for the given object group.
1319   -- So the repgroup must be in normal operation when this procedure
1320   -- is called. It quiesces all activity at all master sites, disables
1321   -- deferred procedure calls, and processes all pending queued procedure
1322   -- calls. Each master remains in this state until resume_master_activity
1323   -- is invoked. Queued Deferred RPCs are pushed to remote masters
1324   --
1325   -- Several of the above administrative procedures (e.g. adding a master
1326   -- database) must first suspend activity. Administrators may wish to
1327   -- suspend activity and manually perform a distributed query and update
1328   -- on the replicas in order to restore equivalence in the event of an
1329   -- errant conflict resolution.
1330   --
1331   -- This procedure typically operates asynchronously at the masterdef and
1332   -- the masters. The RepCatlog contains interim status.
1333   --
1334   -- Arguments:
1335   --   gname: name of the replicated object group for which to suspend
1336   --     master activity
1337   --
1338   -- Exceptions:
1339   --   nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
1340   --   notnormal: if the replicated object group is not in normal operation.
1341   --   commfailure: if any master is not accessible.
1342   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1343   PROCEDURE tickle_job(canon_sname IN VARCHAR2,
1344                        start_now   IN BOOLEAN := FALSE);
1346   -- Start the background job for processing the group's repcatlog records,
1347   -- creating the job if necessary.  This procedure is normally called by
1348   -- repcat executing as the user, and is here only for privilege reasons.
1349   -- NOTE: for v7 compatibility, do not move the above procedure or
1350   --       change its interface.
1351   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1352   FUNCTION validate(gname             IN  VARCHAR2,
1353                     check_genflags    IN  BOOLEAN := FALSE,
1354                     check_valid_objs  IN  BOOLEAN := FALSE,
1355                     check_links_sched IN  BOOLEAN := FALSE,
1356                     check_links       IN  BOOLEAN := FALSE,
1357                     error_table       OUT dbms_repcat.validate_err_table)
1359   -- Validate the configuration of the specified object group.
1360   -- This procedure should be called from the master definition site
1361   -- when check_genflags and check_valide_objs are set to TRUE.
1362   --
1363   -- INPUT:
1364   --   gname             - The name of the object group to validate
1365   --   check_genflags    - Check if all the replicated objects in the group
1366   --                       have generated replication support. The validity
1367   --                       check is done at master definition site.
1368   --   check_valid_objs  - Check if all replicated object in the group are
1369   --                       valid. The validity check is done at all master
1370   --                       sites.
1371   --   check_links_sched - Check if all database links are scheduled for
1372   --                       execution.
1373   --   check_links       - Check if the connected user, usually the repadmin,
1374   --                       has the necessary database links from adminitering
1375   --                       the replication environment.
1376   -- OUTPUT:
1377   --   error_table - This table contains any errors found.
1378   --   The return value of this function is the number of errors found
1379   --   (i.e., the number of elements in error_table).
1381   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1382   FUNCTION validate(gname             IN  VARCHAR2,
1383                     check_genflags    IN  BOOLEAN := FALSE,
1384                     check_valid_objs  IN  BOOLEAN := FALSE,
1385                     check_links_sched IN  BOOLEAN := FALSE,
1386                     check_links       IN  BOOLEAN := FALSE,
1387                     error_msg_table   OUT dbms_utility.uncl_array,
1388                     error_num_table   OUT dbms_utility.number_array)
1389                     RETURN BINARY_INTEGER;
1390   -- Validate the configuration of the specified object group.
1394   -- INPUT:
1391   -- This procedure should be called from the master definition site
1392   -- when check_genflags and check_valide_objs are set to TRUE.
1393   --
1395   --   gname             - The name of the object group to validate
1396   --   check_genflags    - Check if all the replicated objects in the group
1397   --                       have generated replication support.
1398   --   check_valid_objs  - Check if all replicated object in the group are
1399   --                       valid. The validity check is done at all master
1400   --                       sites.
1401   --   check_links_sched - Check if all database links are scheduled for
1402   --                       execution.
1403   --   check_links       - Check if the connected user, usually the repadmin,
1404   --                       has the necessary database links from adminitering
1405   --                       the replication environment.
1406   -- OUTPUT:
1407   --   error_msg_table - This table contains the text of any errors found.
1408   --   error_num_table - This table contains the error number of any errors
1409   --                     found.
1410   --   The return value of this function is the number of errors found
1411   --   (i.e., the number of elements in error_num_table and error_msg_table).
1413   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1414   PROCEDURE wait_master_log(gname        IN  VARCHAR2,
1415                             record_count IN  NATURAL,
1416                             timeout      IN  NATURAL,
1417                             true_count   OUT NATURAL);
1418   -- Wait until either timeout seconds have passed or there are at most
1419   -- record_count records in the local RepCatlog that represent administrative
1420   -- activities for the given replicated object group that have not completed.
1421   -- Activities that have completed with or without an error are not
1422   -- considered. The number of incomplete activities is returned in the
1423   -- parameter true_count.
1424   --
1425   -- If there are N masters and 1 masterdef for a replicated object group, most
1426   -- asynchronous administrative requests eventually create N+1 log records
1427   -- at the masterdef and 1 log record at each master.  Add_master_database
1428   -- is an exception and may create a log record at the masterdef and a log
1429   -- record at the new master for each object in the replicated object group.
1430   --
1431   -- Arguments:
1432   --   gname: replicated object group
1433   --   record_count: procedure returns whenever the number of incomplete
1434   --     requests is at or below this limit
1435   --   timeout: maximum number of seconds to wait before the procedure returns
1436   --   true_count: returns number of incomplete requests
1437   --
1438   -- Exceptions:
1439   --   nonmaster: if the invocation site is not a master site.
1440   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1441   PROCEDURE generate_replication_trigger(sname             IN VARCHAR2,
1442                                          oname             IN VARCHAR2,
1443                                          gen_objs_owner    IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1444                                          min_communication IN BOOLEAN := TRUE);
1446   -- NOTE: This procedure is obsolete in Oracle8 and is included only for
1447   --       backward compatibility in replication configurations that contain
1448   --       one or more pre-Oracle8 site.
1449   --
1450   -- The system must be quiesced.  The procedure must be called at
1451   -- the masterdef.
1452   --
1453   -- It generates the $TP package and triggers for the specified particular
1454   -- object at all masters.
1455   --
1456   -- Parameter gen_objs_owner specifies the schema in which the generated
1457   -- replication trigger and trigger package or procedural wrapper should
1458   -- be installed. If this value if NULL, then the generated trigger and
1459   -- trigger package or procedural wrapper will be installed in the schema
1460   -- specified by the sname parameter.
1461   --
1462   --
1463   -- If min_communication is TRUE, then the update trigger sends the new value
1464   -- of a column only if the update statement modifies the column.  The
1465   -- update trigger sends the old value of the column only if it is a
1466   -- key column or a column in a modified column group.
1467   --
1468   -- Good in conjunction with generate_replication_package for asynch-only
1469   -- configurations when adding replication support for a new replicated
1470   -- 	object.
1471   --
1472   -- Do not call generate_replication_trigger without previously having
1473   -- called generate_replication_support or generate_replication_package
1474   -- for the same object.
1475   --
1476   -- Exceptions:
1477   --   missingschema if specified owner of generated objects does not exist
1479   PROCEDURE generate_replication_trigger(gname             IN VARCHAR2,
1480                                          gen_objs_owner    IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1481                                          min_communication IN BOOLEAN := NULL);
1482   -- NOTE: This procedure is obsolete in Oracle8 and is included only for
1483   --       backward compatibility in replication configurations that contain
1484   --       one or more pre-Oracle8 site.
1485   --
1486   -- The system must be quiesced. The procedure must be called at the
1487   -- masterdef.
1488   --
1489   -- It generates the $TP package and triggers and procedural replication
1490   -- wrappers for all generated objects in the repgroup at all masters.
1491   --
1492   -- Parameter gen_objs_owner specifies the schema in which the generated
1493   -- replication trigger and trigger package or procedural wrapper should
1497   --
1494   -- be installed. If this value if NULL, then the generated trigger and
1495   -- trigger package or procedural wrapper will be installed in the schema
1496   -- in which they currently reside.
1498   -- If min_communication is TRUE, then the update trigger sends the new value
1499   -- of a column only if the update statement modifies the column.  The
1500   -- update trigger sends the old value of the column only if it is a key
1501   -- column or a column in a modified column group.  If min_communication is
1502   -- FALSE, the update trigger always send both the new and old values
1503   -- of each column.  If min_communication is NULL, the current setting is
1504   -- retained.
1505   --
1506   -- This procedure will normally be called after calls to
1507   -- alter_master_propagation.
1508   --
1509   -- Triggers that have synchronous destinations require that the $RP
1510   -- package for the oname is already generated at that site.  This lock-step
1511   -- generation is provided automatically if generate_replication_support
1512   -- or add_master_database is used to generate the triggers.
1513   --
1514   -- Exceptions:
1515   --   missingschema if specified owner of generated objects does not exist
1516   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1517   PROCEDURE remove_master_databases(gname       IN VARCHAR2,
1518                                     master_list IN VARCHAR2);
1520   PROCEDURE remove_master_databases(gname        IN VARCHAR2,
1521                                     master_table IN dbms_utility.dblink_array);
1522   -- To handle the case where several masters are inaccessible and must be
1523   -- removed at one time, we provide a procedure that deletes a set of
1524   -- masters. Master_list is a comma-separated list of masters.
1525   -- Remove_master_databases does not require any removed database to be
1526   -- accessible.  The other masters must be accessible.
1527   --
1528   -- For example, suppose A is the masterdef site and sites B, C, D, and E
1529   -- are master sites for object group G. If masters C and E become
1530   -- inaccessible and should no longer be masters, the following should
1531   -- be executed at site A:
1532   --
1533   --      remove C, E from RepGroup G at A, B, D
1534   --   remove_master_databases(`G', `C,E');
1535   --
1536   -- If master_table is a PL/SQL table of type dbms_utility.dblink_array -
1537   --      master_table(1) := `C';
1538   --      master_table(2) := `E';
1539   --   remove_master_databases(`G', master_table);
1540   --
1541   -- Replication packages are regenerated at the remaining sites.
