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Line 876: , p_fund_rec IN ozf_funds_pvt.fund_rec_type

872: PROCEDURE create_budget_for_one_node(
873: p_api_version IN NUMBER := 1.0
874: , p_fund_id IN NUMBER
875: , p_resource_id IN NUMBER := NULL
876: , p_fund_rec IN ozf_funds_pvt.fund_rec_type
877: , x_fund_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
878: , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
879: , x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
880: , x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

Line 940: ozf_funds_pvt.create_fund( p_api_version => p_api_version

936: SAVEPOINT create_budget_for_one_node_sp;
937: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
939: -- create child fund for the node
940: ozf_funds_pvt.create_fund( p_api_version => p_api_version
941: , p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_false
942: , p_commit => fnd_api.g_false
943: , p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
944: , x_return_status => l_return_status

Line 1346: l_fund_rec ozf_funds_pvt.fund_rec_type;

1342: l_tmp_char VARCHAR2(1);
1343: l_notif_subject VARCHAR2(400);
1344: l_notif_body VARCHAR2(4000);
1345: l_node_info node_info_type;
1346: l_fund_rec ozf_funds_pvt.fund_rec_type;
1347: l_metric_rec ozf_actmetric_pvt.act_metric_rec_type;
1348: l_metric_fact_rec ozf_actmetricfact_Pvt.act_metric_fact_rec_type;
1349: l_fund_id_table fundIdTableType;
1350: l_temp_status VARCHAR2(1);

Line 1549: * ozf_funds_pvt.create_fund() takes care of parent budget owner's access

1545: -- dbms_output.put_line(l_full_name || ' about to create fund for node ' || l_node_info.node_name || ' owner=' || l_fund_rec.owner );
1546: -- dbms_output.put_line(' parent_fund_id=' || l_fund_rec.parent_fund_id || ' status=' || l_fund_rec.status_code);
1548: /* add the allocator to the access list if it's neither this budget owner nor the parent budget owner
1549: * ozf_funds_pvt.create_fund() takes care of parent budget owner's access
1550: */
1551: IF l_resource_id = l_fund_rec.owner OR
1552: l_resource_id = l_parent_fund_owner THEN
1553: l_resource_id := NULL;

Line 1949: l_fund_rec ozf_funds_pvt.fund_rec_type;

1945: l_hierarchy_type VARCHAR2(30);
1946: l_node_id NUMBER;
1947: l_index NUMBER;
1948: l_fact_rec ozf_actmetricfact_Pvt.act_metric_fact_rec_type;
1949: l_fund_rec ozf_funds_pvt.fund_rec_type;
1950: l_node_info node_info_type;
1951: l_visited_node_set node_table_type;
1953: CURSOR c_get_subtree_root IS

Line 2080: ozf_funds_pvt.init_fund_rec (l_fund_rec);

2076: IF p_alloc_status_code = 'PLANNED' AND
2077: p_alloc_action_code = 'CREATE_NEW_BUDGET' THEN
2078: -- update the corresponding child budget's total and holdback amount for published allocation
2079: -- yzhao: 02/04/2003 update only when 'create new budget', do not update if it is 'adding onto existing budget'
2080: ozf_funds_pvt.init_fund_rec (l_fund_rec);
2081: OPEN c_get_fund_info(l_fact_rec.activity_metric_fact_id);
2082: FETCH c_get_fund_info INTO l_fund_rec.fund_id, l_fund_rec.object_version_number;
2083: CLOSE c_get_fund_info;
2084: l_fund_rec.original_budget := l_fact_rec.recommend_total_amount;

Line 2086: ozf_funds_pvt.update_fund( p_api_version => p_api_version

2082: FETCH c_get_fund_info INTO l_fund_rec.fund_id, l_fund_rec.object_version_number;
2083: CLOSE c_get_fund_info;
2084: l_fund_rec.original_budget := l_fact_rec.recommend_total_amount;
2085: l_fund_rec.holdback_amt := l_fact_rec.recommend_hb_amount;
2086: ozf_funds_pvt.update_fund( p_api_version => p_api_version
2087: , p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_false
2088: , p_commit => fnd_api.g_false
2089: /* yzhao: 12/17/2002 disable validation here since for cascading, parent budget got updated
2090: before child budget, which may cause amount validation failure

Line 2296: l_fund_rec ozf_funds_pvt.fund_rec_type;

2292: l_not_visited_flag BOOLEAN := true;
2293: l_sorted_fact_ids factLevelTableType;
2294: l_fact_rec ozf_actmetricfact_Pvt.act_metric_fact_rec_type;
2295: l_metric_rec Ozf_Actmetric_Pvt.act_metric_rec_type;
2296: l_fund_rec ozf_funds_pvt.fund_rec_type;
2297: l_visited_node_set node_table_type;
2298: l_new_visited_node_set node_table_type;
2300: CURSOR c_get_alloc_info IS

Line 2434: ozf_funds_pvt.init_fund_rec (l_fund_rec);

