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Line 31: * okc_del_status_history table, if not, creates a new status history

27: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
29: /**
30: * This helper procedure check for status history record already in
31: * okc_del_status_history table, if not, creates a new status history
32: * record for given Status.
33: */
34: PROCEDURE checkAndCreateStatusHistory (
35: p_deliverable_id IN NUMBER,

Line 50: FROM okc_del_status_history

46: l_del_row_count := 0;
48: -- check for existing status history record
49: SELECT count(*) into l_del_row_count
50: FROM okc_del_status_history
51: WHERE deliverable_id = p_deliverable_id
52: AND deliverable_status = p_deliverable_status;
54: IF l_del_row_count = 0 THEN

Line 4006: from okc_del_status_history status_history_inner

4002: business_document_type = p_bus_doc_type and
4003: business_document_version = p_bus_doc_version and
4004: deliverable.deliverable_status <>
4005: (select status_history_inner.deliverable_status
4006: from okc_del_status_history status_history_inner
4007: where status_history_inner.deliverable_id = deliverable.deliverable_id
4008: and status_history_inner.deliverable_status <> 'INACTIVE'
4009: and status_history_inner.status_change_date = (select max(status_change_date)
4010: from okc_del_status_history

Line 4010: from okc_del_status_history

4006: from okc_del_status_history status_history_inner
4007: where status_history_inner.deliverable_id = deliverable.deliverable_id
4008: and status_history_inner.deliverable_status <> 'INACTIVE'
4009: and status_history_inner.status_change_date = (select max(status_change_date)
4010: from okc_del_status_history
4011: where deliverable_id = deliverable.deliverable_id and
4012: deliverable_status <> 'INACTIVE'));

Line 4026: okc_del_status_history status_history

4022: deliverable.deliverable_id,
4023: status_history.status_change_date
4024: from
4025: okc_deliverables deliverable,
4026: okc_del_status_history status_history
4027: where
4028: deliverable.deliverable_status <> 'INACTIVE' and
4029: business_document_id = p_bus_doc_id and
4030: business_document_type = p_bus_doc_type and

Line 4036: from okc_del_status_history status_history_inner

4032: status_history.deliverable_status = deliverable.deliverable_status and
4033: status_history.deliverable_id = deliverable.deliverable_id and
4034: (deliverable.status_change_notes <> status_history.status_change_notes OR status_history.status_change_notes IS NULL) and
4035: status_history.status_change_date = (select max(status_history_inner.status_change_date)
4036: from okc_del_status_history status_history_inner
4037: where status_history_inner.deliverable_id = deliverable.deliverable_id and status_history_inner.deliverable_status <> 'INACTIVE');
4038: status_notes_rec status_notes_cur%ROWTYPE;
4040: --Acq Plan Message Cleanup

Line 4066: update okc_del_status_history

4062: END IF;
4064: --loop thru deliverables where only the notes have changed
4065: FOR status_notes_rec IN status_notes_cur LOOP
4066: update okc_del_status_history
4067: set status_change_notes = status_notes_rec.status_change_notes
4068: where status_change_date = status_notes_rec.status_change_date and
4069: deliverable_id = status_notes_rec.deliverable_id and
4070: deliverable_status = status_notes_rec.deliverable_status;