1542   --
1543   -- Arguments:
1544   --   gname: name of the replicated object group
1545   --   master_list: comma separated list of masters to be removed
1546   --   master_table: PL/SQL table of masters to be removed
1547   --
1548   -- Exceptions:
1549   --   nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
1550   --   nonmaster: if any of the given databases is not a master site.
1551   --   reconfigerror: if any of the given masters is the masterdef site.
1552   --   commfailure: if any remaining master is not accessible.
1553   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1554   PROCEDURE comma_to_table(list   IN  VARCHAR2,
1555                            len    OUT BINARY_INTEGER,
1556                            result OUT dbms_utility.dblink_array);
1557   -- convert a comma-separated list to a PL/SQL table
1558   -- the table is 1-based, increasing, dense, and terminated by a NULL
1559   -- the dbms_utility.comma_to_table procedure cannot handle dblinks
1560   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1561   PROCEDURE repcat_import_check(gname  IN VARCHAR2,
1562                                 master IN BOOLEAN,
1563                                 gowner IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC');
1564   -- Update the object identifiers and status values in repcat$_repobject
1565   -- for the given repgroup, preserving object status values other than VALID.
1566   --
1567   -- Exceptions:
1568   --   missingschema if the replicated object group does not exist.
1569   --   nonmaster if master is TRUE and either the database is not a master or
1570   --      the database is not the expected database.
1571   --   nonmview if master is FALSE and the database is not a materialized view
1572   --            site.
1573   --   missingobject if a valid replicated object in the object group does
1574   --      not exist.
1575   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1576   PROCEDURE repcat_import_check;
1577   -- Invoke repcat_import_check(gowner, gname) for each replicated object group
1578   --
1579   -- Exceptions:
1580   --   nonmaster if the database is not the expected database for any
1581   --     replicated object group.
1582   --   missingobject if a valid replicated object in any schema does not exist.
1584   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1585   PROCEDURE specify_new_masters(
1586     gname                   IN VARCHAR2,
1587     master_list             IN VARCHAR2);
1588   -- Specify the masters you intend to add to existing replication groups.
1589   --
1590   -- This routine will replace any masters in the local DBA_REPSITES_NEW view
1591   -- for the given replication group with the masters in the list.
1592   --
1593   -- Arguments:
1594   --   gname: name of an existing replication group.
1595   --   master_list: the set of masters that will be instantiated.
1596   --
1597   -- Notes:
1598   --   If master_list is empty, all masters for the given replication group
1599   --   will be removed from the DBA_REPSITES_NEW view.
1600   --   This procedure must be called at the masterdef site for the given
1604   --   duplicaterepgroup: object group already exists.
1601   --   replication group.
1602   --
1603   -- Exceptions:
1605   --   nonmasterdef: not the masterdef.
1606   --   propmodenotallowed: propagation mode not allowed for this operation.
1607   --   extstinapp: extension request with status not allowed.
1608   --   dbnotcompatible: feature is incompatible with database version.
1609   --   notsamecq: object group  \"%s\".\"%s\" and \"%s\".\"%s\" do not
1610   --              have the same connection qualifier."
1611   --
1613   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1614   PROCEDURE specify_new_masters(
1615     gname                   IN VARCHAR2,
1616     master_table            IN dbms_utility.dblink_array);
1617   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1618   -- Please see the comment in the above overloaded version.
1619   --
1620   -- master_table is the set of masters that will be instantiated.
1621   -- The first master site should be at position 1, the second
1622   -- at position 2, and so on. A terminating NULL is
1623   -- permitted, but not required.
1624   --
1626   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1627   PROCEDURE add_new_masters(
1628     export_required             IN     BOOLEAN,
1629     available_master_table      IN     dbms_utility.dblink_array,
1630     masterdef_flashback_scn        OUT NUMBER,
1631     extension_id                   OUT RAW,
1632     break_trans_to_masterdef    IN     BOOLEAN := FALSE,
1633     break_trans_to_new_masters  IN     BOOLEAN := FALSE,
1634     percentage_for_catchup_mdef IN     BINARY_INTEGER := 100,
1635     cycle_seconds_mdef          IN     BINARY_INTEGER := 60,
1636     percentage_for_catchup_new  IN     BINARY_INTEGER := 100,
1637     cycle_seconds_new           IN     BINARY_INTEGER := 60);
1638   --
1639   -- Add the masters in the DBA_REPSITES_NEW view to the replication
1640   -- catalog at all available masters. All masters instantiated with
1641   -- table-level export must be accessible at this time. Their
1642   -- new replication groups are added in the quiesced state. Masters
1643   -- instantiated via full database export-import or via changed-based
1644   -- recovery need not be accessible.
1645   --
1646   -- Arguments:
1647   --
1648   --   export_required: set it to TRUE if and only if export is required.
1649   --   available_master_table: list of masters to be instantiated using
1650   --                           table-level export/import.
1651   --                           Do NOT specify masters which will be
1652   --                           instantiated using full database export-import
1653   --                           or change-based recovery.
1654   --                           The first master site should be at position 1,
1655   --                           the second  at position 2, and so on.
1656   --                           A terminating NULL is permitted, but not
1657   --                           required.
1658   --   masterdef_flashback_scn: the instantiation FLASHBACK_SCN that should be
1659   --                            used for export or change-based recovery.
1660   --   extension_id: the identifier for the current pending add master database
1661   --                 without quiesce request.
1662   --   break_trans_to_masterdef: If TRUE and export_required, existing masters
1663   --                             may continue to propagate their deferred RPC
1664   --                             queues to the masterdef for replication
1665   --                             groups that are not changing membership.
1666   --   break_trans_to_new_masters: If TRUE, existing masters may continue to
1667   --                               propagate their deferred RPC queues to
1668   --                               the new masters for replication groups that
1669   --                               are not changing membership. Otherwise,
1670   --                               propagation to the new masters will be
1671   --                               disabled.
1672   --   percentage_for_catchup_mdef: The percentage of propagation resources
1673   --                                that should be used for catching up to
1674   --                                masterdef. Must be a multiple of 10
1675   --                                between 0 and 100.
1676   --   cycle_seconds_mdef: This parameter is meaningful when
1677   --                       percentage_for_catchup_mdef is both meaningful and
1678   --                       between 10 and 90, inclusive. In this case,
1679   --                       propagation to the masterdef alternates between
1680   --                       non-extended replication groups and extended
1681   --                       replication groups, with one push to each during
1682   --                       each cycle.  This parameter indicates the length of
1683   --                       the cycle in seconds.
1684   --   percentage_for_catchup_new: The percentage of propagation resources that
1685   --                               should be used for catching up to new.
1686   --                               masters. Must be a multiple of 10 between 0
1687   --                               and 100.
1688   --   cycle_seconds_new: This parameter is meaningful when
1689   --                      percentage_for_catchup_new is both meaningful and
1690   --                      between 10 and 90, inclusive. In this case,
1691   --                      propagation to a new master alternates between
1692   --                      non-extended replication groups and extended
1693   --                      replication groups, with one push to
1694   --                      each during each cycle.  This parameter indicates
1695   --                      the length of the cycle in seconds.
1696   --
1697   -- Notes:
1701   --   For table-level export-import, ensure that all the repcatlog requests
1698   --   For masters to be instantiated via change-based recovery or full db
1699   --   export-import, they must get all repgroups in the masterdef.
1700   --
1702   --   in DBA_REPCATLOG view for the extended groups have been processed
1703   --   without any error before import.
1704   --
1705   -- Exceptions:
1706   --   nonmasterdef: not the masterdef.
1707   --   typefail: parameter value %s is not appropriate
1708   --   novalidextreq: no valid extension request
1709   --   nonewsites: no new sites for extension request
1710   --   notanewsite: not a new site for extension request
1711   --   dbnotcompatible: feature is incompatible with database version.
1712   --
1713   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1714   PROCEDURE add_new_masters(
1715     export_required             IN     BOOLEAN,
1716     available_master_list       IN     VARCHAR2,
1717     masterdef_flashback_scn        OUT NUMBER,
1718     extension_id                   OUT RAW,
1719     break_trans_to_masterdef    IN     BOOLEAN := FALSE,
1720     break_trans_to_new_masters  IN     BOOLEAN := FALSE,
1721     percentage_for_catchup_mdef IN     BINARY_INTEGER := 100,
1722     cycle_seconds_mdef          IN     BINARY_INTEGER := 60,
1723     percentage_for_catchup_new  IN     BINARY_INTEGER := 100,
1724     cycle_seconds_new           IN     BINARY_INTEGER := 60);
1725   -- See the comment in the overloaded version with available_master_table.
1726   -- available_master_list is a comma-separated list of masters to be
1727   -- instantiated using table-level export-import.
1729   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1730   PROCEDURE alter_catchup_parameters(
1731     extension_id                  IN RAW,
1732     percentage_for_catchup_mdef   IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
1733     cycle_seconds_mdef            IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
1734     percentage_for_catchup_new    IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL,
1735     cycle_seconds_new             IN BINARY_INTEGER := NULL);
1736   --
1737   -- This procedure alters percentage_for_catchup_mdef, cycle_seconds_mdef,
1738   -- percentage_for_catchup_new and cycle_seconds_new stored in
1740   -- It is executed at each master, including masterdef. The effect is only
1741   -- local to the local site.
1742   --
1743   -- Arguments:
1744   --   extension_id: extension request identifier.
1745   --   percentage_for_catchup_mdef: The percentage of propagation resources
1746   --                                that should be used for catching up to
1747   --                                masterdef. Must be a multiple of 10
1748   --                                between 0 and 100.
1749   --   cycle_seconds_mdef: This parameter is meaningful when
1750   --                       percentage_for_catchup_mdef is both meaningful and
1751   --                       between 10 and 90, inclusive.  In this case,
1752   --                       propagation to the masterdef alternates between
1753   --                       non-extended replication groups and extended
1754   --                       replication groups, with one push to each during
1755   --                       each cycle.  This parameter indicates the length of
1756   --                       the cycle in seconds.
1757   --   percentage_for_catchup_new: The percentage of propagation resources that
1758   --                               should be used for catching up to new.
1759   --                               masters. Must be a multiple of 10 between 0
1760   --                               and 100.
