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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 13

select project_id from pa_projects_all
where project_id = X_project_id;
Line: 17

select project_id from pjm_seiban_numbers
where project_id = X_project_id;
Line: 49

select project_id into L_proj_id
from pa_projects_all_expend_v
where project_id = X_project_id
and expenditure_org_id = X_org_id;
Line: 73

  select TO_NUMBER(org_information3)
  from hr_organization_information
  where ( ORG_INFORMATION_CONTEXT || '') ='Accounting Information'
  and organization_id = X_inv_org;
Line: 105

   select segment1
   from	  pa_projects_all
   where  project_id = X_project_id
   select project_number
   from   pjm_seiban_numbers
   where  project_id = X_project_id;
Line: 133

   select name
   from	  pa_projects_all
   where  project_id = X_project_id
   select project_name
   from   pjm_seiban_numbers
   where  project_id = X_project_id;
Line: 163

   select project_number
   from	  PJM_PROJECTS_ORG_OU_SECURE_V          /*Bug 6684081: Changed the view that should be used for MOAC. This API is called by OM team.*/
   where  project_id = X_project_id;
Line: 168

   select 1
   from   pjm_project_parameters
   where  project_id = X_project_id
   and    organization_id = X_organization_id;
Line: 175

   select project_number
   from	  PJM_PROJECTS_V
   where  project_id = X_project_id;
Line: 216

   select project_name
   from	  pjm_projects_v
   where  project_id = X_project_id;
Line: 221

   select 1
   from   pjm_project_parameters
   where  project_id = X_project_id
   and    organization_id = X_organization_id;
Line: 257

   select project_id
   from	  pjm_projects_v
   where  project_number = X_project_num;
Line: 262

   select 1
   from   pjm_project_parameters
   where  project_id = L_project_id
   and    organization_id = X_organization_id;
Line: 298

   select project_id
   from	  pjm_projects_v
   where  project_name = X_project_name;
Line: 303

   select 1
   from   pjm_project_parameters
   where  project_id = L_project_id
   and    organization_id = X_organization_id;
Line: 337

   select task_number
   from	  pa_tasks
   where  task_id = X_task_id;
Line: 361

   select task_name
   from	  pa_tasks
   where  task_id = X_task_id;
Line: 386

   select task_number
   from	  pjm_tasks_v
   where  project_id = X_project_id
   and    task_id = X_task_id;
Line: 416

   select task_name
   from	  pjm_tasks_v
   where  project_id = X_project_id
   and    task_id = X_task_id;
Line: 447

   select task_id
   from	  pjm_tasks_v
   where  project_id = L_project_id
   and    task_number = X_task_num;
Line: 476

   select task_id
   from	  pjm_tasks_v
   where  project_id = L_project_id
   and    task_name = X_task_name;
Line: 645

  select mp.organization_code
  ,      decode(pop.organization_id ,
                null , 'GEN-ORG NOT PJM ENABLED' ,
                       decode(pop.project_reference_enabled ,
                              'N' , 'GEN-ORG NOT PRJ REF ENABLED' ,
  ,      decode(pop.project_control_level, 1, 'PROJECT', 2, 'TASK')
  from   pjm_org_parameters pop
  ,      mtl_parameters mp
  where  mp.organization_id = X_inventory_org_id
  and    pop.organization_id (+) = mp.organization_id;
Line: 664

  select p.segment1
  ,      decode(pp.project_id ,
           null , 'GEN-INVALID PROJ FOR ORG',
                 'Y', null,
                         L_operating_unit, 'GEN-INVALID PROJ' ,
                         'GEN-INVALID PROJ FOR OU')))
  ,      trunc(p.start_date)
  ,      trunc(p.completion_date)
  ,      trunc(pp.start_date_active)
  ,      trunc(pp.end_date_active)
  from   pa_projects_all p
  ,      pjm_project_parameters pp
  where  p.project_id = X_project_id
  and    pp.project_id (+) = p.project_id
  and    pp.organization_id (+) = X_inventory_org_id;
Line: 683

  select sn.project_number
  ,      decode(pp.project_id ,
                null , 'GEN-INVALID PROJ FOR ORG' , null)
  ,      to_date(null)
  ,      to_date(null)
  ,      trunc(pp.start_date_active)
  ,      trunc(pp.end_date_active)
  from   pjm_seiban_numbers sn
  ,      pjm_project_parameters pp
  where  sn.project_id = X_project_id
  and    pp.organization_id (+) = X_inventory_org_id
  and    pp.project_id (+) = sn.project_id;
Line: 703

  select te.task_number
  ,      decode(te.chargeable_flag ,
         'N' , 'GEN-TASK NOT CHARGEABLE' , null)
  ,      trunc(te.start_date)
  ,      trunc(te.completion_date)
  from   pa_tasks_all_expend_v te
  where  te.task_id = X_task_id
  and    te.project_id = X_project_id
  and    te.expenditure_org_id = L_operating_unit;
Line: 714

  select t.task_number
  ,      trunc(t.start_date)
  ,      trunc(t.completion_date)
  from   pa_tasks t
  where  t.task_id = X_task_id
  and    t.project_id = X_project_id;