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Line 120: l_locator_status := inv_material_status_pkg.get_default_locator_status(p_org_id, p_sub_code);

116: -- End bug 9572628
118: --If it is a WMS org get the default status ,picking order and set the locator type and insert status history
119: IF l_wms_org THEN
120: l_locator_status := inv_material_status_pkg.get_default_locator_status(p_org_id, p_sub_code);
121: --l_loc_type := 3;
122: l_status_rec.organization_id := p_org_id;
123: l_status_rec.inventory_item_id := NULL;
124: l_status_rec.lot_number := NULL;

Line 139: inv_material_status_pkg.insert_status_history(l_status_rec);

135: l_status_rec.from_mobile_apps_flag := 'Y';
136: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
137: DEBUG('before inserting status history');
138: END IF;
139: inv_material_status_pkg.insert_status_history(l_status_rec);
140: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
141: DEBUG('Status history inserted');
142: END IF;
143: END IF;

Line 1320: inv_material_status_pkg.insert_status_history(l_status_rec);

1316: l_status_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
1317: l_status_rec.last_update_login := fnd_global.user_id;
1318: l_status_rec.initial_status_flag := 'Y';
1319: l_status_rec.from_mobile_apps_flag := 'Y';
1320: inv_material_status_pkg.insert_status_history(l_status_rec);
1321: -- If a new locator is created, call label printing API
1323: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1324: inv_mobile_helper_functions.tracelog(p_err_msg => 'Before calling label printing in dynamic locator generation', p_module => 'Dynamic Locator', p_level => 3);