1761   --   cycle_seconds_new: This parameter is meaningful when
1762   --                      percentage_for_catchup_new is both meaningful and
1763   --                      between 10 and 90, inclusive. In this case,
1764   --                      propagation to a new master alternates between
1765   --                      non-extended replication groups and extended
1766   --                      replication groups, with one push to
1767   --                      each during each cycle.  This parameter indicates
1768   --                      the length of the cycle in seconds.
1769   --
1770   -- Exceptions:
1771   --   dbnotcompatible: feature is incompatible with database version.
1772   --   typefail: parameter value %s is not appropriate
1773   --
1775   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1776   PROCEDURE resume_propagation_to_mdef(extension_id       IN RAW);
1777   -- This indicates that export has been effectively finished and
1778   -- propagation for both extended and unaffect replication groups from
1779   -- existing masters to masterdef can be enabled if break_trans_to_masterdef
1780   -- is FALSE.
1781   --
1782   -- Arguments:
1783   --   extension_id: extension request identifier.
1784   --
1785   -- Exceptions:
1786   --   nonmasterdef: not the masterdef.
1787   --   extstinapp: extension status is inappropriate
1788   --   dbnotcompatible: feature is incompatible with database version.
1789   --
1791   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1792   PROCEDURE prepare_instantiated_master(
1793     extension_id          IN RAW);
1794   --
1795   -- This procedure enables the propagation of deferred transactions from
1796   -- other prepared new master sites and existing master sites to the
1797   -- invocation master site. This procedure also enables the propagation of
1798   -- deferred transactions from the invocation master site to the other
1799   -- prepared new master sites and existing master sites.
1800   --
1801   -- Before invoking this procedure for a new master instantiated using
1805   --      global_name, which must be the same name as specified
1802   -- change based recovery or full database export/import, perform the
1803   -- following two additional steps at the new master:
1804   --   1. Ensure that the new master has the right
1806   --      when invoking dbms_repcat.specify_new_masters at the master
1807   --      definition site. Use ALTER DATABASE RENAME GLOBAL_NAME to change
1808   --      the global_name if necessary.
1809   --
1810   --   2. Ensure the new master has the appropriate database link(s) to the
1811   --      master definition site.
1812   --
1813   --
1814   -- The deferrend transaction queue should be empty before the import is done
1815   -- for the full database export/import.
1816   --
1817   -- For the full database export/import and changed-based recovery,
1818   -- no transactions should be added during or after the import until this
1819   -- procedure completes successfully.
1820   --
1821   -- For the full database export/import and changed-based recovery,
1822   -- no job queue processes at the invocation until this procedure
1823   -- completes. Otherwise, deferred transactions could be pushed
1824   -- before this procedure deletes them.
1825   --
1826   -- Do NOT invoke this procedure until instantiation, export-import or
1827   -- change-based recovery, for the new master is done.
1828   --
1829   -- Do NOT perform any DMLs directly on the objects in the extended
1830   -- group in the new master until prepare_instantiated_master returns
1831   -- successfully. Those DMLs may not be replicated.
1832   --
1833   -- For table-level export-import, ensure that all the repcatlog requests
1834   -- in DBA_REPCATLOG view for the extended groups have been processed
1835   -- without error before import.
1836   --
1837   -- Arguments:
1838   --   extension_id: extension request identifier.
1839   --
1840   -- Exceptions:
1841   --   dbnotcompatible: feature is incompatible with database version.
1842   --   typefail: parameter value %s is not appropriate
1843   --   notanewsite: not a new site for extension request
1844   --
1846   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1847   PROCEDURE undo_add_new_masters_request(
1848     extension_id                  IN RAW,
1849     drop_contents                 IN BOOLEAN := TRUE);
1850   -- This procedure undoes the add_new_masters and specify_new_masters
1851   -- invocation for a given extension_id.
1852   --
1853   -- This procedure is executed at masters, including master definition site.
1854   -- Its effect is local.
1855   --
1856   -- ***********************************************************************
1857   -- WARNING:
1858   --   This procedure is used in emergency when add new masters without quiesce
1859   --   can not proceed after specify_new_masters and add_new_masters, but
1860   --   BEFORE resume_propagation_to_mdef and prepare_instantiated_master.
1861   -- ***********************************************************************
1862   --
1863   -- Arguments:
1864   --   extension_id: extension request identifier.
1865   --   drop_contents: drop the contents of objects in new repgroups being
1866   --                  extended at the local site if TRUE.
1867   --
1868   -- Exceptions:
1869   --   dbnotcompatible: feature is incompatible with database version.
1870   --   typefail: parameter value %s is not appropriate
1872   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1873   --
1875   --
1876   -- The following procedure are used to create and manage materialized view
1877   -- replication sites.
1878   --
1879   PROCEDURE create_mview_repgroup(gname            IN VARCHAR2,
1880                                   master           IN VARCHAR2,
1881                                   comment          IN VARCHAR2 := '',
1882                                   propagation_mode IN VARCHAR2
1883                                                       := 'ASYNCHRONOUS',
1884                                   fname            IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
1885                                   gowner           IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC');
1886   -- Create a new empty materialized view repgroup at the local site. The
1887   -- group name must be a master repgroup at the master database.
1888   --
1889   -- Arguments:
1890   --   gname: name of the replicated object group
1891   --   master: database to use as the master
1892   --   comment: comment added to the schema_comment field of RepCat view
1893   --   propagation_mode: method of propagation for all updatable materialized
1894   --     views in the object group (SYNCHRONOUS or ASYNCHRONOUS)
1895   --   fname: This parameter is reserved for internal use.
1896   --          Do not specify this parameter unless directed
1897   --   gowner: owner of replicated materialized view group
1898   --
1899   -- Exceptions:
1900   --   duplicaterepgroup: if the objectgroup already exists as a repgroup
1901   --     at the invocation site.
1902   --   nonmaster: if the given database is not a master site.
1903   --   commfailure: if the given database is not accessible.
1904   --   norepoption: if advanced replication option not installed
1905   --   typefailure: if propagation mode specified incorrectly
1906   --   missingrepgroup: object group missing at master site
1907   --   invalidqualifier: connection qualifier specified for master is not
1908   --     valid for the object group
1909   --   alreadymastered: if at the local site there is another materialized view
1910   --   repgroup with the same group name, but different master.
1911   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1912   PROCEDURE drop_mview_repgroup(gname         IN VARCHAR2,
1916   -- contents at this materialized view site.
1913                                 drop_contents IN BOOLEAN := FALSE,
1914                                 gowner        IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC');
1915   -- Drop the given materialized view repgroup and optionally all of its
1917   --
1918   -- Arguments:
1919   --   gname: name of the replicated object group to be dropped
1920   --   drop_contents: (see comment above)
1921   --   gowner: owner of the replicated object group
1922   --
1923   -- Exceptions:
1924   --   nonmview: if the invocation site is not a materialized view site.
1925   --   missingrepgroup: the replicated object group does not exist
1926   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1927   PROCEDURE refresh_mview_repgroup(gname                 IN VARCHAR2,
1928                                    drop_missing_contents IN BOOLEAN := FALSE,
1929                                    refresh_mviews        IN BOOLEAN := FALSE,
1930                                    refresh_other_objects IN BOOLEAN := FALSE,
1931                                    gowner                IN VARCHAR2
1932                                                               := 'PUBLIC');
1933   -- Refresh the RepCat views for the given repgroup and optionally drop
1934   -- objects no longer in the repgroup.  Consistently refresh the materialized
1935   -- views iff refresh_snapshots is TRUE.  Refresh the other objects if
1936   -- refresh_other_objects is TRUE. The value in gname must be an existing
1937   -- object group in the local database. The value of gowner is the
1938   -- owner of the object group.
1939   --
1940   -- Exceptions:
1941   --   nonmview: if the invocation site is not a materialized view site.
1942   --   nonmaster: if the master is no longer a master site.
1943   --   commfailure: if the master is not accessible.
1944   --   missingrepgroup: if the replicated object group does not exist
1945   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1946   PROCEDURE switch_mview_master(gname  IN VARCHAR2,
1947                                 master IN VARCHAR2,
1948                                 gowner IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC');
1949   -- Change the master database of the materialized view repgroup to the given
1950   -- database. The new database must contain a replica of the master
1951   -- repgroup. Each materialized view in the local repgroup will be completely
1952   -- refreshed from the new master the next time it is refreshed.
1953   -- This procedure will raise an error if any materialized view definition
1954   -- query is bigger than 32K.
1955   --
1956   -- Any materialized view logs should be created at all masters to avoid
1957   -- future complete refreshes.
1958   --
1959   -- Arguments:
1960   --   gname: name of the materialized view object group
1961   --   master: name of the new master
1962   --   gowner: owner of the materialized view object group
1963   --
1964   -- Exceptions:
1965   --   nonmview: if the invocation site is not a materialized view site.
1966   --   nonmaster: if the given database is not a master site.
1967   --   commfailure: if the given database is not accessible.
1968   --   missingrepgroup: materialized view repgroup does not exist
1969   --   qrytoolong: materialized view definition query is > 32K
1970   --   alreadymastered: if at the local site there is another materialized
1971   --     view repgroup with the same group name and mastered at the old master.
1972   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1973   PROCEDURE create_mview_repobject(sname             IN VARCHAR2,
1974                                    oname             IN VARCHAR2,
1975                                    type              IN VARCHAR2,
1976                                    ddl_text          IN VARCHAR2 := '',
1977                                    comment           IN VARCHAR2 := '',
1978                                    gname             IN VARCHAR2 := '',
1979                                    gen_objs_owner    IN VARCHAR2 := '',
1980                                    min_communication IN BOOLEAN  := TRUE,
1981                                    generate_80_compatible IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
1982                                    gowner            IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC');
1983   -- Add the given object name and type to the RepObject view at the local
1984   -- materialized view repgroup. The allowed types are `package',
1985   -- `package body', `procedure', `snapshot', `synonym', 'trigger', 'index',
1986   -- `view', 'type', 'type body', 'operator', 'indextype'.
1987   --
1988   -- For objects of type `snapshot', generate the client-side half of the
1989   -- replication packages if the underlying table uses row/column-level
1990   -- replication.
1991   --
1992   -- The parameter ddl_text defines the materialized view if the materialized
1993   -- view does not already exist. The value of oname should match the
1994   -- materialized view name defined in the ddl_text.  The snaphot's master
1995   -- should match the master stored in all_repgroup, this includes the
1996   -- connection qualifier that may be associated with the master group.
