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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 1283

        * Procedure     : Translate_And_Insert_Messages
        * Returns       : None
        * Parameters IN : Message Token Table
	*		  Error Level
	*			The entity level at which the error has
	*			occured.This is same as entity id in the
	*			other procedures (Add_Message, Add_Error_Message)
	*		  For explanation on entity id, entity index,
	*		  message type,row identifier, table name,
	*		  entity code parameters please refer to
	*		  Add_Error_Message API
        * Parameters OUT: Non
        * Purpose       : This procedure will read through the message token
        *                 table and insert them into the message table with
	*		  the proper business object context.

     PROCEDURE Translate_And_Insert_Messages
     (  p_mesg_token_tbl IN Error_Handler.Mesg_Token_Tbl_Type
      , p_error_level    IN NUMBER := NULL
      , p_entity_index   IN NUMBER := NULL
      , p_application_id IN VARCHAR2 := 'ENG'
      , p_row_identifier IN NUMBER := NULL
      , p_table_name     IN VARCHAR2 := NULL
      , p_entity_code    IN VARCHAR2 := NULL
     ) IS

         (  p_mesg_token_tbl
          , p_error_level
          , p_entity_index
          , p_application_id
          , p_row_identifier
          , p_table_name
          , p_entity_code
          , Bom_Bo_Pub.G_MISS_BOM_HEADER_REC
          , Bom_Bo_Pub.G_MISS_BOM_REVISION_TBL
          , Bom_Bo_Pub.G_MISS_BOM_COMPONENT_TBL
          , Bom_Bo_Pub.G_MISS_BOM_COMP_OPS_TBL
Line: 1331

        PROCEDURE Translate_And_Insert_Messages
        (  p_mesg_token_tbl     IN  Error_Handler.Mesg_Token_Tbl_Type
         , p_error_level        IN  NUMBER   := NULL
         , p_entity_index       IN  NUMBER   := NULL
         , p_application_id     IN  VARCHAR2 := 'ENG'
         , p_row_identifier     IN  NUMBER   := NULL
         , p_table_name         IN  VARCHAR2 := NULL
         , p_entity_code        IN  VARCHAR2 := NULL
         , p_bom_header_rec          IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Bo_Pub.Bom_Head_Rec_Type
         , p_bom_revision_tbl        IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Bo_Pub.Bom_Revision_Tbl_Type
         , p_bom_component_tbl       IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Bo_Pub.Bom_Comps_Tbl_Type
         , p_bom_ref_Designator_tbl  IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Bo_Pub.Bom_Ref_Designator_Tbl_Type
         , p_bom_sub_component_tbl   IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Bo_Pub.Bom_Sub_Component_Tbl_Type
         , p_bom_comp_ops_tbl        IN OUT NOCOPY Bom_Bo_Pub.Bom_Comp_Ops_Tbl_Type
                l_message_text  VARCHAR2(2000);
Line: 1373

        END Translate_And_Insert_Messages;
Line: 1462

                (  p_mesg_token_Tbl     => p_mesg_token_tbl
                 , p_error_level        => p_error_level
                 , p_entity_index       => p_entity_index
                 , p_bom_header_rec         =>x_bom_header_rec
                 , p_bom_revision_tbl  =>x_bom_revision_tbl
                 , p_bom_component_tbl    =>x_bom_component_tbl
                 , p_bom_ref_Designator_tbl =>x_bom_ref_Designator_tbl
                 , p_bom_sub_component_tbl =>x_bom_sub_component_tbl
                 , p_bom_comp_ops_tbl =>g_bom_comp_ops_tbl
Line: 1870

Line: 2104

        * Procedure     : Delete_Message
        * Parameters IN : Entity Id
        *                 Entity Index
        * Purpose       : This procedure will delete a message for an entity
        *                 record.
        PROCEDURE Delete_Message
        (  p_entity_id          IN  VARCHAR2
         , p_entity_index       IN  NUMBER
                l_idx   NUMBER;
Line: 2122

Line: 2126

        END Delete_Message;
Line: 2129

        * Procedure     : Delete_Message
        * Parameters IN : Entity Id
        * Purpose       : This procedure will delete all messages for an entity
        PROCEDURE Delete_Message
        (  p_entity_id          IN  VARCHAR2 )
                l_idx   NUMBER;
Line: 2142

Line: 2146

        END Delete_Message;
Line: 2209

                select  value
                  INTO l_utl_file_dir
                  FROM v$parameter
                 WHERE name = 'utl_file_dir';
Line: 2270

                select  value
                  INTO l_utl_file_dir
                  FROM v$parameter
                 WHERE name = 'utl_file_dir';
Line: 2414

	    INSERT INTO mtl_interface_errors
	      ( organization_id
		, unique_id
		, last_update_date
		, last_updated_by
		, creation_date
		, created_by
		, last_update_login
		, table_name
		, message_name
		, column_name
		, request_id
		, program_application_id
		, program_id
		, program_update_date
		, error_message
		, transaction_id
		, entity_identifier
		, bo_identifier)
              ( G_Error_Table(l_idx).organization_id
                , mtl_system_items_interface_s.NEXTVAL
                , sysdate
                , l_user_id
                , sysdate
                , l_user_id
                , l_login_id
                , G_Error_Table(l_idx).table_name
                , G_Error_Table(l_idx).message_name
                , null
                , l_request_id
                , l_program_appl_id
                , l_program_id
                , l_program_upd_date
                , G_Error_Table(l_idx).message_text
		, G_Error_Table(l_idx).row_identifier
		, G_Error_Table(l_idx).entity_id
		, G_Error_Table(l_idx).bo_identifier);
Line: 2453

    /* Fix for bug 4661753 - Insert message_name from G_Error_Table into mtl_interface_errors above.
		   Populate unique_id using  mtl_system_items_interface_s sequence. */

          END LOOP;