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Line 220: from eng_revised_items eng

216: and bos.effectivity_date <= p_routingRevDate
217: and nvl(bos.disable_date, p_routingRevDate+1) >= p_routingRevDate
218: and ( bos.implementation_date is not null
219: or exists (select 1
220: from eng_revised_items eng
221: where eng.change_notice = bos.change_notice
222: and eng.organization_id = p_orgID
223: and eng.routing_sequence_id = l_routingSeqID
224: and ((eng.status_type in (4, 7) and l_excludeECO = 1) or

Line 233: from eng_revised_items eng

229: and bos2.effectivity_date <= p_routingRevDate
230: and bos2.operation_seq_num = bos.operation_seq_num
231: and exists
232: (select 1
233: from eng_revised_items eng
234: where eng.change_notice = bos2.change_notice
235: and eng.organization_id = p_orgID
236: and eng.routing_sequence_id = l_routingSeqID
237: and ((eng.status_type in (4, 7) and l_excludeECO = 1) or

Line 387: from eng_revised_items eng

383: and nvl(bos2.operation_type, 1) = 1
384: and bos2.effectivity_date <= p_routingRevDate
385: and ( bos2.implementation_date is not null
386: or exists (select 1
387: from eng_revised_items eng
388: where eng.change_notice = bos2.change_notice
389: and eng.organization_id = p_orgID
390: and eng.routing_sequence_id = l_routingSeqID
391: and ((eng.status_type in (4, 7) and l_excludeECO = 1) or