1997   --
1998   -- gen_objs_owner indicates the schema in which the generated procedural
1999   -- wrapper should be install. If this parameter is NULL, the value of the
2000   -- sname parameter is used.
2001   --
2002   -- If min_communication is TRUE and type is 'SNAPSHOT', the update trigger
2003   -- sends the new value of a column only if the update statement modifies the
2004   -- column.  The update trigger sends the old value of the column only if it
2005   -- is a key column or a column in a modified column group.
2006   --
2007   -- If generate_80_compatible is true, deferred RPC's with the TOP
2008   -- flavor are generated using the 8.0 protocol.
2009   --
2010   -- gowner is the owner of the replicated group
2014   --   nonmview if the invocation site is not a materialized view site.
2011   --
2012   -- Exceptions:
2013   --   missingschema if specified owner of generated objects does not exist
2015   --   nonmaster if the master is no longer a master site.
2016   --   missingobject if the given object does not exist in the master's
2017   --     replicated object group.
2018   --   duplicateobject if the given object already exists.
2019   --   typefailure if the type is not an allowable type.
2020   --   ddlfailure if the DDL does not succeed.
2021   --   commfailure if the master is not accessible.
2022   --   badmviewddl if th ddl was executed but materialized view does not exist
2023   --   onlyonemview if only one materialized view for master table can be
2024   --   created badmviewname if materialized view base table differs from
2025   --   master table misingrepgroup if replicated object group does not exist
2026   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2027   PROCEDURE generate_mview_support(sname             IN VARCHAR2,
2028                                    oname             IN VARCHAR2,
2029                                    type              IN VARCHAR2,
2030                                    gen_objs_owner    IN VARCHAR2 := '',
2031                                    min_communication IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
2032                                    generate_80_compatible
2033                                                      IN BOOLEAN := TRUE);
2034   -- If the object exists in the replicated materialized view object group
2035   -- as an updatable materialized view using row/column-level replication,
2036   -- create the row-level replication trigger and stored package.
2037   --
2038   -- If the object exists in the replicated object group as a procedure
2039   -- or package (body), then generate the appropriate wrappers.
2040   --
2041   -- Parameter gen_objs_owner specifies the schema in which the generated
2042   -- replication package and wrapper should be installed. If this value is
2043   -- NULL, then the generated package or wrapper will be installed in the
2044   -- schema specified by the sname parameter.
2045   --
2046   -- If min_communication is TRUE, then the update trigger sends the new value
2047   -- of a column only if the update statement modifies the column.  The update
2048   -- trigger sends the old value of the column only if it is a key column or
2049   -- a column in a modified column group.
2050   --
2051   -- If generate_80_compatible is true, deferred RPC's with the TOP
2052   -- flavor are generated using the 8.0 protocol.
2053   --
2054   -- Exceptions:
2055   --   nonmview if the invocation site is not a materialized view site.
2056   --   missingobject if the given object does not exist as a materialized view
2057   --     in the replicated object group awaiting row/column-level replication
2058   --     information or as a procedure or package (body) awaiting wrapper
2059   --     generation.
2060   --   typefailure if the given type parameter is not supported.
2061   --   missingschema if specified owner of generated objects does not exist
2062   --   missingremoteobject if the master object has not yet generated
2063   --     replication support.
2064   --   commfailure if the master is not accessible
2065   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2066   PROCEDURE drop_mview_repobject(sname        IN VARCHAR2,
2067                                  oname        IN VARCHAR2,
2068                                  type         IN VARCHAR2,
2069                                  drop_objects IN BOOLEAN := FALSE);
2070   -- Remove the given object name from the local replication catalog
2071   -- and optionally drop the object and dependent objects.
2072   --
2073   -- Exceptions:
2074   --   nonmview if the invocation site is not a materialized view site.
2075   --   missingobject if the given object does not exist.
2076   --   typefailure if the given type parameter is not supported.
2077   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2078   PROCEDURE alter_mview_propagation(gname            IN VARCHAR2,
2079                                     propagation_mode IN VARCHAR2,
2080                                     comment          IN VARCHAR2 := '',
2081                                     gowner           IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC');
2082   -- Alter the propagation method of all replication materialized views,
2083   -- procedure, packages, and package bodies for all materialized view
2084   -- repobjects in the specified materialized view repgroup.
2085   --
2086   -- Altering the propagation method involves regenerating replication
2087   -- support at the materialized view site. When converting from asynchronous
2088   -- replication to synchronous replication, the deferred RPC queue is
2089   -- pushed before conversion.
2090   --
2091   -- Queued Deferred RPCs are pushed to remote masters
2092   --
2093   -- Exceptions:
2094   --   notcompat: only databases operating in 7.3 (or later) mode can
2095   --   use this procedure.
2096   --   failaltermviewrop: materialized view repgroup propagation can be
2097   --   altered only when there is no other repgroup with the same master
2098   --   sharing the site.
2099   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2100   --
2102   --
2103   -- The following procedures are added to support automatic conflict
2104   -- resolution.  Note that these procedures are available only on master
2105   -- sites.  Conflict resolution is not available on materialized view sites.
2106   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2107   PROCEDURE define_column_group(sname        IN VARCHAR2,
2108                                 oname        IN VARCHAR2,
2112   -- has no members yet. Define_column_group does not affect the generated
2109                                 column_group IN VARCHAR2,
2110                                 comment      IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
2111   -- Create a new column group for the given repobject. The column group
2113   -- PL/SQL until the next call to generate_replication_support.
2114   -- Input Parameters:
2115   --    sname: The name of the schema containing the table to be replicated.
2116   --           Defaults to invoking user.
2117   --    oname: The name of the table being replicated.
2118   --    column_group: The name of the column group being defined.
2119   --    comment: Comment text for the column group being defined.
2120   -- Exceptions:
2121   --    nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2122   --    duplicategroup: if the given column group already exists for the
2123   --                    repobject.
2124   --    missingobject: if the given repobject does not exist.
2125   --    notquiesced: if the object group that the replicated table belongs
2126   --           to is not quiesced
2127   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2128   PROCEDURE comment_on_column_group(sname        IN VARCHAR2,
2129                                     oname        IN VARCHAR2,
2130                                     column_group IN VARCHAR2,
2131                                     comment      IN VARCHAR2);
2133   -- Update the comment field for the given column group in the
2134   -- *_RepColumn_Group views.
2135   -- Input Parameters:
2136   --    sname: The name of the schema containing the table to be replicated.
2137   --           Defaults to invoking user.
2138   --    oname: The name of the table being replicated.
2139   --    column_group: The name of the column group.
2140   --    comment: Comment text for the column group being defined.
2141   -- Exceptions:
2142   --    nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2143   --    missinggroup: if the given column group does not exist.
2144   --    missingobj: if the given repobject does not exist
2145   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2146   PROCEDURE drop_column_group(sname        IN VARCHAR2,
2147                               oname        IN VARCHAR2,
2148                               column_group IN VARCHAR2);
2149   -- Drop the given column group.  Drop_column_group does not affect the
2150   -- PL/SQL until the next call to generate_replication_support.
2151   -- Input Parameters:
2152   --   sname: The name of the schema containing the table to be replicated.
2153   --          Defaults to invoking user.
2154   --   oname: The name of the table being replicated.
2155   --   column_group: The name of the column group to be dropped
2156   -- Exceptions:
2157   --   nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2158   --   referenced: if the given column group is being used in conflict
2159   --                detection and resolution.
2160   --   missingobject: if given table does not exist
2161   --   missinggroup: if given column group does not exist
2162   --   notquiesced: if object group that the replicated table belongs to
2163   --          is not quiesced
2164   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2165   PROCEDURE add_grouped_column(sname                IN VARCHAR2,
2166                                oname                IN VARCHAR2,
2167                                column_group         IN VARCHAR2,
2168                                list_of_column_names IN VARCHAR2);
2170   PROCEDURE add_grouped_column(sname                IN VARCHAR2,
2171                                oname                IN VARCHAR2,
2172                                column_group         IN VARCHAR2,
2173                                list_of_column_names IN dbms_repcat.varchar2s);
2174   -- Assign a set of columns to the given column group.  Add_grouped_column
2175   -- does not affect the generated PL/SQL until the next call to
2176   -- generate_replication_support.
2177   -- Arguments:
2178   --   sname: The name of the schema containing the table to be replicated.
2179   --          Defaults to invoking user.
2180   --   oname: The name of the table being replicated.
2181   --   column_group: The name of the column group.
2182   --   list_of_column_names: A list of columns being added to the column .
2183   --          group. The list can be a comma separated list of columns or
2184   --          a pl/sql table of columns.
2185   --          a '*' as the only entry in the list results in all the
2186   --          columns in the table being entered as part of the column group
2187   -- Exceptions:
2188   --   nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2189   --   missingobject: if the given table does not exist
2190   --   duplicatecolumn: if the given column already exists in the column group
2191   --   missinggroup: if the given column group does not exist.
2192   --   missingcolumn: if the given column does not exist in the repobject.
2193   --   missingschema: if the given schema does not exist
2194   --   notquiesced: the object group that the given table belongs to is
2195   --          not quiesced
2196   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2197   PROCEDURE make_column_group (sname                IN VARCHAR2,
2198                                oname                IN VARCHAR2,
2199                                column_group         IN VARCHAR2,
2200                                list_of_column_names IN VARCHAR2);
2202   PROCEDURE make_column_group (sname                IN VARCHAR2,
2203                                oname                IN VARCHAR2,
2204                                column_group         IN VARCHAR2,
2208   -- Input parameters:
2205                                list_of_column_names IN dbms_repcat.varchar2s);
2206   -- Create a new column group with one or more members
2207   -- i.e. do a combined define and add
2209   --   sname: name of schema containing the replicated table
2210   --   oname: name of the replicated table
2211   --   colgrp: name of the new column group
2212   --   list_of_column_name: names of columns in the new column group
2213   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2214   PROCEDURE drop_grouped_column(sname                IN VARCHAR2,
2215                                 oname                IN VARCHAR2,
2216                                 column_group         IN VARCHAR2,
2217                                 list_of_column_names IN dbms_repcat.varchar2s);
2219   PROCEDURE drop_grouped_column(sname                IN VARCHAR2,
2220                                 oname                IN VARCHAR2,
2221                                 column_group         IN VARCHAR2,
2222                                 list_of_column_names IN VARCHAR2);
2223   -- Remove a column from the given column group.  Drop_grouped_column does not
2224   -- affect the generated PL/SQL until the next call to
2225   -- generate_replication_support.
