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2 /* $Header: pertppkg.pkb 120.3 2012/01/10 13:24:38 sgnanama ship $ */
3   function is_subordinate (p_subordinate_person_id    in number
4                           ,p_person_id                in number
5                           ,p_effective_date           in date
6                           ) return varchar2 as
7     l_supervisor_id      number;
8     l_current_person_id  number;
9   begin
10     l_current_person_id := p_subordinate_person_id;
11     loop
12       begin
13         select supervisor_id
14           into l_supervisor_id
15           from per_all_assignments_f
16          where per_all_assignments_f.person_id = l_current_person_id
17            and per_all_assignments_f.primary_flag = 'Y'
18            and per_all_assignments_f.assignment_type in ('E','C')
19            and per_all_assignments_f.assignment_status_type_id not in
20              (select assignment_status_type_id
21                 from per_assignment_status_types
22                where per_system_status = 'TERM_ASSIGN')
23            and trunc(p_effective_date)
24                between per_all_assignments_f.effective_start_date
25                    and per_all_assignments_f.effective_end_date;
26       exception
27         when no_data_found then
28           return 'N';
29       end;
31       if l_supervisor_id is null then
32         return 'N';
33       end if;
34       if l_supervisor_id = p_person_id then
35         return 'Y';
36       end if;
37       l_current_person_id := l_supervisor_id;
38     end loop;
39   end is_subordinate;
41   function get_address (p_person_id       in number
42                        ,p_effective_date  in date
43                        ) return varchar2 as
44     l_address_line1 per_addresses.address_line1%type;
45     l_address_line2 per_addresses.address_line2%type;
46     l_address_line3 per_addresses.address_line3%type;
47     l_region_1 per_addresses.region_1%type;
48     l_region_2 per_addresses.region_2%type;
49     l_region_3 per_addresses.region_3%type;
50     l_town_or_city per_addresses.town_or_city%type;
51     l_postal_code per_addresses.postal_code%type;
52     l_country per_addresses.country%type;
54     l_address varchar2(1000) := null;
55   begin
56     select address_line1,
57            address_line2,
58            address_line3,
59            region_1,
60            region_2,
61            region_3,
62            town_or_city,
63            postal_code,
64            country
65       into l_address_line1,
66            l_address_line2,
67            l_address_line3,
68            l_region_1,
69            l_region_2,
70            l_region_3,
71            l_town_or_city,
72            l_postal_code,
73            l_country
74       from per_addresses
75      where person_id = p_person_id
76        and primary_flag = 'Y'
77        and p_effective_date
78            between date_from
79                and nvl(date_to,p_effective_date);
81     if l_address_line1 is not null then
82       l_address := l_address_line1;
83     end if;
85     if l_address_line2 is not null then
86       if l_address is null then
87         l_address := l_address_line2;
88       else
89         l_address := l_address || ',' || l_address_line2;
90       end if;
91     end if;
93     if l_address_line3 is not null then
94       if l_address is null then
95         l_address := l_address_line3;
96       else
97         l_address := l_address || ',' || l_address_line3;
98       end if;
99     end if;
101     if l_region_1 is not null then
102       if l_address is null then
103          l_address := l_region_1;
104       else
105         l_address := l_address || ',' || l_region_1;
106       end if;
107     end if;
109     if l_region_2 is not null then
110       if l_address is null then
111         l_address := l_region_2;
112       else
113         l_address := l_address || ',' || l_region_2;
114       end if;
115     end if;
117     if l_region_3 is not null then
118       if l_address is null then
119         l_address := l_region_3;
120       else
121         l_address := l_address || ',' || l_region_3;
