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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 18

    * Insert a row into the Document Filter table.
   PROCEDURE insert_row (
      p_user_id             IN              NUMBER
     ,p_organization_id     IN              NUMBER
     ,p_from_date           IN              DATE
     ,p_to_date             IN              DATE
     ,p_resource            IN              VARCHAR2
     ,p_prim_resource_ind   IN              NUMBER
     ,p_document_no         IN              VARCHAR2
     ,p_to_document_no      IN              VARCHAR2  --Bug#4867640
     ,p_document_type       IN              NUMBER
     ,p_product_code        IN              VARCHAR2
     ,p_ingredient_code     IN              VARCHAR2
     ,p_batch_status        IN              NUMBER
     ,x_return_code         OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
     ,x_error_msg           OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2)
      x_return_code := 'S';
Line: 39

      INSERT INTO gme_gantt_document_filter
                  (user_id, organization_id, from_date, TO_DATE
                  ,resource_consumed, resource_ind, document_no, to_doc_no --Bug#4867640
                  ,document_type, product_yielded, ingredient_consumed
           VALUES (p_user_id, p_organization_id, p_from_date, p_to_date
                  ,p_resource, p_prim_resource_ind, p_document_no, p_to_document_no --Bug#4867640
                  ,p_document_type, p_product_code, p_ingredient_code
Line: 56

   END insert_row;
Line: 59

    * Update a row into the Document Filter table.
   PROCEDURE update_row (
      p_user_id             IN              NUMBER
     ,p_organization_id     IN              NUMBER
     ,p_from_date           IN              DATE
     ,p_to_date             IN              DATE
     ,p_resource            IN              VARCHAR2
     ,p_prim_resource_ind   IN              NUMBER
     ,p_document_no         IN              VARCHAR2
     ,p_to_document_no      IN              VARCHAR2 --Bug#4867640
     ,p_document_type       IN              NUMBER
     ,p_product_code        IN              VARCHAR2
     ,p_ingredient_code     IN              VARCHAR2
     ,p_batch_status        IN              NUMBER
     ,x_return_code         OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
     ,x_error_msg           OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR)
      x_return_code := 'S';
Line: 80

      UPDATE gme_gantt_document_filter
         SET from_date = p_from_date
            ,TO_DATE = p_to_date
            ,resource_consumed = p_resource
            ,resource_ind = p_prim_resource_ind
            ,document_no = p_document_no
	    ,to_doc_no = p_to_document_no --Bug#4867640
            ,document_type = p_document_type
            ,product_yielded = p_product_code
            ,ingredient_consumed = p_ingredient_code
            ,batch_status = p_batch_status
       WHERE user_id = p_user_id AND organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 94

         insert_row (p_user_id
		    ,p_to_document_no --Bug#4867640
Line: 117

   END update_row;
Line: 120

    * Select a row from the Document Filter table.
   PROCEDURE select_row (
      p_user_id            IN              NUMBER
     ,p_organization_id    IN              NUMBER
     ,x_return_code        OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
     ,x_error_msg          OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
     ,x_filter_table_rec   OUT NOCOPY      gme_gantt_document_filter%ROWTYPE)
      CURSOR c_doc_filter
         SELECT *
           FROM gme_gantt_document_filter
          WHERE user_id = p_user_id AND organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 151

   END select_row;