2226   -- Input Parameters:
2227   --    sname: The name of the schema containing the table to be replicated.
2228   --           Defaults to invoking user.
2229   --    oname: The name of the table being replicated.
2230   --    column_group: The name of the column group.
2231   --    list_of_column_names: names of columns to be removed
2232   -- Exceptions:
2233   --    nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2234   --    missingobject: if given table does not exist
2235   --    notquiesced: if the object group the replicated table belongs to
2236   --           is not quiesced
2237   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2238   PROCEDURE define_priority_group(gname        IN VARCHAR2,
2239                                   pgroup       IN VARCHAR2,
2240                                   datatype     IN VARCHAR2,
2241                                   fixed_length IN INTEGER := NULL,
2242                                   comment      IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
2243   -- Create a new priority group.  The name of the priority group must be
2244   -- unique in a repgroup.  The valid values of datatype are those, except
2245   -- rowid, that are supported by Rep2.
2246   -- Define_priority_group does not affect the generated PL/SQL until the
2247   -- next call to generate_replication_support.
2248   -- Input Parameters:
2249   --    gname: The name of the repgroup containing the table to be replicated.
2250   --    pgroup: The name of the priority group being created.
2251   --    datatype: The datatype of value in the priority group being created.
2252   --            Supported datatypes are: `CHAR', `VARCHAR2', `NUMBER', `DATE',
2253   --            `RAW', `NCHAR' and `NVARCHAR2'.
2254   --    fixed_length: The fixed length for data of type CHAR.
2255   --    comment: Comment text for the priority group being created.
2256   -- Exceptions:
2257   --    nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2258   --    duplicateprioritygroup: if the given priority group already exists
2259   --             in the replicated object group.
2260   --    typefailure: if the given datatype is not an allowable type.
2261   --    missingrepgroup: if given replicated object group does not exist
2262   --    notquiesced: if replicated object group is not quiesced
2263   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2264   PROCEDURE comment_on_priority_group(gname   IN VARCHAR2,
2265                                       pgroup  IN VARCHAR2,
2266                                       comment IN VARCHAR2);
2267   -- Update the comment field for the given priority group in the
2268   -- *_RepPriority_Group views
2269   -- Input Parameters:
2270   --    gname: The name of the repgroup containing the table to be replicated.
2271   --    pgroup: The name of the priority group.
2272   --    comment: Comment text for the priority group being created.
2273   -- Exceptions:
2274   --    nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2275   --    missingprioritygroup: if the given priority group does not exist.
2276   --    missingrepgroup: if the replicated object group does not exist
2277   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2278   PROCEDURE drop_priority_group(gname  IN VARCHAR2,
2279                                 pgroup IN VARCHAR2);
2280   -- Drop the given priority group.  Drop_priority_group does not affect the
2281   -- generated PL/SQL until the next call to generate_replication_support.
2282   -- Users cannot drop a priority group if the priority group is still
2283   -- referenced in any generated resolution packages.
2284   -- Input Parameters:
2285   --    gname: The name of the repgroup containing the table to be replicated.
2286   --    pgroup: The name of the priority group.
2287   -- Exceptions:
2288   --    nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2289   --    referenced: if the given priority group is being used in conflict
2290   --           resolution.
2291   --    missingrepgroup: if the given replicated object group does not exist
2292   --    notquiesced: if the given replicated object group is not quiesced
2293   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2294   PROCEDURE add_priority_char(gname    IN VARCHAR2,
2295                               pgroup   IN VARCHAR2,
2296                               value    IN CHAR,
2297                               priority IN NUMBER);
2299   PROCEDURE add_priority_nchar(gname    IN VARCHAR2,
2300                                pgroup   IN VARCHAR2,
2304   PROCEDURE add_priority_date(gname    IN VARCHAR2,
2301                                value    IN NCHAR,
2302                                priority IN NUMBER);
2305                               pgroup   IN VARCHAR2,
2306                               value    IN DATE,
2307                               priority IN NUMBER);
2309   PROCEDURE add_priority_number(gname    IN VARCHAR2,
2310                                 pgroup   IN VARCHAR2,
2311                                 value    IN NUMBER,
2312                                 priority IN NUMBER);
2314   PROCEDURE add_priority_raw(gname    IN VARCHAR2,
2315                              pgroup   IN VARCHAR2,
2316                              value    IN RAW,
2317                              priority IN NUMBER);
2319   PROCEDURE add_priority_varchar2(gname    IN VARCHAR2,
2320                                   pgroup   IN VARCHAR2,
2321                                   value    IN VARCHAR2,
2322                                   priority IN NUMBER);
2324   PROCEDURE add_priority_nvarchar2(gname    IN VARCHAR2,
2325                                    pgroup   IN VARCHAR2,
2326                                    value    IN NVARCHAR2,
2327                                    priority IN NUMBER);
2328   -- Add a new value to the given priority group.  The new value
2329   -- must be unique, and the priority must be unique.  The addition of this
2330   -- value becomes effective immediately.
2331   -- Input Parameters:
2332   --   gname: The name of the repgroup.
2333   --   pgroup: The name of the priority group.
2334   --   value: A new value for the priority group.
2335   --   priority: The priority for the new value.
2336   -- Exceptions:
2337   --   nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2338   --   duplicatevalue: if the given value already exists in the priority group.
2339   --   duplicatepriority: if the given priority already exists in the
2340   --                      priority group.
2341   --   missingprioritygroup: if the given priority group does not exist.
2342   --   typefailure: if the given value has an incorrect datatype for the
2343   --                priority group.
2344   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2345   PROCEDURE alter_priority_char(gname     IN VARCHAR2,
2346                                 pgroup    IN VARCHAR2,
2347                                 old_value IN CHAR,
2348                                 new_value IN CHAR);
2350   PROCEDURE alter_priority_nchar(gname     IN VARCHAR2,
2351                                  pgroup    IN VARCHAR2,
2352                                  old_value IN NCHAR,
2353                                  new_value IN NCHAR);
2355   PROCEDURE alter_priority_date(gname     IN VARCHAR2,
2356                                 pgroup    IN VARCHAR2,
2357                                 old_value IN DATE,
2358                                 new_value IN DATE);
2360   PROCEDURE alter_priority_number(gname     IN VARCHAR2,
2361                                   pgroup    IN VARCHAR2,
2362                                   old_value IN NUMBER,
2363                                   new_value IN NUMBER);
2365   PROCEDURE alter_priority_raw(gname     IN VARCHAR2,
2366                                pgroup    IN VARCHAR2,
2367                                old_value IN RAW,
2368                                new_value IN RAW);
2370   PROCEDURE alter_priority_varchar2(gname     IN VARCHAR2,
2371                                     pgroup    IN VARCHAR2,
2372                                     old_value IN VARCHAR2,
2373                                     new_value IN VARCHAR2);
2375   PROCEDURE alter_priority_nvarchar2(gname     IN VARCHAR2,
2376                                      pgroup    IN VARCHAR2,
2377                                      old_value IN NVARCHAR2,
2378                                      new_value IN NVARCHAR2);
2379   -- Alter the priority value of a member in a priority group. The new value
2380   -- must be unique. The change in value becomes effective immediately.
2381   -- Note that implicit conversion will work from many different
2382   -- data types into VARCHAR2.
2383   -- Input Parameters:
2384   --    gname: The name of the repgroup containing the table to be replicated.
2385   --    pgroup: The name of the priority group.
2386   --    old_value: The old value to be altered.
2387   --    new_value: The new value.
2388   -- Exceptions:
2389   --    nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2390   --    duplicatevalue: if the given new value already exists in the priority
2391   --           group.
2392   --    missingprioritygroup: if the given priority group does not exist.
2393   --    misingrepgroup: if given object group does not exist
2394   --    missingvalue: if old_value does not exist
2395   --    paramtype: if new vvalue has incorrect datatype for priority group
2396   --    notquiesced: if replicated object group is not quiesced
2397   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2398   PROCEDURE alter_priority(gname        IN VARCHAR2,
2399                            pgroup       IN VARCHAR2,
2400                            old_priority IN NUMBER,
2401                            new_priority IN NUMBER);
2402   -- Update an old priority to a new priority. The new priority must be unique.
2403   -- The change in priority becomes effective immediately.
2404   -- Input Parameters:
2405   --    gname: The name of the object group containing the table to be
2406   --           replicated.
2407   --    pgroup: The name of the priority group.
2408   --    old_priority: The priority to be altered.
2409   --    new_priority:  The new priority.
2413   --           priority group.
2410   -- Exceptions:
2411   --    nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2412   --    duplicatepriority: if the given new priority already exists in the
2414   --    missingprioritygroup: if the given priority group does not exist.
2415   --    missingvalue: if the value was not previously registered by
2416   --           a call to dbms_repcat.add_priority_"dataytype"
2417   --    notquiesced: if the given replicated object group is not quiesced
2418   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2419   PROCEDURE drop_priority(gname        IN VARCHAR2,
2420                           pgroup       IN VARCHAR2,
2421                           priority_num IN NUMBER);
2422   -- Remove a value from the given priority group by priority.
2423   -- The removal of this value becomes effective immediately.
2424   -- Input Parameters:
2425   --    gname: The name of the repgroup containing the table to be replicated.
2426   --    pgroup: The name of the priority group.
2427   --    priority: The priority for the value being dropped.
2428   -- Exceptions:
2429   --    nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2430   --    missingprioritygroup: if the given priority group does not exist.
2431   --    missingrepgroup: if given replicated object group does not exist
2432   --    notquiesced: if given replicated object group is not quiesced
2433   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2434   PROCEDURE drop_priority_char(gname  IN VARCHAR2,
2435                                pgroup IN VARCHAR2,
2436                                value  IN CHAR);
2438   PROCEDURE drop_priority_nchar(gname  IN VARCHAR2,
2439                                 pgroup IN VARCHAR2,
2440                                 value  IN NCHAR);
2442   PROCEDURE drop_priority_date(gname  IN VARCHAR2,
2443                                pgroup IN VARCHAR2,
2444                                value  IN DATE);
2446   PROCEDURE drop_priority_number(gname  IN VARCHAR2,
2447                                  pgroup IN VARCHAR2,
2448                                  value  IN NUMBER);
2450   PROCEDURE drop_priority_raw (gname  IN VARCHAR2,
2451                                pgroup IN VARCHAR2,
2452                                value  IN RAW);
2454   PROCEDURE drop_priority_varchar2(gname  IN VARCHAR2,
2455                                    pgroup IN VARCHAR2,
2456                                    value  IN VARCHAR2);
2458   PROCEDURE drop_priority_nvarchar2(gname  IN VARCHAR2,
2459                                     pgroup IN VARCHAR2,
2460                                     value  IN NVARCHAR2);
2461   -- Remove a value from the given priority group.