2430: l_alloc_action_code = 'CREATE_NEW_BUDGET' THEN
2431: -- update the corresponding child budget's total and holdback amount for published allocation
2432: -- yzhao: 02/04/2003 update only when 'create new budget', do not update if it is 'adding onto existing budget'
2433: FOR l_index IN p_fact_table.FIRST .. p_fact_table.LAST LOOP
2434: ozf_funds_pvt.init_fund_rec (l_fund_rec);
2435: OPEN c_get_fund_info(p_fact_table(l_index).activity_metric_fact_id);
2436: FETCH c_get_fund_info INTO l_fund_rec.fund_id, l_fund_rec.object_version_number;
2437: CLOSE c_get_fund_info;
2438: l_fund_rec.original_budget := p_fact_table(l_index).recommend_total_amount;

Line 2440: ozf_funds_pvt.update_fund( p_api_version => p_api_version

2436: FETCH c_get_fund_info INTO l_fund_rec.fund_id, l_fund_rec.object_version_number;
2437: CLOSE c_get_fund_info;
2438: l_fund_rec.original_budget := p_fact_table(l_index).recommend_total_amount;
2439: l_fund_rec.holdback_amt := p_fact_table(l_index).recommend_hb_amount;
2440: ozf_funds_pvt.update_fund( p_api_version => p_api_version
2441: , p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_false
2442: , p_commit => fnd_api.g_false
2443: , p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
2444: , p_fund_rec => l_fund_rec

Line 2568: l_fund_rec ozf_funds_pvt.fund_rec_type;

2564: l_return_id NUMBER;
2565: l_tmp_id NUMBER;
2566: l_tmp_char VARCHAR2(1);
2567: l_metric_fact_rec ozf_actmetricfact_Pvt.act_metric_fact_rec_type;
2568: l_fund_rec ozf_funds_pvt.fund_rec_type;
2569: l_fund_type VARCHAR2(30) := NULL;
2570: l_fund_meaning VARCHAR2(240) := NULL;
2571: l_temp_status VARCHAR2(1);

Line 2611: ozf_funds_pvt.init_fund_rec (l_fund_rec);

2607: , l_child_fund_currency, l_child_requested_total, l_fund_type;
2608: CLOSE c_get_child_info;
2609: IF (p_alloc_action_code = 'CREATE_NEW_BUDGET') THEN
2610: -- activate the child budget
2611: ozf_funds_pvt.init_fund_rec (l_fund_rec);
2612: l_fund_rec.fund_id := l_child_fund_id;
2613: l_fund_rec.object_version_number := l_child_fund_obj_ver;
2614: l_fund_rec.original_budget := p_approved_total;
2615: l_fund_rec.holdback_amt := p_approved_hb;

Line 2617: ozf_funds_pvt.update_fund( p_api_version => p_api_version

2613: l_fund_rec.object_version_number := l_child_fund_obj_ver;
2614: l_fund_rec.original_budget := p_approved_total;
2615: l_fund_rec.holdback_amt := p_approved_hb;
2616: l_fund_rec.status_code := 'ACTIVE';
2617: ozf_funds_pvt.update_fund( p_api_version => p_api_version
2618: , p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true
2619: , p_commit => fnd_api.g_false
2620: , p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
2621: , p_fund_rec => l_fund_rec

Line 2922: l_fund_rec ozf_funds_pvt.fund_rec_type;

2918: l_notif_body VARCHAR2(4000);
2919: l_return_id NUMBER;
2920: l_metric_rec ozf_actmetric_pvt.act_metric_rec_type;
2921: l_metric_fact_rec ozf_actmetricfact_Pvt.act_metric_fact_rec_type;
2922: l_fund_rec ozf_funds_pvt.fund_rec_type;
2923: l_fund_type VARCHAR2(30) := NULL;
2924: l_root_fund_type VARCHAR2(30) := NULL;
2925: l_fund_meaning VARCHAR2(240) := NULL;
2926: l_temp_status VARCHAR2(1);

Line 3036: ozf_funds_pvt.init_fund_rec (l_fund_rec);

3032: FETCH c_get_fund_info INTO l_fund_obj_ver, l_fund_owner, l_fund_name, l_fund_type;
3033: CLOSE c_get_fund_info;
3034: IF (l_alloc_action_code = 'CREATE_NEW_BUDGET') THEN
3035: -- cancell the child budget
3036: ozf_funds_pvt.init_fund_rec (l_fund_rec);
3037: l_fund_rec.fund_id := fact_rec.act_metric_used_by_id;
3038: l_fund_rec.object_version_number := l_fund_obj_ver;
3039: l_fund_rec.status_code := 'CANCELLED';
3040: ozf_funds_pvt.update_fund( p_api_version => p_api_version

Line 3040: ozf_funds_pvt.update_fund( p_api_version => p_api_version

3036: ozf_funds_pvt.init_fund_rec (l_fund_rec);
3037: l_fund_rec.fund_id := fact_rec.act_metric_used_by_id;
3038: l_fund_rec.object_version_number := l_fund_obj_ver;
3039: l_fund_rec.status_code := 'CANCELLED';
3040: ozf_funds_pvt.update_fund( p_api_version => p_api_version
3041: , p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true
3042: , p_commit => fnd_api.g_false
3043: , p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
3044: , p_fund_rec => l_fund_rec