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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 21

|                                               central API to update status

   Function:  link_config
   Parameters:  p_model_line_id   - line id of the top model in
                p_config_item_id - config id of the selected configuration
                                   item to which the model line will be linked.
                x_error_message   - error message if match function fails
                x_message_name    - name of error message if match
                                    function fails

  Description:  This function is called from the Sales Order Pad to manually
                link a selected configuration item to an ATO model order

                After linking a configuration item to the model line,
                this link_config function updates the ATO model workflow
                to complete the 'CREATE CONFIG ITEM ELIGIBLE' block

                A manual link can only be done if the ATO model order line
                is not linked to a configuration item.
Line: 137

        select oel.inventory_item_id, oel.ship_from_org_id
        into   l_model_id, l_org_id
        from   oe_order_lines_all oel
        where  oel.line_id = p_model_line_id;
Line: 260

              Update Model Line's workflow.
              IF (CTO_WORKFLOW_API_PK.start_model_workflow(p_model_line_id) = FALSE)
                  IF PG_DEBUG <> 0 THEN
            	     oe_debug_pub.add('link_config: ' || 'Failed in call to start_model_workflow',1);
Line: 287

	select line_id, header_id
	into   l_config_line_id, l_header_id
	from   oe_order_lines_all
	where  ato_line_id = p_model_line_id
	and    item_type_code = 'CONFIG';
Line: 319

          SELECT  config_item_id,
          BULK COLLECT INTO old_config_dtls.config_item_id,
          FROM bom_cto_order_lines
          WHERE top_model_line_id = p_model_line_id
          AND config_item_id IS NOT NULL
          AND line_id <> top_model_line_id;
Line: 343

          UPDATE bom_cto_order_lines
          SET config_item_id = p_config_item_id
          WHERE line_id = p_model_line_id;
Line: 355

            SELECT 1
              INTO l_bom_exists
                FROM bom_bill_of_materials bom
                WHERE bom.assembly_item_id = p_config_item_id
                AND bom.organization_id = old_config_dtls.ship_from_org_id(1)
                AND bom.alternate_bom_designator IS NULL;
Line: 416

                SELECT 1
                  INTO flag
                    FROM bom_bill_of_materials bom
                    WHERE bom.assembly_item_id = p_config_item_id
                    AND bom.organization_id = l_org
                    AND bom.alternate_bom_designator IS NULL;
Line: 452

            UPDATE bom_cto_order_lines
            SET config_item_id = p_config_item_id
            WHERE line_id = p_model_line_id;
Line: 456

            UPDATE bom_cto_order_lines  --Updating the lower level configs to NULL
            SET config_item_id = NULL
            WHERE top_model_line_id = p_model_line_id
            AND config_item_id IS NOT NULL
            AND line_id <> top_model_line_id;
Line: 482

              UPDATE bom_cto_order_lines
              SET config_item_id = p_config_item_id
              WHERE line_id = p_model_line_id;
Line: 487

              UPDATE bom_cto_order_lines
              SET config_item_id = NULL
              WHERE top_model_line_id = p_model_line_id
              AND config_item_id IS NOT NULL
              AND line_id <> top_model_line_id;
Line: 508

                     UPDATE bom_cto_order_lines
                     SET config_item_id = new_config_dtls.config_item_id(j)
                     WHERE ato_line_id = p_model_line_id
                     AND inventory_item_id = new_config_dtls.base_item_id(j);
Line: 521

                  UPDATE bom_cto_order_lines
                    SET config_item_id = NULL
                    WHERE ato_line_id = p_model_line_id
                    AND inventory_item_id = old_config_dtls.base_item_id(i);
Line: 537

          UPDATE bom_cto_order_lines
          SET config_item_id = p_config_item_id
          WHERE line_id = p_model_line_id;
Line: 589

	select distinct 1
	into l_valid
	from oe_order_lines_all oel,	--model line
		mtl_system_items msi	--config item
	where oel.line_id = p_model_line_id
	and oel.inventory_item_id = msi.base_item_id
	and msi.inventory_item_id = p_config_item_id;
Line: 647

   SELECT inventory_item_id, base_item_id
      FROM mtl_system_items msi
      WHERE inventory_item_id IN
      ( SELECT component_item_id
          FROM bom_inventory_components bic, bom_bill_of_materials bom
          WHERE bom.assembly_item_id = pconfigId                       --p_config_id
          AND bom.common_bill_sequence_id = bic.bill_sequence_id
          AND bom.alternate_bom_designator IS NULL
          AND bom.organization_id = pshipOrg
      AND auto_created_config_flag = 'Y'
      AND organization_id = pshipOrg;