2462   -- The removal of this value becomes effective immediately.
2463   -- Note that implicit conversion will work from many different
2464   -- data types into VARCHAR2.
2465   -- Input Parameters:
2466   --    gname: The replicated object group with which the priority group
2467   --           is associated
2468   --    pgroup: The name of the priority group.
2469   --    value: The value to be dropped
2470   -- Exceptions:
2471   --    nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2472   --    missingprioritygroup: if the given priority group does not exist.
2473   --    paramtype: if the given value has an incorrect datatype for the
2474   --           priority group.
2475   --   notquiesced: if the replicated object group is not quiesced
2476   --   missingrepgroup: if the replicated object group does not exist
2477   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2478   PROCEDURE define_site_priority(gname   IN VARCHAR2,
2479                                  name    IN VARCHAR2,
2480                                  comment IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
2481   -- Create a new site priority group. The site priority name must be unique
2482   -- in a repgroup.  Define_site_priority does not affect the generated PL/SQL
2483   -- until the next call to generate_replication_support.
2484   -- Input Parameters:
2485   --    gname: The name of the repgroup containing the table to be replicated.
2486   --    name: The name of the site priority being created.
2487   --    comment: Comment text for the site priority being created.
2488   -- Exceptions:
2489   --    nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2490   --    duplicateprioritygroup: if the given site priority group already
2491   --         exists in the repgroup.
2492   --    notquiesced: if the given replicated object group is not quiesced
2493   --    missingrepgroup: if given replicated object group does not exist
2494   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2495   PROCEDURE comment_on_site_priority(gname   IN VARCHAR2,
2496                                      name    IN VARCHAR2,
2497                                      comment IN VARCHAR2);
2498   -- Update the comment field for the given site priority group in the
2499   -- *_RepPriority_Group views
2500   -- Input Parameters:
2501   --    gname: The name of the schema containing the table to be replicated.
2502   --    name: The name of the site priority.
2503   --    comment: Comment text for the site priority being created.
2504   -- Exceptions:
2505   --    nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2506   --    missingpriority: if the given site priority does not exist.
2507   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2508   PROCEDURE drop_site_priority(gname IN VARCHAR2,
2509                                name  IN VARCHAR2);
2510   -- Drop the given site priority.  Drop_site_priority does not affect the
2511   -- generated PL/SQL until the next call to generate_replication_support.
2515   --    gname: The name of the repgroup containing the table to be replicated.
2512   -- Users cannot drop a site priority if the site priority is still referenced
2513   -- in any generated resolution packages.
2514   -- Input Parameters:
2516   --    name: The name of the site priority.
2517   -- Exceptions:
2518   --    nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2519   --    referenced: if the given priority group is being used in conflict
2520   --           resolution.
2521   --    missingrepgroup: if the given replicated object group does not exist
2522   --    notquiesced: if the given replicated object group is not quiesced
2523   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2524   PROCEDURE add_site_priority_site(gname    IN VARCHAR2,
2525                                    name     IN VARCHAR2,
2526                                    site     IN VARCHAR2,
2527                                    priority IN NUMBER);
2528   -- Add a new site to the given site priority.  The new site must be unique,
2529   -- and the priority must be unique.  The addition of this site becomes
2530   -- effective immediately.
2531   -- Input Parameters:
2532   --    gname: The name of the replicated object group.
2533   --    name: The name of the site priority.
2534   --    site: A new site for the site priority.  The site value should come
2535   --          from global_name view.  It must already be canonicalized.
2536   --    priority: The priority for the new site.
2537   -- Exceptions:
2538   --    nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2539   --    duplicateval: if the given site already exists in the site priority.
2540   --    duplicatepriority: if the given priority already exists in the site
2541   --           priority.
2542   --    missingpriority: if the given site priority group does not exist.
2543   --    missingrepgroup: if the replicated object group does not exist
2544   --    notquiesced: if the replicated object group is not quiesced
2545   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2546   PROCEDURE alter_site_priority_site(gname    IN VARCHAR2,
2547                                      name     IN VARCHAR2,
2548                                      old_site IN VARCHAR2,
2549                                      new_site IN VARCHAR2);
2550   -- Alter the site associated with a priority level. The new site must
2551   -- be unique. The change in site becomes effective immediately.
2552   -- Input Parameters:
2553   --    gname: The name of the object group containing the table to be
2554   --           replicated. Defaults to invoking user.
2555   --    name: The name of the site priority group.
2556   --    old_site: The old site to be altered.
2557   --    old_site: The new site.
2558   -- Exceptions:
2559   --  nonmasterdef if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2560   --  missingpriority if the given site priority does not exist.
2561   --  missingrepgroup: if given replicated object group does not exist
2562   --  missingvalue: if old_site is not a group membeer
2563   --  notquiesced: if object group is not quiesced
2564   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2565   PROCEDURE alter_site_priority(gname        IN VARCHAR2,
2566                                 name         IN VARCHAR2,
2567                                 old_priority IN NUMBER,
2568                                 new_priority IN NUMBER);
2569   -- Alter the priority level of a site. The new priority must be unique.
2570   -- The change in priority becomes effective immediately.
2571   -- Input Parameters:
2572   --   gname: The name of the repgroup containing the table to be replicated.
2573   --   name: The name of the site priority.
2574   --   old_priority: The priority to be altered.
2575   --   new_priority: The new priority.
2576   -- Exceptions:
2577   --   nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2578   --   missingpriority: if the given site priority does not exist.
2579   --   missingrepgroup: if the given replicated object group does not exist
2580   --   missingvalue: if old value does not exist
2581   --   notquiesced: if replicated object group is not quiesced
2582   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2583   PROCEDURE drop_site_priority_site(gname IN VARCHAR2,
2584                                     name  IN VARCHAR2,
2585                                     site  IN VARCHAR2);
2586   -- Remove a site, by name, from the given site priority group. The removal
2587   -- of this site becomes effective immediately.
2588   -- Input Parameters:
2589   --    gname: The name of the schema containing the table to be replicated.
2590   --           Defaults to invoking user.
2591   --    name: The name of the site priority.
2592   --    site: The site to be dropped.
2593   -- Exceptions:
2594   --    nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2595   --    missingpriority: if the given site priority does not exist.
2596   --    missingrepgroup: if given replicated object group does not exist
2597   --    notquiesced: if given replicated object group is not quiesced
2598   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2599   PROCEDURE add_update_resolution(sname                 IN VARCHAR2,
2600                                   oname                 IN VARCHAR2,
2601                                   column_group          IN VARCHAR2,
2602                                   sequence_no           IN NUMBER,
2603                                   method                IN VARCHAR2,
2604                                   parameter_column_name
2605                                             IN dbms_repcat.varchar2s,
2606                                   priority_group IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2610   PROCEDURE add_update_resolution(sname                 IN VARCHAR2,
2607                                   function_name  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2608                                   comment        IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
2611                                   oname                 IN VARCHAR2,
2612                                   column_group          IN VARCHAR2,
2613                                   sequence_no           IN NUMBER,
2614                                   method                IN VARCHAR2,
2615                                   parameter_column_name
2616                                             IN dbms_utility.lname_array,
2617                                   priority_group IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2618                                   function_name  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2619                                   comment        IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
2621   PROCEDURE add_update_resolution(sname                 IN VARCHAR2,
2622                                   oname                 IN VARCHAR2,
2623                                   column_group          IN VARCHAR2,
2624                                   sequence_no           IN NUMBER,
2625                                   method                IN VARCHAR2,
2626                                   parameter_column_name IN VARCHAR2,
2627                                   priority_group IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2628                                   function_name  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2629                                   comment        IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
2630   -- Add a new conflict resolution for the given object.
2631   -- Add_update_resolution does not affect the generated PL/SQL until the
2632   -- next call to generate_replication_support on the given object.
2633   -- Input Parameters:
2634   --    sname: The name of the schema containing the table to be replicated.
2635   --           Defaults to invoking user.
2636   --    oname: The name of the table being replicated.
2637   --    column_group: name of the column_group
2638   --    sequence_no: A number which indicates the order conflict resolutions
2639   --           are applied.  A smaller sequence number precedes a larger one.
2640   --    method: The conflict resolution method.
2641   --    parameter_column_name: An ordered list of columns to be used for
2642   --           resolving the conflict.  May also be a comma-separated list.
2643   --           a '*' as the only entry in the list results in all the
2644   --           columns in the column group being entered in the alphebetical
2645   --           order (only applicable for 'user function').
2646   --           Scalar leaf attribute of an object type for system built-in
2647   --           resolution routine may be allowed.
2648   --    priority_group: If the method is `PRIORITY GROUP', enter the name of
2649   --           priority group used for resolving the conflict.
2650   --    function_name: If the method is `USER FUNCTION', enter the user
2651   --           resolution function name here.
2652   --    comment: Comment text for the conflict resolution being defined.
2653   -- Exceptions:
2654   --    nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2655   --    missingobject: if the given object does not exist as a table in the
2656   --           replicated object group awaiting replication information.
2657   --    duplicatesequence: if the sequence number already exists for the given
2658   --           object.
2659   --    missingcolumn: if the given columns do not exist in the table.
2660   --    missinggroup: if the given column group does not exist for the table.
2661   --    invalidmethod: if the given resolution method does not exist.
2662   --    invalidprioritygroup: if the given priority group does not exist.
2663   --    invalidparameter: if the given number of parameter columns is invalid.
2664   --    missingfunction: if the user function does not exist.