122       end if;
123     end if;
125    if l_town_or_city is not null then
126       if l_address is null then
127         l_address := l_town_or_city;
128       else
129         l_address := l_address || ',' || l_town_or_city;
130       end if;
131     end if;
133     if l_postal_code is not null then
134       if l_address is null then
135         l_address := l_postal_code;
136       else
137         l_address := l_address || ',' || l_postal_code;
138       end if;
139     end if;
141     if l_country is not null then
142       if l_address is null then
143         l_address := l_country;
144       else
145         l_address := l_address || ',' || l_country;
146       end if;
147     end if;
149     return l_address;
150   exception
151     when no_data_found then
152       return '-';
153     when too_many_rows then
154       return '<Too Many Rows>';
155   end get_address;
157   function encode64 (p_blob in blob) return clob as
158     l_result clob;
159   begin
160     if p_blob is not null then
161       dbms_lob.createtemporary
162         (lob_loc  => l_result
163         ,cache    => false
164         ,dur      => 0);
165       wf_mail_util.encodeblob (p_blob,l_result);
166     end if ;
167     return l_result;
168   end encode64;
170 FUNCTION get_value_for_9box(p_person_id IN NUMBER,
171                             p_effective_date IN DATE,
172                             p_type IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS
173   l_value NUMBER(15);
174   l_performance NUMBER(15);
175   l_potential NUMBER(15);
176   l_retention NUMBER(15);
177   BEGIN
178    l_performance  := hr_wpm_util.get_performance_for_9box(p_person_id,p_effective_date);
179    l_potential    := hr_wpm_util.get_potential_for_9box(p_person_id,p_effective_date);
180    l_retention    := hr_wpm_util.get_retention_for_9box(p_person_id,p_effective_date);
182   IF l_performance > 0 THEN
183    IF (p_type = 'POT' and l_potential >0) THEN
184       l_value := ((l_potential-1)*3 + l_performance);
185    ELSIF (p_type = 'RET' and l_retention >0) THEN
186       l_value := ((l_retention-1)*3 + l_performance);
187    ELSE
188    l_value := 0;
189    END IF;
190   ELSE
191 	l_value := 0;
194   END IF;
196   return l_value;
197 END get_value_for_9box;
200 FUNCTION get_sshr_actions_menu_name(p_person_id IN NUMBER
201 				                             ,p_effective_date IN DATE ) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
203 	cursor c_person_type is
204 	select ppt.SYSTEM_PERSON_TYPE person_type
205 		from per_all_people_f papf,
206 		per_person_types ppt
207 		where papf.person_id = p_person_id
208 		and sysdate between papf.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE and papf.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE
209 		and papf.PERSON_TYPE_ID = ppt.PERSON_TYPE_ID
212 	cursor c_person_id is
213 	select hr_util_misc_ss.get_person_id from dual;
215 	l_return varchar2(100) := null;
216 	l_person_id number;
218 	if(p_person_id is null) then
219 		return null;
220 	end if;
221 	open c_person_id;
222 	fetch c_person_id into l_person_id;
223 	close c_person_id;
224 	for l_person_type in c_person_type loop
225 		--for employee
226 		if(l_person_type.person_type is not null) then
227 			if(l_person_type.person_type = 'EMP' OR l_person_type.person_type = 'EMP_APL') then
228 				if(l_person_id is not null and l_person_id = p_person_id) then
229 					l_return := fnd_profile.value('HR_PERSONAL_ACTIONS_MENU');
230 				else
231 					l_return := fnd_profile.value('HR_MANAGER_ACTIONS_MENU');
232 				end if;
233 			end if;
234 		end if;
235 		--for contingent
236 		if(l_person_type.person_type is not null) then
237 			if(l_person_type.person_type = 'CWK' OR l_person_type.person_type = 'CWK_APL' OR l_person_type.person_type = 'OTHER') then
238 				if(l_person_id is not null and l_person_id = p_person_id) then
239 					l_return := fnd_profile.value('HR_CWK_ACTIONS_MENU');
240 				else
241 					l_return := fnd_profile.value('HR_CWK_MANAGER_ACTIONS_MENU');
242 				end if;
243 			end if;
244 		end if;
245 	end loop;
246 	return l_return;
247 END get_sshr_actions_menu_name;
249 end per_tmprofile_pkg;