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1 PACKAGE pos_user_admin_pkg AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /*$Header: POSADMS.pls 120.16.12010000.3 2009/04/04 09:35:06 sthoppan ship $ */
4 procedure reset_password
5   ( p_user_id           IN  NUMBER
6   , x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
7   , x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
8   , x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
9   );
11 PROCEDURE set_user_inactive_date
12   ( p_user_id            IN NUMBER
13   , p_inactive_date      IN DATE
14   , x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
15   , x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
16   , x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
17   );
19 procedure grant_user_resp
20   ( p_user_id           IN  NUMBER
21   , p_resp_id           IN  NUMBER
22   , p_resp_app_id       IN  NUMBER
23   , x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
24   , x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
25   , x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
26   );
28 procedure grant_user_resps
29   ( p_user_id           IN  NUMBER
30   , p_resp_ids          IN  po_tbl_number
31   , p_resp_app_ids      IN  po_tbl_number
32   , x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
33   , x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
34   , x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
35   );
37 procedure revoke_user_resp
38   ( p_user_id           IN  NUMBER
39   , p_resp_id           IN  NUMBER
40   , p_resp_app_id       IN  NUMBER
41   , x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
42   , x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
43   , x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
44   );
46 procedure revoke_user_resps
47   ( p_user_id           IN  NUMBER
48   , p_resp_ids          IN  po_tbl_number
49   , p_resp_app_ids      IN  po_tbl_number
50   , x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
51   , x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
52   , x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
53   );
55 procedure update_user_info
56   ( p_party_id          IN  NUMBER
57   , p_user_name_prefix  IN  VARCHAR2
58   , p_user_name_f       IN  VARCHAR2
59   , p_user_name_m       IN  VARCHAR2
60   , p_user_name_l       IN  VARCHAR2
61   , p_user_title        IN  VARCHAR2
62   , p_user_email        IN  VARCHAR2
63   , p_user_phone        IN  VARCHAR2
64   , p_user_extension    IN  VARCHAR2
65   , p_user_fax          IN  VARCHAR2
66   , x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
67   , x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
68   , x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
69   );
71 PROCEDURE createsecattr
72   ( p_user_id        IN NUMBER
73   , p_attribute_code IN VARCHAR2
74   , p_app_id         IN NUMBER
75   , p_varchar2_value IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
76   , p_date_value     IN DATE DEFAULT NULL
77   , p_number_value   IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
78   );
80 PROCEDURE deletesecattr
81   ( p_user_id        IN NUMBER
82   , p_attribute_code IN VARCHAR2
83   , p_app_id         IN NUMBER
84   , p_varchar2_value IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
85   , p_date_value     IN DATE DEFAULT NULL
86   , p_number_value   IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
87   );
89 PROCEDURE create_supplier_user_account
90   (p_user_name        IN  VARCHAR2,
91    p_user_email       IN  VARCHAR2,
92    p_person_party_id  IN  NUMBER,
93    p_resp_ids         IN  po_tbl_number,
94    p_resp_app_ids     IN  po_tbl_number,
95    p_sec_attr_codes   IN  po_tbl_varchar30,
96    p_sec_attr_numbers IN  po_tbl_number,
97    p_password         IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
98    x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
99    x_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
100    x_msg_data         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
101    x_user_id          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
102    x_password         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
103    );
105 -- this version does not assign responsibility or securing attributes
106 PROCEDURE create_supplier_user_account
107   (p_user_name       IN  VARCHAR2,
108    p_user_email      IN  VARCHAR2,
109    p_person_party_id IN  NUMBER,
110    p_password        IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
111    x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
112    x_msg_count       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
113    x_msg_data        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
114    x_user_id         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
115    x_password        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
116    );
118 -- this version does not assign responsibility or securing attributes
119 -- It send out an email to the user with the username and password info.
120 PROCEDURE create_supplier_user_ntf
121   (p_user_name       IN  VARCHAR2,
122    p_user_email      IN  VARCHAR2,
123    p_person_party_id IN  NUMBER,
124    p_password        IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
125    x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
126    x_msg_count       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
127    x_msg_data        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
128    x_user_id         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
129    x_password        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
130    );
132 -- assign the user with default responsibilities
133 -- as required for the supplier registation approval logic
134 -- Note: pass Y to p_pon_def_also to assign default responsibility for
135 -- sourcing (bug 5415703)
136 PROCEDURE assign_vendor_reg_def_resp
137   (p_user_id         IN  NUMBER,
138    p_vendor_id       IN  NUMBER,
139    p_pon_def_also    IN  VARCHAR2,
140    x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
141    x_msg_count       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
142    x_msg_data        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
143    );
145 -- The following are backward compatible versions of some of the
146 -- procedures above. The difference between these and their
147 -- corresponding versions above is that the error messages
148 -- are combined into one in the output parameter.
149 --
150 -- For new code, please use the new versions above
152 procedure grant_user_resp
153   ( p_user_id           IN  NUMBER
154   , p_resp_id           IN  NUMBER
155   , p_resp_app_id       IN  NUMBER
156   , x_status            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
157   , x_exception_msg     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
158   );
160 procedure revoke_user_resp
161   ( p_user_id           IN  NUMBER
162   , p_resp_id           IN  NUMBER
163   , p_resp_app_id       IN  NUMBER
164   , x_status            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
165   , x_exception_msg     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
166   );
168 procedure update_user_info
169   ( p_party_id          IN  NUMBER
170   , p_user_name_prefix  IN  VARCHAR2
171   , p_user_name_f       IN  VARCHAR2
172   , p_user_name_m       IN  VARCHAR2
173   , p_user_name_l       IN  VARCHAR2
174   , p_user_title        IN  VARCHAR2
175   , p_user_email        IN  VARCHAR2
176   , p_user_phone        IN  VARCHAR2
177   , p_user_extension    IN  VARCHAR2
178   , p_user_fax          IN  VARCHAR2
179   , x_status            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
180   , x_exception_msg     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
181   );
183 /* Added following procedure for Business Classification Recertification ER
184 7489217 */
185 procedure add_certntf_subscription
186   ( p_user_id           IN  NUMBER
187   , x_status            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
188   , x_exception_msg     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
189   );
191 procedure remove_certntf_subscription
192   ( p_user_id           IN  NUMBER
193   , x_status            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
194   , x_exception_msg     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
195   );
197 procedure get_certntf_subscription
198   ( p_user_id           IN  NUMBER
199   , x_subscr_exists     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
200   );
202 -- Bug 8325979 - Replacing the message subject and body with FND Message and its tokens
207         			       display_type     IN VARCHAR2,
208 			               document         IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB,
209 			               document_type    IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);