2665   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2666   PROCEDURE add_delete_resolution(sname          IN VARCHAR2,
2667                                   oname          IN VARCHAR2,
2668                                   sequence_no    IN NUMBER,
2669                                   parameter_column_name
2670                                             IN dbms_repcat.varchar2s,
2671                                   function_name  IN VARCHAR2,
2672                                   comment        IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2673                                   method         IN VARCHAR2 :=
2674                                             'USER FUNCTION');
2676   PROCEDURE add_delete_resolution(sname          IN VARCHAR2,
2677                                   oname          IN VARCHAR2,
2678                                   sequence_no    IN NUMBER,
2679                                   parameter_column_name IN VARCHAR2,
2680                                   function_name  IN VARCHAR2,
2681                                   comment        IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2682                                   method         IN VARCHAR2 :=
2683                                             'USER FUNCTION');
2684   -- Designates a method for resolving delete conflicts. This must be called
2685   -- from the masterdef site.
2686   -- Arguments:
2687   --   sname: name of schema containing the replicated table. Defaults to
2688   --          invoking user.
2689   --   oname: table name
2690   --   sequence_no: order in which the conflict resolution menthod should
2691   --          be applied. This is a number which indicates the order conflict
2692   --          resolutions are applied. A smaller sequence number precedes a
2693   --          larger one.
2694   --   parameter_column_name: name of columns used to resolve the conflict,
2695   --                          only top-level column is allowed.
2696   --   function_name: name of the conflict resolution routine
2700   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2697   --   comment: comment text for the conflict resolution being defined. This
2698   --          is inserted in the *_represoluton views.
2699   --   method: must be either 'USER FUNCTION' or 'USER FLAVOR FUNCTION'
2701   PROCEDURE add_unique_resolution(sname           IN VARCHAR2,
2702                                   oname           IN VARCHAR2,
2703                                   constraint_name IN VARCHAR2,
2704                                   sequence_no     IN NUMBER,
2705                                   method          IN VARCHAR2,
2706                                   parameter_column_name
2707                                             IN dbms_repcat.varchar2s,
2708                                   function_name   IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2709                                   comment         IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
2711   PROCEDURE add_unique_resolution(sname           IN VARCHAR2,
2712                                   oname           IN VARCHAR2,
2713                                   constraint_name IN VARCHAR2,
2714                                   sequence_no     IN NUMBER,
2715                                   method          IN VARCHAR2,
2716                                   parameter_column_name
2717                                             IN dbms_utility.lname_array,
2718                                   function_name   IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2719                                   comment         IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
2721   PROCEDURE add_unique_resolution(sname           IN VARCHAR2,
2722                                   oname           IN VARCHAR2,
2723                                   constraint_name IN VARCHAR2,
2724                                   sequence_no     IN NUMBER,
2725                                   method          IN VARCHAR2,
2726                                   parameter_column_name IN VARCHAR2,
2727                                   function_name   IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
2728                                   comment         IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
2729   -- Designate a method for resolving uniqueness conflicts involving a given
2730   -- unique constraint.
2731   -- Input parameters:
2732   --   sname: name of schema containing the replicated table
2733   --   oname: name of the replicated table
2734   --   constraint_name: name of unique constraint for which to add a conflict
2735   --          resolution routine
2736   --   sequence_no: order in which the conflict resolution menthod should
2737   --          be applied. This is a number which indicates the order conflict
2738   --          resolutions are applied. A smaller sequence number precedes a
2739   --          larger one.
2740   --   method: type of conflict resolution method to be created
2741   --   parameter_column_name: columns used to resolve conflict.
2742   --                          Scalar leaf attribute of an object type for
2743   --                          system built-in resolution routine may be
2744   --                          allowed.
2745   --   function_name: name of conflict resolution reutine. If using one of
2746   --          the standard ones, use the default value, NULL
2747   --   comment: comment text for the conflict resolution being added
2748   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2749   PROCEDURE comment_on_update_resolution(sname        IN VARCHAR2,
2750                                          oname        IN VARCHAR2,
2751                                          column_group IN VARCHAR2,
2752                                          sequence_no  IN NUMBER,
2753                                          comment      IN VARCHAR2);
2754   -- Update the comment field for the given update conflict resolution
2755   -- in the *_RepResolution views
2756   -- Input parameters:
2757   --   sname: name of schema containing the replicated table. Defaults to
2758   --          invoking user
2759   --   oname: name of replicated table with which the conflict resoluton
2760   --          routine is associated
2761   --   column_group: name of the column group with which the update
2762   --          conflict resolution routine is associated
2763   --   sequence_no: seq number of the conflict resolution routine.
2764   --          This is a number which indicates the order conflict resolutions
2765   --          are applied.  A smaller sequence number precedes a larger one.
2766   --   comment: new comment text for the conflict type resolution
2767   -- Exceptions:
2768   --   nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2769   --   missingobject: if the given object does not exist as a table in the
2770   --          replicated object group awaiting replication information.
2771   --   missingresolution: if the given conflict resolution does not exist
2772   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2773   PROCEDURE comment_on_delete_resolution(sname       IN VARCHAR2,
2774                                          oname       IN VARCHAR2,
2775                                          sequence_no IN NUMBER,
2776                                          comment     IN VARCHAR2) ;
2777   -- Update the comment field for the given delete conflict resolution
2778   -- in the *_RepResolution views
2779   -- Input Parameters:
2780   --    sname: The name of the schema containing the table to be replicated.
2781   --           Defaults to invoking user.
2782   --    oname: The name of the table being replicated.
2783   --    sequence_no: A number which indicates the order conflict resolutions
2784   --           are applied.  A smaller sequence number precedes a larger one.
2785   --    comment: Comment text for the conflict resolution being defined.
2786   -- Exceptions:
2787   --    nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2791   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2788   --    missingobject: if the given object does not exist as a table in the
2789   --           replicated object group awaiting replication information.
2790   --    missingresolution: if the given conflict resolution does not exist.
2792   PROCEDURE comment_on_unique_resolution(sname           IN VARCHAR2,
2793                                          oname           IN VARCHAR2,
2794                                          constraint_name IN VARCHAR2,
2795                                          sequence_no     IN NUMBER,
2796                                          comment         IN VARCHAR2) ;
2797   -- Update the comment field for the given unique conflict resolution in the
2798   -- *_RepResolution views
2799   -- Input parameters:
2800   --   sname: name of schema containing the replicated table. Defaults to
2801   --          invoking user
2802   --   oname: name of replicated table with which the conflict resoluton
2803   --          routine is associated
2804   --   constraint_name: name of unique constraint with which the unique
2805   --          conflict resolution routine is associated
2806   --   sequence_no: seq number of the conflict resolution routine.
2807   --          This is a number which indicates the order conflict resolutions
2808   --          are applied.  A smaller sequence number precedes a larger one.
2809   --   comment: new comment text for the conflict type resolution
2810   -- Exceptions:
2811   --   nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2812   --   missingobject: if the given object does not exist as a table in the
2813   --          replicated object group awaiting replication information.
2814   --   missingresolution: if the given conflict resolution does not exist
2815   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2816   PROCEDURE drop_update_resolution(sname        IN VARCHAR2,
2817                                    oname        IN VARCHAR2,
2818                                    column_group IN VARCHAR2,
2819                                    sequence_no  IN NUMBER) ;
2821   -- Remove an update conflict resolution for the given object.
2822   -- Drop_update_resolution does not affect the generated PL/SQL until the
2823   -- next call to generate_replication_support on the given object.
2824   -- Input Parameters:
2825   --    sname: The name of the schema containing the table to be replicated.
2826   --           Defaults to invoking user.
2827   --    oname: The name of the table being replicated.
2828   --    column_group_name: name of the column group for which you want to
2829   --           drop an update conflict resolution routine
2830   --    sequence_no: A number which indicates the order conflict resolutions
2831   --           are applied.  A smaller sequence number precedes a larger one.
2832   -- Exceptions:
2833   --    nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2834   --    missingobject: if the given object does not exist as a table in
2835   --           the replicated object group awaiting replication information.
2836   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2837   PROCEDURE drop_delete_resolution(sname       IN VARCHAR2,
2838                                    oname       IN VARCHAR2,
2839                                    sequence_no IN NUMBER) ;
2840   -- Remove a delete conflict resolution for the given object.
2841   -- Drop_delete_resolution does not affect the generated PL/SQL until
2842   -- the next call to generate_replication_support on the given object.
2843   -- Input Parameters:
2844   --   sname: The name of the schema containing the table to be replicated.
2845   --          Defaults to invoking user.
2846   --   oname: The name of the table being replicated.
2847   --   sequence_no: A number which indicates the order conflict resolutions
2848   --          are applied.  A smaller sequence number precedes a larger one.
2849   -- Exceptions:
2850   --   nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2851   --   missingobject: if the given object does not exist as a table in
2852   --          the replicated object group awaiting replication information.
2853   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2854   PROCEDURE drop_unique_resolution(sname           IN VARCHAR2,
2855                                    oname           IN VARCHAR2,
2856                                    constraint_name IN VARCHAR2,
2857                                    sequence_no     IN NUMBER) ;
2858   -- Remove a uniqueness conflict resolution for the given object.
2859   -- Drop_unique_resolution does not affect the generated PL/SQL
2860   -- until the next call to generate_replication_support on the given object.
2861   -- Input Parameters:
2862   --     sname: The name of the schema containing the table to be replicated.
2863   --            Defaults to invoking user.
2864   --     oname: The name of the table being replicated.
2865   --     constraint_name: The name of the unique constraint for which you
2866   --            want to drop a unique conflict resolution routine
2867   --     sequence_no: A number which indicates the order conflict resolutions
2868   --            are applied.  A smaller sequence number precedes a larger one.
2869   -- Exceptions:
2870   --     nonmasterdef: if the invocation site is not the masterdef site.
2871   --     missingobject: if the given object does not exist as a table in
2872   --            the replicated object group awaiting replication information.
2873   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2874   PROCEDURE purge_statistics(sname      IN VARCHAR2,
2878   -- Purge the collected statistics for the given range of date in which
2875                              oname      IN VARCHAR2,
2876                              start_date IN DATE,
2877                              end_date   IN DATE);
2879   -- conflicts were resolved.
2880   -- Input Parameters:
2881   --   sname: The name of the schema containing the table to be replicated.
2882   --   oname: The name of the table being replicated.
2883   --   start_date: The start date of the given range.  If NULL, assume no
2884   --               start date.
2885   --   end_date: The end date of the given range.  If NULL, assume no end date.
