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2 /* $Header: POXGCPAS.pls 120.0 2005/06/01 23:34:24 appldev noship $*/
4 ---
5 --- +=======================================================================+
6 --- |    Copyright (c) 2004 Oracle Corporation, Redwood Shores, CA, USA     |
7 --- |                         All rights reserved.                          |
8 --- +=======================================================================+
9 --- |
10 --- | FILENAME
11 --- |     POXGCPAS.pls
12 --- |
13 --- |
15 --- |
16 --- |     This package contains procedures called from the sourcing
17 --- |     to create CPA in PO
18 --- |
19 --- | HISTORY
20 --- |
21 --- |     30-Sep-2004 rbairraj   Initial version
22 --- |
23 --- +=======================================================================+
24 ---
26 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 --Start of Comments
30 --Name: create_cpa
31 --Pre-reqs:
32 --  None
33 --Modifies:
34 --  Transaction tables for the requested document
35 --Locks:
36 --  None.
37 --Function:
38 --  Creates Contract Purchase Agreement from Sourcing document
39 --Parameters:
40 --IN:
41 --p_api_version
42 --  API standard IN parameter
43 --p_init_msg_list
44 --  True/False parameter to initialize message list
45 --p_commit
46 --  Standard parameter which dictates whether or not data should be commited in the api
47 --p_validation_level
48 --  The p_validation_level parameter to determine which validation steps should
49 --  be executed and which steps should be skipped
50 --p_interface_header_id
51 --  The id that will be used to uniquely identify a row in the PO_HEADERS_INTERFACE table
52 --p_auction_header_id
53 --  Id of the negotiation
54 --p_bid_number
55 --  Bid Number for which is negotiation is awarded
56 --p_sourcing_k_doc_type
57 --   Represents the OKC document type that would be created into a CPA
58 --   The document type that Sourcing has seeded in Contracts.
59 --p_conterms_exist_flag
60 --   Whether the sourcing document has contract template attached.
61 --p_document_creation_method
62 --   Column specific to DBI. Sourcing will pass a value of AWARD_SOURCING
63 --OUT:
64 --x_document_id
65 --   The unique identifier for the newly created document.
66 --x_document_number
67 --   The document number that would uniquely identify a document in a given organization.
68 --x_return_status
69 --   The standard OUT parameter giving return status of the API call.
70 --  FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR - for expected error
71 --  FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR - for unexpected error
72 --  FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS - for success
73 --x_msg_count
74 --   The count of number of messages added to the message list in this call
75 --x_msg_data
76 --   If the count is 1 then x_msg_data contains the message returned
77 --Notes:
78 --   None
79 --Testing:
80 --  None
81 --End of Comments
82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
83 PROCEDURE create_cpa (
84     p_api_version                IN               NUMBER,
85     p_init_msg_list              IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
86     p_commit                     IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
87     p_validation_level           IN               NUMBER := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
88     x_return_status              OUT    NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
89     x_msg_count                  OUT    NOCOPY    NUMBER,
90     x_msg_data                   OUT    NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
91     p_interface_header_id        IN               PO_HEADERS_INTERFACE.interface_header_id%TYPE,
92     p_auction_header_id          IN               PON_AUCTION_HEADERS_ALL.auction_header_id%TYPE,
93     p_bid_number                 IN               PON_BID_HEADERS.bid_number%TYPE,
94     p_sourcing_k_doc_type        IN               VARCHAR2,
95     p_conterms_exist_flag        IN               PO_HEADERS_ALL.conterms_exist_flag%TYPE,
96     p_document_creation_method   IN               PO_HEADERS_ALL.document_creation_method%TYPE,
97     x_document_id                OUT    NOCOPY    PO_HEADERS_ALL.po_header_id%TYPE,
98     x_document_number            OUT    NOCOPY    PO_HEADERS_ALL.segment1%TYPE
99 );
100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
101 --Start of Comments
103 --Pre-reqs:
104 --  None
105 --Modifies:
106 --  po_headers_interface
107 --Locks:
108 --  None.
109 --Function:
110 --  This deletes the interface header row from interface table
111 --Parameters:
112 --IN:
113 --p_api_version
114 --  API standard IN parameter
115 --p_init_msg_list
116 --  True/False parameter to initialize message list
117 --p_commit
118 --  Standard parameter which dictates whether or not data should be commited in the api
119 --p_validation_level
120 --  The p_validation_level parameter to determine which validation steps should
121 --  be executed and which steps should be skipped
122 --p_interface_header_id
123 --  The id that will be used to uniquely identify a row in the PO_HEADERS_INTERFACE table
124 --OUT:
125 --x_return_status
126 --   The standard OUT parameter giving return status of the API call.
127 --  FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR - for unexpected error
128 --  FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS - for success
129 --x_msg_count
130 --   The count of number of messages added to the message list in this call
131 --x_msg_data
132 --   If the count is 1 then x_msg_data contains the message returned
133 --Notes:
134 --   None
135 --Testing:
136 --  None
137 --End of Comments
138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
141     p_api_version                IN               NUMBER,
142     p_init_msg_list              IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
143     p_commit                     IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
144     p_validation_level           IN               NUMBER := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
145     x_return_status              OUT    NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
146     x_msg_count                  OUT    NOCOPY    NUMBER,
147     x_msg_data                   OUT    NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
148     p_interface_header_id     IN  PO_HEADERS_INTERFACE.INTERFACE_HEADER_ID%TYPE
149 );