2886   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2887   PROCEDURE register_statistics(sname IN VARCHAR2,
2888                                 oname IN VARCHAR2);
2889   -- Enable the collection of conflict resolution statistics for the given
2890   -- replicated table.
2891   -- Input Parameters:
2892   --    sname: The name of the schema containing the table to be replicated.
2893   --    oname: The name of the table being replicated.
2894   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2895   PROCEDURE cancel_statistics(sname IN VARCHAR2,
2896                               oname IN VARCHAR2);
2897   -- Cancel the collection of conflict resolution statistics for the given
2898   -- replicated table.
2899   -- Input Parameters:
2900   --    sname: The name of the schema containing the table to be replicated.
2901   --    oname: The name of the table being replicated.
2902   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2903   procedure rename_shadow_column_group(sname  in VARCHAR2,
2904                                        oname  in VARCHAR2,
2905                                        new_col_group_name in VARCHAR2);
2906   -- renames shadow column group to a named column group
2907   -- Input Parameters:
2908   --    sname: the name of the schema containing the table
2909   --    oname: the name of the table with the column group to be renamed
2910   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2911   PROCEDURE streams_migration (
2912     gnames        IN DBMS_UTILITY.NAME_ARRAY,
2913     file_location IN VARCHAR2,
2914     filename      IN VARCHAR2);
2915   -- This procedure is called at the masterdef site to generate a script
2916   -- that can be run at all the master sites in the repgroup to migrate
2917   -- repgroup from a repcat environment to the Streams environment.
2918   -- Input Parameters:
2919   --    gnames: A list of repgroup to be migrated from repcat to Streams env.
2920   --            It is a PL/SQL index-by table of type DBMS_UTILITY.NAME_ARRAY,
2921   --            the index must be 1-based, increasing, dense, and need not
2922   --            be terminated by a NULL. The repgroups listed in gnames
2923   --            must have exactly the same masters.
2924   --    file_location: location of the generated script
2925   --    filename: name of the generated script
2926   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2927   ---
2928   --- #######################################################################
2929   --- #######################################################################
2930   ---                        INTERNAL PROCEDURES
2931   ---
2932   --- The following procedures provide internal functionality and should
2933   --- not be called directly. Invoking these procedures may corrupt your
2934   --- replication environment.
2935   ---
2936   --- #######################################################################
2937   --- #######################################################################
2938   PROCEDURE repcat_import_repschema;
2940   FUNCTION repcat_import_repschema_string RETURN VARCHAR2;
2942   PROCEDURE order_user_objects(owners  IN  dbms_repcat.varchar2s,
2943                                objects IN  dbms_repcat.varchar2s,
2944                                types   IN  dbms_repcat.varchar2s,
2945                                len     IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
2946                                indices OUT dbms_utility.number_array);
2948   PROCEDURE order_user_objects(owners  IN  VARCHAR2,
2949                                objects IN  VARCHAR2,
2950                                types   IN  VARCHAR2,
2951                                len     IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
2952                                indices OUT dbms_utility.number_array);
2954   PROCEDURE begin_flavor_definition(
2955     gname IN VARCHAR2,
2956     fname IN VARCHAR2);
2958   PROCEDURE begin_flavor_definition(
2959     gname IN VARCHAR2,
2960     fname IN VARCHAR2,
2961     copy_fname IN VARCHAR2);
2963   PROCEDURE add_object_to_flavor(
2964     gname IN VARCHAR2,
2965     fname IN VARCHAR2,
2966     sname IN VARCHAR2,
2967     oname IN VARCHAR2,
2968     type IN VARCHAR2,
2969     defer_validate IN BOOLEAN := FALSE );
2971   PROCEDURE drop_object_from_flavor(
2972     gname IN VARCHAR2,
2973     fname IN VARCHAR2,
2974     sname IN VARCHAR2,
2975     oname IN VARCHAR2,
2976     type IN VARCHAR2,
2977     defer_validate IN BOOLEAN := FALSE );
2979   PROCEDURE add_columns_to_flavor(
2980     gname IN VARCHAR2,
2981     fname IN VARCHAR2,
2982     sname IN VARCHAR2,
2983     oname IN VARCHAR2,
2984     cname_list IN VARCHAR2,
2985     defer_validate IN BOOLEAN := FALSE );
2987   PROCEDURE add_columns_to_flavor(
2988     gname IN VARCHAR2,
2992     cname_table IN dbms_repcat.varchar2s,
2989     fname IN VARCHAR2,
2990     sname IN VARCHAR2,
2991     oname IN VARCHAR2,
2993     defer_validate IN BOOLEAN := FALSE );
2995   PROCEDURE add_column_group_to_flavor(
2996     gname IN VARCHAR2,
2997     fname IN VARCHAR2,
2998     sname IN VARCHAR2,
2999     oname IN VARCHAR2,
3000     column_group IN VARCHAR2,
3001     defer_validate IN BOOLEAN := FALSE );
3003   PROCEDURE drop_columns_from_flavor(
3004     gname IN VARCHAR2,
3005     fname IN VARCHAR2,
3006     sname IN VARCHAR2,
3007     oname IN VARCHAR2,
3008     cname_list IN VARCHAR2,
3009     defer_validate IN BOOLEAN := FALSE );
3011   PROCEDURE drop_columns_from_flavor(
3012     gname IN VARCHAR2,
3013     fname IN VARCHAR2,
3014     sname IN VARCHAR2,
3015     oname IN VARCHAR2,
3016     cname_table IN dbms_repcat.varchar2s,
3017     defer_validate IN BOOLEAN := FALSE );
3019   PROCEDURE drop_column_group_from_flavor(
3020     gname IN VARCHAR2,
3021     fname IN VARCHAR2,
3022     sname IN VARCHAR2,
3023     oname IN VARCHAR2,
3024     column_group IN VARCHAR2,
3025     defer_validate IN BOOLEAN := FALSE );
3027   PROCEDURE validate_flavor_definition(
3028     gname IN VARCHAR2,
3029     fname IN VARCHAR2 );
3031   PROCEDURE abort_flavor_definition(
3032     gname IN VARCHAR2,
3033     fname IN VARCHAR2 );
3035   PROCEDURE publish_flavor_definition(
3036     gname IN VARCHAR2,
3037     fname IN VARCHAR2,
3038     skip_validate IN BOOLEAN := FALSE );
3040   PROCEDURE obsolete_flavor_definition(
3041     gname IN VARCHAR2,
3042     fname IN VARCHAR2);
3044   PROCEDURE purge_flavor_definition(
3045     gname IN VARCHAR2,
3046     fname IN VARCHAR2);
3048   PROCEDURE validate_for_local_flavor(
3049     gname IN VARCHAR2,
3050     fname IN VARCHAR2,
3051     gowner IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC' );
3053   PROCEDURE set_local_flavor(
3054     gname IN VARCHAR2,
3055     fname IN VARCHAR2,
3056     validate IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
3057     gowner   IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC' );
3059   FUNCTION generate_flavor_name(
3060     gname IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2;
3063   --- #######################################################################
3064   --- #######################################################################
3065   ---                        DEPRECATED PROCEDURES
3066   ---
3067   --- The following procedures will soon obsolete due to the materialized
3068   --- view integration with snapshots. They are kept around for backwards
3069   --- compatibility purposes.
3070   ---
3071   --- #######################################################################
3072   --- #######################################################################
3073   PROCEDURE register_snapshot_repgroup(
3074     gname    IN VARCHAR2,
3075     snapsite IN VARCHAR2,
3076     comment  IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3077     rep_type IN NUMBER   := reg_unknown,
3078     fname    IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3079     gowner   IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC');
3081   PROCEDURE unregister_snapshot_repgroup(
3082     gname    IN VARCHAR2,
3083     snapsite IN VARCHAR2,
3084     gowner   IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC');
3086   PROCEDURE comment_on_snapshot_repsites(
3087     gowner  IN VARCHAR2,
3088     gname   IN VARCHAR2,
3089     comment IN VARCHAR2);
3091   PROCEDURE create_snapshot_repgroup(
3092     gname            IN VARCHAR2,
3093     master           IN VARCHAR2,
3094     comment          IN VARCHAR2 := '',
3095     propagation_mode IN VARCHAR2 := 'ASYNCHRONOUS',
3096     fname            IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
3097     gowner           IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC');
3099   PROCEDURE drop_snapshot_repgroup(
3100     gname         IN VARCHAR2,
3101     drop_contents IN BOOLEAN := FALSE,
3102     gowner        IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC');
3104   PROCEDURE refresh_snapshot_repgroup(
3105     gname                 IN VARCHAR2,
3106     drop_missing_contents IN BOOLEAN := FALSE,
3107     refresh_snapshots     IN BOOLEAN := FALSE,
3108     refresh_other_objects IN BOOLEAN := FALSE,
3109     gowner                IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC');
3111   PROCEDURE switch_snapshot_master(
3112     gname  IN VARCHAR2,
3113     master IN VARCHAR2,
3114     gowner IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC');
3116   PROCEDURE create_snapshot_repobject(
3117     sname             IN VARCHAR2,
3118     oname             IN VARCHAR2,
3119     type              IN VARCHAR2,
3120     ddl_text          IN VARCHAR2 := '',
3121     comment           IN VARCHAR2 := '',
3122     gname             IN VARCHAR2 := '',
3123     gen_objs_owner    IN VARCHAR2 := '',
3124     min_communication IN BOOLEAN  := TRUE,
3125     generate_80_compatible IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
3126     gowner            IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC');
3128   PROCEDURE generate_snapshot_support(
3129     sname             IN VARCHAR2,
3130     oname             IN VARCHAR2,
3131     type              IN VARCHAR2,
3132     gen_objs_owner    IN VARCHAR2 := '',
3133     min_communication IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
3134     generate_80_compatible IN BOOLEAN := TRUE);
3136   PROCEDURE drop_snapshot_repobject(
3137     sname        IN VARCHAR2,
3138     oname        IN VARCHAR2,
3139     type         IN VARCHAR2,
3140     drop_objects IN BOOLEAN := FALSE);
3142   PROCEDURE alter_snapshot_propagation(
3143     gname            IN VARCHAR2,
3144     propagation_mode IN VARCHAR2,
3145     comment          IN VARCHAR2 := '',
3146     gowner           IN VARCHAR2 := 'PUBLIC');
3148 END dbms_repcat;